What to cook from overdue sour milk with an expired period: recipes, tips

What to cook from overdue sour milk with an expired period: recipes, tips

Want to cook something tasty from sour milk? Look for recipes in the article.

Milk has many useful qualities, but it is too fast. Let it no longer bother you: even from spoiled milk you can cook a lot of delicious dishes, and the best of the recipes are collected in this article below.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "How to cook Baslam - a Turkish magnificent cake with yeast, without yeast, on kefir, milk?". You will find simple and delicious recipes.

Here you will also find tips on how to reduce the rate of souring, and an understandable description of the souring process. Look below recipes and a lot of other useful information. Read further.

Why and how milk sour: photo of sour milk?

Sprinking of milk is a natural process. Why and how does milk sour?

  • It's all about bacteria.
  • They are found in any products, this is absolutely normal.
  • In ordinary numbers, bacteria cannot harm a person, but if there are too many of them, the product changes taste and can even become dangerous.

Milk, even in sterilized, contain lactic acid bacteria. They process lactose - one of the components of the drink - into lactic acid. Over time, bacteria begin to multiply and create more and more acids, while the milk becomes stale at first, and then completely spoiled. Just sour milk, which is still suitable for use, should be the same as in the photo:

Sour milk
Sour milk

The average number of days of "life" of milk from milking to souring - 2-4 days. At the same time, the steam drink of bacteria does not contain - initially there are only their disputes there. The first 2-3 hours After milking, natural bactericides suppress the development of dispute, but then their effect weakens and bacteria begin to grow.

What to do so that milk does not flash quickly?

To reduce milk souring, you need to slow down the development of lactic acid bacteria. What to do so that milk does not flash quickly? Here are some tips:

  • Cooling is the most popular option, you just need to put the drink in the refrigerator.
  • Freezing - frozen milk can be stored up to 6 months, but repeated freezing is unacceptable.
  • Pasteurization, or simply boiling - this method will add milk 2-3 days "Life."

Bacteria develop faster if the milk is warm or under the influence of direct sunlight, in dirty or open packaging. All this should be avoided, otherwise the drink can deteriorate even earlier than the usual term.

Interesting fact: Milk turns into kefir if you leave it into a thunderstorm on the window. Scientists cannot yet accurately name the cause of this phenomenon, but they suggest that electromagnetic impulses affect the drink.

What to cook from overdue sour milk with an expired period: tips

How can you use sour milk if there are a lot of bacteria in it? The answer is simple - after heat treatment. High temperature kills bacteria and makes a spoiled drink suitable for eating.

If you want to make a dish of sour milk, and at home only fresh, this can be quickly fixed. Add lemon juice to milk –2 tbsp. for 500 g of liquid, or table vinegar in the same proportion (but only table, other species are not suitable). This will quickly make milk sour and it can be used in cooking.

note: Spoiled milk also has expiration dates - 2-3 days. After that, the drink can no longer be consumed in any form.

You can cook lactic acid foods from a sour prick - cottage cheese, cheese etc., a variety of pastries - pancakes, pancakes, pies, cakes, and even omlet, soupor manna.

Video: What to do with milk if it is thrown - 5 options for a choice!

Diskeeped milk dishes recipes

We collected 14 best recipes For every taste: from the simplest to complex and revealing the opportunity to experiment with the ingredients. Read further.

Homemade cottage cheese from overdue sour milk at home: Recipe

Homemade cottage cheese from expired sour milk at home
Homemade cottage cheese from expired sour milk at home

To turn sour milk into delicious homemade cottage cheese, you will not need any additional ingredients. Here is a recipe for a delicious product from overdue and sour milk at home:

Step -by -step preparation:

  • Pour milk into a pan without mixing or shaking it, and put on low heat.
  • Make sure that the milk heats up, but does not boil, and wait until it breaks up into serum and cottage cheese cereal.
  • Cool and squeeze the serum through gauze and a colander.
  • Wrap the cottage cheese in gauze without squeezing it, hang it for several hours - and enjoy your home dish.

Do not rush to drain the serum into the sink - it can also be used in cooking, for example, when making baking, and even drink it just like that. If you have a modern multicooker, you can cook cottage cheese even easier: use the corresponding mode of your device.

