Opening a dispute on Aliexpress. How to dispose of Aliexpress? ALEEECPRESS

Opening a dispute on Aliexpress. How to dispose of Aliexpress? ALEEECPRESS

Open the dispute on Aliexpress Each buyer will be able to if he received poor -quality goods. The dispute should also be opened if the goods are not received.

In any market or in the store between the buyer and the seller, a misunderstanding may occur. It is necessary to find out the relationship due to poor-quality goods or you need to replace it for various reasons.

On the Aliexpress You can also express dissatisfaction with the seller and demand the return of money or replacement of goods. Such a process on this trading platform is called "open a dispute."

What does it mean to open a dispute on Aliexpress?

Dispute on Aliexpress
Dispute on Aliexpress

Expressing dissatisfaction with the seller, it is necessary to state the current situation as much as possible. Opening the dispute on Aliexpress, the user sends claims in a special form.

Important: you can independently agree with the seller, without the intervention of the site administration.

The reasons for the dispute on Aliexpress

The cause of the dispute is bad goods
The cause of the dispute is bad goods

If you need to open the dispute, you should go to the "My Orders" section. There are two categories of disputes:

  • The item is not received
  • Goods received

If the goods are received, then it is worth noting such reasons for the dispute on Aliexpress:

  • Defective goods
  • Damage during delivery
  • Inappropriate color or size of things
  • Normal delivery instead of paid (if it was paid)
  • Fake instead of a brand
  • The goods are of poor quality
  • An empty parcel has come or the number does not converge

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress?

Important: do not open a dispute ahead of time, for example, when the goods are still on the way. If the buyer’s protection time expires, then ask for the extension of this time.

Tip: the seller is silent and does not fulfill your requirements - open the dispute.

The goods were not received - instruction:

  • Select " open dispute«
  • Select and mark the problem
  • Press the button " Departure«

How to open an argument on Aliexpress, if the goods are received, but there are discontent - instruction:

  • Open the page, as in the case when the goods are not received
  • Select and mark the problem
  • «Send«

For how much to open the dispute on Aliexpress?

Payment systems for aliexpress and buyer protection
Payment systems for aliexpress and buyer protection

Many buyers do not know how much to open the dispute on Aliexpress. As mentioned above, you do not need to do this ahead of time.

Tip: patiently wait, perhaps the goods will come, but with a delay due to poor weather conditions.

Open the dispute a few days before the expiration of customer protection. If the seller contacted you and explained the situation, then you should still wait.

Important: open the dispute if before the expiration of the buyer’s defense, one day remained.

You can request a refund 90 days after sending. Previously, the money will not be returned before this period, especially if the goods are still on the way.

Important: after 90 days, you can open a dispute and write to the administration that the deadline has come out and there is no product.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress if the goods are defective?

Dissatisfied seller and buyer argue
Dissatisfied seller and buyer argue

Chinese goods have low quality - this is known to everyone. But still, things should sit well on the figure, they should have high-quality seams, beautiful color and they should be suitable in size.

Each buyer can open a dispute on Aliexpressif the goods are defective. For example, a oblique cut or fabric of poor quality.

Tip: does not suit quality - open a dispute. Indicate the disadvantages of the goods and attach the photo.

Dispute to Aliexpress if the goods did not come

Important: Always follow the period of protection of the buyer. This is the only way to return the money if the seller turns out to be unscrupulous.

Advice: Open the dispute on Aliexpress if the goods have not come throughout the entire period of protection. Press the appropriate buttons on the dispute page and choose the right points.

Dispute to Aliexpress, if the goods are not tracked

There is little time left before the end of the buyer’s protection
There is little time left before the end of the buyer’s protection

After sending the goods, the seller must send the buyer a track number for tracking.

Advice: Open the dispute on Aliexpress, if the goods are not tracked, when one day remains before the expiration of the buyer’s protection.

Important: Previously, this period is not necessary to open a dispute, perhaps the goods are on the way.

Advice: Contact the seller and request a re -send the track number. Maybe there is an error on the seller’s carelessness.

How to extend the dispute on Aliexpress?

Situations are possible when it is necessary to extend the dispute on Aliexpress. This may be needed at the request of the seller.

At the end of the disputation period, he will have to return the money, and the goods are still on the way or there are other reasons to extend the dispute.

The buyer meets and extends the time of the dispute.

Advice: You can modify the dispute (Modify tab). The counter in the dispute will be updated, that is, the dispute will be extended.

How to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress?

Girl dissatisfied with the quality of goods
Girl dissatisfied with the quality of goods

Not all sellers want to meet customers. Therefore, they have to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress.

The reason why it is worthwhile to do this may be a deviation of the dispute and setting a compensation amount of $ 0.

