“Do not give a descent”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Do not give a descent”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

This article explains the meaning of the phraseology "not to give a descent."

People often use phraseological units without even noticing it. Accordingly, few people think about their origin. In schools, children are set to make sentences with phraseological units. For many, this may seem difficult, but this is not so.

Read in other articles on our website about the origin of such phraseologisms as: "Rale your nose" and "Hang your nose". You will also learn what direct and figurative meaning of these words.

In this article you will learn what the expression means "Do not give a descent"How to understand it and what a direct and figurative meaning. Read further.

The origin of the phraseology "do not give a descent"

"Do not give a descent" to their opponents

Phraseologism "Do not give a descent" It came from the style of horses to our ancestors. If the reins is pulled tightly, strictly controlled, then even the stringed animals, as a rule, are calm and obeyed by a person. Similar happens to people. Sometimes the more strictly you treat them, the more intelligibly the information becomes for them, the better the results from any type of activity.

Expression "Do not give a descent" It has a more “noble meaning”:

  • Show assertiveness and uncompromising in the struggle for "good work"
  • Be persistent to enemies
  • Do not show softness
  • Become decisive and stubborn
  • Do not change your opinion
  • Do not stop there
  • Do not forgive offenders, etc.

Do not give a descent (or descent):

  • Do not let down
  • Do not forgive someone

In other words, do not leave unanswered, without or without punishment of perfect offense.

What does it mean, how to understand the expression “not to give a descent”?

“Do not give a descent” means “not to forgive”
“Do not give a descent” means “not to forgive”

The word "descent" has several interpretations. One of them "forgive". Accordingly, a person who “does not give a descent” does not forgive grief, does not miss the sight of injustice, but tries to give the villains “according to merits”. What else means, how to understand the expression "Do not give a descent"? Here's the answer:

  • Anyone who does not give anyone a descent is almost always categorical and fundamental. Sometimes even ruthless. However, in cases where there is no other option.
  • Synonym for phraseology "Do not give a descent" You can name the expression "Keep in hedgehogs", that is, to show rigidity and uncompromisingness, not to give concessions, to be strict but fair.
  • Also, the word “descent” in phraseology has a connection with the expression “let it go by chance”. Accordingly, one who does not give a descent does not allow events to develop as it is not profitable, he is not a fatalist.

Here are a few examples from literature:

  • “Do not let go,” Fadeev.
  • “Why, and you, an uncle, I believe that at one time they didn’t give the ladies to the“ ladies ”,” Saltykov-Shchedrin (Explanatory Dictionary (1935-1940) D. N. Ushakov, “Descent”).
  • “He pouts to the grandmother that the mouse is on the grip, and you will not stretch the words from it with ticks. Well, but Grandma Anisya Nikolaevna did not give him a descent. Just what - by erysipelas, or in words covers. "

Speaking so, a person wants and tries to change the position of things by lack of compromises, due to the struggle.

“Do not give a descent”: a short direct and figurative meaning of words, an explanation of phraseology in one word

"Do not give a descent": the portable meaning of words

The short direct meaning of the words “not to give a descent” indicates precisely about the descent somewhere. For example:

  • Not let go to the mine, in the subway, from the tree, from the floor
  • The descent of the ship into water, flag, water, trigger and so on

Here is the figurative meaning and explanation of phraseology in one word:

  • Do not forgive
  • Do not give concessions
  • Rejection
  • Demand
  • Stand one's ground

Now you understand what this expression means. It was a queue to make proposals with this phraseology. Read further.

How to make a proposal with phraseological unit "Do not give a descent": Examples

"Do not give a descent" when passing a distance

At school, in the lessons of the Russian language, students often make sentences with specified words. But sometimes this is poorly given to children, especially with phraseological units. To learn, you need to do this daily. How to make a sentence with phraseology "Do not give a descent"? Here are examples:

  • “They say you don’t give anyone a descent. “I’m doing my position,” he answered gloomily - there is no gift of lordly bread, I. Turgenev.
  • Vitya is very lazy. The only way to make him finish the quarter well is not to give him a descent.
  • It was not in vain that we did not give a descent of the enemy team. The goal, which our striker scored in the last minute, was decisive, and we won.
  • Do not give the enemies the descent, otherwise you can’t see victory.
  • Workers do not need to give a descent - otherwise nothing will be done on time.
  • It would be nice to submit a petition to the dean with a request to replace the French teacher - it does not give us a descent. Are you sure that they will not send another in her place, which will be even more demanding? Perhaps it is better to leave everything as it is? We are already used to this.
  • If you really want to lose weight, you do not need to give yourself a descent.
  • You don't give yourself a descent at all. Today is a holiday, you may not go to training.

Exercise, making up sentences, and then you will quickly learn the material on this topic.

How to choose a synonym for phraseological units with the meaning of “not to give a descent”: to demand, not allow, not to concede, not forgive misconduct, resentment, harmful actions, counteract, revenge

"Do not give a descent" in sports - demand

To draw up a sentence, you also need to be able to select synonyms for one or another word. This will help make the statement more beautiful and correctly explaining the meaning of the text. How to choose a synonym for phraseological units with the meaning of “not to give a descent”? Here's the answer:


  • Everyone said that getting into the group to Peter Ivanovich is tantamount to suicide. Yes, it really requires a lot, but it is the fact that it does not give the pupils the descent and makes them achieve high results.

Do not allow

  • I won’t give you a descent, I will lower three skins from you, but you will become an excellent student! Of course, nothing to allow is not a way out. But you can’t do it otherwise. As soon as you give you concessions - you sit on your head and there is no Slava with you.

Do not concede

  • The enemy army exceeded Soviet soldiers in quantity, but they gave the floor to the last to not give in and fight for their native land and not give anyone a descent.

Do not forgive misconduct, resentment, harmful actions

  • Savva was a kind person by nature, but he understood that his offenders did not need to give a descent. It is important for him to learn how not to forgive bad deeds, resentments and harmful actions.


  • Even if the rivals are stronger, counteract - do not give them a descent.


  • After what they did with his loved ones, he vowed not to give them a descent and avenge at the first opportunity.

Other synonyms - keep in severity

  • This is when small, all the girls are nice. And then, years after 13, you will have to not give a descent to them, to keep in severity and dare grooms (the father of their daughters).

Stand with a mountain

  • We did not give them a descent and won the competition, the mountain stood for victory.

Stand one's ground

  • It was not easy for him, but he did not give his opponents a descent - he stood on his to the last.

Act uncompromisingly

  • Despite the fact that this time even eternal “lagging behind” met the norm, the sergeant did not give the formation of the descent and acted uncompromisingly. He forced him to run again - he said that "repetition is the mother of teaching."

Now we have passed all the material on the topic of this phraseology - we learned about its meaning, made up sentences and picked up synonyms. Good luck!

Video: TOP-10 phraseological units

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