Itching for varicose veins: ointments, treatment, folk remedies

Itching for varicose veins: ointments, treatment, folk remedies

If you are worried about itching for varicose veins, then it is necessary to eliminate it. Read more about treatment in the article.

Varicose veins They call a systemic disease that occurs against the background of deformation, loss of elasticity, abnormal lengthening and reducing the throughput of venous valves. The “culprits” of varicose veins are numerous factors - genetic predisposition, excessive legs loads, unbalanced nutrition and irregular lifestyle, bad habits, chronic diseases and much more.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "sclerotherapy of veins". You will learn how to get rid of varicose veins without surgery.

Often, itching occurs with varicose veins. How to get rid of it? What treatment helps? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins: the specifics of the disease

Symptoms of varicose veins
Symptoms of varicose veins

The mechanism of development of varicose veins is as follows:

  • Due to the fact that the venous valves under the influence of a number of factors cannot cope with their main functional task - “distillation” of blood throughout the body, the fluid stagnates in the lower extremities.
  • It presses on the vascular walls - those, in turn, continue to stretch, deform, lengthen, lose elasticity.

The modified vessels squeeze the nerve fibers, which is why patients with varicose veins face pain in the legs (under load, in a static position) and other symptoms:

  • Swelling.
  • A sensation of burning, tingling, bastards in the foci of defeat.
  • Heaviness in the legs - increases in the afternoon.
  • Quick fatigue.
  • The appearance of a visible grid of veins (blue, blue) and individual vascular stars.
  • Skin changes in the foci of varicose veins - it becomes thickened, rough, begins to peel off, covers various kinds of rashes, and trophic ulcers are formed.

The specifics of this disease are such that its course is certainly accompanied by systemic manifestations:

  • Deterioration of well -being
  • Dyspnea
  • Tachycardia
  • Weakness throughout the body
  • Apathy or irritability

During periods of exacerbation of pathology, body temperature can rise. Therefore, it is important to pass in a timely manner diagnosis of varicose veins and start treatment. Below even more useful information. Read further.

Itching of the skin of the legs for varicose veins: why does it appear?

Itching, burning in the legs with varicose veins is a common phenomenon. There are many causes of this symptom. Itching is determined by the pathological changes that occur in the vessels, soft tissues with stagnation in the lower extremities.

Why are your legs itching with varicose veins:

  • Invested in size, deformed veins are squeezed (displaced under the skin) capillaries, they “hurt” the nerve fibers.
  • The skin in the foci affected by varicose veins is exhausted, drained, does not receive all the necessary nutrients that are important for its adequate functioning. It begins to peel off (epidermal cells die), itching occurs.

These are the most basic causes of itching for varicose veins. Below even more useful information. Read further.

Itching with varicose veins on the legs: symptoms

Itching with varicose veins on the legs
Itching with varicose veins on the legs

Typically, patients face burning, tingling, excessive dryness and peeling of the skin in the affected areas. Over time, the affected epidermis becomes dark brown, can be hyperemic.

As varicose veins develops on the legs, itching complements the following manifestations - symptoms:

  • Rashes according to the type of eczema, which also itch in varicose areas.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Trophic disorders.
  • Dermatitis of various etiologies.
  • Poorly healing wounds of different sizes, localized in various parts of the lower extremities.
  • Violation of metabolic processes, the development of inflammation.

The fact that the veins are itching can eventually lead to the appearance of combs, ulcers, small wounds. These skin defects, due to congestion, are poorly healing and can hardly lend themselves to drug correction.

Itching of the legs with varicose veins - what to do, how to remove: treatment, ointments

What to do if the course of varicose veins is accompanied by itching? What to do, how to remove? An unpleasant symptom can be eliminated using medicines (conservative therapy).

