“The family is not without a freak”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“The family is not without a freak”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

The meaning of phraseological units is known to everyone. But there are some idioms, the essence of which has changed over time - and sometimes in the direction diametrically opposite from the original meaning.

The phrase "in the family is not without a freak" few people today interpret correctly. Let's figure out the meaning of phraseology in more detail.

"The family is not without a freak": the origin of phraseology

  • You will be incredibly surprised when you find out that modern people are completely wrong to interpret the idiom "Every family has its black sheep". It is generally accepted that in many families or companies there will certainly be a person "not from this world."
  • It can be several stupid, unnecessary drinking, scandalous or having some other flaws. About a person prone to the manifestation of such qualities of character, usually they say: "The family is not without a freak." And in this definition they will be right and wrong at the same time. What is the correctness of modern people? Yes, the concept of this phraseology is interpreted that this is exactly what today is interpreted.
  • But in antiquity there was a completely different interpretation - It can even be argued that it was diametrically opposite to the present. It turns out that then the freak was called ... the first child in the family, That is, the one that stands with the family. A married couple was assigned the status of a family only when their firstborn was born.
  • It is noteworthy that the “freak” in the Slavic language was called beauty. Therefore, the first child was determined to be the most beautiful And be under the protective auspices of the genus. So, if the proverb is literally translated from the ancient Slavic language, then it will sound approximately like this: "The family will not turn out without a first -born."
A freak was called the first child in the family, because he was the first of the family
A freak was called the first child in the family, because he was the first of the family

"The family is not without a freak": direct and figurative meaning of phraseology

  • Direct importance of the expression "in the family is not without a freak." At the word “freak”, a gloomy person with a very ugly face, endowed with all kinds of physical disabilities, immediately present us-some of himself, twisted by the lame hunchback, a sort of quasimodo. Of course, there are such people. But even mentally it would be terrible to imagine that in absolutely every family there should certainly be such a freak.
  • The portable meaning of phraseology. Nowadays, this phraseology is increasingly used if a person is endowed with physical disabilities. Rather, such people sympathize and try to help them in something. But when they talk about the shortcomings of moral, then saying "in the family not without a freak" The most appropriate. Usually, if some family or team was unlucky, and among them is a certain person endowed with low moral qualities, then they speak sympathetically or condescendingly: “The family is not without a freak.”
So they say about a person with low moral principles
So they say about a person with low moral principles

How to understand the phrase: “In the family not without a freak”?

  • For example, a young guy lives in the family, and he seems to be pretty externally, and he has no physical disadvantages. But with all this, he lazy Before disgrace - does not want to go to work and does not want to do anything around.
  • Parents got with him, later his wives threw him-but he doesn’t care: he lies on his couch, drinks beer silt more and waits for someone to bring him money or at least eat. And how is there in this case not to exclaim: "Every family has its black sheep!".
  • You can also say about violent A person who hits his wife, children or parents. And also when a person is wasting all the money For drugs or partying, having no moral principles and sacrificing to the sake of passions to please.
So they say about a person who thinks only of himself
So they say about a person who thinks only of himself

"The family is not without a freak": an explanation of phraseology in one word

  • “The family is not without a freak” - if you explain very briefly the essence of this winged expression, then it comes down to the next - A person with moral shortcomings.
  • The whole family suffers from this and often carries this cross throughout life. And if physical ugliness can still be somehow corrected with the help of medicine, then it is very difficult to cope with the moral disadvantages of a person.

"The family is not without a freak": examples of proposals

  • For example, there may be approximately such a situation in one of the offices. “Again, Petrov submitted the report at the wrong time - the director of the company complains to his married company, and just do not get rid of this lazy, because this is the son of the mayor himself. But what to do - every family has its black sheep".
  • Girlfriends share their impressions of the recently created family. “I thought that Tatyana was happy in marriage, and her husband does not give her money and constantly scandalide for any reason - this is the right to say that the family has not without a freak!”
  • “Our son returned not sober again,” the wife says to her husband, “I never thought that it would not do without a freak in our family!”
So they can say about any family or team
So they can say about any family or team

Be that as it may, in our country there are many more normal and adequate people. Although without “freaks”, of course, it does not do. But, thank God, it is not customary for them to judge the whole people, but by good, selfless, working and patriotic. And it is worth behaving so that it never occurred to anyone to associate you with this saying that has a negative sound.

We advise you to read about other phraseological units:

Video: phraseological units and their meaning

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