What can you cook delicious from milk: recipes, tips, reviews

What can you cook delicious from milk: recipes, tips, reviews

Recipes for making milk dishes.

Milk is a necessary product in the diet of children. After all, it contains useful components such as calcium and vitamin D. In this article we will tell you what to cook from milk. 

What can be made from milk and eggs?

Almost everyone in the refrigerator has milk and eggs. Of these, we most often prepare an omelet, but from these products we can prepare a lot of desserts and festive dishes.

How to make pudding from milk and eggs?

Children love all sorts of desserts, including ice cream. However, if a child cannot be cold, you can prepare an unusual pudding. 

For these purposes, the following ingredients are needed: 

  • 500 ml of milk 
  • 50 g of potato starch 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • Vanillin 
  • One large yolk 

How to make pudding from milk and eggs, recipe for cooking: 

  • Beat the yolk in a small container, having previously separated the protein from it. Add 100 ml of milk, sugar and starch. It is necessary to get a substance similar to the dough. In a container with thick walls, milk is necessary to heat.
  • It is necessary that it boils. Reduce the fire and pour the resulting starch mixture with a thin stream. Let the paste boil for about 5 minutes. Please note that the fire should be very small so that the mixture does not burn.
  • It is necessary to achieve a thick substance. Pre -cool the glasses and pour the resulting pudding. Serve cooled, or warm. You can supplement it with whipped cream. 

How to cook from milk and eggs omelet?

There are a lot of recipes, the most common of them are cereals. However, the use of milk does not end there. There are a lot of delicious and healthy recipes from this product. 

It is easiest to prepare a standard omelet from milk and eggs. However, such a dish is boring and everyone knows how to cook it. Therefore, we offer an omelet recipe in the oven with vegetables. 

To do this, you will need the following products: 

  • 2 large eggs 
  • 50 ml of milk 
  • 20 ml of soy sauce 
  • 30 g of ham orsausages  
  • A quarter of tomato 
  • A little bit of cheese 
  • Greens 
  • Vegetable oil 

How to cook from milk and eggs omelet

  • In a separate bowl, whip milk, eggs and soy sauce with a whisk. Pour half the mass into a hot pan, lay chopped tomatoes, ham and cheese on top. Pour the mixtures with residues, put it in the oven for about 10-15 minutes. 
  • To make the dish better, it is necessary to cover the upper part of the container with foil. This will increase the temperature in the bowl, make the cooking faster. At the same time, you will get a rosy crust. 

What can be made from eggs, milk, flour?

Another excellent dish that can be made from eggs of eggs is cakes. Children will appreciate the dish, because this is a magnificent alternative to purchased confectionery, but in this case very useful. 

How to cook cakes from eggs, milk, flour?

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 400 g of flour 
  • 200 g of sugar 
  • 120 g of margarine 
  • 1 large egg 
  • 100 ml of milk 
  • Baking powder 

How to cook cakes from eggs, milk, flour:

  • It is necessary to knead margarine with flour in a separate vessel. A loose crumb should be obtained. Enter the baking powder, sugar. Add liquid ingredients. Eat everything and, if necessary, pour a little more flour so that the mass becomes thick and viscous.
  • Roll out a thin sheet, its thickness should be approximately 5 mm. Cut out the moldpechenyushki Or small cakes, put on parchment. The ideal temperature for cooking is 180 degrees. To cook cakes in the oven, you will need a quarter of an hour. 

How to cook pancakes from eggs, milk and flour?

Fans of social networks saw unusual, beautiful, lush pancakes, which are called pancakes. They can be prepared at home. 

