Beauty in Japanese-the secrets of eastern skin care

Beauty in Japanese-the secrets of eastern skin care

To be beautiful even in old age, it is important to pay attention to how Japanese women care for. You will learn the most important secrets of beauty from the article.

The most successful in the fight against aging are Japanese. These women seem to have no age. Of course, one cannot exclude the genetic feature of the skin of Japanese women. However, every Japanese woman knows that to achieve such beauty results, she is helped by the regular use of special natural means and appearance care procedures.

Beauty in Japanese-the secrets of eastern skin care

Asian women have long conquered the world with their beauty and grooming. Millions of European women dream of finding out the eastern secrets of preserving youth. So what is beauty in Japanese?

Secrets of the eastern skin care:

The effect of "porcelain" skin

  • The standard of beauty for Japanese women is white clean skin. In this case, European women were more fortunate. By nature, Japanese women have a yellowish or dark skin tone.
  • The cult of the white -faced beauties So high that this definitely affects the quality of the social life of Japanese women.
White -faced
White -faced
  • In order to match the standards of beauty in Japanese, Asian people have to avoid tanning and using means to protect against ultraviolet rays. Japanese women use whitening compounds in everyday skin care not only of the face, but also of the whole body.
  • Achieve "Porcelain" skin effect Decorative cosmetics with a whitening property helps.
  • Applying rice powder to the face is one of the simplest and most affordable Asian methods of correcting the skin tone. For European women, cosmetics with a whitening effect seem strange and useless products.
  • Few European beauties know that such funds are excellent helpers in the fight against age spots, freckles and masking wrinkles well.
  • However, these cosmetic products should be used with caution. It is necessary to take into account the distinctive features of the skin of Europeans: thin, bright skin hard tolerates a high concentration of acids and other active components necessary for clarification.

Active substances included in the composition act on natural melanin and can cause burn reactions for sensitive skin.You can use such funds, no more than once a week - pointwise using problem areas.

Cleansing of the face

  • Asian skin cleaning the skin cleaning with special attention - without even using decorative cosmetics, the Japanese care carefully cleanses the skin of pollution.

The modern beauty industry in Japan, produces many facial cleaning products: gels, hydrophilic oils, foam foams, masks for deep cleaning pores, paste for exfoliating the skin, mousse, powders, napkins and cotton pads impregnated with cleaning composition.

  • All these products are used to regularly clean the skin from makeup, external contaminants and removal of a layer of dead skin cells.
  • The Japanese woman twice a day, before morning and evening washing, applies a special oil composition to the face. With his hands massage the skin for several minutes along the massage lines. Then rinses the rest of the product with water. This procedure is repeated at least three times in one wash.
Cleansing with oil
Cleansing with oil
  • It should be noted that for dry or sensitive skin Once enough. A separate place is occupied by peeling and scrubs - they are used for deeper facial cleaning.
  • Eastern beauties use this method after washing: put a clean hot towel to the face to expand the pores. After the pores opened-carefully applied to the zones of the forehead, nose and chin of peeling tools or scrub.
  • Light Massage movements are rubbed by abrasive particles of the product in the face in the direction of massage lines. The remains Rinse with cool water.
  • Wide popularity in the field beauties in Japanese I purchased a special purification powder. It exists two types: with enzymes - for oily skin and without abrasive particles - for sensitive skin. Such powder can be used in its pure form, as well as enrich them with washing products.

Washing with decoctions of herbs and rice water

  • Asian beauties occupies a special role in everyday care washing water, enriched with different healing decoctions and tinctures.
  • Japanese women add fresh plants and flowers, as well as natural decoctions: roses, lotus, kelp, peony, lilies, green tea.
  • Classic tool To care for the face is rice water. Raw rice is soaked in clean water, the formed white water is merged into a separate container and is used for its intended purpose.
Washing with rice water
Washing with rice water
  • Rice tincture - perfectly tones and evens out the tone of the skin, narrows dilated pores and saturates the skin with vitamins E, C, B. Such water can be washed not only the face and body, but also hair: use hair instead of air conditioning.
  • Based on rice water and clay powder, Japanese women make masks for the face. Rice water is contained in every house of the Eastern beauty - this is the main cosmetic product.

Toning agents

  • Before the testament stage, after cleaning and washing, the Japanese processes the prepared skin of the face tonic or lotion. This is a very important step in the beauty ritual for Japanese women, which they never miss.
  • And if you adhere to the system beauties in Japanese In skin care, then you should definitely stock up on such means.
  • The tonic composition removes the remnants of cleaning products, closes the pores, moisturizes and soothes the skin. In addition to standard tonic fluids, there are masks-glidethat do not contain aggressive substances and alcohol. They look like a transparent, liquid consistency gel, with a moisturizing effect.
  • Any of these products is applied to the skin using cotton disks. Japanese women believe that this is the most delicate for the skin.
  • In addition, women often leave the disks moistened with the composition for some time on the skin - using them instead of a mask refreshing their face.

Creams, serums for rejuvenation

  • The final step is - application of anti -aging serum and cream to the skin of the face. These funds, Japanese women are selected based on the individual characteristics of their skin and age threshold.
  • Japanese cosmetologists do not recommend using creams and serums with the effect of rejuvenation to women who have reached the age of thirty.
  • Young girls, it is better to limit themselves to the following stages of procedures: cleaning, treating the face with tonic and moisturizing the skin with light cream or gel.
  • Asian after 30 years Actively use serums in a complex application with cream.

