Useful tips and folk recipes for health and beauty for every day: for skin, hair, nails, stomach and pancreas, joints, vision, brain - how to preserve youth, get rid of stress and insomnia?

Useful tips and folk recipes for health and beauty for every day: for skin, hair, nails, stomach and pancreas, joints, vision, brain - how to preserve youth, get rid of stress and insomnia?

In the article you will find useful and simple recipes for beauty and health.

Tips for the health and beauty of the skin

The skin protects our body, and we must protect and take care of it. There are many simple, but effective ways that will help maintain skin health.

  • Tan is fashionable, but not always useful. If you take care of your skin, do not sunbathe in the peak of solar activity from 11 to 16 hours. And also always use sunscreen.
  • Limit the use of decorative cosmetics. Upon arrival home right away clean the skinShe should breathe.
  • If there are acne and acne on the skin, never crush them. Counting acne should be dealt with by civilized methods. From folk remedies help tea tree oil, calendula tincture, celandine.
  • The use of sweets and a variety of unhealthy foods negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Moisturize The skin from the inside and outside. Drink 2 liters of water daily, no more. To moisturize the skin on the outside, use good creams.
  • The first skin will tell you how a woman cares for herself and give out age. Do warm periodically nourishing baths For the skin of hands with lemon, olive oil, glycerin.
  • Pre -scroll the skin of the hands. Good for this is suitable coffee grounds or grinded sea salt.
  • To cleanse the skin, do not use washcloths, brushes and scrubs every day. Especially for sensitive skin.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals, for example, detergents, powders. During cleaning rubber gloves. Thoroughly tumble out bedding and clothes.
The beauty and health of the skin

Tips for health and beauty of nails

Important: beautiful and healthy nails are not just a good manicure and design. The nail plate especially needs care if you constantly build up nails or do shellac.

  • The bath will help strengthen the nails with the addition of a few drops to warm water iodine and lemon.
  • If the nails are laying, steam them regularly in water with the addition sea \u200b\u200bsalt.
  • A decoction of herbs will help to solve the problem. Brew such herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort and burdock root. When the decoction has cooled, lower your hands there. This recipe is also good for the skin of the hands.
  • In front of bedtime, rub with massage movements into the nails and the skin around vitamin A and E.
  • Olive oil and lemon Help when laying nails. First, heat a little olive oil, add a few drops of the lemon and lower your fingers there. In the microwave, olive oil cannot be warm, only in a water bath.
  • Do not use metal files For nails.
  • If the nails are very fragile, apply to them base with protein.
  • So that there are no ingrown nails, cut the nails correctly, cut the nails directly on the legs, do not cut the corners. Do not cut the nails to the base on your hands, saw the nails with a file.
  • Eat products useful for nails. These are nuts (any), milk, eggs, coconut oil, red fish.
  • Pay attention to the holes at the base of the nails. White, even holes are talking about good health. But if the holes faded, yellow or completely disappeared, this may indicate a deterioration in health. The faded holes on the thumbs give out smokers and talk about problems in the lungs, yellow holes indicate problems with the liver. Sinova speaks of heart problems.
Beauty and health of nails

Hair Health and Beauty Tips

  • The key to the health of hair is clean and correctly selected products for cleansing and care. Ask your hairdresser to help you choose shampoo and balm.
  • One of the main reasons hair loss It is stress and chronic fatigue. Try to solve this problem if it is relevant for you.
  • Beneficially, simple and affordable masks affect the scalp and the condition of the hair: onion, egg. Decoctions of burdock root, nettles.
  • You can’t do without a hair dryer if you need to quickly dry your hair. If you are in no hurry, do not use a hairdryer. But if you can’t do without it, be sure to use thermal protection for hair.
  • Do it dry mustard maskdiluted with water to a gruel -shaped state. Apply once a week for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair. The hair will become luxurious in 1 month.
  • Burr oil - The old and well -known way to make hair stronger.
  • Rub burdock oil 2 times a week for 2-3 months. Put on a hat on top, then wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Castor oil Promotes hair growth.
  • Rinse your hair with warm boiled water with a small amount apple vinegar. The hair will become shiny.
  • Swim tips on the ends regularly, then the hair will look well -groomed and healthy.
Hair beauty and health

Tips for getting rid of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis causes a lot of pain, troubles, prevents us normally live. To alleviate the condition, try drinking such tinctures:

  • From black radish. Mix a glass of black radish juice with a glass of honey, 0.5 cups of vodka, 1 tbsp. Salt. Mix the mixture and take a small glass for the night. You can rub painful areas with a mixture.
  • From celery. Mix one tablespoon of crushed celery with two glasses of boiling water, let the mixture brew. Then the decoction is filtered and taken by a spoon before each meal, no more than 4 times a day.
  • From the grass of yarrow. In 1 glass of boiling water, brew Art. l. Dry grass of yarrow. Insist the mixture exactly 1 hour. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  • From bay leaf. 1 tsp Pour chopped bay leaves with a glass of boiling water. Insist on warmth for several hours. Then drink the resulting dose for 12 hours. Do this for 4 days.
  • From aspirin. Grind 10 aspirin tablets, pour a glass of vodka. Insist the solution for 2 days. The tablets do not completely dissolve. Apply a moistened gauze bandage to the patients from osteochondrosis to places.

