What kind of delivery of Standart Shipping to Aliexpress: fast or not, free or paid, how to track the parcel?

What kind of delivery of Standart Shipping to Aliexpress: fast or not, free or paid, how to track the parcel?

AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping is a well -known type of delivery. Read more in the article.

Making purchases on Aliexpress, the client himself can choose the method of delivery of a particular product, it all depends on personal preferences at the cost and the desired terms of receipt of the order. There are hundreds of methods of delivery to Aliexpress, among which the most popular is the Standart Saver Shipping. After a recent appearance, which became a favorite among millions of buyers on AliExpress.

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When purchasing a product, the buyer has a choice between available methods of delivery of goods. Aliexpress - This is a “conductor” that regulates the optimal cooperation between the seller and the buyer. Each seller offers many ways to receive goods. When clicking on the “Delivery” button on the screen appears a list of prices, conditions and terms of transportation. The most popular are considered AliExpress Saver Shipping and Standart Shipping. Read more about these almost the same methods in the article.

Popular methods of delivery to Aliexpress

To make purchases in this Chinese online store, you need to know how to register. Read in another article on our website about the first order for Aliexpress. You will find advice and how to make an order step by step.

The most popular delivery methods for Aliexpress:

  • Free shipping

This method of sending goods is used, as a rule, novice sellers, since they have a small number of slots at their disposal. This is also done in order to save, but it should be remembered that the possibility of tracking this type of delivery will not always be.

  • Courier delivery

Sellers offer courier delivery, if there is a need for specially careful transportation of goods. For example, when buying expensive equipment, fragile goods and so on. Most often, this type of delivery is mandatory if the seller tries to minimize possible risks when transporting goods. It should be noted that the parcel is tracked and in almost 100% of cases reaches the buyer at the specified time.

  • Delivery Standart Saver Shipping

The site has launched this method of obtaining goods for more comfortable shopping shopping and avoiding disputed issues when applying for delivery by sellers Aliexpress. The method is one of the most reliable and most often cheaper than courier delivery.

Read more about this delivery method further.

AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping - what kind of delivery method, what types of species exist: free, paid

AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "How to open a dispute on Aliexpress?". You will also learn how to write in technical support Aliexpress.

So what is the peculiarity of such delivery? When choosing AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping - The seller independently carries the goods to the logistics center of the site. Then she herself decides in which way and through which delivery service the goods will be sent to the buyer. Unlike many other delivery methods, Standart Saver Shipping It can be both paid and free - which will be written just below.

Saver Shipping - a budget option. You can send the parcel even for free. Suitable more for inexpensive goods, but according to reviews, we can say that Saver is a little less reliable, since the parcels in this case are sent in one large package and there may be problems with tracking in the final point of delivery.

Standart - This is premium, a good option for more expensive categories of goods, but the price in this case will make itself felt.

Advantages of AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping

Politics Aliexpress He carefully observes the necessary balance between the seller and the buyer, so delivery through the intermediary has a lot of pleasant advantages for both sides of the site.

Advantages of delivery AliExpress Saver Shipping For the seller:

  • Short delivery time
  • AliExpress takes on all logistics obligations
  • Lack of need for independent delivery of delivery
  • The ability to track delivery

Advantages for the buyer:

  • Low delivery cost (in some cases, delivery is free)
  • The solution of controversial issues goes directly with the AliExpress website
  • Short delivery time

Below even more useful information. Read further.

What depends on the cost of delivery of Standart Saver Shipping

AliExpress Saver Shipping

As for the cost of delivery Standart Saver Shipping, then not everything is as clear as in other ways. The cost is dependent and calculated from the type of goods, its price and dimensions. All this affects the final cost of the goods. It is best to consider this by example:

  • If the buyer orders an inexpensive thing, value 90-120 rub., then AliExpress will require additional paying for delivery approximately 100-110 rub.

If the buyer purchases the goods already from the range of the average or high price, for example, 2700-6000 rub., then the delivery will be free. But this is relatively, since the seller most likely has already included delivery in the price.