The serum has a composition enriched with useful substances - it enhances the effect of the cream on the skin and helps it better penetrate the epidermis.

  • It should be applied before using the cream. It is believed that it is at this moment that the skin receives all the beneficial substances for rejuvenation.
  • It is allowed to add serum to the cream, if it allows the manufacturer's instructions. Eastern women like to apply creams to the skin, which contain natural oils and components.
  • The recent sensational favorites in Japanese cosmetology steel snail mucus -based creams. These products have the ability to improve the process of epidermal regeneration, as well as moisturize the skin up to 95%.
  • Among the Asians, creams are also popular, which are added bee and snake poisons. Such components in a low concentration help maintain skin tone and actively fight with manifestations of facial wrinkles, thanks to tightening properties.
  • On the shelves of Japanese cosmetic stores, you can find creams whose ingredients contain the most exotic components that are not characteristic of the European manufacturer.
  • But this is preciselyeastern cosmetics are in spruce - Japanese women are strictly monitored by the quality of products from manufacturers, giving preference to the naturalness of the composition.

Anti -aging nutrition

  • Do not forget that the real beauty of a woman is formed from the inside. In order to maintain youth, it is necessary to take care of not only your appearance, but also monitor health.
  • Japanese women know a lot about this - among them there are many centenarians, as well as those who, until old age, lead an active lifestyle. The reason for this is the regular use of fish and seafood, green tea, rice, soy and vegetables.
  • Japanese foods contain a large number of antioxidants, rich in iodine and useful fats. All these components prevent aging. Animals and dairy fats are present in the diet extremely rarely - in small quantities. Japanese women cook i am a couple of food. Instead of mayonnaise, plant or fish sauces are used.
Beautiful view is the key to many factors
Beautiful view is the key to many factors
  • Asian people eat little, but they drink a lot of water - up to 2 liters per day. Of the drinks, they give preference to all types of herbal and green teas. Separately, it is worth saying about hydrogen water, which is the main source beauties in Japanese. This amazing liquid has a thousand -year history.
  • Water appears from natural sources, its hydrogen rich in the composition protects collagen and helps to maintain the youth of the body. Hydrogen water stops oxidation processes, regulates blood sugar, improves digestion, removes toxins from the body. Using the hydrogen composition of water for the manufacture of anti -aging cosmetics.
  • Cosmetic products based on hydrogen water They are more actively reaction with the skin, helping it better to absorb beneficial substances. It should be noted that hydrogen water has become a favorite drink of the Japanese imperial dynasty.

Face massage procedures

  • Women in Japan are ardent fans of massage techniques. Massage of the front zone occurs constantly: during washing, in the process of applying cosmetics and even at the time of removal of makeup.

Japanese women are sure that the active stimulation of individual points improves the outflow of lymph and blood circulation, rejuvenating the skin.

  • Also effective massage with a stream of water - It helps tone the skin, restores elasticity and elasticity, removes swelling. Among the beauties of the East, the techniques of a tightening massage for the face are common.
  • Thanks to these methods, in Europe appeared facewilding - Gymnastics for the face, the art of which was owned by Japanese geisha.
  • Using Japanese massage techniques every day, keep the skin of the face in good shape, do not allow the facial muscles to become flabby and suspend aging processes.

Sleep and struggle with stress

  • The attitude towards sleep and the rest of the eastern women is special, Japanese are trying avoid stressful situations and overwork, Since they believe that these are the main enemies of beauty.
  • Take stress and fatigue Long walks help, cycling. For more active women - martial arts. Often, classes take place in the fresh air - saturation of the body with oxygen, helps in the fight against insomnia.
  • Since childhood, little Japanese girls have been accustomed to stretching the muscles of the body, every woman supports this elasticity throughout life. To relieve emotional stress, the Japanese woman makes exercises for stretching muscles.
Japanese beauty
Japanese beauty
  • It is believed that such static exercises favorably act not only on muscle tone, but also soothe the nervous system - include natural levers of restoration of the body. Active sport is not as popular among Japanese women as spiritual practices and relaxation sessions.

The philosophy of beauty is Japanese

  • The key rule of appearance for Japanese women is regular compliance with a complex, phased ritual of care Behind the face and body.
  • Japanese women realize that this process is long. To look perfectly necessary to devote time to your body and health and not neglect the basic requirements.
  • For Japanese beauties, regular care is not just a routine process, but a philosophy of life. The eastern woman knows how to remain calm, while eagerly achieves results throughout her entire existence.
the beauty
the beauty

The philosophy of beauty in Japanese is to preserve the appearance granted to nature-not to clog the body with harmful substances throughout life. Then, to maintain beauty and youth, a minimum of energy will require.

Video: Secrets of Japanese beauties

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  1. I think that Japanese departure, that not ... The most important thing is to help the skin and hair from the inside, feeding them. I accept for this collagen sea from Evalar. He has good bioavailability and high dosage. I try to eat right, I go to biorevitalization. I look younger than my years and it encourages))

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