How can you replace sour cream in baking: options. Is it possible in baking instead of sour cream to use mayonnaise, yogurt, kefir, soft cottage cheese, yogurt? How to replace sour cream in the recipe, if you can’t take dairy products on a diet?

How can you replace sour cream in baking: options. Is it possible in baking instead of sour cream to use mayonnaise, yogurt, kefir, soft cottage cheese, yogurt? How to replace sour cream in the recipe, if you can’t take dairy products on a diet?

Do not know how to replace sour cream in baking? Use other products, but consider important nuances.

Sour cream is not only a delicious and healthy dairy product in itself. Sauses and creams are made from it, used in baking. Sour cream is found in recipes for pies and buns, casseroles, cakes.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be prepared from overdue sour cream with an expired period?". You will find delicious recipes for dishes.

Not always the necessary ingredient is at hand, and not everyone likes the high calorie content of the product. If you want to bake something, but without sour cream, you have to look for another replacement product. It is important to use it correctly. Let's talk about this in the article below. Read further.

Why do you need sour cream in baking?

Sour cream for baking
Sour cream for baking

Replacing sour cream without spoiling pastries, can an ingredient that performs similar functions. Why do you need sour cream in baking? This product has several properties useful for different types of flour products:

  • Gives the crust a blush. Products on sour cream when baking acquire a beautiful appetizing color. In order for the crust to get dark gradually and evenly, the cooking temperature should be slightly reduced.
  • Makes the crust softer. The buns on sour cream is always tender. This is due to milk proteins and sugars that slow down the evaporation of water from the workpiece.
  • Softens the dough. Sour cream is one of those components that make a more tender component, prevents dryness, and also gives the test splendor. Like other sour -milk products, sour cream contributes to loosening the dough.
  • Slow down the processoutlines. The fats that make up the sour cream slow down the dough hardening, and pastries retains softness and freshness longer.
  • Gives elasticity to the finished product. The dough on the sour cream is quite dense, and the finished pastries are not too crumble.
  • Binds eggs and flour. These ingredients themselves are well mixed, but it is sour cream that stabilizes the dough and promotes elasticity.
  • Gives a characteristic creamy taste. Bright and at the same time delicate taste is one of the main reasons for the popularity of baking on sour cream. The saturation of the taste shade depends on the fat content of the product.

Based on these properties, you can figure out what and in what cases can serve as a substitute for sour cream. Read further.

How can you replace sour cream in baking: options, list

The first thing that comes to mind, how to replace sour cream in baking is other sour -milk products. They have similar properties and can serve as a replacement in the proportion 1:1. Those who do not use dairy products for any reason can find vegetable substitutes, although this is not the best option. The ratio is preserved - 1:1. So, what are the options for replacing sour cream? Below you will find a list.

Dairy products replacing sour cream:

  • Kefir and other types of sour milk (yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk)
  • Buttermilk
  • Fat cream
  • Butter
  • Soft cottage cheese
  • Cottage cheese

The "vegan" alternative can be:

  • Nemoty yogurts
  • Vegetable oil cream

It is worth knowing: For some types of pastries, mayonnaise may also be appropriate.

It is possible to combine several components to achieve a better result. For example, you can mix kefir (4 tsp) with natural yogurt (0.5 tbsp.). Those who are not afraid of calories can try to add three quarters of a cup of yogurt to a quarter of a cup of melted butter. A mixture of kefir with butter or yogurt with a small amount of soda is also possible, depending on what is expected from the finished flour product. Oil is added if it is necessary to increase fat content and crumbly, the soda is useful to give greater splendor.

Is it possible in baking instead of sour cream to use mayonnaise, yogurt, kefir, soft cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, fermented, groower?

Baking on sour cream
Baking on sour cream

If the hostess does not have the right ingredient for cooking a dish, she tries to find a replacement for him. Above in the text it was described by how to replace sour cream. All of the listed products are adequate substitutes for this product. However, they are unequal, and the specific properties of all ingredients should be taken into account. So, is it possible to use the following products instead of sour cream in baking? Read more:

  • Mayonnaise - A popular, but worst option, since this product, to put it mildly, is not useful. In addition, its salty taste is not suitable for all baking. It can be used to prepare pies with layering of the filling (potatoes, cabbage, etc.).
  • Yogurt - A suitable option for making yeast dough. It is desirable that the product is natural. Store yogurt containing preservatives and flavors is not recommended for baking. A natural product is easy to make at home by putting a starter in warm milk and withstanding during 10-12 hours.
  • Kefir gives the dough even more friability and airiness than sour cream, but has less fat content. To get a full replacement, it is recommended to add more butter to it than indicated in the recipe. It is preferable to take home kefir for baking.
  • Ryazhenka and yogurt Usually rather fatty, thick and sour, to completely replace sour cream. Baking in a fermented row, in addition, acquires a peculiar, especially appetizing aroma.
  • Buttermilk It is traditionally used for baking, gives flour products the necessary aroma and splendor. Pancakes, yeast buns and pies, cakes, pancakes are baked on it. For scattered products, it is better to prefer more fatty products.
  • Cream They are not always a suitable replacement of sour cream, since even with high fat content they are not thick and dense enough, moreover, their taste is very different. Their use depends on which dish is prepared. The best use of cream is cheesecakes and pouring pies.
  • Soft cottage cheese - An unusual, but acceptable substitute for sour cream. Curd cheese is rarely used for baking (except for cheesecakes), but in extreme cases, this is a fairly fat and aromatic product, can also become the basis for a delicious flour product.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How to replace sour cream in the baking of the pie?

