Goat milk: benefits and harm, healing properties, reviews

Goat milk: benefits and harm, healing properties, reviews

Goat milk is useful for adults and children. From it you can cook cheese and cottage cheese, recipes in the article.

Interest in goat milk and products has been growing from it recently. Goat milk is not only healthy food, it also knows its healing properties. In ancient times, such a product was used as a medicine. The ancient Romans considered him an elixir of beauty and longevity.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to freeze milk correctly, is it possible to freeze breast milk?".

More information about the healing properties of goat milk is described in this article below. Read further.

What is the benefit of home, farm goat milk when eating?

Homemade goat milk
Homemade goat milk

Homemade goat milk is healthy food. This one is very useful. Farmer or homemade goat milk - high -quality source:

  • Proteins
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Cobalt
  • Chrome
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, B6, C, D, E
  • Folic acid

Goat milk is a suitable type of diet for weight loss. It is easily absorbed and contains less fat than cow's milk. The use of such a product also positively affects the quality of the skin.

Goat milk has its own specific taste, which many people may not like. In this case, it is worth trying products from this type of milk - cottage cheese, yogurt or cheese that do not have this unpleasant taste and smell. Cheeses made from this product are much more aromatic, softer, tastier and brighter to taste than cow's milk cheeses. The most famous is soft cheese, which is often prepared with various spices:

  • Rokamadur
  • Camembert
  • Good
  • Eidam
  • Parmesan

Since the quality of goat milk largely depends on the conditions of animal maintenance, a high -quality product is produced on the farms, as well as in the household. The goat farms are very popular, they can be found throughout the country. Usually they sell the product personally - the buyer calls, orders and comes for goods. Many deliver the product to other intermediaries and suppliers. It is not necessary to bring goat milk from the household for implementation to goats of the farm. It is sold in food markets, in healthy food stores, specialized cheese stores, and you can also order via the Internet.

Carrying milk harm: Contraindications

Although such a product is good for health, it is not suitable for everyone. On the contrary, it harms people with lactose intolerance and some people with allergies to milk protein. Lactose intolerance is a congenital metabolic disorder associated with the decay of this substance. With this disease, there is no lactase enzyme in the intestine, and it, in turn, breaks down milk sugar. If he does not perform this, the body responds to lactose as an outsider. Manifestations include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Atopic eczema

With intolerance to lactose, you can not drink any milk. Such a product of animal origin contains almost the same amount of lactose. In this case, it should be replaced with vegetable products called vegetable milk - oatmeal, almond, rice or coconut.

Milk allergies are an allergic reaction to milk protein. In most cases, on protein from milk cows is alpha S1. Such allergies are suitable for goat or sheep's milk. If it is an allergy to all milk proteins, then on alfa-S1 and S2, Then it is necessary to exclude from your diet any milk of animal origin, including goat and sheep.

Goat milk: healing properties

The healing properties of goat milk have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors used it and products from it as a medicine. This product is useful for weakened immunity. It was also used to treat tuberculosis. Modern scientific research confirms this ancient wisdom of our ancestors.

Goat milk is a proven remedy for many diseases, especially lung diseases. Currently, this is a necessary tool for natural or natural healing of the body.

How and how does goat milk help?

Homemade goat milk
Homemade goat milk

The effect of goat milk on our health is confirmed by many scientific research. How and how does goat milk help?

  • A large amount of magnesium contained in it acts as prevention and treatment of heart disease.
  • Goat milk supports the immune system.
  • Eliminates joint diseases.
  • Prevents iron deficiency anemia.
  • Supports cell construction.
  • Helps treat skin diseases, asthma, atopic eczema.
  • Beneficial affects the stomach and intestines.
  • Helps heal with diseases of the lungs and nervous disorders.

This product also stops the demineralization of bones, that is, their softening, thereby acting against osteoporosis. In general, this is excellent prevention from civilization diseases, as well as nutrition with goat milk products is suitable for treating problem skin.

Goat oil and milk from various diseases

Researchers studied the effect of goat milk and came to the conclusion that it contains protective substances against cancer. Goats are one of the few animals that never suffer from cancer. Analyzes of fresh goat milk showed the presence of a group of substances that protect the cells. One of them is Ubiochom-50. It helps a good metabolism in a cage and retains her life longer, protecting from premature wear and aging. Although studies have shown improvement in cancer after regular use of goat milk, accurate conclusions have not yet been registered. However, one thing can be said for sure - the effect of goat milk on the construction and renewal of cells is beneficial. This product has a good protective effect on our cells.

Our ancestors also knew about the influence of goat oil on health and beauty. The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates devoted many treatises to go goats. Medieval monks in the Swiss Alps treated weakened limbs and back with this product mixed with herbs, which increased the effect. They made oil ointments with thyme, juniper, rosemary, laurel and larch.

Goat oil has a positive effect on the liver function due to the content of fatty acids:

  • Caprine
  • Caprilova
  • Laurinova
  • Palmitinova
  • Stearinova
  • Cephalin
  • Lecitine

Kozier butter also contains carbonic acid, which is the basis of many anti -rherapexy drugs. Massage with this product helps with such ailments:

  • Rheumatic pain
  • Gout
  • Discomfort in joints, ligaments, spine, lower back
  • When oversleving the legs due to excessive physical activity

But the positive effect of the use of goat milk or oil will be if you observe the measure. Read further.

