Moonshine from apples: how to put a mash and make moonshine out of it? Apple moonshine, chacha from apples at home: simple recipe

Moonshine from apples: how to put a mash and make moonshine out of it? Apple moonshine, chacha from apples at home: simple recipe

There are many different recipes for making moonshine at home. Next, we consider in detail how to make an alcoholic drink from apples.

Apple trees grow, practically throughout our country. Sometimes there are a lot of them in the garden. Then the question is what of them to do? Moreover, not all varieties can persist in pantries for a long time. And there is no apple jamming so much for the winter of the family. In such a situation, a hot drink can be made from the fruits - moonshine. The finished drink of fruits is unique, you will feel an expressive aroma of fruits. In this article we will study the question, how to put a mash and make moonshine from apples, apple juice, cuckoning.

Moonshine from apples: General recommendations

To get high -quality mash, you will need apples of any varieties, you can also use slightly rickety fruits. And when you have sweet apples in the site, you will need less sugar to produce an alcoholic drink.


To cook moonshine from apples, you should take into account the content of sugar levels in the fruits. It is approximately from eight to fifteen percent. Of the kilogram of apples, 80-165 milliliters of homemade forty percent moonshine will be obtained. If you add a kilogram of sugar to the mash, then the volume of moonshine will increase by 1.25 liters.

If you make a mash of sweet apples, then adding sugar-sand is not necessary. And sour fruits of sugar, apple wort for mash are diluted with warm boiled water by thirty percent. The juice of apples is bred by 20 percent.

Braga with alcohol yeast wins within 6-10 days. And with wine, wild-Braga reaches 16-46 days.

How to put a mash for moonshine from apples: recipe

Ingredients for moonshine from apples:

  • Apples - 28 kg
  • Warm water - 18 liters
  • Sugar - 3.8 kg
  • Dry yeast - 90 g


  1. Wash the fruits, get rid of bones, kachanov. Cut the fruits and grind to the state of mashed potatoes.
  2. Pour the finished composition into the container, add water.
  3. Dissolve sugar in a container. Then add yeast dissolved in warm water to the mixture.
  4. The container is covered with a lid, left for ten days. The only thing do not forget to stir the pulp first days.
  5. After a certain period of time, the car settles on the bottom of the container, and the mash branches.

Important: When there are wild yeast in the composition of mash instead of alcohol, it is not recommended to wash fruits, just wipe them. Otherwise, the fermentation process may not be. As a result, you will get a finger or sour moonshine from apples.

When the mash is brightened, he will not play, and a bitter taste will feel in taste, the pulp will settle on the bottom, you can safely move on to the process of distillation of moonshine.

How to put a mash for moonshine from apples: recipe

Getting moonshine from apple juice is much easier than apples. And the aroma of the drink will turn out to be not so pronounced, because there is no pulp, peel.

Ingredients for moonshine from apples:

  • Apple juice - 6 l
  • Sugar-sand-975 g
  • Water - 195 ml per 975 ml of juice, 2.75 liters by 975 g of sugar
  • Dry yeast - 8 g or 28 g per liter of apple juice (depending on the variety of apples).


  1. In the finished apple freshly squeezed juice, add beetroot sugar-sand.
  2. In warm boiled water, dissolve loose yeast and add to sweet juice.
  3. Put the vessel for fermentation of the product somewhere in a warm place, put on the top of the water supply or a medical glove with a small hole in the finger.
  4. Leave the mash for a week-month until the wort is thrown away.
  5. When the mash becomes transparent, bitter, you can distill moonshine from apples.

Moonshine from apples: how to make moonshine from mash?

Moonshine from apples:

  1. Drain the finished mash without sediment to the moonshine, having previously filled it. So that later the particles of apples would not be buried and there was no unpleasant bitterness in the finished drink.
  2. Make the distillation of mash. Make a selection of moonshine, until the degree falls less than 30 percent.
  3. Next, measure the strength of the drink. When you get alcohol in the amount of two liters with a strength of 60 percent, then a clean product in drinking contains about 1.2 liters.
  4. Dilute the finished product with water to get a 20 percent drink.
  5. Now drive the second time drink. Pour the first portion from 8 to 13 percent into a separate vessel. It is better not to drink it, in this alcohol there are many harmful substances.
  6. Select moonshine while its fortress is 40 percent.

It remains all strong moonshine from apples to bring with water to forty percentage fortress. Then pour the stronger into a glass jar. It is necessary to close everything with a dense lid and let stand for about five days in a cold, dark place. At the end of the term, moonshine can be consumed.

Apple moonshine, chacha from apples at home: simple recipe

When the hostess has already welded sweet jams from apples, closed a sufficient amount of fragrant juice for the winter, you can already make a drink from the remaining fruit, which is often called apple moonshine, chacha of apples. Read simple recipehow to make Calvados at home.

Please note that the fruits of apples cannot be spoiled. After all, this will finally ruin the home moonshine.

From an unused pulp you can create moonshine from apples, which will please you and your guests.

Ingredients for moonshine from apples:

  • Cake from fruits - 9 kg (seven kilograms of sweet and two kilograms of acidic fruits)
  • Sugar - 4.5 kg
  • Yeast (dry) - 95 g
  • Water - 28 l
Apple cake for chachi
Apple cake for chachi


  1. Place apple raw materials in the vessel, where fermentation will occur. Select dishes that will not be filled to the edges, and the foam that will appear as a result of fermentation will not run out of it.
  2. Pour the finished wort with warm water, the temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees.
  3. Then pour sugar, it is advisable to dilute it in warm water with yeast, then pour this mash syrup after this syrup.
  4. Cover tightly with a lid cylinder with a mash waterproof.
  5. Put the product in darkness and heat. For four days, interfere with the mash so that the halpet from the zymkh stops appearing on the surface of the wort.
  6. Arming can last 7-9 days. When the process is over, the mash will lighten and become bitter, and also stop wandering.
  7. Find the finished product with gauze.
Distillation of mash
Distillation of mash

Now it remains to move on to the distillation of Chachi.


  1. The first time, distill the product until the fortress becomes 6 percent.
  2. Measure the resulting raw to the fortress. Then dilute the moonshine to thirty percent fortress, again overtake the drink.
  3. Pour the head fraction of the distillation up to 10 percent.
  4. Next, select the body of the drink until the temperature in the cube reaches 91 degrees.
  5. Collect other factions separately so that they can be overtaken.
  6. The moonshine from apples will be ready for use when you bring it to forty degrees with distilled water, and the drink will stand in a closed bowl for a week.

Of the specified amount of mash, almost five liters of moonshine should be obtained. It will be well preserved if it is poured into glass jars and rolled with iron lids. Calvados will gain his strength and will become the necessary taste only in six months and not earlier.

Video: moonshine from apples: how to make moonshine from mash?

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