Ajika raw with horseradish for the winter: a recipe for preparing homemade raw adjika with red and green tomatoes, apples, garlic, pepper

Ajika raw with horseradish for the winter: a recipe for preparing homemade raw adjika with red and green tomatoes, apples, garlic, pepper

Delicious and healthy adjika is perfect as an additive for the main dishes. Next, consider how to cook raw adjika with horseradish and other products.

Raw adjika is used as an acute snack. It is added to sauces or consumed with meat, pasta, bread. A rich product is prepared from tomatoes, with sharp additives, apples, seasonings, spices, garlic are added to Adjika and for sure horseradish. Thanks to the last ingredient ajika raw with horseradish It acquires a special taste, aroma.

Previously, the product was cooked only in the Caucasus. It was this people that came up with a seasoning recipe. In order for Adzhika to be stored all winter, a lot of spicy and salt is added there, so she retained her taste for a long time.

Ajika raw with horseradish for the winter: Recipe for cooking

Nowadays, many housewives make raw adjika according to their recipes. Use their secrets. Sweet pepper, tomatoes, garlic, dill, other greens, apples and even berries are added to it.

Raw Adzhika
Raw Adzhika

The prepared adjika raw with horseradish for the winter with a classic version is called: horseradish or spark. Next, consider how to make it at home.

Classic recipe:


  • Red tomatoes - 1.8 kg
  • Fuck (plant root) - 0.2 kg
  • Garlic - 0.2 kg
  • Salt - 60 g


  1. To obtain the product, first you will have to prepare the root of horseradish, garlic, tomatoes. Wash, clean them. Tomatoes must be taken fleshy, sugar, then the seasoning will turn out tastier.
  2. Wash the horseradish root from the dirt, then clean it. Grind the root crop, and it is better to grind it along with tomatoes and other ingredients so as not to clog the meat grinder.
  3. After washing the tomatoes, cut into cubes or grind in a meat grinder.
  4. Grate the peeled garlic on the grater.
  5. Mix chopped foods, add salt. Mix well until the salt dissolves.
  6. Leave the mass for an hour and a half while Adjika is infused. When the time passes, try the product. If the mass is too sharp, then add a few more tomatoes.
  7. Pour the sauce into sterilized jars. Close tightly with plastic lids. You need to store adjika in the cold. In the warmth, horseradish will deteriorate quickly.
  8. Acute adjika goes well with meat dishes, potatoes, spaghetti, Borodino bread.

Important! You can save raw crap for the winter only on a shelf in the refrigerator. At room temperatures, only the over -plated, and not the raw adjika, are stored.

How to cook homemade raw adjika, for the winter with horseradish and tomatoes, apples, garlic, pepper, green tomatoes for the winter: recipe

Consider how to cook homemade raw adjika from different components. See further examples of various recipes that will like the most demanding product connoisseurs.

Ajika raw with horseradish - horseradish

Everyone who loves a sharp one will like Adjika Hrenoder. This delicious sauce is suitable for your favorite dishes and will favorably affect your health.


  • Tomatoes - 3.5 kg
  • Fuck (root) - 0.8 kg
  • Garlic - 150 g
  • Vinegar 9 %-55 ml
  • Salt, greens.


  1. When you mix all the ingredients, it turns out nine cans of adjika half a liter.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces, get rid of the stalks.
  3. Peel the garlic, rinse the dirt from the root of the horseradish. Clean it. Grind in a meat grinder or in a blender products.
  4. It remains to add the rest of the components. Mix everything well and adjacent is damp with horseradish is ready. Lay into glass dishes, close with lids, transfer to the cold.

Fans of sharp dishes will appeal to the sauce. If Adzhika stands a little warm, fermentation will begin. After that, she acquires a slightly sour and pleasant taste. For the process, there are enough 4-5 days in a warm place.

Ajika raw with horseradish and tomatoes, apples

Homemade adjika raw with horseradish, tomatoes, apples-a rather delicious product. If you prepare only one portion for the winter, then nothing will remain before the first month of winter. Better immediately cook a few servings.