For these purposes, you will need the following products: 

  • 2 large eggs 
  • 180 ml of milk 
  • 180 g of wheat flour 
  • Baking powder 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • Vanillin 

How to cook pancakes from eggs, milk and flour:

  • Eat an egg with milk ingredient and pour sugar. At this stage, whisk everything with a whisk. No need to achieve lush foam, enough that the mass becomes homogeneous. Enter flour, baking powder and additional additives.
  • Ideally, the mass is quite thick, in consistency resembles a dense, thick, fat sour cream. Put the pan on the fire and heat it to a hot state. Add a little oil. It is best to use a pan with anti -stick coating. Pour a small portion of dough into the pan. It should be more than when preparing standard pancakes.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat. When the upper part of the dish becomes bubble, recesses will appear in it, it is necessary to turn overpancakes And fry 1 minute. At this stage, you do not need to cover the lid.  You can add a little orange or lemon zest. 

What can be made from milk, eggs, sugar?

A rather unusual dessert is a smart cake. In the process of baking, it is divided into layers, the lower part is obtained from the dough, and the upper resembles a soft, cottage cheese layer. 

How to cook, eggs, sugar smart cake?


  • 130 g of cow oil 
  • 500 ml of milk 
  • 5 large eggs 
  • 140 g of sugar 
  • 120 g of flour 
  • Vanillin 

How to cook from milk, eggs, sugar smart cake:

  • It is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks, but one egg is completely inserted into the vessel. Work on the mass with a corolla, add sugar and vanillin. You will get a yellow mass into which you need to pour oil.
  • It is previously melted in a microwave or in a water bath. Without stopping whip, add flour in small portions. After that, whisk again and pour in the entire portion of milk. The result is a very liquid dough. In a separate bowl, beat the proteins into a lush foam. There is no need to add sugar to them, but you need to achieve stable foam.
  • In small portions, add proteins to the milk mass, and carefully mix with a wooden spatula clockwise. Do not worry, the dough really turns out very liquid. Lubricate the form with oil and gently transfer the mass to the container. Bake at 180 degrees. Cooking time is approximately 45 minutes. Cut the pie is allowed after it cools down. It is best to turn off the oven and leave the dish until it cools completely. This will prevent settlement. 
Smart cake
Smart cake

How to cook from milk, eggs, sugar souffle?

You can make a delicious souffle from milk. This is a light dessert that is characterized by low calorie content. 


  • 400 ml of milk 
  • Large yolk
  • 30 g of gelatin 
  • 120 g of sugar 
  • 80 g cocoa 
  • 100 g of sand cookies 
  • Vanillin 

How to cook from milk, eggs, sugar souffle:

  • It is necessary to soak gelatin in a small amount of cold milk. Put the rest of the milk on the fire and cook until steam starts to stand out. 
  • Add sugar and dissolved gelatin to milk. Mix thoroughly, but do not allow boiling. Enter vanillin, turn off the heating, and let cool a little. It is necessary that the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • If this does not happen, put again on the fire and heat, in no case should you boil the mixture. Be sure to leave the paste to cool. Enter half of butter into it. In a separate vessel, it is necessary to turn cookies into crumbs. This can be done using a blender or mixer. If there is no kitchen equipment, crush a spoon, enter melted oil, yolk and turn into a sticky mass.
  • It is necessary that it sculpts like plasticine. A small amount of butter should be laid on the bottom of the form. Put the sand mixture of cookies. After that, it is very neat, so that the crumbs do not rise up, pour in the milk mass.
  • Put in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours, during this time the gelatin will freeze. To separate the souffle from the shape, it is necessary to dip it in hot water. This will contribute to the departure from the walls. Turn the container over, remove the dessert, cut in small portions. You can serve with melted chocolate, or whipped cream. Such a dessert goes well with fresh fruits and berries. 

What can be made from sour milk?

When milk is sour, many housewives do not upset, because a huge number of dishes can be prepared from this product. Of course, the most common are pancakes. However, we will give recipes for more interesting dishes. 

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk?