They also help with osteochondrosis exercises.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

Video: How to cure osteochondrosis?

Tips for good sleep and get rid of insomnia

  • To fall asleep faster, drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed with half a teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • Instead of nutmeg, you can add honey to milk, tasty and healthy.
  • With insomnia, the infusion of such herbs helps: motherwort, valerian, thyme, rosehip, blackberry.
  • A mixture of five tinctures - eucalyptus, motherwort, peony, valerian, peppermint. Mix all tinctures in one bowl, add 10 clove columns. Close the container tightly and insist it for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. The course of admission is 1 month.
  • Honey with viburnum helps in neurotic conditions, with insomnia and irritation.
  • Put the geranium flower in the bedroom, it has a calming effect, strengthens the nervous system.
  • If you cannot fall asleep, try to count from 500 to 0.
  • If you woke up at night and worry that tomorrow is to work, and you have not got enough sleep, do not look at the alarm clock. It is proven that then to fall asleep even more difficult. Remove the phone away from the bed so as not to worry about time.
  • The walking walk before going to bed helps to relax and fall asleep faster.
  • If the cause of your insomnia is coffee, replace it with another useful drink - chicory.

You can read even more tips on how to establish a dream and quickly fall asleep this article.

A good dream is the key to health

Health and beauty tips: folk recipes for various diseases

  • To get rid of abscesses, boils, abscesses, burns, wounds, cuts and many other violations will help simple ointment. Pour 1 cup of vegetable oil (refined) into an enameled pan, add a piece of natural bee wax the size of a matchbox. Put the pan on the stove so that the wax melts. Gradually enter half the boiled yolk. Store such an ointment in the refrigerator.
  • At menstrual pain The mixture of 1 tbsp. Aloe juice with a drop of black ground pepper.
  • Also, menstrual pain helps to calm the cinnamon.
  • Get rid of strong cough Black radish will help. Cut the hole in the radish, pour honey there. Heat a radish in a pan until the juice isolated. Then take honey with juice 1 tsp. before eating. Soon the cough will become productive and pass.
  • Cure varicose veins Garlic with butter will help. Grind the cleansed garlic teeth and mix them with softened oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Rub this mixture into sore areas at night. In order not to dirty the bed, wrap your legs with an elastic bandage.
  • If you are often sick sore throats, rinse the throat with celandine infusion and chamomile.
  • At pain in the throat Keep small pieces of propolis in your mouth.
  • If you jump out barley, in no case squeeze it out. Attach a gauze warm bandage soaked in a decoction of dill seeds to the barley.
  • At periodontal disease It is recommended to chew honey in honeycombs.
  • Get rid of dermatitis A mixture of parsley and garlic will help.
Folk recipes for health

Tips for the health of the stomach and pancreas

Important: with frequent stress, malnutrition, treatment with antibiotics, internal organs suffer.

To establish the work of the stomach, the pancreas will help such folk methods:

  • Freshly squeezed juice of beets, carrots, apple. It is recommended to drink such juice in the morning before eating, it is important to drink it immediately after cooking.
  • In diseases of the pancreas, it helps well oatmeal. It is recommended to eat porridge for breakfast, but you can also drink infusion from oatmeal. To do this, pure pure with boiling water, insisted, then taken half a glass per day.
  • Young aspen bark Pour water, then boil for 30 minutes, let it brew 12 hours and take a small glass twice a day.
  • A decoction of aspen bark helps to cleanse the pancreas and normalize the work of the stomach and liver.
  • To cleanse the body from toxins will help buckwheat flour. 1 tbsp. l. Grind buckwheat, pour 200 ml of kefir, leave it overnight. In the morning, drink the mixture on an empty stomach.
  • Do not abuse alcohol, which destructively acts on all internal organs. Arrange unloading days, minimize the use of fatty, spicy, salt food.
  • Potato juice Helps with pancreatitis. Two potatoes must be thoroughly washed and squeeze the juice without cleansing them. Then it is recommended to take the juice half a glass of 2 weeks.

Video: How to improve the digestive tract?

Tips to improve brain function

If you want the memory to become better, brain activity increases, follow these tips:

  • Eat every day 1 clove of garlic with 1 tsp. honey.
  • Eat a small handful daily walnuts or pistachios.
  • Improve cerebral circulation helps warm bath with rosehip roots.
  • Drink green tea.
  • Cleaning the vessels of the brain will help a mixture of onion juice and honey. Mix one glass of these ingredients and use 3 times a day on a tablespoon before meals. The course is 3 months.
  • Massage the fingertips, this has a beneficial effect on the brain.
  • Drink on a glass of milk with a pinch of cardamom daily.

