Tracking parcels from China to Russia with Aliexpress on the Track Nomer-the site How to find out where my package with Aliexpress to Russia using the website and the track number?

Tracking parcels from China to Russia with Aliexpress on the Track Nomer-the site How to find out where my package with Aliexpress to Russia using the website and the track number?

Beginner customers always have many questions about delivery with Aliexpress. The article describes how to track the parcel on the site by the track number.

Aliexpress It delivers its parcels with the help of various carriers, so they can receive departure in a variety of corners of the planet. In Russia, almost every fourth resident at least once, but made an order on this trading platform. It is a pity that some potential customers were disappointed in the service of the World Trade Organization because of ignorance of how to write the delivery address and then track their parcel.

But - this is not at all difficult. And buyers can always be aware of where the departure is located and know - when it will finally come. Moreover, tracking services offer a number of convenient services for mobile. In particular, the client will even come to the client, where the package is currently located.

Where is it better to track parcels and mail from China with Aliexpress?

For customer buyers, it is better to study the registration instructions on the portal Aliexpress. Or register with the help video instructions.

Therefore, how to order, to find out all the information about the product will be easier for you after creating your personal account on the portal. Before starting tracking, the client will receive track number Parcels. Before this event, a whole week can take place, and maybe a little more. It all depends on how long the merchant has set to issue the delivery of the parcel to the carrier service.

Make sure that poisoning already in the mail you can in the bookmark - my orders. The status of the parcel will look like this: Sent. You can find out where the parcel will be enough to click on - Check tracking, you will see where the goods are.

Tracking in your personal account
Tracking in your personal account

You will easily learn the path of your product if you periodically look into Personal Area.All data on moving are often updated.

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse your order number With track code departure. This is different data. You can track the package only on the track. As a rule, it consists of letters, numbers, although it often happens that the number in its composition has only numbers.

AliExpress track number
AliExpress track number

In addition to this portal on Aliexpress It is also convenient to track purchases on special online portals:

Package Tracking
Package Tracking

IMPORTANT: It must be taken into account that sometimes tracking services due to great attendance can be overloaded. Therefore, for itself it will not hurt to save several portals for convenience, so as not to wait until they restore the work of a site.

How to find out where my package with Aliexpress to Russia using the website and the track number?

The portal with a Russian interface is very convenient for tracking departments with the Middle Kingdom. To taste all the “charms” of the service, you will need to go through the usual procedure for registration for where to the file. This is possible according to the following scheme:

  • Follow the link: given portal
  • Press the key to the right Registration
  • Fill three free fields: electronic, password and password again
  • Click on Register
  • From your electronic box, confirm registration
  • And you can already go into personal Area
  • Among other things, you can go to the portal through VKontakte accounts, Facebook, through Google profile.
Registration on the portal where the dash is
Registration on the portal where the dash is

After registration, it will not be difficult for you to track your parcel. To do this, you just need to wait for the track number from the seller, which is often sent from Aliexpress by e-mail. Although it happens that it does not come due to the failures of the online store or you came across a seller not clean. It also happens that the letter was in spam. Do not be lazy to check spam letters.

  • Well, if you want to know exactly the parcel has already been sent or not, then visit your office on Aliexpress. There everything will become clear to you there.
  • Copy the track code for Aliexpress and insert into the search line on the online site Where is the parcel. It is in the upper right corner of the page.
  • After pressing the yellow key, you will learn all the information about the location of the parcel.
Tracking Sending AliExpress
Tracking Sending AliExpress

Of course, you can find a departure on this site and without registration, but then you will not be able to use the services. For example, those portal users who have passed the registration process can receive information on the location of the departure and immediately track several parcels (up to five).

And if you still pay for the subscription for Where is the parcel, then at the same time you can track much more parcels from Aliexpress.

Video: Overview of the application where the dash

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