  • Sour milk

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk:

  • You will need two containers, one of which is more than the other. It is necessary to pour a sour product into a smaller saucepan, and put a large pan on the fire, having previously poured water into it.
  • It is necessary to lower the container with milk in it. As a result, you will get a water bath. During heating, the liquid will be divided into two layers - serum and cottage cheese. The mass will look like a liquid with flakes. During heating, cottage cheese will settle to the bottom, and serum will be on top.
  • To divide the ingredients, it is necessary to strain the resulting product through gauze. Do not pour serum, you can use it for baking. Squeeze the cottage cheese and use at your discretion. If you like a dry product, it is best to hang over the bowl, without pre -pressing, for several hours. Thus, you will get delicious, juicy cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese

How to make a semolina cake from sour milk?

You can bake a semolina cake from sour milk. 


  • 180 g of semolina 
  • 180 g of flour 
  • 200 g of sugar 
  • 250 ml of sour milk 
  • 3 large eggs 
  • Baking powder 
  • 240 g of margarine 

How to make a semolina pies from sour milk:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to pour a semolina into a sour product and leave for 1-2 hours. It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous and soft. During this time, the semolina swells and becomes not granular, but similar to the cream.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients, that is, flour, sugar, margarine. It is not necessary to melt it. It is best to prepare flour crumbs from it in a separate vessel, mixing with flour.
  • Only after that can a mass of sour milk be introduced into margarine crumbs. Bake 40 minutes. Remember, heating should be small, be approximately 170 degrees. 
Sanny pie
Sanny pie

What can be made from milk in a pan

Everyone is used to the fact that you can make an omelet out of milk and eggs in a pan. However, this is not the only dish. You can fry a delicious pie in a pan. This option will help out if you are on vacation, there is no oven, but I want to please the kids with a delicious dessert. 

How to make a pear cake from milk in a pan?

Ingredients for the filling: 

  • Two large pears 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • 30 g of vegetable oil 

For the test:  

  • 30 g of vegetable oil 
  • 100 ml of milk 
  • 2 large eggs 
  • 120 g of flour 
  • 30 g of semolina or starch 
  • Baking powder 

How to cook a pear cake from milk in a pan:

  • It is necessary to mix dry ingredients in a separate vessel and add milk, eggs and vegetable oil to them. It is necessary that it turns out a rather thick dough, as for pancakes.
  • The substance is thoroughly mixed. It is necessary to leave the mass for about 20 minutes. Do not forget to pour the baking powder. During this time, the mass will become a little more magnificent than before. Now heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil. It is important to use a refined product, without smell, so that the dish does not have additional tastes.
  • Pour sugar and add pears. Cover the lid, you should get pears in the syrup. Do not allow handling, it is necessary that the mass becomes caramel color and covers the pears. As soon as the substance acquires a golden hue, pour the dough on top and cover with a lid. It is necessary to prepare such a pie for a third of an hour. 
Pear cake
Pear cake

How to cook pancakes from milk in a pan?

Pancakes prepared in milk are quite tasty.However, To achieve a small thickness, delicate creamy taste, you need to know a few secrets. 


  • 400 ml of milk 
  • 3 large eggs 
  • 20 g of sugar 
  • 120 g of flour 
  • A pinch of salt 
  • Vegetable oil for frying 

How to make pancakes from milk in a pan:

  • It is necessary to mix eggs with sugar in a small vessel. Divide the mass into two parts. Pour the mass into bulk ingredients with a thin stream, having previously mixed them together. The result is a thick dough that is used on pancakes.
  • You need to pour in a thin stream a milk-vic mixture so that the mass becomes quite liquid. Heat the pan, having previously rubbed it with pork fat or vegetable oil.
  • Remember, the oil does not need to be poured in large portions, it is enough that the pan brings slightly. Pour the half of the dough, leveling the edge to make a thin pancake. Fryit on the one hand, turn over to another. Such pancakes can be served to the table, after watering with condensed milk. You can use salted filling, because pancakes are obtained with a neutral taste, even filling, meat, and cottage cheese with greens can be wrapped in them. 

