How the ideals of female beauty in different eras changed, in different countries, in Western, Asian, African cultures, in Russia: photo, description

How the ideals of female beauty in different eras changed, in different countries, in Western, Asian, African cultures, in Russia: photo, description

In this article you will learn how the standards of female beauty in different eras in different cultures have changed.

The concept of female beauty in different countries and cultures of the world

All women of the world are unique and unique. However, in one they are still similar: in their desire to be beautiful and follow fashion.

Important: in different parts of the planet, the concept of beauty is completely different. In each culture, beauty standards are different. It has always been so. If in your country you can confidently consider yourself a beauty, do not be surprised if you are considered “not very” on the other corner of the globe.

Consider what are the standards of female beauty in different countries.

  • AT Australia They value a sports athletic body, a beautiful tan and activity.
  • AT Malaysia Pale -faced miniature girls are held in high esteem.
  • AT Sweden Women with light or platinum hair, high cheekbones, blue eyes are considered beautiful.
  • An indicator of female beauty in Iran A smooth beautiful nose is considered. Many women resort to the services of plastic surgeons to adjust the shape of the nose and make it perfect.
  • AT Egypt A woman with a round face, a small neat mouth, beautiful, but not too large shapes are considered a beautiful woman.
  • In countries Asia They love women with bright skin. That is why in Thailand, China, Japan, creams with a whitening effect are popular.
  • AT India A beautiful woman should have an almond -shaped eye shape, straight dark hair, a sharp straight nose. In addition, it is considered very beautifully to decorate their body with henna.
  • AT Brazil Female beauty is concentrated, first of all, on the buttocks. They should be beautiful, elastic and appetizing. Also in Brazil, a model appearance is valued, a woman should be well -groomed from head to toe.
  • AT Pakistan Blondes are not held in high esteem. A beautiful woman here should be like a Snow White, that is, have dark long hair and light creamy complexion of the face.
  • AT Tajikistan The ideal of female beauty is eyebrows. What we call Monobrovia is considered a sign of beauty and great luck in life.

The modern concept of beauty implies a sporty tightened body, magnificent lips, beautiful well -groomed hair. But once there was no question of sports, and there were magnificent beauties with appetizing forms in fashion.

The beauty of girls in different countries

Fashion is capricious and changeable, it is sometimes impossible to keep up with it. But sometimes she dictates the monstrous conditions that women go for the sake of beauty.

Below we will tell you about those ideals of female beauty that now seem terrible to us. But before, at that time, such women were considered the first beauties. Some of the strange ideals of beauty are still relevant.

Video: How did the standards of female beauty change?

How the ideals of female beauty in Western culture changed: photo, description

In the 16th century, he burst into the western fashion corset. First, it was used as one of the attributes for male armor. In the 17th and 18th centuries, women began to wear corsets. It was impossible to imagine a woman without a corset.

At first, the corsets were from a whale mustache, then they began to be made of metal, wood. There were night and day corsets. The perfect female waist was a little more thick than the male neck. It was impossible to imagine a beautiful woman without a corset. Moreover, even pregnant women pulled their body with corsets.

Girl in a corset

Later it turned out that corsets have a negative effect on the human body. They lead to deformation of internal organs, circulatory disorders, change the volume of the lungs. After long wearing corsets, they were increasingly being abandoned.

The harm of the corset

Fashion for pale faces It began in the time of ancient Egypt. Despite the fact that the Egyptians worshiped the God of the Sun Ra, they did not differ in a special love for tanned skin. Women were usually depicted with skin lighter than that of men. Dark tanned skin - it was the destiny of the poor and slaves who were forced to spend all day under the open sun of the sun.

About the same situation was in ancient Greece. Greek women used lead whitewitter for skin, which caused great harm to health, but lightened the skin of the face.

AT Middle Ages The fashion for aristocratic pallor was still relevant. The situation was complicated by the fact that many were sick with tuberculosis, so the pallor of the skin for many was a natural condition. In addition, the medieval beauty had to have a high forehead. To do this, many shaved part of the hair to visually make the forehead longer.

Fashion for pale faces and high foreheads

Moles, freckles and other spots on the skin of women had nothing to do with the concept of female beauty. Moreover, a woman with similar marks on her skin could come under suspicion and be known as a witch.

Important: unhealthy pallor was considered the standard of female beauty up to the industrial revolution. Coco Chanel is considered the founder of fashion for tanned dark skin.

