A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Mirror and Monkey”: in his own words, the main idea, characteristics of the heroes

A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Mirror and Monkey”: in his own words, the main idea, characteristics of the heroes

Krylov’s fable “Mirror and Monkey” indicates the shortcomings of people with the help of the heroes of this fable. What other main idea that such a work reveals, read in the article.

Each literary work teaches something. But in fables, viewing and remembering morality is much easier. Therefore, at school they often ask to write essays on the topic of such fables. "Mirror and monkey" - Who wrote this fable, what is her main idea and what does she teach? Read more below. Also in this article you will find a plan for this work, winged expressions and the history of its creation. Read further.

Fable "Mirror and Monkey": author, text

Fable "Mirror and monkey" wrote Ivan Andreevich Krylov. She is somehow similar to other fables of this author, as she also makes fun of human ignorance. However, there are some differences. Here is the text of the fable "Mirror and monkey":

Fable "Mirror and Monkey"

The moral of the fable "Mirror and monkey": in your own words

Morality teaches us to be better. It is such a thought that should be traced in every fable. Krylov knew how to write well, denoting the shortcomings of other people in the form of characters of his works. Here is the moral of the fable "Mirror and monkey" In your own words:

The moralizing of the fable is that some people refuse to see their shortcomings and imperfections, but at the same time they willingly notice them in others. For himself Krylova The main meaning is in the last lines, it encourages people to be objective, soberly evaluate themselves. Of course, every person has something good.

But, nevertheless, there are no ideal people. Therefore, do not think that if the disadvantages are noticeable in another person, then there are no own. In fact, negative and positive qualities are an unchanging luggage of everyone. And before accusing someone of his shortcomings, making fun of them or condemn them, it is worth first to analyze their own actions, find flaws in himself-who knows, perhaps there are even more than those who are criticized.

Plan for the fable "Mirror and monkey": main points, analysis

"Mirror and monkey"

According to the plan of any work, you can understand what it is written about. We can say that this is a summary in the form of questions or individual sentences. Here is a plan for fable "Mirror and monkey"- Main points:

  1. The monkey and the bear look in the mirror.
  2. A careful study of the appearance of the bear, finding flaws.
  3. Now it’s worth looking at yourself on the advice of the bear.
  4. The monkey ignores his words.

According to this plan, the monkey is cunning, and does not want to look for imperfections in himself, although he sees them in his other.

What does the fable of "mirror and monkey" teach: tasks

The moralizing is the most important task of any fable. After all, she should show how to do or as not. What the fable teaches "Mirror and monkey"? Here is an explanation and tasks:

The fable teaches the fact that before accusing others of their minuses, it is worthwhile to find out his own first, learn to objectively assess the situation. If a person has this ability, then he will never occur to him to rebuke others for their flaws. Since they are also in it. We can say that such a fable is an analogue of expression: “You see the sink in a strange eye, but in your logs you don’t notice.”

Questions about the fable "Mirror and Monkey": main points, presentation

To prepare for a lesson in Russian literature on the fable "Mirror and monkey", you need to compose questions. They will help you find the correct answers and learn a message for a teacher on this topic. Here are questions about the fable "Mirror and monkey"- basic moments :

  1. What I noticed in appearance Bear Monkey?
  2. How bear Cooked the desire of the monkey to ridicule and criticize its shortcomings?
  3. Whether the heroine listened Bear?
  4. Is this fable applicable to modern life?
  5. Which of the heroes of the fables are most similar to? Who is closer to you?
  6. Could bear present the information so that A monkey Did you understand her?
  7. Which of the heroes of the fable was right?

Even after reading the fake once, you can easily answer all these questions.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Mirror and Monkey": in details

"Mirror and monkey"

The thought of the fables can see everyone who carefully read the text. The author just reveals the meaning that he is understandable even to the child. Here's the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Mirror and monkey" in details:

The heroine of the fable is very similar to other heroes from works Krylova. She is just as ignorant and not far. Seeing a krivlyak in the mirror, she thinks that it is Bear Or another marvelous animal. In fact, this is she herself. However Monkey It is not given to understand this. She does not notice her shortcomings, considers herself perfect. Not only that, even sound council Bear She passes by her ears. It simply does not allow the thought that it can have imperfections.

The author says that before condemning others, it is important to learn to see in yourself negative qualities, not be shy and not be afraid of them. After all, one who knows how to admit his weakness is strong. And only weak, who believes that it has no negative aspects at all.

If a person recognizes his wrong, or negative features, if he realizes that they are harmful to him, this is a step towards correction. Of course, there are no living creatures absolutely without minuses. Even in the physically and morally ideal person, there is a certain wormhole that is almost impossible to eradicate. She is part of nature.

The story of the creation of the “Mirror and Monkey” fable: How was it?

"Mirror and monkey"

Fable "Mirror and monkey" Krylova was written before January 2, 1816and in the same year it was first published in the journal "Son of the Fatherland". From this moment, the story of the creation and life of this fable began. How was it at that time?

  • It is noteworthy that the author inspired ordinary bribery.
  • The fabulist, as always, created "on the anger of the day." That is why the publication turned out to be provocative.
  • We can say that in the image Monkey The negative features of representatives of the authorities, officials, and ignorant rulers have been immortalized.

