Home remedies for varicose veins. Which ones are effective?

Home remedies for varicose veins. Which ones are effective?

This article describes the best and most popular means from varicose veins.

Home remedies for varicose veins are methods for eliminating this pathology that are popular among other drugs (tablets, ointments or gels). What methods are actually effective? Are home products a good alternative to drugs available in a pharmacy? Look for answers to these questions in this article.

Home remedies for varicose veins: what should I try?


The medical encyclopedia describes varicose veins as an excessive expansion of the venous arteries, which can lead to cracking their walls and the formation of ulcers. Read on our website article on the reasons and ways to eliminate convex veins on foot.

This pathology accompanies millions of people who are looking for various solutions of such a problem, from ointments, oral products, and ending with natural recipes for traditional medicine.

  • Such alternative healing, also called natural or natural, despite the development of classical medicine, still has many supporters.
  • Most people strive for natural treatment options.
  • They consider them not only as a cheaper, but also a safer way to eliminate certain defects.

In the case of home remedies from varicose vegetables, several methods that are considerable popularly can be distinguished, which, by the way, is a direct indicator of the result of high efficiency. Read further.

Garlic is an effective home method from varicose veins: how to use?

Garlic is an effective home method from varicose veins
Garlic is an effective home method from varicose veins

Garlic is a plant whose properties are widely used by traditional medicine. It is a source of vitamins:

  • BUT
  • IN 1
  • IN 2
  • AT 6
  • FROM


  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Potassium

Garlic has vasodilating properties. This is an effective home method from varicose veins. Moreover, this is excellent support for the processes of cleansing the body - the removal of toxins and harmful substances.

It's important to know: Garlic can be used both internally, adding to food, and outside - as a home mask for varicose veins.

Here's how it can be used - Mask:

  • 1 chopped clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil - Mix thoroughly.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected areas once a day.

For one procedure, no more than 3-5 grams Therapeutic mixture.

Apple vinegar: a good remedy for varicose veins of the lower extremities

Apple cider vinegar: good remedy for varicose veins
Apple cider vinegar: good remedy for varicose veins

Apple vinegar is a solution made on the basis of apples. It supplies the body with the necessary vitamins - groups a, c, s, e. Also, apple cider vinegar contains:

  • Polyphenols
  • Pectin
  • Amino acids

More acids:

  • Chlorogen
  • Coffee
  • Kumarovo
  • Dairy
  • Lemon
  • Vinegar

This combination should help improve the state of blood vessels. Moreover, apple cider vinegar stimulates blood circulation, reduces the pain caused by varicose veins and itching associated with it.

Using such a good tool is simple:

  • Apply a small amount of apple cider vinegar with soft circular motions to the affected areas.
  • You can do the procedure in the evening, before bedtime.

Then it is worth wrapping the lower limbs with polyethylene and cover with something warm. Fly with such a "mask" on the bed for an hour. Then remove the compress, and rinse the vinegar in the morning.

Olive oil: we treat varicose veins by home

Olive oil: we treat varicose veins
Olive oil: we treat varicose veins

Olive oil, in addition to wide use in the kitchen, is also one of the most popular fats used by cosmetics. It turns out that it can also be an effective weapon in the fight against venous problems.

  • Olive oil, which is considered one of the most useful fats, can significantly improve blood circulation with local use.
  • It is recommended to use with vitamin e (in a fat -soluble form).
  • In a pharmacy you can buy a drug with such a vitamin or make a home remedy.

So, we treat varicose veins by home:

Garlic mask:

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 chopped clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of honey - Mix these ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply to the affected areas once a day.

Mask with vitamin E:

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of vitamin E - Mix thoroughly
  • Rub with delicate circular movements into the affected areas of the body.

Make one of these masks at least 1 time per week. The result will be noticeable in a month.

Kayen pepper: an effective remedy for varicose veins on the legs

Kayen pepper: an effective remedy for varicose veins
Kayen pepper: an effective remedy for varicose veins

Cayenne pepper - This is a spice that can be successfully used to eliminate or at least a significant reduction in the consequences of varicose veins. It is also known that Kayenic pepper reduces inflammation, has an anti -cancer effect and reduces cholesterol. It is worth noting:

  • In our country, this type of pepper is little known.
  • The green fruits of this acute spices are used in cooking and are called - peperoni.
  • If you can’t buy Kayensky Perez, then you can replace with Chile. It has almost the same properties.

Numerous healthy properties are the result of high vitamins:

  • Vitamin C
  • Tiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K.
  • Vitamin E


  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc

Here's how to use this effective remedy for varicose veins on the legs:

  • 1 teaspoon Dissolve Kayensky pepper in 300 ml boiled hot water.

Use this mixture during 2 days, dividing every day into 3 receptions. This tool has contraindications - all acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. You can also add a little pepper to food when cooking.

Parsley leaves: a popular folk remedy for varicose veins at home

Parsley leaves: a popular folk remedy for varicose veins
Parsley leaves: a popular folk remedy for varicose veins

Parsley may be in the list of best home remedies from varicose veins - this is a great source vitamin C. and many other vitamins and minerals. According to many folk healers, parsley leaves are great to eliminate such a pathology, because it contains a healthy compound that has vasodilating properties. This is a really popular folk remedy for varicose veins at home.

Here's how to use:

  • Wash the parsley thoroughly, dry.
  • Cut and pour boiling water - let it stand.
  • When it cools, strain.

