How to track the parcel in Aliexpress, extend the defense, open a dispute, leave a review, check the presence of coupons: Instructions

How to track the parcel in Aliexpress, extend the defense, open a dispute, leave a review, check the presence of coupons: Instructions

How to track the parcel with Aliexpress in the application on the phone: Instruction

Some parcels are not tracking in Aliexpress, but the main part of the parcels is still tracked. It is very convenient to track your parcel in the application:

  1. Go to " My orders»
  2. Click " Tracking»The right product
  3. The tracking window will open in front of you

Important: information on the condition of the parcel is updated once every few days. In the settings of the application you can make notifications about moving the parcel.

Tracking the order with Aliexpress in the application
Tracking the order with Aliexpress in the application

In addition to this method, use the tracking services for these links.

How to extend the protection on Aliexpress in the application from the phone: Instruction

If there are several days left before the end of the defense, but there is still no package, you have two ways:

  1. Open the dispute and return your money
  2. Request the extension of the protection and wait for the package

From a mobile application, you cannot extend the protection yourself. If you want to extend the protection, write a message to the seller, it will extend the protection. For this, in " My profile"Click" Confirmation is expected" and then " Contact the seller«.

How to extend the protection of the buyer in the mobile application Aliexpress
How to extend the protection of the buyer in the mobile application Aliexpress

Or go to the full version of the site and extend the protection yourself. Go to the full version of the site Aliexpress You can from a mobile phone browser. For this you need:

  • pull the cursor on " My profile", Click" My orders«
  • select the right order
  • press " Read more«
  • then " Extend the protection«
  • control that the protection is extended
How to find my profile for aliexpress
How to find "my profile" on Aliexpress

Ask for protection in advance for about 10 days. It happens that the seller for some reason did not extend. Remind him of an extension with a letter. In case of no extension of the defense (the seller refused or never answered), open the dispute.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress in a mobile application?

If you have not received your order or remained unhappy with the quality, you can open a dispute on Aliexpress.

Important: the dispute can be opened within 15 days after confirming the receipt of the goods. You received, carefully examined, checked the goods in action, remained unhappy and opened the dispute.

  • To open a dispute, go to your profile
  • Click " My orders»
  • Select an order by which you want to open a dispute
  • Click " Open dispute»
  • Indicate the reason
How to open orders in the Aliexpress application
How to open orders in the Aliexpress application
Opening a dispute in the Aliexpress application
Opening a dispute in the Aliexpress application

In a mobile application, it is convenient to track disputes by orders.

How to leave or change the review on Aliexpress in the application?

  • If you confirmed the receipt of goods in a mobile application Aliexpress and you want to leave a review, go to " Your profile". Click there " Review is expected»And leave your feedback about the product.
  • You can supplement the review by going to " My orders».
How to supplement the review in the Aliexpress application
How to supplement the review in the Aliexpress application

Copons in the mobile application Aliexpress

AT profile mobile application there is a tab " Payment and coupons". There are coupons 2 species:

  • Coupons Aliexpress
  • Sellers coupons

The coupon makes it possible to get a discount set by the seller for all goods or for a certain product. Copons have expiration dates, you need to spend them during the action of the action. If the coupon is displayed in gray, then it is already invalid.

Coupons in the Aliexpress application
Coupons in the Aliexpress application

Important: Coupons are provided to beginners for the first purchase in the application AliexpressUse this chance.

You can also get a coupon by exchanging it for coins. To do this, participate in coins draw:

  1. Go daily to the tab " Mobile bonuses».
  2. For every day you will be charged coins.
  3. You can play here in the lottery, paying it with coins.
  4. After you accumulate a certain number of coins, you can exchange them for coupons from sellers.
  5. List of offered coupons in the same tab.
Mobile bonuses
Coins can be exchanged for goods
Coins can be exchanged for goods

Application Aliexpress Created for convenient shopping. With the application you can not only have quick and convenient access to the store Aliexpressbut also receive profitable discounts and offers.

Video: How to track the parcel with Aliexpress?

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