7 "deadly" sins blocking beauty


From this article you will learn about 7 “mortal” sins that block beauty.

Few women think that their beauty can be ruined not only by negative emotions, plastic surgery, bad habits, tuning, but also 7 “deadly” sins. And what is meant by this, read on.

Lust is a sin blocking beauty No. 1: you are chasing fashion

Lust is a sin blocking beauty No. 1: chased for fashion
Lust is a sin blocking beauty No. 1: chased for fashion

Many mistakenly believe that in order to be beautiful, you should blindly and strictly adhere to more and more fashion trends. In fact, everything that is actively promoted by modern beauty experts is more likely to damage a person than adds attractiveness.

So, sin No. 1, blocking beauty - lust - you are chasing fashion. For example:

  • Painted lips
  • Unsuccessful plastic nose
  • The abundance of an unnecessary and inappropriate gloss in clothes

All this, in reality, looks disgusting. The same goes for tanning.

  • The dark -skinned beauties appearing on the pages of glossy magazines are still for many ideal.
  • It is important not to overdo it with a visit to the solarium.
  • Otherwise, exhausted skin will desperately demand to leave her alone.

Nobody wants to lag behind modern trends. However, it is important to remember several "golden" rules:

  • Clothing and makeup They should not spoil the girl’s appearance, but on the contrary, to make her better. It makes no sense to acquire fashion brands for a fabulous price if they are not suitable for the type of figure, age, and other personality characteristics.
  • All manipulations, which the beauty does to improve the appearance, must be harmless (or relatively harmless).
  • The image must correspond to the case, time of year, age. Otherwise, it will look ridiculous. Even if created taking into account all the latest fashion trends.
  • Knowing of limits - It needs to be followed everywhere and in everything - starting with the morning sports option for jogging and ending with an evening toilet.

It is important to find a line in which following fashion does not turn into absurdity and tasteless and strictly adhere to it. It is best to develop your own, unique style, which will advantage to emphasize advantages, hide disadvantages and look beautiful, but at the same time as natural as possible.

Gluttony - sin blocking beauty No. 2: use tons of cosmetics

Gluttony - sin blocking beauty No. 2: use tons of cosmetics
Gluttony - sin blocking beauty No. 2: use tons of cosmetics

The typical mistake of many fashionistas is the blind belief that the more cosmetics and tools will be used in creating the image, the more delightful the girl will eventually look. In fact, you can safely throw half of its contents from the cosmetic bag - and believe me, makeup will not get worse from this. But the skin of the face and the body can tell you a lot of “thank you”.

Advice: Do not succumb to gluttony, as it is a sin that blocks beauty No. 2 is the use of a ton of cosmetics.

Excessions spoils your beauty, find your measure. Of course, that all cosmetics should be as natural as possible, and there is nothing to say. However, it is worth reconsider your own reserves and find out without which you really cannot do, but what can be disgraced.

Greed - sin blocking beauty No. 3: Do not go to beauty salons, saving money

Greed - sin blocking beauty No. 3: Do not go to beauty salons, saving money
Greed - sin blocking beauty No. 3: Do not go to beauty salons, saving money

The post -Soviet mentality sometimes plays with girls and women who have an affair of “below the average” evil joke - some of them are less and less trusting professionals. Sin blocking beauty No. 3 - greed - You do not go to beauty salons, as you save money.

Indeed, how can you spend overpriced amounts on peeling, shugaring, and even more so, banal hair dyeing. The child urgently needs new boots, the husband has not shared his salary for the second month, because he suddenly decided to repair the car. Collectors force the collectors, together with the monthly loan payment, also the amount for its six -month delay.

Advice: Even with a very shaky material situation, you should not stop taking care of your beauty and health.

Of course, there are thousands of ways to make cosmetic manipulations itself. But is it useful, and is it beautiful in the end? The question is very controversial. That's what has already become the habit of many ladies in our country:

Hair roots need to be constantly painted:

  • Perhaps the most frequent manifestation of “insidious savings” is precisely the unpainted hair roots.
  • Most women do not attach any importance to this fact - sorry for the money for paint, etc.
  • However, this seemingly petty oversight, turns a neat image into sloppy - especially if a woman is “a little for 30", And she already has a gray hair.

The eyebrows should be clear and beautiful:

  • Often the picture is spoiled by groomed eyebrows.
  • In this matter 90% The beauties take the side of savings - why pay the master if you can pluck them and make up yourself?
  • And spend the money on a new set of bedding in the action, it is so nice.

The manicure must be impeccable:

  • In fact, manicure is important not only for external attractiveness.
  • It also has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands, protects them from the negative influence of the external environment.
  • The massage that the master does during this simple operation has a healing effect on the entire female body.
  • That is why a manicure is simply necessary for any representative of the fair sex, regardless of her employment and income.

Hair - an ideal hairstyle is important for any length:

  • Most of the female population of the planet dreams of long, luxurious curls.
  • Of course, hair growth often occurs without the intervention of stylists and hairdressers. By the way, the hairdressers themselves are sometimes a source of this error - they take too much unnecessary hair when a woman comes to just move the ends.
  • In fact, the split ends and the slow -down growth of strands is an alarm and another confirmation that no matter how terrible a trip to a professional seems to be, it is necessary.
  • Refresh the hairstyle and cut the ends regardless of what hair length.

