How to deceive customers in beauty salons: methods. How to find and choose a beauty salon so that they do not deceive?

How to deceive customers in beauty salons: methods. How to find and choose a beauty salon so that they do not deceive?

In this article, we will talk about how cosmetologists are deceiving in beauty salons and how to avoid it.

Many women seek services to beauty salons, but not everyone knows that in such places cosmetologists can brazenly deceive in order to draw out more money. We will talk about the most popular methods for deceiving clients, and also tell you how to choose the right beauty salon.

How to deceive in beauty salons: Ways

How do they deceive in beauty salons?
How do they deceive in beauty salons?

Method 1. Many procedures

When you sit in a chair with the master, then be wary, if you begin to say that your hair is very bad and if you do not do expensive procedures, they will almost fall out tomorrow. As a rule, in this way, salons are bred for various care and other manipulations that you may not harm you, but there will be no benefit from them.

The same goes for manicure rooms. But here you will already be offered quite something else - the care is more expensive, the manicure is more expensive. You will definitely be persuaded to make the most expensive option, resting that it is the most popular. But only in reality it will be not much different from the usual one.

Method 2. Injections

Injections for the skin are the most expensive procedures. This is due to the high cost of drugs, and therefore many try to save on them. So especially unscrupulous salons can use one syringe for several customers, which is not only prohibited, but even punishable. Moreover, all drugs are licensed, and everyone must have a special document. You can find an appropriate license on the Internet. Make sure that the packaging is not opened, as well as a syringe. Moreover, he must have a registration number. By the way, it is also entered into your card.

For each such procedure, not only a doctor is responsible, but also a medical center and even a company that sells the drug. So if problems arise, then they usually solve them all together, and do not transfer responsibility to each other.

If the cosmetologist suggests dividing one syringe into two procedures in order to enter the second later, then refuse, because the fillets are disposable and after injection the upper part will already be non -sterile.

Method 3. Express diagnostics

Hair diagnostics
Hair diagnostics

Under this service, which costs a lot, lies, for example, a simple examination by a hairdresser for the presence of diseases. Do not agree to it. The fact is that for such manipulations, in addition to the formation of a trichologist, special equipment is also required. And besides, such a specialist is simply unprofitable for many beauty salons, since his services are extremely expensive, as well as equipment. Therefore, do not pay for a visual inspection of the head, as a result of which you will definitely have problems.

As a rule, stylists engaged in haircuts are engaged in such diagnostics. Although, even among the masters of manicure are those who assure that the ripe cuticle is a very big problem and it can only be solved with the help of special oil, and diagnostics.

Method 4. Top masters

As a rule, the top stylists and other procedures are much more expensive for top stylists, but the result is little distinguishable with a simple master. So customers have to pay just for the console. Although, such specialists usually have extensive experience and they always improve their skills. But you should not overpay on the first trip to the salon.

Method 5. Salon cosmetics

Do not buy care products in beauty salons, no matter what they say to you. The margin on them is huge. It is easier to photograph or remember the name, and then find the same tool on the Internet. So you will save a lot of money.

Remember that, as a rule, those who allows you to do this and do not know anything about the features of the procedures and the state of their health are deceived. Never be afraid to ask a lot of questions, even the most stupid. This will help you protect yourself from deception.

How to choose the right beauty salon so that they do not deceive?

How to choose a beauty salon?
How to choose a beauty salon?

Undoubtedly, the choice depends on many factors. For example, how much you plan to spend on yourself, and whether you are ready to go far or you need a beauty salon in walking distance. There are many other criteria, on which the final choice depends. So how to decide on him? Let's analyze several basic rules.

  • Tips for friends

The best way to search is just communication with friends. After all, they go somewhere, so why not go there. After all, a girlfriend will not advise you to advise a bad place. Although, there are such situations that a woman is moving in service and the recommended salon becomes not in status. In this case, looking for advice is in a new environment or rely on yourself.

  • Forums

You may be surprised, but you can look for recommendations on the forums. Often women leave their reviews and evaluate the salons where they visited. You can create such a discussion on your own if it is not in your city.

  • Phone calls

A good check is a call to the desired beauty salon. Communication should leave a pleasant impression. Everything should be clear and understandable, and you can also get advice on specific services and immediately make an appointment. If they talk rudely with you, they don’t explain anything, and so on, then you should refuse to go to such a place. A good salon always takes care of the professionalism of its employees.

  • The site of the beauty salon
Choosing a beauty salon: tips
Choosing a beauty salon: tips

Every good salon has its own site. It is worth looking at him too. It must be posted relevant information, as well as the price for services. On the site, you can always understand right away whether the salons are attentive to your customers. So, you can additionally find articles, tips, consultations and so on. That's just this approach and speaks of professionalism.

  • Price list

Services should be modern and even in some way unique. The normal salon should not offer a couple of ordinary types of manicure. You should offer a large selection of existing and preferably a couple of new products.

The same applies to face care. If just ordinary masks are offered, then pass by. In addition, all salons have unique offers, if you have not seen this, then you definitely should not go to such a place. In addition, diversity and uniqueness suggests that in the salon you can always try new procedures that are not anywhere.

Try to find a universal place for yourself, where there is a whole list of services you need. After all, you see, it is inconvenient to ride throughout the city for different services.

  • Atmosphere

Many women consider beauty salons not only a place where the haircut and skin care is offered, but also a good relaxing institution where you can forget about everyday life for a short while. Even 15 minutes spent inside the cabin should leave a pleasant experience and help relax. If you start to spoil your nerves from the threshold, it is better to turn around and leave. In a beauty salon, an atmosphere is always important, and not just the services themselves.