You can improve the functioning of the brain by training its work daily. For example:

  1. Solve crosswords, puzzles.
  2. Learn to print blindly.
  3. The game of chess helps well.
  4. Listen to music.
  5. Give every day time to visualize plans.
  6. Consider money without a calculator. When paying in the store, calculate the amount of change in the mind.
  7. Develop your vocabulary, reading helps well.
  8. Do physical exercises.
  9. Communicate with people different from your views on life.
  10. Travel, get acquainted with new people and another way of life.
Brain health exercises

Joint health tips

Important: if you do not want to have sore joints in old age, take care of a prevention in youth.

  • Use products rich calcium. This is cottage cheese, yogurt, spinach, milk.
  • Do not forget about vitamin D. Calcium absorption occurs with vitamin D. You can get this vitamin, being under sunlight 10-15 minutes a day. This is enough to get the daily vitamin norm. However, the sun is not always available. Therefore, you can get vitamin D using egg yolk, shrimp, tuna.
  • Sport helps to preserve muscle tissue, so do the right look sports - Walking, swimming, running, fitness.
  • Reduce coffee. US scientists have proved that daily use of more than 2 cups of coffee leads to the destruction of bone tissue.

If growths appear on the joints, such folk remedy:

  1. Dissolve 5 aspirin tablets in 10 ml of iodine.
  2. With this mixture, lubricate the growths before bedtime and put on warm gloves or socks.

If the joints hurt, it will help infusion of rosehip roots:

  • To prepare the infusion, you need to dig the roots of the rosehip, wash it, cut. After that, you can brew tea, you can not boil, just simmer for a long time over low heat. It is advisable to drink before eating half a glass.

Video: Exercises for removing joint pain

Health and Beauty Tips: We remove fatigue and stress

  • To relax after a busy day will help combing. Sit comfortably in the chair, take a soft massage comb and spend it 100 times through the hair. During this time, the voltage will go away, you will relax.
  • Accept warm shower After returning home from work. Or make a bath with aromatic dishes.
  • Do it yourself or with the help of a loved one acupressure. Massage your palms, ears, face, shoulders.
  • Distracting from unpleasant thoughts will help cleaning the house. In addition, the type of clean, cleaned room will help to put everything in the heads in the head.
  • Listen relaxing music. In addition, you can dance. Dancing help relieve tension and stress.
  • Take a walk alone or with a loved one. Admire nature, not particularly urgent affairs for later.
  • Avoid excessive loads at work. Try not to devote too much time to work, constant loads lead to fatigue, which accumulates and develops into a chronic form.
  • Try not to pay attention to minor troubles. If this trouble can be ignored, do it and forget it.
  • Do not try drown out depression And relieve fatigue with alcohol. You can drink some cognac or wine for relaxation, but you should not drink too much. This will not relieve problems and add trouble.
  • Drink herbal teas With Valerian, mint, chamomile.
How to relieve stress - tips

Tips for preserving youth

Proper nutrition will help to preserve youth:

  • Take a rule to eat a bunch of greenery once a week. It can be parsley, dill, onion, salad.
  • Eat vegetables, fruits and berries regularly.
  • Make your diet varied.
  • In the morning, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning.
  • In the evening, drink a glass of kefir.

Products for youth:

  1. Fish
  2. Carrot
  3. Pumpkin
  4. Beet
  5. Turmeric
  6. Sesame
  7. Lentils
  8. Cabbage
  9. Apples
  10. Olive oil
  11. Avocado

To the body remained young for a long time, get rid of bad habits - stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Instead, devote time to your health, go in for sports, go in the fresh air daily, drink a lot of clean water.

It is important to preserve youth to have healthy mind. To do this, improve, become kinder, say goodbye and yourself, do not envy, help weak and need, devote time to thoughts about our purpose in this world.

How to preserve youth - tips

Health and beauty tips: maintaining and restoring vision

  • A modern person spends a lot of time at the monitor. In order not to spoil vision, a warm -up for the eyes should be done.
  • Daily gymnastics will help improve visual acuity, relieve tension, and prevent vision.
  • To work at the computer, put on special glasses.
  • Enrich your diet with such products as carrots, fish, nuts, greens, blueberries. They contain vitamin A, which is very important for good vision.
  • If you often feel fatigue and dry eyes, use moisturizing drops.
  • Do not use the old cosmetics, which can cause irritation and eye allergy.
  • Follow your blood pressure.
  • In sunny weather, put on not just darkened glasses, but with a good level of protection.
  • Check your vision regularly, even if you do not wear glasses. At a young age, it is enough to check vision every 2 years. If there are problems with vision, it is advisable to check vision once a year.

Take care of your health with a young man, because it is so easy to lose. We hope that our tips will help you follow your health and keep it in good shape.

Video: How to restore vision?

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Comments K. article

  1. I think another integral part to maintain beauty and health is properly selected kindergarten. I’m drinking polyvitamins, omega 3-6-9 Evalarovskaya and collagen courses. And I can say that hair, skin and nails are in excellent condition ... And I don’t complain about health. So these funds also play an important role)

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