Milk stirred - cheese from homemade milk with an expired expiration date: Recipe

Homemade cheese with expired shelf life
Homemade cheese with expired shelf life

Home cheese will be especially tasty if it is prepared from farm milk milk, and not from a store. So, milk stirred. Now it is with an expired shelf life. Let's make cheese. Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • 1 liter of sour milk
  • Egg
  • A teaspoon of salt
  • Spices to taste


  • Beat the egg with salt well, then add to the pan with sour milk and mix.
  • Add spices if desired (for example, 1 tsp papriki).
  • Put on a slow fire and heat it, not bringing to a boil, up to the division of milk into serum and cottage cheese.
  • Pour into a colander with gauze, mix to so that the serum of the glass.
  • Gather cottage cheese in gauze, squeeze slightly and put in a plastic shape with several holes at the bottom.
  • Put the form on the plate so that the remaining serum can drain, cover with a lid, press the press and leave for 2 hours in a refrigerator.

After that, home cheese is ready, but it will become even tastier, having stood a night in the refrigerator without a press.

Pancakes on sour milk: recipe

Pancakes on sour milk
Pancakes on sour milk

Pancakes on sour milk are lush and very tasty. Try to make them. Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • 250 ml of sour milk
  • Glass of water
  • 1.5 cups sifted wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Vanillin and oil to taste


  • Stir the milk, add eggs, salt, sugar, baking powder, vanillin (if you use), beat again.
  • Add water, flour and oil - approximately 2 tbsp. vegetable or melted cream, knead the liquid dough and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Fry in oil. Use the same oil as in the test itself.
  • Serve on the table.

Such pancakes will be tasty and with a filling of cottage cheese, meat, ham and cheese, and with an addition - jam, jam or condensed milk.

Lush pancakes in sour milk - how to make: recipe

Listen pancakes in sour milk
Listen pancakes in sour milk

This recipe is perfect if you do not have yeast, and there are not so many sour milk. How to make delicious pastries? Here is a recipe for lush pancakes in sour milk:

You will need:

  • 1 cup of sour milk
  • 4 glasses of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • A pinch of salt
  • 0.5 tsp. soda


  • Mix eggs, salt and sugar thoroughly, then pour milk and mix again.
  • Stiring, gradually fall asleep flour, then add soda - you should get a fairly liquid dough. But it all depends on the flour. Therefore, you can spend more, or, conversely, less. The dough should be in consistency, like thick sour cream.
  • Fry the pancakes in oil, pouring the dough in small portions.

Pancakes according to this recipe will turn out very magnificent, so do not try to use a lot of dough-pour a little bit.

Video: lush and soft pancakes on sour milk! The secret of lush pancakes!

What to cook from sour milk: a recipe for delicious buns

Delicious buns with sour milk
Delicious buns with sour milk

Bunks on sour milk according to this recipe are not sweet and not salty, so they can become the basis for home burgers and dessert, if you add sugar or jam. So what to cook from sour milk? Here is a recipe for delicious buns:

You will need:

  • 250 ml of sour milk
  • 650 g of flour
  • 50 ml of water
  • 4 tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp salt, sugar and dry yeast


  • Mix milk, sugar, water, yeast, salt and 2-3 tbsp. flour.
  • Put the resulting mixture in heat for 30 minutes, Until the bubbles appear on the surface.
  • Add the remaining flour and oil, knead the dough.
  • Leave it approximately for 1.5 hours in a bowl under the cling film so that it increases 2 times.
  • Divide the resulting dough into buns, put them in a baking dish and leave for half an hour.
  • Put the dish in the oven, preheated up to 210 degrees - for 30 minutes.

Ready -made buns can be eaten with any additives. While they are hot, it will be tasty and just like that, with milk - of course, with fresh.

What can be prepared from sour milk: a recipe for lush cakes

Lush cakes in sour milk
Lush cakes in sour milk

This popular and simple dish is familiar to many housewives. Lush cakes fly away from the table quickly. Both adults and children love them. So, we cook delicious cakes from sour milk. Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • 200 ml of sour milk
  • 600 g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • ⅔ Ch.L. Gashiy soda
  • 1 tsp Salt


  • Mix milk with eggs and salt, add gamut soda and mix again.
  • Gradually add flour, knead a thick dough.
  • Roll out the dough, divide it into future cakes and slightly pierce it with a fork.
  • We fry in a frying pan in a frying pan to a golden crust on each side.

