“Breck your nose”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Breck your nose”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Consider the essence and examples of using the phrase “Breck your nose”.

There is a thin line between healthy self -confidence and arrogance, which is most often called using phraseologism - “lift your nose”. Its value will be disclosed in this article.

The brief meaning of the phraseology “lift your nose”: what does it mean, how to understand the essence?

The philosopher Omar Hayyam in his statement about arrogant and arrogant people noticed well and explained the meaning of phraseology:

"The lower man soul, the higher nose up.

He stretches his nose to where he has not grown up with his soul. "

To be extolled, proud, puffing, boast, checkered, important, imagine, introduce - these words perfectly reveal the essence and meaning of the phraseology “lift your nose”.

  • That is, a person Too proud of himself, his behavior is arrogant and arrogant. In the modern world, there are a lot of such people, especially if a person has reached any ranks or heights (and not always on his own).
  • Often such behavior can be observed at school when peers try to impress others as much as possible, arrogant. Or when children with fashionable devices ridicule other schoolchildren. After all, the reason for the "lifted nose" In excessive pride. And this is very close with cruelty, envy, vindictiveness and greed.

And what is the difference between pride and pride, you will learn in our article   "Pride and pride: what's the difference?"

In fact, the phrase “lifting your nose” is most often used not in a direct, but in a figurative sense. After all, it is not very convenient to walk if the look is always directed into the sky. But there are rare exceptions when the bangs boils so much that he really has his chin and nose raised up, so it is difficult not to notice his arrogance.


The origin of the phraseology "Break the nose"

The origin of this phraseology is quite ordinary and simple. There is no particular secret. If a person raises his head too high and lifts his nose, he does not see what is happening and other people. In the end, the same thing happens when a person is proud and extol himself over others. For him, the outside world only becomes a background, merges with its ego and actually ceases to exist subjectively.

  • So the most ordinary people began to characterize those who suddenly I felt too important and significant. In France, in the XVI-XVII centuries, they said about a man who was waiting for praise and exaltation for his work. Or the one whose matter went well, lifted his nose again and again, telling about his achievements.
  • Often exactly After some victory People begin to enter and extol themselves, look at others. For example, a colleague for work, which was arrogant after an increase in service; student or schoolboy after a good mark or first place at the Olympics; A public person who has gained fame rapidly.
  • Long lifting people, few people love their nose. Yes, and what to twist in your soul, no one loves smug and arrogant. Such people are avoided and subjected to mockery.

Thus, it becomes clear that the expression “lifting your nose” does not require additional translation and explanation. The origin fully reveals the content of language circulation.

Statement about people that
Statement about people that "lift their nose"

Examples of compilation of sentences with phraseological unit "Break the nose"

It is enough to simply build proposals using the phraseology “lift your nose”. Surely many of us use it in everyday life, without even noticing it. Here are some examples:

  • She really thinks she is the best. She lifts her nose quite high.
  • Since he became the chief manager, he is strongly lifting his nose.
  • After buying a car, she began to lift her nose and greet her teeth.
  • He entered the budget, so he lifts his nose.
  • His parents bought a new moped, so he imagines and lifts his nose.
  • He had a fashionable phone, so he lifted his nose high.
  • I realized my problem and stopped lifting my nose. In this connection, I have many friends.

Synonyms for phraseologism "Break the nose"

Synonyms of the phraseology "Break the nose" are:

  • wanting
  • break the tail
  • set
  • boast
  • exalted
  • brighten
  • be self -confident
  • to be arrogant
  • be arrogant
  • be proud

And on people who lift their nose, we can say:

  • imagine (a)
  • arrogant
  • posavaka
  • haughty
  • braggart
  • proud
  • superior
  • important
  • complacent
  • arrogant
  • narcissistic
  • narcissus
  • self -sufficient

But the main thing should be remembered that "the sorrinka is clearly visible in the eye of another, while in its sometimes we do not notice the log." Start with yourself, check if you were arrogant, are you exalted over others. Maybe it's time for you to stop lifting your nose? But do not fall into extremes so that you do not have to study another phraseology - “hang your nose”. And if you are still interested, follow the link to our article   "What does the phraseology" hang the nose "mean: origin and examples"

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