Krylov’s fable “Pig under oak”: morality, main thought, winged expressions, life examples

Krylov’s fable “Pig under oak”: morality, main thought, winged expressions, life examples

Krylov’s fable “Pig under Oak” with the help of the characters of creation describes the fools of that time. Read more in the article.

Each child teaches fables at school. They help him understand who is right in this life and who is not. In literature, such works are set to teach at the house, as well as disassemble their maintenance at school in the lesson. Information on the fable "Pig under oak", which is below, will help the child prepare for the lesson and get "excellent." The main thing is to remember everything you need and learn the work. Read further.

Fable "Pig under Oak": author, text

The “Pig under oak” fable was written by Ivan Andreevich Krylov, an outstanding fabulist, publicist, poet, publisher and author of satirical magazines. In general, the writer is more than more 236 instructive works that were published in special literary collections. Here is the text of this fable:

Fable "Pig under oak"

The moral of the fable "Pig under oak": in your own words

The moral of the fable
The moral of the fable "Pig under oak"

We can say that the author tries to accustom the reader not to treat things excessively rude and be able to appreciate the benefits. Here are more than detail the moral of the fable "Pig under oak"in your own words:

In the understanding of the author, only nearby people will scold science. Since every thinking person understands that it is precisely to her development that he owes everything that he has. It is knowledge that brings light. And ignorance, in this case, is darkness.

Do not be as ungrateful as the main heroine of the fable. We can say that destroying the tree, she "Cuts the bitches on which he sits". That is, it deprives himself of further food by his own stupidity. Krylov is trying to show that you need to be grateful to the gifts (both nature and science), and you should never destroy what has not been done.

It is worth noting that the fable is relevant to this day. Indeed, even in the era of scientific and technological progress, a person still refers to consumer benefits, he does not value what he has until he completely loses.

Plan for the “Pig under Oak” fable: points

Fable "Pig under oak"

The plan is usually necessary to write an essay. It may also be needed for a story on the maintenance of the work. Here is a plan for fable "Pig under oak" - points:

  1. The pig eats acorns and falls asleep.
  2. She wakes up and begins to undermine the roots of the oak.
  3. The pig says that he does not see the use in a tree, because it gets fat from the acorns.
  4. A raven appears, who is trying to reason the pig, but he does not succeed.
  5. The oak itself indicates a pig to her mistake.
  6. Morality.

Now, with the help of this plan, you can retell the work and it will be even easier for you to remember and learn it by heart.

What does the “pig under oak” teach: reasoning

Fable "Pig under oak"

The fable teaches that you should not consider the fruits of any science or knowledge in vain and unnecessary, just because you do not understand them. We can say that such a motive can be seen in the fable of the same author "Monkey and glasses"Where the monkey scolds glasses and breaks them, because it does not see meaning in them. But in fact, he just does not know how to use them. Here's another reasoning, what the fable teaches "Pig under oak":

Regarding the pig in this fable, it can be noted that once having tasted the fruits, she no longer sees the meaning of the further use of the tree, that is, she thinks that it is “one -time” and tries to destroy it. Not realizing that the tree will bring a lot of fruits every year that will feed not only it, but also other animals that live nearby.

So in life - one ignoramus can ruin life and deprive many people with its act, because it takes care only about its satiety and does not understand that everything in this world brings much more benefit than it seems at first glance - you only need to look closely and think.

Questions about the fable "Pig under oak": points

The teacher often uses questions to check how the students learned the material at home. Children should give the correct answers. Here are questions about the fable "Pig under oak" the points:

  1. Who tried to warn the pig against her actions?
  2. What exactly was the pig on the tree?
  3. What ridicules Krylov in this fable?
  4. Is the moral of fables in modern society applicable?

Read the fable and you can easily answer all these questions, which means you will be prepared for the lesson.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Pig under the oak": Explanation

Fable "Pig under oak"

The main idea in the fable can be expressed in one word, phrase or in your own words of each reader. For example, in creation "Wolf and lamb", the main key point is the phrase: "The strong is always powerless to blame". Let's figure out what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Pig under oak":

  1. It is necessary to appreciate what is and at the same time take care of others.
  2. You should never ruin and condemn what a person does not understand and what does not understand. Moreover, you do not need to break what is not grown or built.
  3. An ignorant person, as a rule, does not understand what he does, destroying what he could eat for a long time. Moreover, we are talking not only about acorns. The author condemns consumer attitude to everything - society, art, science. After all, such "pigs" exist in any field of life. And if they themselves do not realize their actions, then completely innocent people suffer from this.
  4. Science gives man a lot of benefits. But the price of a person is worthless, if he does not see, does not understand this.
  5. The author condemns human ingratitude in all its manifestations.

You do not need to live only for your own pleasure, just stuffing the stomach and without thinking about the consequences of your actions. Many of them can be truly destructive due to blind ignorance. Ignorance, as they say, does not exempt from responsibility.

The story of the creation of the fable "Pig under oak": Facts

Each literary work has a history of creation. Some authors published their creations in the magazines earlier, others simply let them read to their friends, and then the work began their life. Here is the story of the creation of the fable "Pig under oak" - data:

This creation was written I. A. Krylov in 1823 and first printed in the newspaper Northern Bee for 1825 The name contains the central contrast of the fable. The pig symbolizes greed and ignorance, oak acts as a symbol of eternity and wisdom.