In the Middle Ages, not only the pallor of the skin, but also flickering eyes was in fashion. The effects of flickering eyes in the beauties were obtained using the juice of poisonous grass of the Belladonna. The juice of this plant was buried in the eyes, which is why the vision was disturbed, the effect was similar to the eye drops of atropine sulfate. But it was not just uncomfortable, it was dangerous. There are cases when such sacrifices in the name of beauty ended in death.

Fashion for flickering eyes

In the 18th century, a woman who considers herself beautiful should have to have updo. The concept of hairstyle contained not just beautifully laid hair. These were real works of art. To create high hairstyles, wigs were used that were fixed with pork fat. At night I had to sleep with such hairstyles, because every day it was impossible to make new hairstyles.

Mice and rats resorted to the smell of pork fat. At that time there were even special cells where they placed their heads during sleep. The rodents could not climb into such cells. Hair did not wash for weeks and even months, because there was a hairstyle.

From here there was a fashion for flies. Dark flies were hidden acne that appeared on the skin due to lack of hygiene. And a thick layer was applied to the skin of the face and blush.

Fashion for high hairstyles

How the standards of female beauty in Asian culture changed: photo, description

Important: female beauty is a relative concept. What seems unacceptable in our mentality in another culture is a completely normal phenomenon.

There is a tradition to wear in Thailand and Myanmar iron rings on the neck. It is believed that these rings were originally invented as a means of protection against wild tigers. But later, such an accessory came into fashion and liked the people of Myanmar and Thailand. They begin to wear rings around the neck in childhood. Adding around the ring every year. An adult woman can wear up to 5 kg of iron on her neck.

The concept of beauty in Myanmar

In Asian countries, in the 10th century, a fashion for small feet appeared, the so -called lotus legs. The elegant female foot was considered the standard of beauty for many centuries along with an elegant small physique.

Initially, a small foot in women was a sign of belonging to a rich noble family. A woman with a small foot could successfully marry and not work. Later, the passion for small legs covered all segments of the population.

To achieve the effect of a small foot, girls from a very early age began to bandage their legs tightly. There was special shoes designed for such legs.

Lotus legs in Chinese culture

As a result of prolonged tight bandaging, an ordinary leg was reduced to one third of the usual human foot. The woman became almost cripple. The feet were completely deformed, fingers contracted. Wounds, decays, a fetid smell formed on the legs. Women with lotus legs lost the ability to move.

Important: in the 20th century, the tradition of bandaging legs was prohibited.

The consequences of brutal fashion

Beautiful Asian women of past centuries were forced to paint over all open areas of the body. For example, on the skin of the face, arms and neck applied a special powder with a thick layer. The eyebrows were shaved and painted again. Now this is not considered fashionable and beautiful, but largely influenced the modern concept of beauty.

But there is another distinguishing historical feature of Asian beauties. It - the tradition of painting teeth with black paint. Initially, painting of teeth in black served as a way of protecting the teeth. The main ingredient of the staining solution is iron acetate, which helps to preserve tooth enamel.

Later, this tradition has become the standard of female beauty. Women after marriage began to paint their teeth with black paint as a sign of endless fidelity to her husband. In the 21st century, you can find units of women who still paint their teeth with black paint. Currently, ordinary white teeth are considered beautiful.

Asian ancient beauty standards

However, modern Japanese women have a special fashion for teeth. The fact is that the Japanese women have narrow jaws, and most of the teeth are uneven. This is not considered something ugly. This feature gave an impetus to fashion for "Cat teeth"When two fangs protrude forward. To achieve such an effect, many Japanese women resort to dentists.

Modern beauty in Japan

The modern beauty of Asian women lies in pale skin and wide eyes. Asian women do not go outside without an umbrella, so as not to sunbathe. And if everything is clear with this item, then with the shape of the eyes everything is much more complicated.

From nature, many Asian women can be seen only one eyelid. To remove the overhanging upper eyelid, many resort to plastic surgery. We also learned to make eyes wider with a special patch or glue that fixes the eyelid.

Asian women's beauty owl

How the standards of female beauty in African culture changed: photo, description

Important: female beauty in African is an inconceivable concept for us. What women did and continue to do with them in African tribes seems terrible to us. And for them it is quite normal.

There is no more exotic beauty in any corner of the globe. Make sure that yourself.

