How beautiful and correctly sculpt dumplings: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

How beautiful and correctly sculpt dumplings: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

From this article you will find out in what ways you can sculpt beautiful dumplings.

Sometimes I want to please my loved ones dumplings. How to sculpt dumplings to make it tasty and beautiful? In what ways, except the simplest, can you sculpt dumplings? We find out in this article.

What is the shape of dumplings: views

Dumplings are the following forms:

  • Two sides of the usual appearance are blinded by each other (most often we do such)
  • Blind two sides in the form of a pigtail
  • Two sides are cast in a Christmas tree
  • Two sides are cast in spikelet
  • Two sides are blinded ears
  • The shape of the usual appearance is given the shape of the glasses
  • The shape of the Pigeon is given to the conventional species dumplings
  • Figure dumplings
  • Dumplings with a corrugated edge
  • Round dumplings
  • Dumplings that can be done quickly
  • Dumplings blind with a special form
  • Lazy dumplings

If you blinded dumplings, they cannot be preserved in raw for a long time, but you need to cook faster so that you do not lose their shape, or freeze. Dumplings can be prepared:

  • Boil
  • Boil in a slow cooker
  • Prepare steamed

How to sculpt dumplings correctly so that they are not pasted: tips

From how the dough is mixed, it will be baked by dumplings well or they will be pasted out. Here are the advice on how to sculpt dumplings correctly so that they are not pasted:

  • We think the dough with our hands for a long time, at least 10 minutes until it is elastic. From such a dumplings test, it is better to sculpt.
  • To increase elasticity in the dough when mixed, add vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. L.).
  • After we kneaded, we leave the dough, at room temperature, relax for 20-30 minutes, and become even more elastic.
  • If a circle of dough is moistened with the filling, and the edges do not sculpt, sprinkle with flour, and continue to sculpt again.

How to manually sculpt dumplings with a pigtail: step -by -step instructions, photo

To sculpt dumplings with a pigtail is very similar to how we braid a braid from the hair:

  • We form the dough in a thin sausage, cut into pieces 1-2 cm.
  • Roll the pieces into circles approximately 8 cm.
  • In the middle of the mug we put the filling, and slightly cover it with dough.
  • Then we bend the dough into the fold on one side, and cover the filling with it, then we do the same on the other side - and so on until we cover the entire filling.
To sculpt dumplings with a pigtail similarly with braid braiding

How to sculpt dumplings with a Christmas tree: step -by -step instructions, video

For dumplings, blind christmas tree, we need large circles, people call them dumplings. So dumplings need to be made with a large circle or a special high -size excavation.

To sculpt dumplings with a Christmas tree is also quite simple:

  1. We roll out a large circle from the dough, cut out of it less than a mug.
  2. We take the circle in the hand (to sculpt dumplings in this modeling in this technique is easier than on the table), put the filling on it.
  3. We adapt the two sides of the dough with one pinch.
  4. We make the next Obble, collecting the dough in a small fold on one side.
  5. Then we do the same Obip on the other side, and so on to the end of the dumplings.
  6. The resulting dumpling resembles a spruce branches a little, and therefore is called a Christmas tree.

Video: How to sculpt dumplings with a Christmas tree?

How to sculpt dumplings spikes: step -by -step instructions, photo

To sculpt dumplings with spikelet is quite simple. Basic actions:

  1. We ride the dough in a thin circle.
  2. Squeeze the circles with a glass or other device, a diameter of 8 cm or more.
  3. In the middle of the circle, we put a dry filling (potatoes-puree, stewed cabbage, sweet cottage cheese), and sip both edges of the dough together.
  4. We press the edge of the dough again along the entire length, so the edges of the dough are better to blind, and the seam will become thinner.
  5. Then we make a pigtail: we bend the dumpling corner and press it to the seam of dumplings - it turned out another corner.
  6. The second corner is also crushed to the seam - and so on all over the dumplings.
It is not difficult to sculpt dumplings spikes

How to sculpt dumplings ears: tips, video

To sculpt dumplings ears is unusual, not like the rest of the dumplings:

  1. Roll out the dough into a large thin layer.
  2. We cut it into squares.
  3. In the middle of the square we put the filling.
  4. We pinch the edges of the dough - the triangle turned out.
  5. We connect the two corners of the triangles together.

Video: dumplings ears with very tasty and unusual filling

How to sculpt dumplings pigeons: photo

To sculpt dumplings of pigeons is simple:

  • First, sculpt dumplings with an ordinary pinch.
  • Then we make them with pigeons: in the middle we bend the dumplings and form the breast of the dove and the beak, the corners of the dumplings are wings.
It is easy to sculpt dumplings, but first you need to practice

How beautifully to sculpt dumplings with potatoes: tips, photo

  • Potato dumplings You can sculpt with curly edges, for this you need to cut out the circles with a figured notch and blind them with an ordinary pinch.
    And you can achieve curly edges if you sculpt dumplings from ordinary even circles, and then cut them using a figure knife for dough.
Sculpting dumplings with potatoes on such dumplings is very simple

How beautifully to sculpt dumplings with cottage cheese: tips, video

Tips on how to sculpt dumplings with cottage cheese with a quick, almost lazy, original way:

  • The dough in a large circle in a large circle in a large circle of dough.
  • Lubricate the edges of the layer with protein.
  • In the middle of the circle we make a cross -shaped incision.
  • We turn the corners that appear in the middle.
  • We put a thick layer of sweet cottage cheese on the dough.
  • Starting from the middle, we turn the dough into a round sausage.
  • Cut the sausage in slices 2-3 cm in length.
  • We cook pieces, they are dumplings in salt water.