The dispute changes the status and new buttons appear on the page, including " Wall the dispute«.

Advice: Click it if you do not agree with the decision of the seller, you will not want to correspond with him and you need to attract the site administration to solve the problem.

The dispute changes the status to " The dispute is aggravated and is under consideration". This may take some time. Mediators of the trading platform can request payment details and any additional information.

No button to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress

From five to seven days after the opening of the dispute there is no button " wall the dispute»On Aliexpress. This time is necessary for the buyer and seller to resolve all issues and independent resolution of the problem.

If they themselves cannot cope, then the dispute changes the status and the button appears " wall the dispute«.

Important: Check the amount of the return. The graph should be the amount you request.

Important: many sellers change the indicated amount to "0". If you do not check, and the seller will change, then there will be no refund.

How long does the dispute last on Aliexpress?

Dispute on the site Aliexpress
Dispute on the site Aliexpress

90 days - So much time can last a dispute on Aliexpress. This period will have to be expected if the dispute is aggravated and you can’t agree with the seller.

Within 15 days The dispute can be closed if the seller does not exhibit discontent and agrees to reimburse payment for the disputed goods.

The dispute was accepted on Aliexpress

The status of the dispute has changed and the dispute is accepted on Aliexpress - what's next? Such a question is often asked by buyers.

Important: In this case, you can agree with the seller, but it is necessary to check how much he will return. It is indicated in the return column.

The seller can offer to send the goods again or return the money.

Advice: What to choose for you, decide on your own. Carefully read what they offer and check the amount of the return if you agree to a return.

How to win a dispute on Aliexpress?

You can win a dispute!
You can win a dispute!

If you have all the arguments (low -quality goods, long -term delivery), then win the dispute on Aliexpress You can easily.

Advice: Describe the problem in detail and take a photo of low -quality goods. You can shoot a video or throw off the site administration screenshots with a negligent seller.

This will help to speed up the procedure, and the seller will not be able to justify himself to the mediators of the trading platform.

The seller on Aliexpress asks to change the cause of the dispute

Important: Do not do anything at the request of the seller. Otherwise, you can stay with nothing!

Seller on Aliexpress He asks to change the cause of the dispute in order to justify himself.

Advice: Stand on your opinion and achieve a refund. Unless, of course, you were mistaken when indicating the reason during the filling of the form.

The seller does not respond to a dispute to Aliexpress

The seller does not answer - the girl is unhappy!
The seller does not answer - the girl is unhappy!

If the seller does not answer the dispute on Aliexpress, then he will be closed in favor of the buyer.

Advice: Do nothing - just wait.

Perhaps the seller is not able to go to the network or there are other reasons. In any case, you need to gain patience. The seller has allocated a certain time to resolve the issue.

How to close the dispute on Aliexpress?

Correspondence with the seller took place and you have reached the resolution of the issue, then you can close the dispute on Aliexpress. Open the page with a problem order and click " Cancel Dispute«.

Important: If the seller asks to confirm the receipt of goods ahead of time, do not agree. So are scammers.

Advice: It is not worth it ahead of time and close the dispute, for example, at the request of the seller. You must perform this action only after the seller fulfills your conditions.

How is money returning to Aliexpress after the dispute?

The procedure for returning money to Aliexpress
The procedure for returning money to Aliexpress

The administration of the trading platform changes the status of a dispute when it is closed and a message appears from the mediators. Such a question arises for every buyer who first encounters a similar situation.

How money is returned to Aliexpress After the dispute? Cash will enter the system from where payment was made - payment systems, Alipay account or on a plastic card.

Important: Money will be returned 10 days after the disposal is closed.

The dispute is closed by the seller for Aliexpress

The dispute is closed - what to do?
The dispute is closed - what to do?

The dispute is closed by the seller on AliexpressIf he accepts it. In this case, the money will be returned to the buyer within 10 days.

Advice: You should not do something. The seller agrees, the dispute is closed, and you are waiting for the receipt of money to your account.

Repeated dispute on Aliexpress

How to win in a repeated dispute?
How to win in a repeated dispute?

If you accepted the seller’s conditions and informed the site administration about this by pressing certain buttons, then a second dispute on Aliexpress It will not work to open.

Important: If the dispute was closed without accepting conditions by the buyer, then it can be reopened for any reason.

Advice: Take your time, make decisions carefully to do everything right. Otherwise, the return of money may not follow, and you will not prove anything to anyone.

Prove your rights if you are really right. Indeed, among sellers there are many scammers who want to cash in at someone else's expense. Good luck in solving your problems!

Video: How to open a dispute (dispute) on AliExpres? How to win a dispute on Aliexpress?

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