Winged expressions from Krylov’s fable “Pig under oak”

Fable "Pig under oak"

Many phrases from different works are used in our speech so far. For example, here are the winged expressions from the fable Krylova "Pig under the oak":

“When you could raise the snout,
You would see you
That these acorns are growing on me. ”

In fact, the direct moral of the fable speaks through the lips of the tree. Before destroying something, you should think about whether the benefits received will stop at the same time.

“The ignoramus is also in blind
Scolding science and learning
And all scientific works,
Not feeling that he tastes their fruits. ”

The author says that a person is stupid, short -sighted, does not understand what to treat the source of benefits carefully. Moreover, he can not even see that they can end in connection with the death of the “breadwinner”.

What makes the fable of "pig under oak" make fun of?

Fable "Pig under oak"

We can say that the creation makes fun of the "favorite" topic Krylova - Human ignorance. In this case, we are talking about completely blind nonsense without the slightest glimpse.

Of course, any fool is blind - and a monkey that Bear from "Mirror and monkey" I tried to teach you to look at my shortcomings before trying to humiliate others, and Pigwho tried to destroy the tree giving her acorns. In this case, we are talking about one quality, only about its different manifestations. Here's another explanation that the fable is ridiculed "Pig under oak":

In the era of the fabulist people who denied knowledge and science, there were a lot. However, this is not a misfortune, but half of it. The main thing is that people do not make hasty conclusions and actions - those that will negatively affect the whole society. Condening to anything, you should think before whether the critic is competent in this matter, and is it really that he condemns is useless?

In fact, in most cases this is not so. Just not everyone is able to think wider and look at something from different angles. As for the negative attitude to various kinds of knowledge, it is formed not because science does not have a mining, but since banal laziness runs people.

Of course, ignoramuses are not recognized. And they believe that the teaching is to blame for their troubles. Of course, it is not to blame, but its absence. In addition, if a person himself does not need any benefits, you should not think that they are also not needed by others. Therefore, destroying something due to personal hostility, you should think: “Is there any point in setting this alone? Yes, I don't need it. But what if other people can use this? What if they benefit from this? In the end, I am not alone in the world. ”

Characterization of the heroes of the fable "Pig under oak": Description

Fable "Pig under oak"

There are usually few characters in any fable. A couple of heroes perfectly reveal the essence and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation that the author wanted to convey to the reader. Here is the characteristic of the heroes of the fable "Pig under oak" - description:


  • It is a blind fool of that time.
  • He abides in the dark kingdom of stupidity, does not want to develop and delve into the essence, does not listen to the voice of common sense.
  • Such an ignoramus lives with consumer instincts, without thinking, both about his own tomorrow and about the future of mankind.


  • We can say this is the offspring of a mother-earth.
  • The breadwinner, which gives blessings disinterestedly. The only thing he needs for existence is a respectful attitude.


  • The voice of common sense of ignorant.
  • On the one hand, it’s nice that it still arises (which means that everything is not entirely launched).
  • But it’s bad that the pig ignores his calls to think and stop.
  • This means that the ignoramus feels even beyond all kinds of meanings, or rather, it always acts against the voice of reason and logic.

Total 3 heroes, and how brightly and with meaning the author conveys his thought to those who read.

Krylov's fable “Pig under oak”: Life examples

Life example from the fable
Life example from the fable "Pig under oak"

Based on life examples, it is easier to understand the essence of the work. They help with the help of some events from our ordinary life, to see that the behavior of the characters of the fable was identical. Here are life examples on Krylov's fable "Pig under oak":

Example 1:

Despite the fact that many of our peers prefer noisy parties and clubs, my friends and I are somewhat old -fashioned. Every weekend we go to the natural tract within the city to fry kebabs there, play the guitar, in badminton and just take a break from study.

We have our own, established company, and our favorite places. So on this resurrection, we went there as a lie. More precisely, with the whole - since Stepka - Katin the younger brother, got behind us. Of course, most of us understand that, being in nature, you need to observe cleanliness. But our new acquaintance was not accustomed to this.

He had to constantly look after him and pull it when he threw a piece of candy on the grass, a packaging from chewing gum, an unfinished chicken leg or a plastic bottle of soda. Thoughts about the famous fable and analogy with the pig arose almost immediately.

Example 2:

My friend and her younger sister Sonya and I went for a walk. Without noticing it, they saw how they went very far. The forest ended, and the houses of some village appeared behind the railway station. Of course, exploring it was not the best idea, but we were sacredly sure that nothing would happen to us.

Suddenly, Sonya saw that an impressive vine was sticking out of the fence and stated that she wanted grapes. We thought-on the one hand, this is not our grapes, but someone. But we do not climb into the garden, the branch is growing from the street. Therefore, we allowed her to carefully disrupt several clusters. But she was a little prank, ran up and with a furious cry tore off almost the entire branch. Of course, I made a lot of noise.

The hostess ran out and cursed us. Now, thanks to this small “pig”, we cannot approach the cannon shot there. And if they were torn neatly, they could enjoy the grapes every weekend.

Example 3:

Sasha hates a mathematician, because this item is not given to him at all. Nevertheless, he never came the idea that Marya Sergeyevna is possible - not such a bad person, and he should have better engaged. Or pay attention to other disciplines to which there are inclinations. But to believe that mathematics is not useful, only because your humanitarian mind is stupid.

Such an example also has to do with the fable, since a person acts incorrectly in relation to himself.

Video: I.A. Krylov - Pig under oak (verse and me)

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