Sclerotherapy of veins. How to get rid of varicose veins without surgical intervention?

Sclerotherapy of veins. How to get rid of varicose veins without surgical intervention?

Often discussed illness and fear of all women-varicose veins. We will talk about this disease in the presented article. We will discuss the most effective and low-traumatic treatment for this disease-sclerotherapy.

Varicose expansion veus is The disease of the vascular wall , Which is the failure of the muscle of the vein and leads to impaired blood supply. Symptomatically, this disease can visually manifest itself in the form of a fine bluish or bard grid on the skin in the initial stages and large convex long lines with damage to large vessels.

Varicosis brings not only cosmetic problems, but also functional restrictions and severe symptoms. There is pain in the lower extremities, swelling and heaviness, the inability to be in an upright position for a long time. Complicated state in uncompensated The form may end with a break in the damaged vessel and large blood loss, which will lead to surgical intervention.

Kinds sclerotherapy how to get rid of varicose veins

As such, there are no types of this procedure, however, this procedure is often carried out for cosmetic purposes to remove a fine mesh on the legs. More extensive intervention is carried out and prescribed in the presence of severe symptoms-Sadorogs, pain, swelling, pronounced relief changes. This procedure is prescribed to prevent severe complications of the disease, without resorting to surgical removal of the vein.

Sclerotherapy It is a method that helps to “clog” Vienna from the inside and turn it into a connective tissue litter. The load of the "blockage" vessel is distributed to collotheli (auxiliary vessels in the neighborhood).

If in briefly Describe the method, it looks something like this: under the control of ultrasound, the vein is made and the drug is introduced into it to “glue” the lumen of this vessel.

How to prepare for sclerotherapy veins?

  • As with any medical intervention, in preparation for sclerotherapy The patient must undergo a full examination. The doctor should examine the patient, study concomitant diseases that can provoke the progression of the disease
  • Information is necessarily collected about taking drugs, special attention is paid to drugs that help reduce blood viscosity and coagulation (aspirin, NSAIDs, antibiotics and anticoagulants), which are often prescribed for concomitant pathologies. Also, bad habits, such as smoking, should be noted in the history. For women, it is important to note the use of hormonal contraceptives. And of course availability allergic reactions to drugs and components of drugs
  • Before the intervention, it is not recommended to carry out the depilation procedure and apply any means to the skin ( lotions, cream). Do not wear tight clothes on the procedure they pulling underwear, lasins, tights, since after intervention this can provoke complications and not pleasant sensations when dressing clothes

Indications for conducting sclerotherapy veins

Indication for conducting sclerotherapy It can only one-insolvency Vascular wall of the vein.
However, girls and women can resort to this procedure not only at a stage in which there is a pronounced symptoms, but also for cosmetic purposes.

The presence of a small vascular pattern on the skin brings great discomfort and in this case can help sclerotherapy. After this manipulation, the problem disappears and visual manifestation is not observed.

This method can also be used in combination with surgical treatment. Since this method can only be treated by the initial stages of damage to superficial veins:

• scatter type of varicose disease
• Varicose veins
• if it is impossible to remove all the affected vessels with the operational way
• with surgical intervention for blockage of individual branches of extended veins

As an additional elimination method varicose vegetables Veus after surgical Difficulties can be used 3 weeks after surgery.

Contraindications to conduct sclerotherapy veins

For sclerotherapy There are the following contraindications:
• Vascular diseases in the acute phase
• deep vein thrombosis
• The failure of the vessels informing deep and superficial veins
• Pregnancy
• exacerbation of chronic diseases and early time after exacerbation
• conditions that require bed rest
• Diabetes
• Diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart in a severe degree
• Allergic reactions
• The presence of an acute purulent process in the body
• inflamed condition of the skin in the places of intervention

Treatment using the method sclerotherapy must only be carried out with complete confidence collorels.

Advantages sclerotherapy

A great advantage of this method is the lack of general anesthesia. A person is not introduced into anesthesia and a procedure is performed under local anesthesia. At this time, everything is carried out using ultra -thin needles, which do not leave much damage to the skin and do not They require imposing seams, as in surgical intervention.

The procedure itself usually does not take more than 20-30 minutes, and after a short period of time, the patient can leave a medical institution. Also, after the intervention, there are no restrictions and you can return to your ordinary lifestyle.

Possible complications after the procedure

  • This intervention can be complicated by the manifestation of an allergic reaction and in the place of introduction, “gluing” substances can form infiltrates. This is an inflammatory seal. Or bruises and hematomas can be observed
  • A more severe complication trombosis procedures deep veins, which leads to significant impaired blood supply to the operated limb
  • If a sclerosing The substance falls into the surrounding tissues, this can lead to necrosis (necrosis) of this section of the tissue

What to do after sclerotherapy veins?

After this intervention, the patient leaves home almost immediately. However, the necessary measure is the wearing of compression medical linen a certain period of time. This linen is presented in the form of a golf, stocking or tights.

Place inections It is recommended to rinse with soap solution. A shower is allowed, but the water temperature should be cool.

What do not do after the procedure

Throughout the day after monipulation, Preparations should be taken reducing blood coagulation, NSAIDs, anticoagulants. You can not take thermal sauna procedures, baths, compresses and other procedures with high temperature.

Violation of these simple recommendations can lead to serious consequences and inefficiency sclerotherapy. The drug can be removed from the walls of the vessel and provoke thromboembolism, which in some cases can even lead to death, as with pulmonary artery thromboembolism.

What's better sclerotherapy Or a laser?

These methods cannot be compared for the reason that sclerotherapy It cannot be used for varicose expansion of deep veins of the extremities. In this case, only surgery with a laser knife can help.

However, if we are talking about the treatment of surface vessels, then in this case, of course, sclerotherapy It has a lot of advantages that we mentioned earlier.

Prevention of varicose veins

The best prevention of varicose veins, undoubtedly, is a mobile lifestyle. With moderate physical exertion, without overwork, training of the muscle valves of blood vessels occurs, and with inactivity, stagnation is formed in the veins and,,,,,, respectively, their overflow. The vessels can not cope with such a load and weaken, stop adequately produce blood reverse to the heart.

It is necessary to review your diet and choose a balanced diet. Also abandon such a habit as smoking. This pernicious habit greatly affects the walls of blood vessels and in some cases can lead to such large -scale violations that the lower limbs have to be amputated.

Be attentive to yourself and your health. Prevention of the disease is always better, non -residential is the most effective treatment.

Video: Unique painless treatment of varicose veins

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  1. In general, of course, it is better for a phlebologist, and so the gel for veins from horse force and compression knitwear to wear.

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