Video: almost lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

How beautifully to sculpt dumplings with cherries: tips, photo

Dumplings with cherries, can be sculpted with the aforementioned spikelet. Sprinkle cherries with sugar and starch so that the juice from them does not flow. Koloski is dense, even if the juice flows, he will not be able to leak out.

You can sculpt dumplings with cherries in the technique of "spikelet"

How beautifully to sculpt dumplings with cabbage: tips, photo

Sculpt dumplings with cabbage Or another thick filling, you can by ruffles - it looks beautiful and at the same time simple.

Dumplings with cabbage method Ryusha:

  1. We roll out the settled dough with a large circle.
  2. We cut out circles 5-7 cm, you can special in a special shape or glass.
  3. We lay the filling on the mugs.
  4. We lament the two sides - the crescent turned out.
  5. We take an ordinary student handle, and press the wound edges of the dumplings, after 1 cm, and make ruffles after 1 cm.
Sculpting dumplings with cabbage in the technique of "ruffles" just

How beautifully to sculpt dumplings with strawberries: tips, video

To sculpt beautiful strawberry dumplings, experienced cooks give the following tips:

  • We cut strawberries for dumplings into 2 or 4 parts before cooking dumplings, when the dough is already ready. If you cut it earlier, it will let the juice.
  • We do not add sugar to the chopped strawberries at once, but directly to the jam in the modeling.
  • We roll out the dough for dumplings 2-3 cm, it can not be thinner, otherwise the resulting juice can break through the dumplings, and the filling will not be inside, but from the outside.

How beautifully to sculpt dumplings with strawberries?

  1. From the defended dough we make a tourniquet.
  2. Cut it into pieces.
  3. Roll the pieces with a rolling pin in circles of 2-3 mm thick.
  4. On each circle we put pieces of strawberries and sugar.
  5. We sculpt dumplings: on the one hand, we collect the dough into folds, on the other - even.

Video: How to cook dough and sculpt dumplings with strawberries?

How to sculpt curly dumplings: fish, photo

Figure dumplings of fish They may like children. They are done with thick filling.

We sculpt the dumplings of the fish:

  1. We roll out a large circle of dough, and cut out a smaller mug (7-8 cm) from it.
  2. In the middle of the circle we put the filling.
  3. We begin to pinch the edges, retreating 1 cm, on the other side of the dumplings we also leave 1 cm not pinned.
  4. From the left edge of the dumplings, where the not -a -pinned area remained, we form the fish with the fish.
  5. On the right side of the dumplings, the no -pinned edge is stretched and cut in the middle - this is the tail.
  6. Toothpick on the tail make notches.
  7. From the sides of the fish we make scales with fingers, in front with a toothpick - eyes.
  8. Below with the sides of the fingers we pinch the small fins.
  9. The fish dumplings are ready, it remains to cook, and serve to the table.
Figure dumplings of fish

How to sculpt dumplings with a corrugated edge: photo

You can sculpt vareniki very simple, and at the same time unusual - with a corrugated edge. Dumplings will be corrugated dumplings, if the edge of blind dumplings in the usual way, crush a fork.

Sculpting cornflowers is very simple with a fork

How to sculpt round dumplings: photo

How to sculpt round dumplings?

  • We roll out a large layer of dough and cut out a circle of 5-7 cm in diameter from it.
  • We put the filling on 1 circle, cover it with a second circle, and pinch it in a circle with an ordinary seam, and then, on top of the usual seam, you can make a seam using the pigtail technique.
Sculpt round dumplings from 2 circles

How to sculpt dumplings quickly: tips, photo

If you need to quickly put a lot of dumplings, do not despair, this method will suit you quite.

How to sculpt quickly dumplings?

  • Roll out a long thin layer of dough, 10-12 cm wide.
  • We lay out a thick filling (cottage cheese, potatoes-puree, stewed cabbage) on the test in heaps, after 3 cm. The filling should not be in the center, but a little shifted to one edge.
  • Cover the dough with the second part of the dough. Below it is clearly visible pins.
  • Around the filling, press the dough well with your fingers so that the two parts are blinded with each other.
  • We cut out a glass of semicircles with a glass, cut out the blind parts of the dough, do not touch the filling, otherwise the dumplings will not work.
  • You can cut the dough with a knife around the filling, then the dumplings will not be semicircular, but rectangular or square.
In this way you can quickly sculpt a lot of dumplings

How to sculpt lazy dumplings: tips, video

Tips for the preparation of lazy dumplings:

  • Lazy dumplings - this is when cottage cheese, boiled potatoes and other products are added to the wheat flour test.
  • To make the dough for lazy dumplings delicate, add a little cream to it.
  • To make lazy dumplings magnificent - sift flour through a sieve before cooking dumplings.
  • So that the lazy dumplings do not stick together, pour a lot of water into the pan and let it boil, and then throw dumplings.
  • We do the lazy dumplings as follows: we ride the dough into a thin tourniquet, and then cut into pieces of about 1 cm thick - and you can cook.
  • Lazy dumplings can be made unusual in shape, if you roll out subtly dough, and cut various figures from it with cookies for cookies.

Video: lazy dumplings with potatoes

How to sculpt dumplings using a form: photo

With the help of a special device for dumplings, sculpt dumplings is easiest:

  • We take the dough circle in size of the detailed shape.
  • Put the filling in the middle.
  • We close the shape, while the two edges of the dough are interconnected - the dumpling is ready.
The easiest option to sculpt dumplings

So, we learned to sculpt beautiful dumplings in various ways.

Video: How to sculpt dumplings beautifully?

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