Causes and ways to eliminate convex veins on the body. What is varicose veins, how to treat it with medication and folk remedies, the prevention of the disease

Causes and ways to eliminate convex veins on the body. What is varicose veins, how to treat it with medication and folk remedies, the prevention of the disease

In this article, we will consider how to get rid of convex veins and for what reasons such a symptom occurs.

Sometimes in a very short time the human body is “covered” with bright and swollen veins. In addition to a non -quite aesthetic species, this phenomenon can bring other problems, which, by the way, are much more serious than an ugly body.

The causes of swollen veins are completely different, but it is worthwhile to understand that in any case, such a phenomenon should be examined by a phlebologist.

Convex veins all over the body: Reasons

Sometimes in appearance in an absolutely healthy person convex veins begin to appear all over the body. Most often, such veins become visible on the legs and hands, however, the chest and neck can also become the place of their leakage.

The reasons why veins become visible on the human body are quite a lot. The most distributed of them are:

  • Heredity. Sometimes convex and bright veins are inherited. This phenomenon can be observed due to too thin skin. Most often, inherited, such a tendency is transmitted to people with a thin physique, that is, to those who do not have many subcutaneous fat. The same can be said about the "sinewy" people. Often their veins are very bright, convex and well visible under the skin.
It may be hereditary
It may be hereditary
  • Age. With age, the skin becomes less elastic, thinner and dry. It is because of this that veins begin to stand out more noticeably on the arms and legs of a person. If you notice such changes in the body and at the same time they do not cause you inconvenience and pain, you should not worry particularly.
  • Weather. High air temperature affects the work of blood vessels and their appearance. Under the influence of heat, the vessels expand, as a result of this, blood circulates much faster and the veins begin to swell and appear.
  • Physical activity and hard physical work. Very often, veins begin to appear with athletes who are engaged in heavy sports, for people who actively work with their hands, for example, plant a garden, raise weights, work massage therapists, etc. Due to the performance of such work, small folds appear on their hands, which over time, which eventually They become deeper and squeeze our muscles. Due to compression of the muscles, blood circulation and, accordingly, the nutrition of the skin in this place is disturbed. The skin becomes thin, dry and veins begin to appear through it.
Vienna appear
Vienna appear
  • Varicose veins. Another reason for bright emerging veins can be such an ailment as varicose veins. As a result of this ailment, nodes form in the veins, due to which blood cannot circulate normally and it turns out to be stagnated. In the place where such stagnation occurs, veins are experienced, due to which their walls are stretched, filled with blood, swell and appear through the skin.
  • In children veins can be very noticeable and swollen due to such an illness as venous dysplasia. The disease is congenital, however, sometimes does not appear immediately after birth. Signs of such an ailment can be not only too noticeable veins, but also vascular spots on the child’s body, pain in the legs, especially after walks, etc. In this case, you need to immediately contact a specialist and take all further actions only under his control .

Eliminate convex veins on the body: physiological characteristics and physical activity

If bright veins, which are acting through the skin, are a consequence of excessive physical activity and physiological characteristics, that is, heredity, then they, as a rule, do not need medical treatment.

In this case, it will be more appropriate to eliminate convex veins as follows:

  • Reduce the load on the legs and arms. If you play sports or visit the gym, temporarily suspend classes.
  • Give preference to shoes without heels, but do not go to a flat sole. It is best to find out the exact reason to wear shoes on a small stable wedge.
  • Correct your nutrition, especially the amount of water consumed.
  • Rejoice your body, including arms and legs, with a contrasting shower and massage. These procedures will help relieve fatigue from the limbs, slightly relieve swelling and eliminate pain.
Convex veins can be eliminated
Convex veins can be eliminated
  • It is important to understand that it is impossible to independently determine the state of the veins and the reason why they began to swell and bulge. Therefore, with such a phenomenon, you need to consult a phlebology specialist or at least contact the therapist.

Varicose veins is the main reason for noticeable veins on the body: causes

As already mentioned earlier, most often the veins are “poured” and appear through the skin due to such a disease as varicose veins. The causes of this ailment may be different. Among the most commonly found, they distinguish:

  • Heredity. Sometimes the walls of the veins can be weak due to poor heredity. A person whose relatives had a similar ailment is more subject to the fact that he himself will become ill than one person whose relatives did not suffer from such a disease.
  • Bearing a child. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, and this, in turn, contributes to the fact that the veins lose their elasticity. Vienna also suffer during childbirth, because at this moment they experience tremendous pressure.
It happens after pregnancy
It happens after pregnancy
  • Narrow clothes and shoes. Pressing pants, narrow, small or too high heels shoes - all these are factors that can provoke the appearance of convex veins.
  • Sedentary, standing work. Work that requires you to stay in the same position also contributes to the appearance of varicose veins, since the legs are all the time in tension. The same can be said about the hands. People who are difficult and work a lot with their hands often face similar problems.
  • Excessive physical activity. Here we are talking about strength sports and unjustified physical exertion. Varicosis will not be long in coming if you overload your arms and legs overly, especially for people who also have a predisposition to this ailment.
From excessive activity
From excessive activity
  • Age. With age, veins lose their elasticity and elasticity, the load on the limbs becomes more, so the veins can bulge.
  • Improper nutrition. The risk of earn varicose veins is higher in those people who eat incorrectly and, as a result, have extra kg.

