How to cook marshmallow at home: 4 best detailed recipe without inverter syrup

How to cook marshmallow at home: 4 best detailed recipe without inverter syrup

We propose to cook marshmallow on your own at home.

Delicious chewing marshmallows are loved not only by children, but also by many adults. Its home option turns out to be very tasty and airy, and it is very easy to cook marshmallow yourself. After all, the recipe is based on sugar, water and gelatin. Almost every housewife has such ingredients in the household.

How to cook marshmallow at home: step -by -step recipe without inverter syrup

Main ingredients:

  • 20 g of gelatin (1 tbsp. L. +1 tsp)
  • 400 g of sugar
  • 220 ml of water
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or 5 g of citric acid (if desired)
  • Any dye-3-5 drops

Advice: To strengthen the taste of marshmallow, prepare it on juice (instead of water)! Naturally, colorfully and incredibly tasty. In this case, the dye is not necessary to add.

Additional components:

  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar powder and corn starch - for powder
  • Vegetable oil - to lubricate the shape

If desired, the size of the portion can be reduced by 2 times.

In finished form
In finished form

To prepare Marshmallow at home:

  1. We soak gelatin in half a portion of cool water (110 ml). Not ice!
  2. Mix the rest of the water with sugar.
  3. Slightly moisten the high shape (approximately 25*25 cm) and wrap it with a film (the edges are not cut, they will be needed in the future). The film sticks better to the damp surface. Lubricate it abundantly with oil! Otherwise, the mass will stick strongly.
  4. After 20-25 minutes (we push it away from the fact that the swelling time of gelatin grains for 30-40 minutes) begin to prepare syrup from sugar, the second part of the water and lemon juice (or acid). We bring to a boil and immediately remove.
  5. While we are languishing syrup on fire, we put gelatin in a water bath. We bring to a liquid state. Do not boil!

Tip: you can use a microwave oven. Depending on the power, set the timer for 25-60 minutes. It is better to put less-10-15 seconds, if necessary, you can add!

Step 1-5
  1. We work with hot products! In the fuel container, we pour the gelatin fluid, we begin to whip with a mixer at minimum speed.
  2. Pour the syrup with a thin stream. We cut 1 minute.
  3. We increase the speed of the mixer to the maximum. On average, it will take 8-12 minutes.

Important: whipping time is directly proportional to the power of your device!

Step 6-10
  1. The mass should become thicker, white, air, Peaks will appear (as in protein cream). Those. The mass will reach behind the whisk, slowly falling down. It will be useful to get acquainted with our article "How to beat the egg whites with sugar until persistent peaks?"
  2. For color, you can use liquid food dye, homemade juice (1-2 tsp) or even homemade jam, fresh fruits. Enter at this stage. Beat a little more to obtain a homogeneous color.
  3. We transfer the mass to the prepared shape, making a smooth and even surface. Cover with cling film, which is also lubricated with oil. We send to the refrigerator for several hours, better at night.
  4. Free the marshmallow beam, sprinkling abundantly with a starch-powder mixture from all sides, cut into pieces, each wearing in the puffing.
The final algorithm
The final algorithm

Video: How to prepare a marshmallow from available ingredients?

How to cook a chocolate marshmallow?

The main components:

  • 10 g of gelatin
  • 220 g of sugar
  • 120 ml of water
  • 4 g of vanilla (optional)

For color:

  • 90 g of chocolate
  • Or 33 g of butter (2 tbsp.) + 57 cocoa (approximately 3 tbsp. L. with a hill and one without)

A slight deviation from the exact weight is not so scary if you have no kitchen weights in the arsenal.

Important: you can change the amount of chocolate and choose any of its views.