AT mursi tribe A woman can be considered truly beautiful if she has a large wooden disk in her lip. Small girls are cut their lip, then a small wooden piece is inserted there. From year to year, the diameter of a wooden disk is growing. To make it convenient to eat, the girls remove the lower teeth.

Women decorate the disk with patterns. The diameter of the disk can be impressive. This tradition is initially a wedding character:

  • For a woman with a disk in the lip, the groom's family gives a good ransom;
  • The disk in the lip gives a woman the right to proudly and freely stay in society;
  • A woman with a disk is considered truly beautiful.

If there is no disk in the woman’s lip from the Mursi tribe, then her husband can beat her, has the right. Such a woman should stay with upside down. In a word, the disk in the lip is not just beautiful, but also status for a woman.

Murxi modern beauties no longer want to mutilate their lips, for which they are condemned by the older generation.

The concept of beauty in the African Mursi tribe

AT Mauritania their ideas about beauty. Female beauty is associated with fullness here. From the very birth of the girls, they are carefully fed so that they can successfully marry in the future. There are special establishments for girls where they are sent from a certain age. They are fed there, every day the child should drink about 20 liters of camel milk, not counting other food. This is watched by the overseer, and if the girl does not want to eat, she is fed by force.

With the advent of television in Mauritania, they increasingly began to abandon such a tradition. Fashion for a slender body begins to appear there just.

The concept of beauty in Mauritania

AT khimba tribe Women with a special mixture are considered beautiful. The mixture includes security, ashes and fat. Moreover, this mixture is applied not only to the body, but also to the hair. Previously, hair is braided into braids. As a result, the Himba tribe hairstyle looks very original. The mixture is applied to the body and hair of not only women, but also men. In addition to beauty, this tradition serves for domestic purposes: paint helps to protect the skin from the sun.

A real beauty from the Khimba tribe from clothing can only have a skirt of a goat or cow's leather. But it must definitely wear a massive beautiful necklace.

The concept of beauty in the African Khimba tribe

How the standards of female beauty in Russia changed: photo, description

Important: the ideals of female beauty in Russia have remained unchanged for many centuries.

A real Slavic beauty had to have a large physique. A woman in Russia has always been perceived initially, like a mother. Having a large body, a woman could easily bear and give birth to many children.

Potential grooms did not pay attention to thin girls. It was believed that the thin girl is poorly fed, which means that the family is poor. This was not interesting for future matchmakers. In addition, thinness was a sign of the disease. No one wanted to have a sick wife who could not give birth and work.

The concept of beauty in Russia

While the Europeans were delayed in corsets, Russian beauties wore wide sundresses, emphasizing their forms. This did not belong to the royal and court persons, at the court adhered to Western fashion.

The Russian beauty was supposed to correspond to the expression "blood with milk". The girl was supposed to have clean white skin, ruddy cheeks, a round face. Belila was applied to the face, and the cheeks were painted beetroot. Sable eyebrows were appreciated, the colors of which were achieved with coal.

It is impossible to imagine a beauty in Russia without a long thick braid. For infidelity, the husbands cut off the braids, and this was considered a great shame. The longer the braid, the better. Hair was in fashion, such as most Slavs.

Russian beauty

The real beauty had to walk correctly. During the gait, the back should have been perfectly even, and the chest fluff slightly. The girl was honed with the right gait, wearing a rocker. The beauty goes like a swan floats.

The main goal of the Russian beauty was a successful marriage. And in order to successfully get married, one beauty is not enough. The girl was supposed to be modest and restrained, lower the eyelashes and shy at the sight of the groom. In addition, she had to be able to sew, knit, sing and dance, so that any work was going on, okay.

With the onset of the USSR, the ideals of the beauty of Russian women have changed a bit. And if the fullness and quality of the body was still in fashion, then the hair in the 30s of the twentieth century began to paint in the blond with hydrogen peroxide. Fashion and Western ideals of beauty did not have time to take root, as the war began. In the post-war period, a beautiful woman was supposed to look like a mother-mother: a strong, muscular, ready for battle.

A real boom in the USSR began in the 80s, when new beauty standards appeared. Now everyone wanted to be slender, long -legged and elegant beauties.

Soviet women

Modern beauty is also distinguished by certain standards. Most likely, our followers will also be shocked by the victims that women are making for the sake of beauty now. The ideals of female beauty are constantly changing, thanks to the photo and video, we can see how women looked before.

Video: ideals of female beauty among different peoples of the world


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