“You can’t spill water”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“You can’t spill water”: the origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Old stable expressions confidently entered the present, thereby enriching our Russian language. The whole point of such sayings in brevity is only one of them to quote, and immediately it becomes clear what events or people are talking about in it.

For example, phraseology cannot be exposed to the Russian person and does not need to explain. This idiom talks about strong friendship. But where did it come from - let's find out together.

“Water cannot be spilled”: the origin of phraseological units

  • In past centuries, there was such folk fun as fist fights - a wall on the wall or two men often measured their strength - who? Spectators encouraged and poured for their favorites, and if a healthy sports excitement grew into a serious brawl, wrestlers were filled with ice water. A spilled bucket of water is like a referee in the Brack box says: enough, it's time to cool.
  • But here is a fight, and it doesn’t matter - he is comic, or the rivals came true in the fight. And the chopping water was in time for Avoid injuries and injuries. Water sobered out desperate heads, did not allow you to bring to trouble. But, they say, it does not happen at all in real friendship. How many water is not lei, but even she is not able to open her, because real friends with a mountain stand for each other, no matter what happens.
  • Some sources outlive a slightly different version, from where this phraseology has found its beginning. However, it is quite similar to the previous one, only it concerns not people, but bykov. These unbridled animals with deadly horns from time to time entered the fierce fights to prove who in the herd is an alpha male. And in a different way, except how to ship them with cold water, it simply could not be able to separate the fighting bulls.
The meaning went from antiquity
The meaning went from antiquity
  • Yes, but men - men, bulls - bulls, and friendship and phraseology "You can't spill water" What does it have to do with it? You can answer this: if a cold shower is sobering up for enemies, then for real friendship and ice water is not a hindrance. You can’t refuse logic here, but it is quite possible that in ancient times, friends were really tested for the strength of relations by dousing with cold water.

What does it mean, how to understand the expression “you cannot spill water”?

  • If you believe the historical certificate, where exactly did the phraseology occur "water cannot be spilled" And what he began to mean in the end, it becomes clear that it is - determination of strong, tested for years and testing, friendship.
  • And the water here is just allegorywhich is not at all necessary to use to test inseparable, friendly people. Boar friends can be called not only strangers in blood, but relatives and friends in spirit.
The meaning of phraseology
The meaning of phraseology

“You can't spill water”: a short meaning, an explanation of phraseological unit

  • Of course, you cannot be confident in the truth of the origin of the idiom "You cannot spill water". But from this, its semantic value is not at all lost, when it is mentioned, everyone immediately becomes clear that We are talking about strong friendship.
  • The concept of it existed even in the most distant antiquity - you just have to recall the epic about bosom friends Castore and Polluksa. Therefore, do not be surprised that the phrase that has become winged "You can't spill water" It is still used by contemporaries, because friendship is the foundation of the foundations of a person’s existence in society.

“You can't spill water”: an explanation of phraseological unit in one word

  • “You can’t spill water” - in this phraseology we are talking about unsuitable friends, strong friendship.

“Water cannot be spilled”: the direct and figurative meaning of phraseologism

  • Direct meaning of phraseology. If you do not know the semantic meaning of the idiom “you can’t spill water”, then you can incredibly be surprised at this incomprehensible phrase. You can, for example, understand the phraseologism “Water Sharpenes” - if drops of fluids fall into the same place from year to year, then they are able to make a deepening even in an ultra -strength stone.
  • If you try to interpret this winged phrase literally, then two people or a small group of people who stand in a strong embrace of each other (like a clinch in boxing) immediately appear. And on top of them for a long time cold water pours. But they - as if glued to each other - do not open their arms.
  • The portable meaning of phraseology can not be spilled with water - I mean strong friendship, tested for years and tests. If a person has never changed and never betrayed his friend in various life situations, but, on the contrary, supported him in everything, then the use of this idiom is quite appropriate.
Friendship through years
Friendship through years

What synonyms can you choose for phraseological unit “Water cannot be spilled”?

  • Very close in meaning to phraseological unit “Water cannot be spilled” by such synonyms: “Friends - do not spill water”, “A friend is known in trouble”, “Soul into the soul”, “Like Siamese twins”, “On a short leg”.

Examples of sentences with phraseological unit "Water cannot be spam

  • Anton Chekhov wrote in his work “In a ravine”: “I see him through and through, I know all his things like his fingers, mother, and he feels it and everything is following me, does not lag behind, and now you won’t spill us with water.”
  • Boris Pasternak (quote from Dr. Zhivago): “I know what nonsense climbs into your head ... The boy never saw me. Tomorrow will take a closer look, you won’t spill water. ”
This phraseology was used by many writers in their works
This phraseology was used by many writers in their works

How to make a proposal with phraseological unit "Water can not be spilled"?

  • Vanya and Petya began to be friends from kindergarten, and now, after many years, you won’t spill them with water.
  • They say that there is no female friendship, but this is not so at all - Sveta and Galya, for example, like Siamese twins, always together, you won’t spill them with water.

Learn also about the origin and meaning of such phraseological units:

Video: phraseological units and idioms

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