Ready! These cakes can be eaten with jam or condensed milk, as well as use as the basis for hearty sandwiches with sausage or paste.

Flipped milk - what to bake: a recipe for delicious cookies

Delicious cookies on sour milk
Delicious cookies on sour milk

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Coconut milk: benefits and harm, calorie content per 100 grams". You will learn what calorie content of coffee, cocoa, match, cereals and other coconut milk dishes.

Such cookies are almost neutral in taste. Therefore, before serving it can be sweetened with powdered sugar or glaze. So, milk was struck, what to bake? Here is a recipe for delicious cookies:

You will need:

  • 150 ml of sour milk
  • 350 g flour
  • Half a glass of semolina
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • Vanilin is a little
  • 1 tsp soda


  • Mix semolina with sour milk and wait until the cereal swells.
  • Beat the eggs with sugar, add a mixture of milk with a mankin, melted butter, vanillin and soda, mix well.
  • Add flour, knead soft dough.
  • Roll the dough into the layer thick about 1 cm (not thinner!), Form cookies with molds or knife.
  • Put the baking sheet on the baking sheet, put the cookies and bake it 15-20 minutes at a temperature 180 degrees to golden color.

Ready cookies can be decorated with bright glaze, patterns or cinnamon - then it will become even tastier and will look festive.

Milk struck: fruit pie recipe

Fruit pie on sour milk
Fruit pie on sour milk

A quick pie on sour milk is surprisingly airy and tender. For the filling, use any fruits or berries to taste. The ingredients are designed for a large pie, which is enough for the whole family, so their number can be proportionally reduced if you are preparing for 1-2 people. Here is a recipe for fruit pie:

You will need:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • A glass of sour milk
  • 200 grams or margarine
  • 300 grams of sugar
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • salt and filling to taste


  • Mix sugar and warm oil until smooth, add eggs to them and whip thoroughly.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Stiring, gradually enter a mixture of flour into the liquid part of the future dough.
  • Pour into spoiled milk and knead the dough.
  • Put the resulting mass in a baking dish, greased with oil, pour the filling on top. Prepare it first: clean the fruits and rub it on a grater or chop finely. Sprinkle with sugar. If the filling is liquid, then add a couple of tablespoons of decoy.
  • Heat the oven up to 180 degrees and put the pie there approximately for 40 minutes.

Also, the pie can be made multi -layer or hid the filling in the dough, simply correctly putting the fruits in shape. And if you leave the finished pie in the offline for 10-15 minutes, you get a crispy golden crust, which will be especially tasty if you grease it with butter before serving.

Video: sour milk pie

Omlet from overdue sour milk: recipe

Omlet from expired sour milk
Omlet from expired sour milk

Dried milk can be used even for a delicious omelet with filling. The filling should be chosen to your liking. It can be crushed vegetables, mushrooms, chopped boiled meat, sausage or sausages, bread. Here is a recipe for an omelet from overdue sour milk:

You will need:

  • About 200 grams of filling
  • 3-5 eggs
  • 50 ml of milk
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • Soda to taste


  • Heat the oil in a pan and slightly fry the filling of the future dish.
  • Separately prepare the mixture for the omelet, mixing eggs, milk and salt well.
  • If you want to get a magnificent omelet, bring a pinch of soda into the mixture.
  • Pour the filling with the mixture and fry over medium heat 3-5 minutes Until readiness.

Before serving, hot omelet can be sprinkled with grated cheese or fresh herbs.

Oatmeal of milk with an expired expiration date: Recipe

Oatmeal of milk with an expired shelf life
Oatmeal of milk with an expired shelf life

A popular recipe for oatmeal pancake can be made more interesting by using a new ingredient. Oatmeal in the recipe can be used both whole and chopped to the state of flour. Here is a recipe for oatmeal from milk with an expired shelf life:

You will need:

  • 60 ml of sour milk
  • 6 tbsp. oatmeal
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt to taste


  • Mix all components and leave for 5-10 minutesso that oatmeal is swollen.
  • Put the mixture with a thin layer on a preheated pan and fry until golden crust on both sides.

