A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Monkey and glasses”: morality, plan, main thought, what does it teach?

A brief analysis of Krylov’s fable “Monkey and glasses”: morality, plan, main thought, what does it teach?

The fable "Monkey and glasses" ridicules the ignoramuses and other similar personalities of society. Read more in the article.

Ivan Krylov He wrote a lot of fables - instructive and life. They are still being studied at school, children write compositions on them and make presentations. One of these fables includes the creation of this author "Monkey and glasses". What does this fable teach? What is her moral and main thought? The answers to these and other questions, look in the article below. Read further.

Who wrote the fable "Monkey and glasses": author, text

As mentioned above, the work "Monkey and glasses" belongs Ivan Andreevich Krylov. This is a wonderful author of many Russian fables. He wrote beautifully, and it is easy to read creations. The fable was written by the author no later early May 1815. First printed in a collection of fables of the same year.

Here is the text of this fable:

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

The moral of the fable "Monkey and glasses": in your own words

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

In the fable, the most important thing is morality. After all, such a creation teaches, and only thanks to this you can understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader. Here is the moral of the fable "Monkey and glasses" In your own words:

The main idea is the desire of the ignorant to rise. Despite the fact that their intellectual and spiritual development will never allow this, they want to show their imaginary significance, to impress someone. However, the heroine (Monkey) forgets that the pince -neut of her nose will not make her wiser (even visually), will not give her the mind, but on the contrary - a very ridiculous, funny picture will take place. Such is possible in people - one who tries to rise above others, nothing of himself - is stupid and funny.

Accordingly, erudition, mind, intelligence, recognition - they are not in external features and appearance. Not with glasses, a cylinder or a tailcoat. They are in the person himself, this is the result of work on themselves. Just as it is forcibly impossible to become a loved one, it is also impossible to get a good reputation, only putting on a scientist's mantle. It must be achieved not by croiling, but with its own efforts, development and deeds. The simplest truth is that if the nearby is present in a person, then you cannot hide it.

Plan for the fable "Monkey and glasses": main points, analysis

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

The monkey, whose eyes began to see worse to old age, hears from people that in this case you need to get glasses. She chooses them from half a dozen, and of course, measures everything. He hopes to transform very, but this does not happen. To retell the fable in more detail, you need to draw up a plan. He will also help make a message to the presentation on the work "Monkey and glasses". Here are the main points and analysis:

  1. The monkey began to see worse and she needed to get glasses.
  2. She doubts. As a result of some conclusions, doubts about the correctness of human judgments creep into her soul. The lack of a “magical” action of glasses is very burdensome. She thinks about a possible deception.
  3. Monkey in despair breaks glasses on a stone.
  4. Morality. Whatever thing is useful, if a person does not know her price, then she does not bring any good in his hands, only disappointment. In addition, the ignoramus itself drives a possible one from such a thing

The work is small, therefore the plan consists of only several points - briefly, but capacious.

What does the “Monkey and glasses” fable teaches: tasks

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

The tasks of the author of the fable are to show the shortcomings of society or individuals on the example of the characters of creation. That's what the fable teaches "Monkey and glasses":

On the example of the main character, Krylov shows all the absurdity and comicism of human ignorance and the “darkness of thought” (which, quite possibly, reigned in society). Monkey in this fable is only an allegory. He is very amused by the desire of some insignificance to “break into people”, having neither knowledge, no experience, nor talent, superficially judging and committing stupid acts. Just like glasses did not make a monkey more beautiful and smarter, so the state post, a high rank will not make a person better if he is not far away. Moreover, it is impossible to hide your nature. After all, mental abilities are often opened in communication with people, in logical conclusions, education is reflected in behavior.

Accordingly, no cartoon, uniform, pince -nez and other clothing items will make the personality more multifaceted, more experienced, will not expand its horizons, will not make it spiritually richer. To believe differently is to show incredible stupidity and ignorance.

But there is another aspect that the fable teaches. Krylov Calls not to make hasty conclusions. And if there is not enough mind to guess right away what the salt is, then it is better to think before doing. This can be seen even with an example Monkey. If she had not broken the frame on the stone in her hearts, but would try to understand that the glasses are really useful, she would have learned about all their advantages.

However, the heroine did not want to think. She needed an instant result in the complete absence of knowledge and practice. By the way, glasses can be allegory. Everyone is similar to such a monkey that begins to manifest itself in a certain field of activity, not even having a concept of the essence of phenomena and processes, about the technique of fulfilling something that does not even have basic knowledge and development prospects for this.

Questions about the fable "Monkey and glasses": main points, presentation

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

Presentation for a bass lesson "Monkey and glasses" You can make a quiz. The main points can be reflected in matters. Here are a few of them with answers from which you need to choose the right ones:

Why did the monkey decide to get glasses?

  1. Danes of fashion
  2. The desire not only to see well, but also to create the impression of imaginary erudition
  3. Her neighbor had exactly the same
  4. Accidentally walked through the forest and found them

How many points did Monkey get?

  • 2-3
  • About eight
  • 26
  • From half a dozen

Where does the ignoramus are a good thing about a useful thing?

  • To war
  • To thin
  • To good
  • To a truce

Who does the fable make fun of?

  • Musicians
  • Deputies
  • Ignosta
  • Bureaucrats

That fool ...

  • Raises a white banner
  • Listens to all people in vorage
  • Not forcoming, like "Varangian"

The schoolboy guesses the correct answer if he read the fable. Therefore, with the help of such questions, it is easy to test knowledge of the text.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Monkey and glasses": in details

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

This fable is thoughtful. In it, morality is transferred to the sphere of relations with people. The author correctly showed the ignorance of those whom the monkey personifies. Here's the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable "Monkey and glasses" in details:

The one who is naturally stupid will remain so, regardless of what will be dressed in and what “smart” devices he will use. After all, even the most expensive telescopes do not make the layman an astronomer, the best movie cameras do not make an ordinary person a professional director, and a microscope by scientists.