Alas, the writer had to rotate in such circles. Therefore, he knew what he was talking about and writing.

Winged expressions from Krylov’s fable “Mirror and Monkey”

Winged expressions take root among people in ordinary life. We use them without noticing them. Many people do not even know what sources this or that phrase. Here are winged fable expressions Krylova "Mirror and Monkey":

  • “What to consider Kumushka to work, no better for yourself, kuma, to turn around?”
  • "Nobody likes to recognize himself in the satire."

We also use separate words and small phrases like "Course cute", "Not clean on hand" and others.

What makes fun of the "mirror and monkey" laughs: an explanation

"Mirror and monkey"

The author compares people with primates is not in vain. Here's an explanation that the fable ridicules "Mirror and monkey":

  • It is in the form of recent primates that ignoramuses and scoundrels appear before the writer.
  • He openly ridicules the representatives of this cohort.
  • Krylov Absolutely right - many of them did not notice and do not notice any evinces and shortcomings behind them, but in others they will see them in a second.
  • The analogy of a person with a monkey is even registered. Krylov Indicates Petra and Klimich.
  • And if in other fables he vomits those whom he criticizes, then he speaks in direct text.

Monkey for Krylova Like all genders of gossip, low people who intentionally look in other flaws - ignorant prosecutors, who are many in this world.

Characterization of the heroes of the fable "Mirror and Monkey": in detail, allegory, description for the lesson of literature 3, 4, 5 grade of the school

"Mirror and monkey"

In the fable, all heroes have their own image, character. Some are good, others are bad. Here is the description and detailed characteristic of the heroes of the fable "Mirror and monkey"for a lesson of literature 3, 4, 5, class Schools:

Monkey - This is an allegory. A smug, boastful creature with fairly low life values \u200b\u200band level of education. Judges superficially. However, he sees disadvantages in all other than himself. For her, no one is authority. Even logical conclusions have no effect on it. Perhaps this happens because she does not fully understand them. Symbolizes bribe takers, vile, not clean on the hands of people, gossipers, lines, insolents, scoundrels, etc.

Bear - A ray of common sense (in a social context), an attempt to justice. He is trying to point out to the imperfections, but only no one listens to him. Enjoyed enough. Fair. Objective. Good -natured. At least no aggression or anger in dialogue from the side Bear Not present. He is kindly trying to indicate Monkey, what she should pay attention to.

We can say that in this case, too, A monkey - These are guiding, high ranks. BUT Bear - A simple, open Russian people, which amazes the breadth of the soul and the acuteness of the mind. It should be noted that even despite reproaches and a negative attitude, bear does not experience K. Monkey nothing wrong. It is quite obvious that he is aware of her inability to embark on the true path, and she simply does not have enough intelligence to understand his mistakes.

Forgive Bear Monkey ignorance? Maybe. But only it does not get better from this. After all, social imperfections are not corrected due to ignoring such tips.

Krylova's fable "Mirror and Monkey": Life examples

Classmates laugh at the other, not seeing the shortcomings in themselves, as in the fable of
Classmates laugh at the other, not seeing the shortcomings in themselves, as in the fable of "mirror and monkey"

Naturally, there are many life examples in the fable. All of them will also characterize some quality of some people, and make fun of others. Here are life -based examples in the fable Krylova "Mirror and Monkey":

Example 1:

My sister, Katia, Study in 8th grade. She recently explained to me, at their age, appearance is very important for girls. Recently they had a new one, Nastya - A very complete girl. A couple of classmates immediately began to mock her because of this. Katya decided to help a brand new student and forever dump the hooligans from her. But she did not use the force, but simply printed and brought to class a photo of one of the “tormentors”, Sveta. After all, as it turned out, three years ago she also had problems with excess weight. And even more critical than that of the object of ridicule. Of course, it is not always pleasant to remind people of the unpleasant past. But it was needed. After the whole class, including the new one, laughed at what “ideal” hooligan was recently, the attacks stopped and never repeated again. True, there is no guarantee that when the situation is forgotten, bullying will not begin again. Most likely, this is "for the time being."

Example 2:

Artem In our class, it is pulled and squeezed the worst of all. Yes, and he is not running very quickly. And in principle, everyone does not care about this. After all, everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages. Everyone except Timura. It is always in the record holders in physical education and tends to weak for any reason. I saw how Artem It is painful and insulting when they openly mock him, so he persuaded the teacher to take Timur to the school of amateur performances. He sings disgustingly. Let him look at himself from the side and understand what it feels like to experience awkwardness at those moments when the whole class looks at you, and you are engaged in what you can’t do at all. At the same time and Artem laughs. Of course, this is a little mean - but it seems to me that arrogant people who find fault with the weaknesses of others, but do not see flaws in themselves, sometimes need to be taught. I think it will only benefit him.

Now you can shine with knowledge of fable Krylova "Mirror and Monkey" Based on these analysis on the topic. Good luck!

Video: Mirror and Monkey. Basnya I.A. Krylova. Film-strip

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