Ovsyanoblin will become even tastier if you fold it in half and add the filling-ham and cheese, cottage cheese and fruits, salted fish or something else to your taste.

Pannik made of sour milk: recipe

Pannik made of sour milk
Pannik made of sour milk

A simple mannik recipe for sour milk, in which you can add the filling: fruits or berries to your taste. Make it once, and your households will ask to cook the dish constantly.

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. sour milk, semolina, sugar and flour
  • 200 grams of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp soda


  • Connect the semolina with milk and leave for a couple of hours until the semolina swells.
  • Put into the mixture all the other components until a homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the dough into a baking sheet covered with bakery paper, add the filling on top if desired.
  • Bake at 180 degrees, about 40 minutes.

Such a mannik has a very delicate texture and as if melting in the mouth.

Dumplings on the test of sour milk: recipe

Dumplings on the test of sour milk
Dumplings on the test of sour milk

In such hearty dumplings on a dough made of sour milk, you can add any traditional filling - cherries, cottage cheese, meat or potatoes with mushrooms. Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • A glass of sour milk
  • A glass of flour
  • ½ tsp soda
  • Salt
  • The filling to taste


  • Carefully mix all the components of the dough, cover with a towel and leave not an hour.
  • Roll the finished mass into the layer thick about 5 mmDivide into pieces, put the filling into the center of each and pin the edges.
  • Pull the gauze above the pots with boiling water, put the dumplings there and cook 15-20 minutes.
  • Put the finished dish on a towel, and then in a plate.

Cooking in a water bath can be replaced with ordinary cooking, with the addition of 1 tablespoonoils for 5 minutes - The taste will be no worse. But the method indicated here is considered more traditional.

Okroshka from sour milk: recipe

The delicious okroshka can be made not only from kefir, but also from sour milk. Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • 800 ml of milk
  • Cucumber
  • Dill and parsley - to taste
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100 g of walnuts
  • Salt

The recipe is extremely simple: mix finely chopped ingredients with sour milk, leave for several hours in the refrigerator - and a delicious refreshing soup is ready.

Homemade ayran made of sour milk: recipe

Home ayran made of sour milk
Home ayran made of sour milk

A healthy drink cools well in the heat and saturates the body with vitamins. Try cooking it if you have a lot of sour milk. Making it is simple. Here is a recipe for homemade ayran from sour milk:

You will need:

  • 1 l. Drowned milk
  • 800 ml of mineral water
  • Salt
  • Greens to taste


  • In the jar, mix milk, water and salt, add finely chopped greens.
  • Close the lid thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator until complete cooling.

Greens can be used almost any. Basil, dill, green onions and mint are especially suitable.

Milk sours - what to cook: a bomb recipe

Sprinking milk is also suitable for making smoothies - a popular diet cocktail. So, milk is sour. Here is a recipe for delicious smoothie:

  • Using a blender, mix sour milk with any fruits and berries to your taste.
  • You can also use greens, crushed nuts, cinnamon or vanilla, sugar or sucrotor.

Such a drink refreshes well and gives strength.

Marinade for barbecue from sour milk: recipe

Sucking milk marinade
Sucking milk marinade

Another way to use sour milk in the kitchen is to make a barbecue marinade. The meat, sustained in such a sauce, will be very tender and juicy, and the taste of seasoning will be well revealed.

You will need:

  • Spoiled milk
  • A little mineral water
  • Dill or cilantro
  • Spices to taste

The recipe is simple - soak pieces of lamb, pork, chicken or beef in marinade for 3-4 hours, and then fry on the grill. You can use marinade and to fry meat in a pan - in any case, the dish will have a bright taste.

Now you know that sour milk is not a reason to be upset due to the translation of products. This is the basis for a large number of various delicious dishes. We recommend that you try all the recipes listed here to find a dish of sour milk that you and your loved ones will especially like it. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Dog milk? No problem! Add kefir and weld delicious Adyghe cheese

Video: delicate cupcake on sour milk or kefir

Video: Home donuts on sour milk

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