Phlebeurysm. How to protect yourself from varicose veins? Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins

Phlebeurysm. How to protect yourself from varicose veins? Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins

The causes and symptoms of varicose veins. What to do if the first signs of the disease are noticeable?

Human blood flow is built on an interconnected system of elastic vessels. The difficult working conditions of the transport elements of this system lead to diseases, which are characterized by pathogenic refinement of the walls of blood vessels and the formation of characteristic swelling. Such a manifestation is known as varicose veins.

Medicine has learned about varicose veins for a long time. Even in ancient Greece, they fought with this ailment. Research and search for the best treatment option is carried out in our time.

Important: statistics disappointingly states that every third woman, and every tenth man suffers from varicose veins.

Women most often noticed problems for the first time after pregnancy, men when led to a sedentary lifestyle. The age category of patients is read from the mark of 30 years. Modern amenities, such as computer and car, only exacerbate the problem.

A high incidence rate is characteristic of developed industrial megacities. While in the cities of Africa and Mongolia cases of the disease are small, especially at an early age. What varicose veins look like, we look at the photo.

The main causes of varicose veins

It is generally accepted that varicose veins affects only the lower limbs of a person. This is not entirely true.

Important: the manifestation of the disease is noticeable precisely on the legs, however, varicose veins can be localized in other places, for example, in the stomach or in the pelvis. A complication can be infertility, therefore, a timely detected disease requires immediate surgical intervention.

The appearance of varicose vessels on the legs can provoke:

  • hereditary predisposition
  • pregnancy
  • using hormonal drugs
  • increase venous pressure
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • excessive problems

Important: all of the above not only contributes to the appearance of varicose veins, but also leads to a violation of the work of the venous valves.

With prolonged unstable operation of the valves, venous blood from deep veins falls into the surface vessels. The result will be an enhanced load on the blood flow system and the complications of the disease in unpleasant forms. Such hemodynamics is both the cause of the disease and its side effect, which creates a vicious circle. Therefore, varicose veins are attributed to difficult to healing diseases.

Important: the correct direction of the blood movement occurs outside the laws of earthly attraction and goes from legs to the head.

Such a blood movement scheme is achieved by maintaining the necessary pressure in the vessels, the constant active work of the muscle system of the legs, which performs the functions of the pump and the good operation of the venous valves, which prevent blood from sinking.

Important: valves disorders leads to destabilization of venous blood flow, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities.

Purns of blood in one place increases pressure on the walls of blood vessels. A long regime of such work inevitably leads to the appearance of varicose veins.

Important: women are more susceptible to the onset of the disease. The cause may be a violation of the hormonal background.

  • During pregnancy, the risk of developing varicose vessels of the pelvis and legs increases. This is due to an increase in the uterus, which presses on the vessels of the abdominal cavity. This disrupts the blood flow system of the whole organism, especially prevents the proper operation of the veins of the lower extremities
  • Typical problems in the operation of the venous system appear with frequent constipation
  • complex physical exertion
  • constant coughing for a long time
  • In the risk zone there are also elderly people.

The first tangible symptoms of varicose veins

Describing the symptoms, patients call increased swelling of the legs, the appearance of fatigue in the legs in the evening, a sense of severity (the common expression “legs poured with lead”). All this becomes the first signal of the disease.

After a long rest, manifestations may disappear, but do not leave their first appearance.

4 stages of varicose veins

Further development of the disease is accompanied:

  • a burning sensation
  • acute pain in the legs
  • the appearance of seizures during sleep
  • The red-blue spots of small sizes under the skin become visually noticeable
  • vascular bloating occurs
  • In an advanced stage, the continuation of the listed symptoms can be eczema in the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of the disease.

In total, you can highlight 4 stages of varicose veins. In each of them there is an increase in the manifestation of symptoms and pain. The fourth stage of the disease is accompanied by a change in the skin, the appearance of eczema is possible.

Diagnosis of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be seen visually in characteristic veins or after analysis of the main symptoms.

Important: the first thing to do in this situation is to make an appointment with a phlebologist is a doctor who is engaged in vascular diseases.

Further treatment will depend on the stage of neglect and forms of complications. Tightening the visit to the doctor, you reduce the chances of successful therapy.

After a visual examination, the doctor prescribes a number of special studies. Diagnosis of the disease is easy, therefore, usually limited ultrasound analysis.
If the diagnosis is difficult to confirm using entering special substances into the blood, then monitor their behavior and distribution through the circulatory system.

The main methods of treating varicose veins

For successful treatment of the disease Use one of three methods. Drug treatment is considered conservative.

Important: if the lack of positive dynamics is noted, chemical treatment is prescribed. Its essence in the regime input of special substances into the vessels that strengthen them.

The radical version of treatment is surgical intervention in which damaged areas of veins are excised. The operation is considered safe and is harmless to the body. The work of damaged areas of surface soups easily compensates for the activity of deep vessels, which does not threaten varicose veins.

As restoring therapy It is recommended to use medical physical education. Along with this, consultations are held with the patient, wanting to find out the causes of the occurrence of the disease to change general behavior. If there is such an opportunity, they try to correct the attitude to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The prognosis of treatment is favorable.

Important: if you refuse treatment, the consequences can be serious.

Varicosis: tips and reviews. How to protect yourself from varicose veins?

It is necessary to include more motor activity in the daily routine.
ADVICE: If you drive a car for 8 hours a day, take breaks, knead your legs, get out of the car.

ADVICE: With a sitting schedule of work, once per hour you need to rise from an office chair and make a warm -up of your legs. In lunch, be sure to arrange hiking.

ADVICE: If there is absolutely no way to walk throughout the day, take full foot and transfer weight from heel to toe.

ADVICE: After work, be sure to take a walk near the house or in the park. It is better if it is a walk with a length of at least an hour.

ADVICE: All advertised stimulation methods that require you only to lie and press the buttons are not effective. Forget about them. Only movement, only physiotherapy exercises.

ADVICE: Yoga exercises, ordinary fitness or gymnastics help well.

Drugs and dietary supplements for the treatment of varicose veins

Recommended for an acceptance of dietary supplements for treatment and prevention:

Important: vitamins and dietary supplements for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins have a long nature of the action. They improve the condition, but cannot serve as the only method of treatment.

Among the therapeutic drugs and the novelties of the treatment of varicose vessels, the vessels are distinguished phlebotonics type venarus, glivenol, anvenoles, detralex and other.

ADVICE: Of everyday habits, it is worth removing the love of high heels. If you can’t completely get off the heels, it is necessary to change shoes during the day. For example, at work go in heels in shoes, on the way home in more comfortable and comfortable shoes or vice versa.

ADVICE: The habit of making a small one will be useful self -massage In the IKR area, especially after the shower. Pay attention to a simple set of video exercises that will help to avoid varicose veins.

Video: varicose veins: Comlex exercises for treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, of course, not to wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, salty, sharp, smoked to avoid, with a sauna and hot baths, do not abuse well, and use a horsepower gel 2 times a day, do a slight massage.

  2. I don’t know, I didn’t even wear heels very large, but I didn’t save my legs from varicose veins. But well, the doctor immediately prescribed tablets based on diosmin - phlebof are called. So I take one tablet once a day, in the morning. Edema is already bothering less and less.

  3. my wife had varicose veins, she turned to the doctor and he prescribed her Gerudex and exercises. It helped her.

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