Urethritis in men: symptoms, treatment regimen, drugs

Urethritis in men: symptoms, treatment regimen, drugs

Under the influence of various infectious factors, inflammation of the urethra occurs. Due to the features of the anatomical structure urethritis in men It is a very common disease. The female floor is more likely to suffer from cystitis and only in rare cases by urethritis.

Depending on the cause of the inflammatory process, men are distinguished specific and nonspecific urethritis. In addition to bacterial infections, a frequent change in sexual partners, genital diseases, diabetes, surgical manipulations in the genital area, etc. may be a prerequisite for urethritis.

Urethritis in men: symptoms

Symptoms of urethritis in men depend on its variety of the disease. Infectious urethritis It can flow asymptomatic during the first two weeks. A non-infectious disease makes itself felt on 3-5 days.

The first signs of urethritis in men:

  • discomfort during urination - painful sensations or loss of sensitivity;
  • discharge with gluten, plaque or pus;
  • redness in the urination area;
  • blood veins in ejaculation and urine;
  • burning and itching in the urethra.

Symptoms detected at the early stage of the disease allow you to cure urethritis in men in 7-10 days. For the development of chronic form urethritis, 2-3 weeks are enough.

Urethritis in men: reasons

The causes of non -specific urethritis include varieties of pathogenic bacteria transmitted. Most often, trichomonads, gonococci, chlamydia, gardnerella, etc. are the root cause.

Nonspecific urethritis in men - causes of the disease:

  • Sustainable gram -positive staphylococci bacteria.
  • Pathogenic streptococcal microorganisms.
  • Gram -negative rod -shaped bacteria and other pathogens.

Nonspecific urethritis in men Often recurrents and can proceed along with the inflammatory process in other organs, so treatment should take place under the supervision of a doctor.

There are a lot of reasons
There are a lot of reasons

Specific urethritis in men - causes of the disease:

  • Sexual infections - causative agents of gonorrhea, trichomonas, pathogens of mycoplasma, chlamydia, pathogens of ureaplasmosis, fungi, gardnerella, etc.
  • Concomitant symptoms for activating "sleeping" infection - nervous overstrain, weak immunity, hypothermia, colds, urolithiasis, etc.
  • Predominance In the daily diet of salty, sharp, pickled products.
  • Non -compliance with the rules Hygiene, prolonged contact with cold.

Classification of urethritis in men

  • According to the prerequisites for the development of the disease, they distinguish between primaryand Secondary urethritis.
  • With the primary urethritis, the focus of inflammation is born in the urethra. With secondary urethitis, the penis is infected with microbes inhabiting organs located in the neighborhood.
  • The development of urethritis has a depth of damage to the penis. The local arrangement of bacteria divides the disease into front, rear, general urethritis.
In men
In men
  • By the duration and nature of the inflammatory process, they distinguish spicy and chronic urethritis. Acute urethritis in men It is manifested by discomfort when emptying the bladder, tingling and pain, abundant discharge. Of the visible symptoms-swelling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external opening of the urethra and sticking due to purulent clusters.
  • The chronic form arises as a result of an incurable acute stage of the disease. Chronic urethritis in men symptoms It has hidden. Exacerbations can aggravate and subside, which significantly increases the likelihood of complications. Contributing factors are endocrine diseases, acute prostatitis, large body weight, passive lifestyle, etc.
  • In chronic urethritis, men have problems with controlling the emptying of the bladder, pain in the sacrum and groin.

Types of urethritis in men by type of pathogen

  • Candious urethritis in men.It is manifested by plentiful watery discharge with a pinkish tint. Candidal mushroom penetrates the mucous membrane, as a result of which constant discomfort in the form of itching and burning is felt. Infection most often occurs during sex without protection.
  • Bacterial urethritis in men.A variety of urethritis with weakly expressed symptoms. From infection to the moment of manifestation of signs of the disease can take several months. Excellent purulent discharge is worried. Bacterial microflora progresses against the background of medical procedures or accumulation of mechanical obstacles in the urethra.
  • Trichomonal urethritis in men.A characteristic sign of trichomonas urethritis is an obsessive itch on the tip of the penis. Selection with a gray tint and a foamy consistency. Mechanical obstacle during urination. The only source of infection is sexual contact.
  • Honore urethritis in men.Acute form of urethritis with pronounced painful sensations when emptying the bladder. Purulent discharge gives urinity and unpleasant odor. When the urine and sperm are launched, blood interspers are joined. A sexually transmitted disease leads to the destruction of the epithelium.
  • Chlamydia urethritis in men.The chronic form of urethritis without characteristic symptoms. The disease is accompanied by discharge of a weakly expressed nature. The bacterium of chlamydia is manifested no earlier than 10 days after infection and has a predisposition to toxic effects on the body.

Diagnosis of urethritis in men

  • At the first symptoms inflammatory process in the genitals You need to contact a urologist. The main task when making a diagnosis is to identify the cause of the inflammatory process. With the asymptomatic course of the disease, the Urethritis Marker is an analysis of urine.
  • Exceeding the level of leukocytes confirms the inflammatory process. For accurate results, the morning first portion of urine gathers.
  • If specific urethritis is detected, a consultation of a dermatovenerologist will be needed. Confirm bacterial urethritis allows blood analysis.
  • At the stage of diagnosis, it is submitted a smear from the urethra. For a reliable result per day or two, taking medication stops and sexual contact is excluded. The morning smear is taken until the bladder is empty.