How much goat can you drink per day?

Ideally, goat milk should replace the cow. Kids and preschoolers should drink from one to three glasses of milk a day. Adults should use two or three portions of goat milk or dairy products per day, that is, 150 ml of milk or 100 grams of cottage cheese, etc.

In addition to milk, it is advisable to eat yogurts and cheeses. Sour -milk products populate the digestive tract through probiotic microorganisms, which have a positive effect on our health. The advantage of cheeses lies in a higher calcium content than in other dairy products.

Treatment with goat milk to improve the condition and preserve the youth of the cells

To improve the condition and preserve the youth of the cells, strengthen the immune system, it is advisable to drink goat milk with certain intervals in 3-6 weeks. That is, for example, you drink a month, then a week is a break, and repeat the course.

It is advisable to look for nearby with your place of residence of people who hold goats, and regularly buy milk from them. Tips:

  • During treatment, drink daily 0.5 liters goat milk.
  • Drink too 0.5 liters homemade yogurt made from goat milk or serum. The sourdough is sold in pharmacies, now its types are a huge variety. Drink sour -milk product during 14 days, then a week a break and continue again.
  • Cosius cheese has the same effect. It is recommended to eat as a treatment 100 g homemade goat cheese or cottage cheese every other day, for eight weeks. You can add grass to the cheese when preparing. It will turn out very useful and tasty.

Goat milk is a healthy product if you do not have lactose intolerance. Although many people with such allergies cannot consume cow's milk, they drink a product from goats without harm to the body and even heal. Prepare cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt from goat milk to eat healthy and environmentally friendly products.

Homemade cheese recipe, goat milk Brynza: how to do it?

Homemade cheese, abrasion from goat milk
Homemade cheese, abrasion from goat milk

So, you buy homemade goat milk and have already felt the benefits of this product on your body. However, drinking milk is bored and I want to diversify the menu. Try to cook homemade cheese or feta cheese. How to make it? Here is the prescription:

You will need:

  • Goat milk-3-5 liters
  • Lemonic acid - dessert spoon
  • Stournish enzyme-2-3 g

Cook like this:

  • Pour a dessert spoon of citric acid into 3 liters of goat milk. Stir and let stand.
  • Heat the mixture to 35 degrees.
  • Now stir the enzyme (2 grams) for leaven in a glass of warm boiled water.
  • Then pour this mixture into milk with citric acid. Mix and leave it so until the clot.
  • You can add cardamom or other herbs for taste.
  • Cut the clot with a knife arbitrarily. This is necessary so that the cheese turns out to be granular. Cut the clot with a knife in different directions.
  • Knead the mass well and heat it again, but already up to 40 degrees. Now you can press.
  • Put a colander and cheese press in another pan. Pour the mass and press something heavy.
  • Let the cheese stand so for 3-4 hours.
  • Remove the cheese from the mold. Ready.

You can cut the product and serve. Read more the hostess tells how to make such a product in the video below.

Video: preparing cheese from goat milk at home

Cottage cheese for children from goat milk at home: Recipe

Cottage cheese is even easier than cheese. Such a product from goat milk is suitable for food for young children, as well as adults and older people. Only milk and leaven will be needed. Recipe:

  • Heat milk up to 35 degrees And put in it a sourdough in the amount that its manufacturer indicated.
  • Stir the mixture well, let stand for a couple of hours. If you cook the curd to children, then this time will be enough. If adults can still be accumulated for adults, but do not overexpose, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out to be sour.
  • Now put the pan with the mixture on the gas and heat up to 40-60 degrees. The higher the heating temperature, the denser the grains of cottage cheese will turn out.

Then throw the mixture on a colander covered with gauze or hang in the gauze so that serum glass. Leave it for a couple of hours - cottage cheese is ready.

Goat milk: reviews

Goat milk
Goat milk

Many people love and drink goat milk. Someone holds goats in their household, others buy from private traders or on farms. This is a healing product, from the use of which is the only benefit. Read the reviews of other people.

Anastasia, 45 years old

We have been living in the village and the goat have been holding a goat for a very long time. When my daughter was born, and she was half a year, breast milk disappeared. I began to cook porridge for the child from 6 months in this milk. It is more useful than cow. But I bred him in a proportion of 1 to 3, since this product is very fat. Be sure to boil. Now the daughter has grown up, and Kozye loves milk as well as in childhood.

Olga, 25 years old

I always did not like goat milk, and indeed I did not like any dairy products since childhood. When I was in adolescence, acne began to develop on my face. I turned to a dermatologist, the doctor said that you need to try to exclude all the milk. So I did it, it has become easier, now my face is clean. As a result, I have lactose intolerance and you can’t even drink goat milk.

Tatyana, 40 years old

I love to make cottage cheese and cheese from goat milk. They cannot drink it in its purest form due to a special taste and smell, but I just love fermented milk products. This is a great source of calcium. We do not accept any dietary supplements, and almost no more, since on the table we always have products from goat milk.

Video: lactase deficiency: can goat milk? Dr. Komarovsky

Video: 10 reasons to choose goat milk instead of cow

Video: And you knew that goat milk treats ....

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