How is AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping Delivery: Principle, delivery time

What is the basic principle of delivery Standart Saver Shipping? The scheme of this delivery is quite simple:

  • As mentioned above, the seller is not engaged in the design of sending directly, he only sends the goods to the warehouse Aliexpress.
  • If in other cases the delivery chain looks as follows: seller - Courier Service - Buyer, then in this case an intermediary appears: salesmanwarehouse Aliexpresscourier service - buyer.
  • In China, there are thousands of AliExpress logistics centers, therefore, as a rule, for sellers, it is not a problem to send the parcel through the warehouse.
  • All the nuances and wishes in time, the client can be discussed in advance with the owner of the lot through the site.

Choosing Saver Shipping The buyer should count on the usual conditions of delivery, any privileges in this case are not provided.

  • Delivery time is varying from 16 to 40 days for Saver Shipping and 8-14 days if you select the AliExpress Premium Shipping option. Quite loyal terms, given that the departure comes from another point of the planet.

But do not forget that having got into the territory of the Russian Federation, the package goes into “caring” and often unpredictable hands of the Russian Post, which in turn can seriously affect the final date of receipt of goods.

How to track the parcel with Aliexpress sent by the Standart Saver Shipping by number, tracking track: how to find out where the package is, on which sites you can check?

We track the parcel with Aliexpress sent by Standart Saver Shipping by number, tracking track
We track the parcel with Aliexpress sent by Standart Saver Shipping by number, track

Each client is looking forward to his parcel with Aliexpress And he tries to track her track track. But not in all cases it turns out to correctly track the chain of movement of the parcel and this number is not always provided to the buyer. There are cases that unscrupulous sellers, sending the goods by delivery saver Shipping Give a false track-number with which it is impossible to track the movement of your purchase.

But Standart Shipping Mandatory provides the buyer with a track, with which he can track the place and time of movement of the parcel in detail. You can do this right on the site Aliexpress Or on other sites, since there are many of them on the Internet. How to find out where the package is?

  • It is enough to drive into the search line “Where is my package?”, And immediately we have a list of possible sites. For example, a popular service is considered track24.ru - Convenient tracking of mail from Aliexpress. You will know where the parcels come and how many more to wait.
  • Next, write your track number in a specially designated form and all the necessary information will open before the user.

Read in another article on our website about tracking parcels from China to Russia. You will find out on which sites you can check the movement of your product.

It should be remembered that sometimes information about the package is not available immediately. It happens that you need to wait about 1-2 days After departure, in order to start monitoring the package.

The seller does not send an order for Aliexpress by the Standart Saver Shipping service: why, where is my package?

There are times when the order is paid, but the seller is in no hurry to send your parcel with an order for a warehouse Aliexpress service saver Shipping. Why, where is my package?

  • In this case, you should not panic, most often this is due to the long processing of the order by the seller and, as a rule, the issue is resolved within one week.
  • After that, the parcel safely goes to the buyer.

In any case, if we are talking about an unscrupulous seller, then there is always the opportunity to open a dispute (above the text by the link indicates where you can read the information about it). In such cases, the site often takes the side of the buyer. But you should not be scared ahead of time, such cases are very rare.

Is it worth choosing AliExpress delivery Standartsaver Shipping?

AliExpress Standart Saver Shipping

When choosing between the types of delivery, the user must individually decide for himself whether this or that type of delivery is suitable for him, it all depends on the desired deadline and price. Is it worth choosing delivery Aliexpress  Standart Saver Shipping?

This type of delivery takes into account a wide range of wishes of its customers and brings a lot of positive emotions and good reviews. So for Standart Saver Shipping You can definitely say - yes, it is worth choosing and using it to receive goods from China.

Video: what kind of delivery AliExpress Saver Shipping?

Video: What kind of delivery to AliExpress?

Video: AliExpress Saver Shipping. Status "received by the addressee"

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