  • Sale of cosmetics
Beauty salons services
Beauty salons services

If the salon has cosmetics on sale, then this is a plus. Although we have already said that she must be more careful with her. But, you can immediately try all the products presented, and also such purchases can save time. Cosmetics is professional and you will help you choose it for your features.

  • Staff communication

When you enroll in the procedures, you should definitely name the name and qualifications of a specialist. Masters are always called by name and surname, because for them it is like a certain brand and they never hide it. Employees should also communicate with each other respect, which is a manifestation of culture.

  • Situation

A convenient and comfortable situation should be forced to come back. If you were not offered to at least sit in a comfortable chair, while the master works, then it is better to look for a new place. You should visually like the interior of the room. If, for example, it is decorated in the high-tech style, and you are far from his fan, then it is better to look for another place. According to the same principle, people always choose cafes and restaurants. Cosiness is always above all. Moreover, the equipment in the cabin should be new, and during the procedures there should not be distracted, for example, repairs or a cleaner with a rag. By the way, with regard to repairs, it is simply non -hygienic, because everything should be sterile in the cabin.

  • Purity
Cleanliness in the cabin
Cleanliness in the cabin

This is the main indicator that can push away. The main sign of purity is air. If it is clean and there are even flavorings in it, then this means that he is being watched. If the air is dry, there are some incomprehensible smells, then do not linger.

In addition, there should be no hair in the hairdressing room, smells from funds, and you should not be cold or hot. Well, no girls with a mop. A good place will never allow you to look at it. In general, trust your snooch.

  • Parking

In general, of course, this is not the main thing, but without parking is also uncomfortable. After all, the place may not be nearby and you have to throw the car, and then go to the cabin on foot. Yes, and back too.

  • Location

It is convenient for many women when a beauty salon is in walking distance. This is due to high employment at work. But, if you have enough time, then you can leave for a good service a little further than the usual one. Although this happens very rarely. Try to find a closer suitable salon so as not to be late for procedures.

  • Professional cosmetics
Cosmetics used
Cosmetics used

Be sure to pay attention to what kind of cosmetics the masters use. If these are popular brands, then this is an indicator of professionalism. Although, there are high -quality, but not promoted companies. In any case, if your cosmetics are suspicious, then you should think.

Ask the cosmetologist to talk about the brand, and if the information has not convinced you, it is better to refuse the services of such a salon. Nevertheless, customers are calmer when the brand is famous. Moreover, they make new products faster and are always able to quickly deliver products.

  • Service cost

The price is also one of the important factors. Of course, good beauty salons are expensive, but at the same time they are able to offer discounts or other options to reduce the price. Try to choose places where there are discounts, personal cards or promotions. This will allow you to periodically use some services absolutely free. After all, salons usually offer a funded discount and the more you go to them, the more your discount will turn out to be. By the way, it happens that the salons offer good discounts when visiting the cabin in the morning or during the day.

  • The level of specialists

A lot depends on them. If the beauty salon hires only qualified masters, then this indicates its high level. This is usually not hidden and certificates and diplomas will always hang in the specialist’s office. And do not be afraid to ask directly in the salon about professionalism.

  • Free consultations
Consultations in beauty salons
Consultations in beauty salons

This is a great opportunity to see how the salon works. Do not be afraid to ask for a free consultation before the procedure. If one is not provided, then this is not very good.

  • A pleasant attitude

A good salon never imposes services, but simply informs. If you begin to offer you to do something obsessively, then find yourself and say that you need only one service, and you asked the rest for reference. If after that they continue to be persuaded, then it is better to leave such a salon.

  • Professional ethics

In every good beauty salon, it is respected. Your problems should not be discussed in the presence of other people. For this, special places must be provided. Follow this, especially if you don't like this.

If you have to discuss your problems with other people, but you do not want this, then find another, more suitable place. In addition, you should not discuss competitors with you. Neither in good nor in a bad sense.

  • Comfort and pleasant sensations
Convenience of beauty salon
Convenience of beauty salon

You should be comfortable and pleasant always. Remember this. If you don’t like something, it hurts and so on, then this is an occasion to contact another salon, because no procedure should cause pain.

  • Compliance with the rights of the client

Each client has certain rights, the observance of which is the obligation of a beauty salon. Try to pay attention even to the little things in communication and then you will definitely understand that the “yours” salon:

  1. The client is not obliged to order unnecessary services to him
  2. The client is not obliged to buy cosmetics
  3. If the client does not want, then he may not speak on personal topics
  4. While the master has not started work, you can always refuse the service
  5. You can always ask and clarify some points
  6. If the client is good, then he chose the salon correctly
  7. You can clarify any information before the start of the procedure

Of course, you can behave in the cabin as you want, but within reasonable limits. You are resting here, and the rest should be comfortable.

Video: How do they deceive in beauty salons?

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  1. [url \u003d https: //] super [/url]

  2. I read the article. I already knew a lot, but a couple of dashings were straight by the discovery. That's why I have not cheated on my girls from the Beauty Room Ottenki for many years. Manicure, haircut, staining, eyelashes, cosmetologist- all of them !! And it suits me so that you don’t have to go anywhere. There is all your native)) Therefore, look for your salons, masters and be beautiful!

  3. For me, the main criterion in choosing a salon is the convenience of the location of the cabin in order to spend a minimum of time on the road, plus free parking like a bonus. I found such a beauty salon next to work- Les Mains d’or is called. I really like how all the girls work and at prices quite acceptable. I go to a manicure at lunch, and after work and for longer procedures I can go to Aida, dyeing my hair for example)) By the way, they have such chic procedures for hair, after them as in advertising, they shine straight.

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