What can be made from milk quickly?

Many housewives do not know where to “dispose” milk. We believe that the easiest way to use it is the preparation of useful dairy cocktails. If you don't know hthen you can make milk quicklyWe recommend that you experiment and use our recipes.



  • A handful of raspberries 
  • 50 g of sugar 
  • Half a liter of milk 
  • 100 g of creamy seal 

Ras raspberry cocktail, recipe:

  • It is necessary to use kitchen appliances, such as a mixer or blender. We recommend using a blender, since in it the mass is obtained with lush foam and large bubbles. The cocktail is the same as in the cafe.
  • It is necessary to add berries to a blender and add sugar. Turn on the device andpour Ingredients. It is necessary that as a result, the berry mashed potatoes are obtained. Pour a small amount of milk with a thin stream and work again with kitchen appliances.
  • Enter creamy ice cream, and in small portions, without turning off the blender, pour a thin stream of milk. If the fluid will splash out, administer it in small portions so as not to pour the milk cocktail.
  • Beat until a homogeneous air fluid with a large number of bubbles is obtained from the mass. Berries can be replaced with banana, or strawberries. Remember, in berry cocktails, raspberry and strawberries are often found. Therefore, young children may not appreciate such a dish. 
Raspberry cocktail
Raspberry cocktail

Dairy cocktail with cognac

Not only non -alcoholic cocktails are prepared from milk. With the participation of this product, you can prepare an excellent drink for guests. 


  • 230 ml of milk 
  • 50 ml of cognac 
  • 180 g of sealing 
  • 20 g of coffee 
  • Cinnamon 

Dairy cocktail with cognac, recipe:

  • It is necessary to brew strong coffee, and after that, whip ice cream with milk and cognac in a cup of a blender.
  • Pour coffee into the mass. Pour the resulting product into glasses, you can add several ice cubes. 
Dairy cocktail with cognac
Dairy cocktail with cognac

What can be made delicious from milk?

He has established himself well with milk soup. It is prepared without the use of cereals and sugar. Oddly enough, you can cook delicious dishes with bacon and even potatoes from milk. 

How to make a delicious soup from milk?


  • 500 ml of milk 
  • 30 g butter 
  • Large onion 
  • 230 g of potatoes 
  • 120 g of bacon 
  • Nutmeg 
  • Bay leaf 
  • Salt 
  • Black pepper 

How to make a delicious soup from milk:

  • It is necessary to melt the oil in a small saucepan, and add a beam. As a result, they should get a golden fry. Add potatoes to this mixture, pour a small amount of boiling water. Next, lay out salt, pepper and bay leaf. Cook for 25 minutes. In the container in which the potatoes are prepared, it is necessary to pour milk and let it boil. 
  • Using a blender, grind everything into a creamy, air mass. Cut the bacon strips, and dry in the oven for 10 minutes. On top of the soup, lay the layers of bacon and crackers. This is a great option for light soup, for those who are on a diet or who have a stomach problem. 
Milk soup
Milk soup

How to make a delicious jelly from milk?

Almost everyone remembers the taste from childhood - an unusual milk jelly from a kindergarten. However, now modern housewives are practically not preparing this food. We offer to draw. 

For this you will need: 

  • 30 g of starch 
  • 550 ml of milk 
  • Sugar to taste 

How to make a delicious jelly from milk:

  • Pour almost all the milk into the container, leaving 100 ml. Mix the remaining milk with sugar and a small amount of starch. Leave milk on fire, and when it boils, be sure to pour a thin stream, constantly stirring, starch mixture.
  • As a result, the mass should thicken. Stir constantly until the mass becomes quite thick, cool. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate on top. As practice shows, children love such a dish very much, despite all its simplicity. 

What can be made from milk and sugar?

The simplest milk dish is ice cream. It is much better than a store, as it is prepared from natural milk. It is best for these purposes to choose rural products, with a high percentage of fat content.