So, with itching, patients are prescribed this treatment - funds:

  • Antihistamines (anti -allergic) drugs - diazolin, phenystil, tracksil, Letizen.
  • Sedative medicines (soothe) - pharmacy alcohol tinctures of motherwort, valerian, Novopassit.
  • Local wound healing compounds, ointments are a rescuer, Eplan, Panthenol.
  • Antratromboids.

Conservative items of itching for varicose veins should certainly be supplemented by the torture compression knitwear and hypoallergenic gentle diet.

Folk remedies for itching varicose veins: recipes

Folk remedies for itching varicose veins
Folk remedies for itching varicose veins

Folk remedies for itching varicose veins help when the main treatment prescribed by a doctor has been completed. Often in addition to medicines and ointments, doctors add drugs from traditional medicine. How to treat itching with varicose veins with folk remedies? Here are recipes:

Infusion of hop cones:

  • 2 tbsp. Pour the cones of the hop (chopped) with a glass of water, send on a small fire.
  • Boil 20-25 minutes.
  • After that, remove the container with the decoction from the stove, send it to the table to infuse.
  • After half an hour, strain the composition and take according to this scheme: 3-4 times a day/1 tbsp. l.

Tincture with Kalanchoe:

  • Pour chopped kalanchoe leaves into a half -liter jar, pour medical alcohol.
  • Cover this glass container tightly. Send to a dark cool room for a period of 6 to 11 days.
  • By readiness, the tincture is used as follows: rub the itching areas of the legs (avoid large nodes) several times a day into varicose veins with light massage movements.

Tincture with chestnut flowers:

  • 50 g of dry chestnut flowers Pour 500 ml medical alcohol.
  • Send for three weeks to insist in a dark cool place.
  • By readiness, strain the medicine, take it like this: 25-35 drops/3-4 times a day (orally). The optimal duration of treatment - up to a month and a half.

By the way, you can rub the sick and itchy places on the legs tincture. Do this every day at night, for a month. Then repeat the course of treatment.

Video: a simple folk method of treating varicose veins

Food and diet with itching for varicose veins

Food and diet with itching for varicose veins
Food and diet with itching for varicose veins

To cope with itching with varicose veins, it is necessary, among other things, to adjust your daily diet. This is what the food should be:

  • Enter food products with a high content of zinc, magnesium, vitamins of groups E, C, P - Greens, carrots, apples, mushrooms and other plant foods. Vegetable oils are also useful, in small quantities and unrefined - olive, coconut, etc.
  • Increase the daily rate of fluid consumption to 3 liters. Preference should be given to herbal teas, fresh juices, compotes without sugar from dried fruits, mineral water without gas.
  • It is recommended to refuse harmful food - acute, fatty, overly salted and acute foods, smoked meats, pastries, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

It is noteworthy that the task of dietotherapy for varicose veins is not only to minimize the risk of allergicization of the body (one of the causes of itching), but also in a decrease in body weight, and, therefore, a decrease in the functional load on the already expanded, deformed vessels.

Read more read about the treatment of varicose veins at home in another article on our website. You will learn about folk remedies, dietary supplements, etc.

It is important to understand that itching is just a symptom that signals pathological processes in veins and soft tissues. Fighting him independently is useless, it is necessary to organize the complex therapy of varicose veins and this feature, like others, will gradually disappear. Good luck!

Video: severe itching on the leg, red spots, eczema for varicose veins

Video: Dangerous products for varicose veins. Phlebologist. Moscow. Varicose veins

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Comments K. article

  1. I was well helped to prevent varicose veins for veins of horse force with chestnut and leech, it also cools perfectly

  2. During eating, I always take a lady more formula than multivitamins. There is not only D, but also zinc with vitamin C, which enhances the positive effect on immunity. +thistle, echinacea for the normal hormonal background. Take a note. It will be useful for many, I think so)

  3. my sister had varicose veins, she treated him with folk remedies and some doubtful drugs after use of which after a week became worse. I turned to the doctor there the doctor prescribed Gel Gerudex, but she still decided and do exercises against varicose veins. It helped her.

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