For powdering 1 tbsp. l. (to choose from):

  • Cocoa
  • Sugar powder
  • Corn starch
If desired, you can add your favorite ingredients for taste
If desired, you can add your favorite ingredients for taste

We start creating a chocolate dessert:

  1. To prepare a chocolate marshmallow, we use the previous scheme: gelatin + 70 ml of cold water. Leave for 30 minutes. From sugar and the remaining liquid we make syrup. Do not rush to cook it in advance - give time to swell the gelatin.
  2. Close the shape with a film, grease with oil. Do not forget about the edges of the film to cover the finished mass on top.
  3. When the gelatin is ready, melt the chocolate or butter with cocoa in a water bath.
In parallel with syrup, we prepare chocolate
In parallel with syrup, we prepare chocolate "paint"
  1. Put sugar with water on fire and bring to a boil. Make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Meanwhile, in a water bath, or in the microwave, bring the swollen gelatin to a liquid state. Avoid boiling the product!
  3. Add vanilla to gelatin. If the syrup has not yet boiled, leave gelatin in a warm place so that it does not freeze. As an option - do not remove from a water bath.
  4. Pour in a stream boiling syrup into the melted gelatin, whipping at the minimum speed of the mixer. We maintain 1 minute.
  5. We increase the speed to the maximum and continue to beat. About 10 minutes, Focus on the consistency of the mass - it must keep in shape. Spend with a whisk - the traces should remain, but do not immediately merge.
  6. Pour the melted chocolate or liquid cocoa powder into the mass (divide into 2 servings). Beat the color uniform.
  7. We transfer to the container, cover with a film and send it to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  8. We take out the finished layer, sprinkle with two sides, cut into portions. Each piece additionally roll in the puffing.
Color depends on the quantity and type of chocolate
Color depends on the quantity and type of chocolate

Video: How to cook chocolate marshmallow with inverted syrup?

How to cook marshmallow without gelatin: 5-minute recipe

If you want to cook marshmallow not just yourself, but also get the most useful dessert without gelatin, then this recipe is for you!

Record the components:

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 60 g of starch (preferably corn)
  • 4 g of salt
  • 4 g of vanilla

For decoration:

  • Coconut chips for powder
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar powder
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. jam or fresh berries (if desired)
Podding and filling can be selected any
Podding and filling can be selected any


  1. Pour all the bulk components into milk.
  2. We put on fire, bring to a boil, constantly stirring with a whisk.
  3. Reduce fire and volume 1-1.5 minutes.
  4. As a result, we get a thick dairy cream.
  5. Add chopped berries, syrup or jam. If desired, you can leave the mass of white.
  6. Close the shape or parchment with a cloth, the plastic container is simply lubricated with vegetable oil.
  7. We spread another hot mass and cover with cling film. Let the mass cool.
  8. We send to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  9. Cut into pieces and sprinkle with coconut, powdered sugar or cocoa. Here we already include our preferences and desires.
With additional filling
With additional filling

How to cook diet cans in 10 minutes: PP recept.

If you follow the figure, then you should try to prepare a diet marching at home.


  • 3 eggs
  • 25 g of gelatin
  • 90 ml of water
  • Sugar -substituter to taste
  • 4 g of citric acid (not necessarily)
  • 50 g of berries or fruits (for decoration)
  • Coconut chips or puffing flour
PP version
PP version

We proceed to culinary creation:

  1. We soak gelatin for 15-20 minutes. Heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. Make sure that the gelatin is warm and liquid, so do not remove from a warm container.
  2. We pure the berries or fruits, and, if necessary, rub through a sieve so that there are no grains.
  3. Beat proteins with citric acid until stable peaks are formed. The mass should keep the shape if you raise the corolla.
  4. We combine berries or fruits with 30 g from the resulting mass of soluble gelatin, add the sweetener. Mix gently.

Important: control the degree of sweets by tasting the mixture. And take into account that the sugar -substituter is sweeter for ordinary sugar by 1.5 times. Therefore, in order not to overdo it, introduce it portions.

  1. We add a warm, remaining gelatin to the proteins. Beat a little more.
  2. We cover the shape of a film, pour the protein mass. We spread the raspberry mixture on top (for convenience, you can use a confectionery bag). Patterns will create a toothpick. If desired, you can lay out portions in layers - protein mixture, berry and protein again.
  3. We cover with a film on top and send to solidify!
  4. Cut into pieces, sprinkle them with dull coconut or flour.

It is definitely worth preparing Marshmallow on your own at home, because it is not only tasty, but also useful. The main thing is to ensure proper storage. Treats remain fresh in tightly closing containers for at least two weeks. If your households withstand such a time!

Video: PP reception, how to cook marshmallo

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