How to cook ice cream from milk and sugar?

Such a dish will turn out thick, tasty, with a rich creamy aroma. 


  • 900 ml of milk 
  • 5 large chicken eggs 
  • 120 g of butter 
  • 30 g of potato starch 
  • 250 g of sugar 

How to cook ice cream from milk and sugar:

  • It is necessary to separate the yolks from proteins. Proteins for cooking dishes are not used. It is necessary to rub the yolks with the sweetener in the bowl so that there are no crystals left. Now very carefully, in small portions, pour starch and continue to mix. It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous, without lumps. 
  • In a small container, heat milk, bringing it to a boil. In small portions, add the egg mixture to the milk, mixing thoroughly. Enter the butter chopped into pieces. Next, you need to build a water bath. Take a large bowl, pour water into it and immerse a pan with a creamy mass. Now put on fire and continue to heat.
  • And do not forget to constantly mix the mixture. It is necessary to average for a long time, until the mixture becomes thick. As soon as the mass has cooled, take a mixer and beat for 5 minutes. It is necessary to achieve a persistent foam. Lay it downkremanka And quickly put in the freezer. After about 1-2 hours, ice cream will be ready. 
Ice cream
Ice cream

How to cook condensed milk from milk and sugar?

You can make a delicious condensed milk from milk. 

To do this, you need the following ingredients: 

  • 1 liter of milk 
  • 250 g of sugar 
  • A little Vanilin 

How to make condensed milk from milk and sugar:

  • To prepare the dish, you need to choose a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls so that the mixture does not burn. Pour the sweetener to the bottom and add a small amount of milk. Put on a small fire and stir thoroughly. It is necessary that the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the remaining milk, bring to a boil, andreduce Heating to minimum.
  • It is best to cook this dish using a cutter so that the mixture is not just cooked, but languishing over low heat. You do not need to cover with a lid. Mix the paste from time to time. After that, it is necessary to leave the milk alone, you need to stir occasionally. As a result, the mass should be boiled at about 2/3. From 1 liter of liquid, approximately 400 ml of condensed milk is obtained.
  • At the very end of cooking, when the mass becomes thick and acquires a cream shade, you need to add a small amount of vanillin. Do not worry if the mass seems too liquid to you. Condensed milk will become thick immediately after cooling. Pour into a glass container and cover with a lid. Store in the refrigerator. This is a great option to water pancakes, or prepare morning coffee. 
Homemade condensed milk
Homemade condensed milk

That you can cook tasty milk: reviews

Of course, milk is a very useful product that can be used to cook both sweet and salty dishes. Desserts and a variety of fermented milk products are prepared from it. Below can be found with reviewshousewife, Which often prepare milk dishes. 

That you can cook delicious from milk, reviews:

Natalia. My parents live in the village, so every week they transfer 5 liters of milk each. In my family, they do not love him fresh, so you have to come up with various dishes. Children fell in love with ice cream, which I prepare according to the old recipe, with the addition of eggs. And the husband loves Brynza, which I cook on my own, with the addition of salt and soda. 

Evgeniy. I have my own economy, so enough milk. I sell part, I leave a little for myself. Sometimes it sours, and then you have to come up with something. Ordinary pancakes from sour milk are already tired, so I often cook pies and rugs. Children are very fond of similar desserts, despite their simplicity. 

Galina. I buy milk, since I have small children. However, kids do not really like to drink it fresh, you have to cook something from it. One of the most beloved dishes of my children is jelly made of milk and souffli. They have no idea what I add there, but they eat with pleasure. This is a cunning way I found to use more children "milk " 

Condensed milk
Condensed milk

We advise you to read our articles from which you will learn the recipe:

Milk is a universal product that can be considered an essential product. From it you can prepare a huge amount of dairy soups, and desserts. 

Video: What to cook from milk?

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