A comprehensive study includes the following stages:

  • Sowing and analysis of urine by Nechiporenko.
  • Visual diagnosis of the urethra.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Polymer chain reaction test.
  • A tripping urine analysis.
  • Urethral smear.
  • Ultrasound examination of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Identification of the cause of the disease is necessary for prescribing effective treatment.

How to cure urethritis in men?

The clinical picture for each urethritis is individual. Examination and treatment is selected depending on the variety of the disease.

Be sure to visit a doctor
Be sure to visit a doctor

Urethritis in men includes the following treatment methods:

  • a course of antimicrobial and immunomodulating drugs;
  • intake of antibiotics;
  • the introduction of medicinal solutions into the urethra;
  • maintaining immunity and regulation of diet.

Antibiotics for urethritis in men They are prescribed after the revealed form is identified. Antibacterial therapy is accompanied by local antiseptic procedures. Baths and washing are effective. For an early recovery of the body, immunomodulators are prescribed.

  • The rapid elimination of discomfort in the urethra in the first days of treatment is not an indication for stopping treatment. Interruption of the course can provoke the stability of the pathogen to the group of medications.
  • Qualified therapy includes dietary diet and a complex of vitamins. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. At the recovery stage, the patient passes a control smear from the urethral canal.

Treatment of urethritis in men: drugs

  • With timely diagnosis, to relieve discomfort with urethritis, drugs allow Suprastin, Miramistin. Active substances relieve inflammation and normalize urination. For the treatment of a chronic form, you can not do without antibiotics.
  • To eliminate the first signs, the tip of the penis is washed with antiseptic agents. The simplest remedy is a decoction of chamomile or a solution of furatsilin, chlorhexidine. The foreskin cannot be treated with alcohol solutions, otherwise the skin can be injured.

Treatment of urethritis in men with drugs Effectively only after identifying the pathogen.

  • With bacterial urethritis, antibiotics of the cephalosporin group are prescribed. Such drugs as Kanamycin, tetracycline.
  • With mycoplasma urethritis, tetracycline medicines are prescribed - Clarithromycin, doxycycline.
  • Trichomonadic urethritis in men is treated with a course of antibiotics in combination with Metronidazole, Trichopol.
  • For the treatment of candious urethritis, antifungal drugs are prescribed.
  • Treatment of consumerly urethritis does not do without an antibiotic. Effective drug universal action Azithromycin. An incorrectly selected drug can provoke a complication.

Urethritis treatment scheme in mencontains several drugs. Along with antibiotics, immunomodulators and funds of local use are important.

Folk treatment of urethritis in men

In combination with urethritis preparations, men are treated with folk remedies. Herbal infusions and decoctions have an antiseptic effect and reduce pain.

The following recipes are effectively working at home:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dry blackcurrant leaves Pour a glass of boiling water and languished over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cover and insist. The cooled broth is filtered and taken before meals for 2 tsp.
  • The workpiece diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio is also used for warm baths. In addition to antiseptic action, when consuming inside, the supply of vitamin C is replenished in the body.
  • For 200 ml of water 1 tbsp. l. oak bark. Smooth in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, let it brew. The decoction is accepted for 1 tbsp. l. Before eating three times a day. Oak decoction also works effectively as compresses and baths.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Dried flowers of cornflower are poured 300 ml of water, tightly cover and insist. To relieve urethritis in men will allow a two -time intake of a decoction of 30 ml for 2 weeks.
Folk ways
Folk ways

The drug dosage of folk remedies should also be controlled by the attending physician. The tendency to allergies, renal failure are a contraindication for both drugs and folk decoctions.

Urethritis prevention in men

As preventive measures against urethritis in men, a number of rules must be observed:

  • Timely visit urologist.
  • Treatment of chronic diseases, maintenance a healthy lifestyle.
  • Cleanliness, warmth and comfort genitourinary system.
  • Protection with PA, the choice of one permanent partner.
  • Regulation of physical exertion and rest mode.
  • Exclusion of genital injuries and the negative impact of the environment.

Compliance with the regime of the day allows you to warn the disease and fix the effective result of drug treatment.

Urethritis: men's reviews

Reviews about the urethrite in men:

  • Oleg. He turned to a urologist with complaints of discomfort during urination. An external examination and the tank-to-click did not reveal bacterial infection. Antibiotic Wilprafen Solutab was prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. When contacting another doctor, the antibiotic was canceled and a comprehensive examination was prescribed - several urine tests, a blood test, an ultrasound of the genitourinary system. As a result, during an examination on a tomograph, deviations of a neurological nature were revealed and a completely different treatment was prescribed.
  • Maksim. For several years I suffered from urethritis. As the first symptoms, pain in the urethra appeared. The emptying of the bladder is accompanied by burning. Then there were false urge to the toilet, which led to a violation of sleep. Any cold has significantly exacerbated the process. He was treated with herbal baths. A solution of furadonin and potassium permanganate was connected to the hygiene of the genitals. Without going to the doctor, guided by reviews, acquired the drug metronidazole. After the medical course, I forgot what discomfort is. For 10 months, not a single repeated relapse.

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