Apply this infusion on the affected areas. You can do this in the form of compresses, lotions, baths. It is good to add such an infusion to the foot bath. To do this, type warm water in a large basin or tank and add the infusion. Keep your legs until the water cools down at all. Contraindications for performing foot baths: hypertension and other diseases of blood vessels and heart.

Cashtan horse: the best home remedy for varicose veins

Cashtan horse: the best home remedy for varicose veins
Cashtan horse: the best home remedy for varicose veins

A great remedy for problems with veins can be horse chestnut. Both the bark of this tree, and fruits and flowers are used. Castan has such properties thanks to:

  • Escin - strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Coumarin - It has anticoagulant properties.

In addition to the above, horse chestnut is a source of many other valuables and compounds, which can reduce the pain associated with the occurrence of varicose veins, and make blood vessels more elastic. This is the best home remedy for varicose veins. Even in pharmacies, you can buy various products with chestnut extract - these are various ointments, tablets and additives.

This is how the chestnut is used for varicose veins:

Infusions, teas from dried flowers:

  • Dry the flowers.
  • Then pour a tablespoon of dry plant with boiling water, let it brew.
  • Use during the day after eating.

Tincture on vodka or alcohol:

  • Fresh flowers put a liter jar into the floor (do not compact too much).
  • Then transfer to a liter jar and pour vodka. If you have alcohol, then dilute in half boiled cold water.
  • Put the jar in a dark place on 14 days. Shake the contents from time to time.
  • Then strain through gauze and squeeze the flowers well.
  • Take a tablespoon - 1-2 times a day after eating. Well - 10 days, after 2 weeks - A break, and you can repeat.

Tincture of bark and chestnut fruits on vodka:

  • 100g Pour the dried chestnut bark with a bottle of vodka.
  • Let me brew during 2-3 weeks In a dark place.
  • Then strain and make the compress at night.
  • You can also make tincture from the fruits of this tree.
  • It is better not to take such tincture inside, since it turns out to be very concentrated. For oral administration, use products with chestnut colors.

Grounded into powder or fried chestnut fruits:

  • Read this article, what chestnuts can be frying.
  • Use a tablespoon of powder twice a day, adding to food or 150 grams fried chestnuts.
  • This tool is especially recommended for hemorrhoids.


  • Cook 3 tablespoons dried green chestnuts during 15 minutes.
  • Moisten the cut of gauze in the decoction and attach to the affected areas.
  • Wrap the place of the compress with a film and wrap it with something warm.
  • Keep for several hours, you can at night.

As you can see, making a chestnut medicine is very simple. If you do not be lazy and conduct such treatment with courses, then after a while you will notice improvements.

Grape leaves: a good home remedy after the operation of varicose veins

Grape leaves: a good home remedy after the operation of varicose veins
Grape leaves: a good home remedy after the operation of varicose veins

A slightly less popular, but no less effective home remedy for venous diseases, are grape leaves. This is a great source of many vitamins, as well as

  • Flavonoids
  • Essential oils
  • Anthocyanov

Many collections in folk medicine claim that grape leaves are a great way to improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, the work of the entire circulatory system functions much better. In addition, the vine helps maintain normal blood pressure, which is another advantage of using this plant. This is a good home remedy after the operation of varicose veins.

How to use grape leaves? Here is a recipe for home ointment:

  • A handful of chopped grape leaves, 10-20 ml of olive oil and 50-100 g of the base (for example, Aloe Vera cream).
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Massage with soft circular movements, rubbing the ointment into the affected areas of the body.

Try this tool. If you use it daily, then after a month of such treatment, you will notice positive results.

Treatment of veins and varicose expansion at home: Methods

Treatment of veins and varicose expansion at home: compression therapy
Treatment of veins and varicose expansion at home: compression therapy

The term “home treatment of varicose veins” often means other methods of popular healing, which use the achievements of alternative medicine. In addition to drops, masks, home ointments and mixtures used orally, the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry offers various means for varicose veins - both for the lower extremities and for the anus:

  • Compression therapyincluding the use of stockings or compression ribbons (to perform elastic bandages).
  • Tablets based on substances such as diosmine. They are released without a recipe. This is a nGIOPRECTOR OFFICES, BIOFLAVODOVIDS. They have venotonic effects, improve lymphatic drainage, improves blood microcirculation.
  • Ointments and gels with natural compositionintended to expand blood vessels and increase blood circulation - troxevasin, heparin ointment, hepatrombin, liotone, dolotene, phleboxar, etc.

Of course, the effectiveness of individual methods, also in combination with recipes for traditional medicine, can be really very different. The opinions of different patients show that the same method used in two cases can give completely different results. Therefore, perform the treatment that the doctor prescribed to you, and in addition, use natural medicine. But also after consulting a doctor. Good luck!

Video: ointment for the treatment of varicose veins

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Comments K. article

  1. I use the gel tonic with the chestnut and leech from horsepower, it pleasantly cools the skin, relieves fatigue of the legs after a hard day and prevents varicose veins

  2. Honestly, the mother did not treat varicose veins with folk medicine. He buys different venotics for half a year as Venolgon uses the Twins TEK gel. Contains plant components that are based on the leaves of red grapes. It favorably affects the vessels, strengthens them, improves blood circulation. She has less swelling. Heaviness in the legs and aching pain has gone.

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