English version of Aliexpress: Features. What is the difference between the English version of Aliexpress and Russian?

In this article, we will talk with you, what is the English version of the site Aliexpress And how it differs from the Russian -speaking.

The English language, as you know, is international and is used in almost all areas of our lives. Therefore, do not be surprised that the official AliexpressMore precisely, its most initial version, with which the translation into other languages \u200b\u200bwas already made - namely English.

For Russian -speaking users, which a special Russian version was created on the site at the moment. But at the same time, it is still different from English. Let's figure out what are the main differences in the English -language version of the site and Russian.

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How to open Aliexpress in English and what are the features of its work?

When we enter Aliexpress, then we immediately see that the Russian -speaking version opens. To change this, find at the right "Go to Global Site" And about the English version of the site lies.

Go to the English version
Go to the English version

We immediately see that the site has changed a bit and now everything is English on it, even prices began to be displayed in dollars. This is certainly convenient for many reasons, for example, you can easily calculate the price of goods in rubles yourself.

Among the features of the work Aliexpressin English stands out:

English Aliexpress
English Aliexpress
  • The names of the goods have no translation. The fact is that although the main interface of the site has been translated into Russian qualitatively, the name and descriptions for goods are processed by a car transmission. In this regard, it is not always clear what exactly the seller offers. And when the name is indicated in the original language, then it is much easier to understand it, if you have at least some small knowledge of English.
  • Regardless of the version used, the cost of goods, sellers, ratings and reviews remain the same. In other words, all users Aliexpress use a single version of the site.
  • In the search bar, you need to enter requests only in English. If you try to do this as usual, in Russian, then the site will not find anything to you.
  • As a rule, on the left on the main page a list of popular categories is displayed. The location of the sections changes depending on the selected version. The fact is that, for example, Russian buyers are very popular with clothes, and among the British - electronics. So it’s clear, yes, what will be in the first place in both versions?

Electronics in Russia also are in great demand, but not every buyer will dare to buy it in China, as he is afraid of deception or catch from Chinese sellers.

What is the difference between the Russian version of Aliexpress and English?

In fact, these both versions Aliexpressthe differences are minimal. They differ only in translation. Otherwise, in fact, there are no differences, you can not even try to find them.

Video: AliExpress in English. Chinese Aliexpress

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