  • Tomatoes - 2.6 kg
  • Winter apples - 0.975 kg
  • Carrots - 0.975 kg
  • Pepper - 1.4 kg
  • Horseradish, sharp seasonings, garlic - in 190 g
  • Sugar - 55 g
  • Salt - 25 g
  • Vinegar - 25 ml.


  1. Wash the vegetables, fruits. Skip them through a blender or a meat grinder.
  2. After chop the peeled garlic, horseradish, sharp pepper.
  3. Add them to the bulk. Mix well, salt, add sugar, vinegar.

The finished adjika is poured into glass jars and covered with plastic lids, sent to the cold for storage.

Ajika raw with horseradish, garlic, pepper for the winter

The preparation of this sauce will not take much time, since it is not necessary to cook it. Thanks to the fleshy sweet Bulgarian pepper, Adjika raw with horseradish comes out very tasty, and even neighbors will hear the aroma of the product. The benefits of the sauce will be great. It contains many healthy vitamins, trace elements, etc. Moreover, it is not necessary to cook adjika, because the useful substances that make up this product for a long time retains its properties. In order for adjika, it is stored as long as possible, it must be tightly closed with a lid and stored in the cold.


  • Tomatoes - 1.6 kg
  • Bulgarian fragrant pepper - 150 g
  • Gorky pepper - 1 pc.
  • Horseradish - 125 g
  • Garlic - 45 g
  • Salt - 25 g
  • Sugar - 65 g
  • Vinegar - 55 ml.

Cooking method

  1. Immediately prepare glass jars with tightly screwing lids, where after pour adjika after, after pouring.
  2. Wash tomatoes and other vegetables, clean the pepper from seeds, clean the horseradish root.
  3. Peel the garlic too, pass through a garlic -codium.
  4. The remaining ingredients are also chopped in a convenient way for you.
  5. Add vinegar, salt, sugar-sand, spices to the finished mass. Mix the sauce.
  6. Pour the finished raw adjika into jars, close tightly, put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Note: Ajika raw with horseradish is often prepared without sweet pepper. Then, it is recommended to add a little bitter red pepper and about 124 ml of aromatic vegetable oil to it. Stir the finished mixture and send it to glass jars, close it tightly with lids, and then immediately put the product in the cold.

Ajika raw with horseradish, with green tomatoes for the winter

The next master class on preparing adjika varies from the above recipes that not red tomatoes, but green are added to the sauce. If you do not have Adzhik for a long time, then prepare it without boiling and keep it in the cold. Add sharp components and garlic, spices, salt to your taste. You can change the number of these ingredients in the recipe.


  • Green tomatoes - 2.4 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 0.45 g
  • Sharp pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 35 g
  • Salt - 25 g
  • Fuck - 45 g
  • Oil - 35 ml
  • Vinegar - 45 ml
  • Spices, greens.
Ajika with green tomatoes
Ajika with green tomatoes


  1. Tomatoes, sweet pepper (cleaned, washed), scroll through a meat grinder.
  2. Clean, wash hell, garlic, chop the method available to you. Add to the total mass, pour the rest of the components there.
  3. Fresh homemade adjika with horseradish, green tomatoes are ready, you can try with the main dishes.

The finished adjika raw with horseradish and tomatoes is useful, since only natural ingredients are included in the sauce. And the presence of horseradish in Ajik, pepper improves blood flow, promotes good vessels, destroys blood clots.

Ajika with carrots
Ajika with carrots

As already mentioned, the sauce with horseradish, garlic, tomatoes can be consumed for preventive purposes from colds. The product destroys microbes, viruses, harmful bacteria.

A variety of herbs, spices, berries are added to Ajika as aromatic additives. So thanks to red currants, you will receive an adjika at the exit with a pleasant smell and a small sweet and sour afreshold.

Video: Ajika raw with horseradish for the winter: Recipe for cooking

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