What is the difference between pride and pride: comparison. How to distinguish pride from pride?

What is the difference between pride and pride: comparison. How to distinguish pride from pride?

In this article, we will consider how pride and pride are different.

Sometimes you have to face similar concepts. Moreover, words can differ significantly in pronunciation, and cause the same associations. Or, on the contrary, to be consonant and have a common root, but to interpret in different ways. We want to invite you to expand your horizons and understand the concepts and differences of pride and pride.

We are all endowed with one or another character trait that they distinguish us from the surrounding people. Yes, there are positive qualities, there are even the features that we need for survival and appropriate life, and there are negative aspects. And in order to overcome our not the best qualities, we need to "find out in person."

Interesting: Human emotions appear even in the womb. Scientists have proven that at 4-6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is already starting to lay the foundation of its character. He feels the emotions of his mother and the tone of his father. Therefore, psychologists pay a lot of attention to the emotional state of a woman during pregnancy. By the way, in parallel, one cannot but touch the topic of the example of the parents. Remember our children - this is our same mirror display.

What is pride and pride?

  • Pride is an adequate assessment of their qualities and abilities. That is, mental or physical advantages, the same character traits or external data.
    • Pride and pride are single -rooted words, but these are two different concepts that often confuse. However, pride in some ways is a derivative of pride.
  • Pride - we can say - highly concentrated pride, a bloated and ugly brainchild.
Pride is a bloated pride
Pride is a bloated pride
  • You can be proud not only by yourself. Consider a rude example. When a person responsibly performs his work and adheres to the rules of etiquette, he shows all those skills that his parents taught. And so they, in turn, experience a great sense of pride in proper education and for their children as a whole.
  • Pride is a vanity, a unfortunate attitude towards people and situations that happen in life. The person who covered pride is only interested in the personal “I”. In such a person, pride pours over the edge, turns into selfishness and narcissism.
  • Pride itself is neither good nor bad. It all depends on which context it is used. For example, when a person was in trouble, but pride does not allow him to ask his neighbor's help - this is an unkind manifestation of such an emotion. Even, rather, it just goes to the detriment of himself in need.
  • But when pride does not allow the girl to return to the guy who humiliated her - this is rather a good manifestation. After all, it acts as a protective reaction.

What is the difference between pride and pride: comparison

  • The Bible has a different concept of pride. And it is not identified with our understanding of this word. In the biblical description, pride is what in society we mean by the meaning of “pride”.
  • Among all mortal sins, pride is considered the largest. The main explanation of pride as a sin is that it ascribes to us those merits for which we need to thank God.
  • Pride manifested very far from our modernity. She was the first sin of Adam. He wanted to put himself above God. The most affordable explanation of pride is that she loves herself with all her heart and soul, like God. It is a violation of the first and main commandment of God: "May you not have other gods except me."
Pride belongs to seven mortal sins
Pride belongs to seven mortal sins

Important: One thing can be said with confidence - pride is closely intertwined with the manifestation of honor and internal dignity.

  • We get pride not only at birth, but with a lot of work on ourselves. Proud people are not only not afraid of difficulties in their lives, but go into a fight with a great courage with them. But their overstated opinion is justified by real merits.
    • And it is as difficult to fight with pride as with alcohol or drug addiction. Moreover, a proud person will not even try to work on himself. After all, he already considers himself the best.
  • Pride is understood not only the respect of their dignity, but also a tolerable attitude towards others. A proud person knows his shortcomings, so he works hard on them. And also help others to correct for the better.
  • This word is directly related to honor. A person who needs a lot of financial trouble will not ask for help from others or relatives. But this does not speak of his pathos or presenting himself over others. The difference between a proud person is that he will work hell in order to achieve the goal and achieve it on his own!
    • Pride is a sign of fixed self -doubt. Scientists have proven that pride is more manifested by those people who did not receive love in childhood. Such people feel vulnerable. Therefore, they extol themselves over others, and most importantly - over God. Such people of all their troubles accuse everyone around.
  • And people who have such an emotion as pride, in such cases, thank God and fate for everything that is given to them.
A proud person knows how to thank God and fate
A proud person knows how to thank God and fate
  • Moreover, a proud person not only respects another person and his principles, but also looks more positive at life. More precisely, he knows how to soberly assess the situation and his capabilities. At the same time, realizing that the responsibility for any events falls only on its own shoulders.
    • Pride is aggression in relation to others. Such people most often go into conflict. What is there, pride does not make it possible that it has a wide range of communication and, especially, close friends. Moreover, pride runs from responsibility, like from fire. Therefore, in all troubles, everyone around is to blame, but not the culprit with pride.
  • Pride in the first place always puts noble missions and such important qualities of any person as a sense of justice and respect.
    • And in pride - this is sarcasm, arrogance and envy. Yes, pride does not give a person the opportunity to rejoice for the successes of his comrade or even a relative.
  • You can’t still not touch on such a side as support. A proud person, although he does not ask for help from others, he will not refuse a friend in trouble. Pride can be called a “hard shoulder” really needing people. Yes, do not forget that a proud person has his good principles, for which he will not refuse even for the sake of a great and good mission.
    • Pride considers a low act to help others. Even more, she with contempt refers to asking people. And he will not even hide his feeling.
Pride is closely related to arrogance and contempt
Pride is closely related to arrogance and contempt

Important: All psychologists say: "Love yourself and others will love you!" But here you also need to establish a rather large line between pride (pride) and a requirement for self -respect (pride).

  • Pride calls for new achievements. And proud people have an internal core of invulnerability. After all, they have the main thing - faith in themselves! And pride does not allow to strive anywhere. After all, she overshadows the mind, believing that everything has already been achieved.
  • But there is a similar feature - a proud and proud person goes to the end, “over your head” to his goal. Although there is one “but”. A proud person can put himself in the place of other people. He is guided by his desires and goals, but do not sink to the humiliation of others.
    • Pride from listening, hearing other people's thoughts and worry about others. Such people need to try to analyze their actions more often. Even as a genius in their narrow specialization, it should be remembered that there may be the same or more successful experts.
  • Also, in the concept of pride, a big aspect is the adoption of oneself with all its pros and cons of. After all, all people have both positive and negative aspects - and this is normal.
    • Pride does not even allow yourself to forgive yourself for minor mistakes, for your imperfection. Pride does not stop blaming for past words or actions. Therefore, a proud person needs to understand that without shortcomings, we would not be able to recognize ourselves and all the facets of our soul. Thanks to our shortcomings, we move forward, stuff cones and learn.
Pride is closely related to dignity and honor
Pride is closely related to dignity and honor
  • Remember and do not confuse these concepts - pride is the Siamese twin of honor and dignity. And not only for themselves, but also for other people and even for their homeland!
    • Pride - this is worship of oneself. There is also the concept of “hidden pride”, then a person, on the contrary, believes that he is more stupid than others. It doesn't matter you love yourself or humiliate yourself - this is pride.

So pride and pride are closely connected with the emotional sphere of man. All human emotions, character and lifestyle affect a person and his behavior. But it all depends on ourselves and our work on ourselves! Pride and pride have a common root, but they affect a person’s life in a completely different way. Therefore, do not confuse these concepts.

Video: Pride and pride: What is the difference?

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