Varicose veins: treatment with drugs and folk remedies, surgery for varicose veins, non -surgical treatment

Varicosis refers to cured ailments, especially when it comes to varicose veins in the stage, the so -called compensation, that is, the stage at which venous changes are not yet critical.

In the early stages of the disease, they do not resort to surgical intervention, prefer non -surgical medical treatment in combination with or without folk remedies.

  • As a rule, experts prescribe venotonic, hemorrodic and anti -inflammatory drugs. Venotonizing agents help improve the state of blood vessels, normalize blood circulation in them. Semolinating agents dilute blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. Well, anti -inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation.
We treat varicose veins
We treat varicose veins

Traditional medicine recommends treating varicose veins with tincture of horse chestnut, exhausts of garlic and lemon, honey, hops, anti -valuable tea:

  • Horse chestnut tincture You can do this: take 30 g of horse chestnut colors and pour 300 g of alcohol. Close a jar/bottle, put it away from sunlight and insist 2 weeks, shaking the container daily. Then pass the liquid through a sieve and consume 1 tsp. Three times a day before meals, washed down with water. The course of treatment consists of 7 days, then you should take a break for 14 days, and then continue treatment.
  • To make a folk medicine from lemon and garlic, pass through a meat grinder 3 pcs. lemon and 3 cloves of garlic. Put the resulting mixture in a 3-liter glass container and pour warm boiled water into it (to the top of the jar). Hold the infusion in a cool place for 3 days, strain and use 2 tbsp. l. Three times a day. In the absence of side effects, increase the amount of medicine used to 50-100 ml per 1 intake.
  • Anti -varicose tea It is necessary to buy only at the pharmacy. There you can also consult a pharmacist on how to properly brew and drink this tea.
  • Honey For varicose veins, use externally. It is necessary to take a shower, and then apply a little honey to the problem areas, wait 10-15 minutes. And wash off the sweetness. At the same time, keep in mind that some people may have an allergy to this product.
  • Hop It is also sold in pharmacies. It can be bought in dry form, after you need to brew raw materials and drink tea according to the instructions.
  • The non -surgical method is sclerotherapy. This procedure allows you to remove the sick vein without surgical intervention. A medicine is introduced into the vein with the help of the needle, which stops the bloodstream through it and over time it atrophies and resolves. The advantage of this method is that by conducting it, the patient does not need to go to the hospital and change his usual way of life. The disadvantage can be called the duration of the procedure, as a rule, the full course of treatment is at least 1 year.
  • Hirudotherapy. Varicosis is also treated with leeches. Leeches produce girudin. This substance, falling into the blood of a person, dilutes it, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • You can also treat the disease by resorting to the help of the most modern technology - laser coagulation of varicose veins.
  • And only if not one of the above methods did not help or did not fit, does the doctor recommend that the patient perform an operation to remove varicose veins. This procedure is considered the least gentle, but almost the most effective.

Prevention of varicose veins

Such a dangerous and not very aesthetic ailment can be prevented by following these recommendations:

  • Wear only comfortable shoes. Do not buy narrow, unstable shoes, small shoes.
  • Wear clothes that do not squeeze your body too much, especially legs and arms.
  • If you lead a sedentary or standing lifestyle, do not neglect daily exercises and physical activity. Swimming, non -inexpensive walks will benefit you.
  • Give your weight to normal, change the daily routine, give the body time for a good rest.
  • If you know about a tendency to varicose veins, be sure to visit a phlebologist from time to time.
Correct shoes are important
Correct shoes are important

Conventional veins, which are acting through the skin, are not only not very beautiful, but sometimes dangerous for your health. Do not ignore such signals of your body, immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct the necessary research and select the most suitable treatment method.

Video: What to do if the veins are visible in hand?

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  1. During pregnancy, I was very afraid that the veins would get out. For prevention, she smeared her legs with a gel for veins with a chestnut and leech of the horsepower and compression stockings wore stockings.

  2. valery, 17 years old. Recently I ran into pain and edema of my legs, thought it was because of the gym, but no, it turned out to be varicose veins. He threw sports for a short while, began to be treated with chestnut and gerudex, after two weeks everything had almost passed.

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