Fat kefir
Fat kefir

The selection of the ingredient for replacing sour cream depends on how the dough is required. How to replace sour cream in the baking of the pie?

  • For yeast dough, it is advisable to use sour -milk products of high fat.
  • On a not very fat kefir, the dough will be worse and can turn out to be heavy, so fat yogurt or yogurt is preferable. You can add butter to kefir.
  • And for a currial pie, where splendor and looseness is not so important, kefir is completely suitable.
  • If you take fat cream for yeast dough, they must first beat them a little.
  • Pies, buns and cakes can be baked on a groin and soft cottage cheese. In the latter case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to tighten the dough, and use the product in a smaller quantity than sour cream.
  • Sand dough will require high fat ingredients.
  • The butter or unsweetened yogurt will make the finished baking quite loose and crumbly, with a delicious aroma.

If you follow these tips, then the pie will turn out to be tasty and tender, if it is a yeast dough, and vice versa, crumbly and crispy, if it is a sand dough.

How to replace sour cream in baking cookies?

Cookies are akin to the sand dough - frustration is important to him, and here, too, the most fat dairy products will be by the way. How to replace sour cream in baking cookies?

  • It is best to take butter, but high fat yogurt is also suitable.
  • In an extreme case, mayonnaise will also need.

But in sweet cookies, this product is unlikely to be appropriate, it is better to leave it for fresh and salty types of cookies.

How to replace sour cream in the baking of the cake?

If it is supposed to bake a classic biscuit cake, then you can use kefir or cream instead of sour cream. They should be beaten slightly before adding to the dough.

When baking cakes for a cake from another dough, you can be guided by the general rules for these types (yeast, sand dough), or you can experiment with a fat curd dessert. Baking from this will become juicier.

It is worth knowing: It is necessary to take cottage cheese product a third less than indicated in the recipe for sour cream.

How to replace sour cream in cupcake baking?

Cupcakes for Ryazhenka
Cupcakes for Ryazhenka

Ryazhenka or kefir is the best choice for delicious and fragrant muffins. This is a great replacement of sour cream in this type of baking. To increase splendor, with kefir you can put a spoonful of starch in the dough. Any sour -milk products, whether it is yogurt, kefir or groove, will also be useful for other types of baking baking. On sour milk, you can prepare muffins, uncle, cupcakes.

How to replace sour cream in the baking of the casserole?

The substitute is selected depending on what role sour cream plays in the recipe. For cottage cheese casserole, fat content and characteristic sourness are necessary. In this case, instead of sour cream, any sour -milk product with the addition of butter is taken.

A soft cottage cheese or cream cheese will be especially good for replacing. If you need to just give a ruddy crust for the finished product, then sour cream will be replaced by milk, grated cheese, whipped eggs.

How to replace sour cream in the recipe, if you can’t eat dairy products on a diet?

The most difficult thing is for those who are contraindicated to use dairy products. They are joined by those who want to lose weight, following the calorie content of food, as well as vegans, which fundamentally reject all milk. How to replace sour cream in the recipe, if you can’t eat dairy products on a diet?

  • The best (if not the only) option of replacing sour cream will be plant yogurts or cream.
  • Made on a coconut or soy basis, these products are suitable for people suffering from lactose intolerance.
  • They are purchased in specialized stores, but they are found in large supermarkets.
  • Plant yogurts are similar in their properties to dairy, proportions 1:1 When replacing, they are preserved.
  • On their basis, they are good cupcakes, muffins, biscuit and cheesecakes.
  • Curd casserole can also be done with plant substitutes.

There are a lot of sour cream substitutes, and for different types of baking it is easy to find the most suitable option. There is no sour cream in the house - another fermented milk product will go to the dough, the diet does not allow eating oily - plant cream will be used. There are no excessively strict rules of replacement, you can experiment with various products and their combinations. It is enough to know the properties of the ingredients to get not the worst, but sometimes the best result than with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

Video: TOP 3 sauces that will replace sour cream and mayonnaise

Video: sour cream how to make sour cream from store milk?

Video: vegan pancakes and vegan sour cream

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