In addition, in the hands of the ignoramus, even the thing that is aimed at its development will not be beneficial. Since he does not know how to apply it for its intended purpose. Of course, he could learn and use the thing correctly. But intellect and laziness are not even given the opportunity to think about it.

Each “monkey” (in the figure sense) thinks that she already knows everything. And the glasses will literally make her a professor without the need to hit a finger on a finger. Alas, this is impossible. You can become smarter only by making efforts for this. And the animal does not see well not only with eyes, but also cannot see and realize the essence of things. Moreover, such an ignoramus usually scolds everything that does not understand.

The story of the creation of the Monkey and Glasses fables: how was it?

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

As mentioned above, this fable was written in 1815. That's how it was - the story of the creation of the fable "Monkey and glasses":

The impetus for the creation of the work was the situation that has developed in the ranks of the intelligentsia and among the government. It is likely that having clearly seen the abundance of incompetent, ignorant people, the preparation of which did not answer the position at all, the author could not ironically not make them laugh in his fable. Officials who wanted to “curry up”, having no intellectual baggage, wanted to get “from the mud to the riches”.

Of course, the grimaces of mundane personalities who think that glasses (in the figure sense) on their nose will make them more significant, will allow you to see what the rest do not see, absurd and funny. However, as in many other situations, this is nothing more than "laughter through tears."

Winged expressions from Krylov's fable "Monkey and glasses"

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

We use many phrases from this creation in life without even delving where they came from. Here are winged fable expressions Krylova "Monkey and glasses":

  • "The monkey has become weak for old age."
  • "The fool who listens to all of all Vorah."
  • “No matter how useful the thing is,” the price without knowing her, the ignoramus about her, everything is a good thing to worse. ”
  • "And if the ignoramus is no longer, so he also drives her."

Separate phrases are also often used. For example: "And so and Syak" or "But no hair is in them."

What makes fun of the "Monkey and glasses" fable: Explanation

The writer knew how to make fun of ignorance in society with the help of his creations. Moreover, everyone guesses what is being discussed and whom the author means. Here's an explanation that the fable ridicules "Monkey and glasses":

Creation distinguishes people near, ignorant people. The fable makes fun of the lack of culture, non -education. Those that begin to hide any things not because they are bad or invalid. And only because a person is not competent in the matter, does not understand the principle of operation of a particular subject.

Krylov teaches to delve into the essence of things, calls to think, analyze, compare the facts, and not “chopping off” because of his own ignorance. Little of, Monkey symbolizes scientific undergrowth. Such people do not understand anything about what they are doing. For them, the main thing is not research, but the very fact that they are called scientists, status, prestige. Such personalities think that everyone respects them, listen to their opinion.

In fact, those who do not have at least some mind openly make fun of. After all, their inexperience and shortsightedness are visible to the naked eye. Moreover, if the officials are ignorant, then this affects others, if politicians are on the country. Accordingly, one “monkey” (if it is not stopped in time), theoretically can ruin the whole state.

Characteristics of the heroes of the fable "Monkey and glasses": allegory, description for the lesson of literature of the 3rd grade of school

Fable "Monkey and glasses"

The heroine in this creation is one. But with its help, the writer shows all the identity of the nearby people. By Monkey You can judge society - this is an allegory. Here is a description characteristic of the heroes of the fable "Monkey and glasses" For a lesson of literature 3 classes Schools:

Monkey An elderly, but lived years, did not add to her wisdom and foresight. Alas, it has practically no intellectual baggage that could accumulate for life. He thinks narrowly, judges superficially. If he does not understand the essence of the subject or phenomenon, he immediately considers it hostile, wrong.

The monkey is hot -tempered. Dependent on someone else's opinion. After all, if they had not prompted her the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring glasses, she would calmly live without them. He believes that any external attributes are able to hide mental disadvantages. Of course, it causes laughter and disrespect of others. However, it cannot be said that she is bad. The fault of her actions, which the author criticized.

Krylova's fable "Monkey and glasses": Life examples

Life example on the fable
Life example on the fable "Monkey and glasses"

With the help of life examples, one can clearly understand the essence of creation. They help to reveal the character of the main characters of the fable. Here are life -based examples in the fable Krylova "Monkey and glasses":

Example 1:

My brother Kolya never had much zeal to play sports. However, when he saw on TV a bodybuilders' performances, he asked dad to buy a simulator. Of course, the father encouraged his son's undertakings. Although, no endeavors, in fact, did not happen. Having tried to work out a couple of times, Kolya threw it. As a reason, he called the fact that the simulator broke. In fact, it was necessary to just read the instructions and find out how to prepare equipment for classes.

Nevertheless, he still boasts to his friends that he pumps up his muscles and even uploads photos that are impressive on social networks. It seemed to me that the situation is similar to the fable "Monkey and glasses"and indeed it is.

Example 2:

Recently, Anton decided to become a video blogger and acquired a very expensive microphone for these purposes. However, after several samples, it turned out that the equipment did not meet his ideas about high -quality sound. Having lost faith in this lesson, he already intended to throw him out, but I persuaded him to sell me a microphone for a third of the price. Of course, he agreed. As it turned out, the microphone is not defective and not broken - it was necessary to configure it correctly. Then the sound is almost as high -quality as shown in advertising. Only now Anton had not thought of that.

Video: Monkey and glasses. The fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Audio ski.

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