Long hair is not a guarantee of beauty:

  • Many women think that if the hair is long, then you can not go to the hairdresser. This is not right, because at least 1 time in 3 months It is necessary to refresh the hairstyle, regardless of the length of the hair.
  • True, if there is no desire to lose 5-10 cm Locons, you can take care of the beauty of the hair yourself. Masks, deep air conditioning, vitamin complexes to help. Hair should look healthy, strong and thick. And, of course, it is pleasant to smell.

If the choice is made to support the beauty of hair, eyebrows, hands without an intervention of a professional, it is necessary to independently devote a large amount of time to this, to be scrupulous in the fight against unwanted hairs, treatment and cutting. Otherwise, you risk seeming sloppy and groomed.

Pride - sin blocking beauty No. 4: Frequent peeling

Pride - sin blocking beauty No. 4: Frequent peeling
Pride - sin blocking beauty No. 4: Frequent peeling

In addition to groomed and constantly economical, there is another type of girls. These are those who believe that the more often they will visit the beauty salon, and the more they leave there, the more they will be transformed. Sin blocking beauty No. 4 - pride - Frequent peeling.

You need to take care of yourself, but there is a limit to everything. It is not recommended to go to the salon more often than 1 time per week. Otherwise, cosmetic operations may not be beneficial, but tangible harm.

  • Suppose frequent peeling can leave irritations on the skin, redness, spots and wounds.
  • Many believe that if you do peeling more often, then nothing will happen.
  • But to this procedure it is worth resorting to the maximum 2-3 times per week, no more if it is home. Salon care is necessary, as mentioned above, no more often 1 time in 7-10 days.
  • This rule is applicable to other cosmetic procedures.

For example, a banal frequent wash of the head (2 times a day) will bring tangible harm. What can we say about more complex procedures, from which not only hair, but also skin and nails can deteriorate.

Envy - sin blocking beauty No. 5: You have no style

Envy - sin blocking beauty No. 5: You have no style
Envy - sin blocking beauty No. 5: You have no style

“This blouse is suitable for her, then it will suit me” is another typical female error. Sin blocking beauty No. 5 - Envy “You have no style.” Girls cannot but evaluate the new friends, without experimenting with their own style on the basis of existing trends and decisions of people of a close environment.

However, it is worth remembering some important things:

  • The best image is an image in which you can remain yourself.
  • That is why, instead of thoughtlessly copying makeup and the style of clothing of friends, you should reconsider your own wardrobe.
  • Perhaps even you will understand that there are interesting options for combining wardrobe items that you have not tried yet.
  • Thanks to this, you can favorably update it, focusing only on your preferences and concepts of style.
  • It is important not to pay attention to what is actively imposed either by what you see on your friend.

You can also “modernize” clothes that have already gone out of fashion, changing her cut, adding interesting decor elements. This will help create truly unique outfits that can hit others and emphasize the advantages of the figure much better than exactly the same skirt as Katya, or a fashionable leather coat, like our director.

Laziness - sin blocking beauty No. 6: Do not wash off cosmetics before bedtime

Laziness - sin blocking beauty No. 6: Do not wash off cosmetics before bedtime
Laziness - sin blocking beauty No. 6: Do not wash off cosmetics before bedtime

Why wash off makeup in the evening, if in the morning it will need to be applied again? The philosophical question that every beauty asked itself. Sin blocking beauty No. 6 - laziness - do not wash off cosmetics before bedtime, you risk your beauty very much.

It is necessary to get rid of the remnants of "beauty" on the face without fail. After all, if this is not done, the skin will lose the ability to breathe. Moreover, this oversight leads to premature aging. The skin will quickly become flabby and ugly. Accordingly, laziness can lead to sad consequences, and this does not need a single woman.

Anger - sin blocking beauty No. 7: independent squeezing of acne

Anger - sin blocking beauty No. 7: independent squeezing of acne
Anger - sin blocking beauty No. 7: independent squeezing of acne

Pimples do not leave indifferent almost all girls. I would like to squeeze them as soon as possible, since it seems that along with all the contents, a pimple will disappear. But in fact, everything happens quite the opposite. Sin blocking beauty No. 7 - anger - independent squeezing of acne.

This bad habit pursues many people from adolescence. However, it is worth remembering that its only plus is the opportunity to get rid of acne. But the harm is quite tangible:

  • Firstly, a trace or even a scar may form at the place of extrusion.
  • Secondly, settled in the pores of the skin, bacteria can subsequently turn into an even greater amount of acne. Since the process itself is more than non -hygienic.

Squeeze acne with a salon master. This procedure is called "Facial Cleaning." The doctor will do everything painlessly, safe and sterile. Therefore, fighting a bad habit - to squeeze here and now, it is necessary and this is important for your beauty.

Video: 7 Sins of Beauty

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, how interesting ... but I think in this regard, everything is much simpler and the appearance of wrinkles, the withering of beauty depends on whether we do something or not with our body. It is very important to maintain it from the inside with the same useful fats, for example. I am an omega 3-6-9 from Evalar on a regular basis. I try more red fish, there are nuts .... As for external care, then a mask with a hyaluron is my everything. And even what sins I do, my skin is in perfect condition))

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