Anastasia and Anna are the same name or not: how is they different? Can I call Anastasia Anna and vice versa?

Anastasia and Anna are the same name or not: how is they different? Can I call Anastasia Anna and vice versa?

If you do not know - Anastasia and Anna is the same or not, then read the article. It has a lot of interesting information.

Beautiful female names: Anna and Anastasia - The most common in Russia, and perhaps all over the world. By their sound, they caress the hearing, give birth to pleasant associations in memory, amaze with an ancient history of origin and provoke eternal disputes about kinship or, conversely, absolutely dissimilarity.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Feminine name Inna - which means: description of the name".

A lot of literary heroines (like Nastasya Filippovna and Anna Karenina) formed recognizable images with a set of various qualities. But still, who they are, these mysterious Anna and Anastasia? Can Anna Anastasia be called and vice versa? Read further.

The meaning of the name Anastasia

The meaning of the name Anastasia
The meaning of the name Anastasia

Most often Anastasia they call the long -awaited child, because the encrypted meaning of this ancient Greek word means "Renaissance" or "back to life". The value of this adherence:

  • Despite the original origin from the courageous male name Anastas, the owner of this name is touching and slightly naive.
  • The best visual example of distinctive qualities is a fabulous Nastenka. She did not remember evil, she was all -visible, ready to come to the aid of everyone, quickly dealing with business, sincerely worried and loving all people in the world.
  • However, the “Anastasovs” features also make themselves felt, manifesting in the analytical warehouse of the mind, an unbending will, fidelity to beliefs and the desire to achieve their goals.

The totality of non -standard and, at first glance, absolutely opposite features, form a truly outstanding person who can surprise and intrigue anyone.

The meaning of the name is Anna

The meaning of the name is Anna
The meaning of the name is Anna

The message to the world that carries this name is no less significant. Translation of the Hebrew word "Asanna"which became the basis of the name of the name many centuries ago, is interpreted as "strength" and "grace". Catholic and Orthodox faith added one more meaning: "God's mercy". The meaning of the adults:

  • Fully corresponding to its purpose, Anna Responsive, kind and are sympathetic in relation to all living beings.
  • Bringing their “cross” by the owners of the most ancient name, they perform everyday exploits, helping relatives, friends and even absolutely strangers, while striking in their courage and biblical meekness.
  • Often this "weakness" turns with real deep force.

The inner light coming from the heart of such women attracts people to them, because loneliness and oblivion at any age and life situations do not threaten them.

Anastasia and Anna: the same thing or not?

The great semantic meaning of these names, denoting the values \u200b\u200bof “all times” unites them in essence. Similar features Anna and Anastasia You can safely name:

  • Kindness
  • Sociability
  • Compassion
  • The desire to achieve the goal
  • Honesty in relationships and actions
  • The inability to commit meanness in relation to someone
  • Application to people

But there are a number of fundamental differences:

  • Anna It is characterized by great sacrifice, on the verge with a complete rejection of their own interests, for the sake of the happiness of loved ones.
  • Anastasia It is capable of more strictly defending its own territory and views.
  • The flexibility of nature allows Anyuta to change personal beliefs a little, if the circumstances require that, while Nastya remains to the end adamant.
  • Despite the fact that both women do not strive for leadership, Annushka prefers everything to achieve their labor, and Nastyusha is ready to attract like -minded people to the common cause.

Owners of great names realize the same goals, sing similar values, but do it differently and are the opposite sides of a single whole.

What is the difference between the names Anastasia and Anna?

The very origin of names Anastasia and Anna Makes significant differences to the fate of their owners. The ancient Greek "Anastas" persistently conveys the courageous features to its descendants, giving the most feminine persons determination, at times bordering on rigidity. Well, the Hebrew Asanna obliges the continuers of the traditions to be more flexible, tender and give grace to people.

Can I call Anastasia Anna and vice versa?

Temptation to reduce the long "Anastasia" To a more compact "Anna"Of course great. However, it has no reason. The phenomenon of such an erroneous desire arose, most likely, under the influence of Western culture. Seeking the global simplification and use of only title letters, which at times reaches absurd forms (in the spirit of “Hey Jay”, “Jay Z” or “Jay Lo”), various overseas Anastasyes are trying to become Anna. In Russian culture, this approach is unacceptable.

Eternal dispute between Annam and Anastasi It looks like a rhetorical question that does not require an answer. Homemade diminutive names can transform the usual options into the most unexpected forms. But, at the official level, trying to replace one name to another, do not make mistakes. Any letter in the name is not accidental. Artificial addition or reduction can change the main essence. After all, it is not without reason that the winged phrase says: "As you call the yacht, so it will float."

Video: The meaning of the name Anastasia - Karma, character and fate

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