How have the ideals and standards of female beauty over the past 100 years have changed?

How have the ideals and standards of female beauty over the past 100 years have changed?

Women's beauty underwent changes every decade. Let's take a closer look at the ideals and standards of that time.

Women in all centuries were in the spotlight. In each time, special, the standards of female beauty were distinguished by special, inherent in the particular century. The development of cinema has become the impetus with which the icon of style arose. These women were imitated, almost everyone wanted to be like them.

How the ideals and standards of female beauty over the past 100 years have changed

How changed standards of female beauty?

1900 - Gibson women

The American illustrator created its own standard of beauty, which all women of the world admired. These were quite thin girls with large breasts and aspen waist. Then a corset came into fashion, which helped reduce the waist even more.

Reduce the waist
Reduce the waist

1910 - transformation time

At that time, the standard of female attractiveness was a shy beauty with short curly hair - Mary Pickford. However, this shocked men when, upon returning from the war, at the threshold of the house they were met by spouses with rather short haircuts. After such experiments with appearance, the nature of women has radically changed. They became relaxed both in communication and in appearance. They began to do makeup. In dumb films, that time, women-vamps were shot.

Short haircuts
Short haircuts

1920 - Flemps

In the early 1920s, women who monitored fashion trends tried to keep up with the icons of style, began to cut their hair very briefly. Cosmetic companies produce new means of helping to give “eternal youth” and hide what you do not like or does not correspond to the standard of beauty. Dresses with a waist below the hips, which were quite short and straight, came into fashion. The girls did not get together and painted brightly. Such were the ladies of the era of jazz.


1930 - Glamor

This is a period of slim -fit women, with long legs, with the right facial features, with curls, charming eyelashes and ideal thin eyebrows. All these characteristics were possessed by the film awards of the 30s-Jin Harlow, unsurpassed Marlene Dietrich, as well as Greta Garbo.


1940 - Women with a steel character

The years of military operations were reflected not only in appearance, which had little attention, but also on the nature of women who went through male features. We can also say about Hollywood actresses - their restraint was traced in everything.


1950 - accent on femininity

The era of the greatest actress Audrey Hepburn, film actress Jane Mansfield, Queen Hollywood Elizabeth Taylor, as well as others. The girls did not exhaust themselves with diets that reminded them of past hungry years. Everything was natural - rounded hips, a thin waist and raised chest, long slender legs and small shoulders.


1960 - miniature beauties

Thinness became fashionable - it was Standards of female beauty that time. The symbol of beauty was the unsurpassed Twiggy and singer Nancy Sinatra. From that moment, diets that were sitting on were popular to become at least a little similar to idols and wear short skirts, and miniature dresses.


1970 - Disco women

After 10 years, everyone forgot about diets and transparent thinness, however, not forever. They were also slimming in fashion, but their harmony was not achieved by diets, but sports and incendiary dances. Among the stars, all this was consistent with-the sex symbol of Ferra Fosett, as well as the performer of the blues and Disko Donna Summer.


1980 - unsurpassed queens of aerobics

Women of athletic appearance also shone in the 80s and were standards of female beauty. Aerobics captured the world, everyone and housewives, and even the stars of Madonna and the model Grace Jones, were engaged in it. They were imitated by everyone, they even tried to copy the crazy hairstyles of that time.


1990 - Podium girls

The slender forms that promoted the supermodels of that time - Naomi Campbell, the majestic Cindy Crawford, the German by origin of Claudia Schiffer, as well as Kate Moss are again in fashion. The British supermodel Kate Moss became the legislator of the heroin chic trend. This is in no way connected with drug use, but more with pallor in appearance and excessive thinness.


2000 - slender and dark

With the new millennium, everything is changing radically. The excessive thinness is replaced by a beautiful radiating health body with a light tan. There was harmony in fashion. Lush shapes and excessive thinness fade into the background. The style of clothes also changed, blouses appeared that opened the tummy, so women strictly followed their body and paid special attention to the press.

Tan and harmony
Tan and harmony

2010 - seductive lush forms

For many decades, women with magnificent forms have come into fashion again, in which everything is harmonious and even sexy. Fans of such girls have more than enough, because not everyone likes skinny skinny. Now they are removed on the covers of famous magazines with might and main and participate in the shows of the model of an unusual shape.

Video: Female Beauty and its Changes

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