“Give hands”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

“Give hands”: origin, direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, explanation in one word, examples of sentences

Phraseologism “Give Hands” has its origin and meaning. Read about this in the article.

Phraseologisms are easy to recognize. These phrases have two or more words, they have historical roots, are a single member of the sentence, have a stable composition. Such phrases have other distinctive features.

Read in other articles on our website about the origin of such phraseologisms as: "Rale your nose" and "Hang your nose". You will also find out what direct and figurative meaning of these words.

In this article you will learn about the origin of phraseological units "Give hands"And also learn to make sentences and select synonyms. Read further.

"Give hands": The origin of phraseological units

"Give hands": The origin of phraseological units

Like many phraseological units of the Russian language, expression "Give hands" It happens, it originates from history. A blow to human limbs implied punishment and “courage” from something bad. For example, if a hand stretched into someone else's pocket. Over time, the phrase also found many portable meanings, as a result of which it began to be used in meanings such as “stop”, “weaning”, “influence someone”.

Phraseologism also has many synonyms, among which “tear off your hands”, “cling to catch up”, “moderate the ardor”, “lower from heaven to earth”, etc. Often, this expression emphasizes both direct bodily punishment and reproach, various kinds of verbal “adultery” from something, attempts to besiege or pull a person practicing something inappropriate.

“Give hands” - which means: a short direct and figurative meaning of phraseology, an explanation in one word

"Give hands"

What does phraseology mean "Give hands"? He has a short direct and figurative meaning. Here is a complete explanation:

  • The main meaning is the suppression of someone else's impermissible actions.
  • Washing from something, positive impact, education.
  • "Give hands" In a figurative sense, it means to besiege or scold, make a person a remark.

In a word, this phraseology can be explained as follows:

  • To pull
  • Besiege
  • Tame

Read more about these words and other synonyms below in the text.

How to make a proposal with phraseological unit "give hands": Examples

"Give hands"

With phraseology "Give hands" You can make many offers. If you can’t do it yourself, then here are examples:

  • “The extension of the 14-year-old Alyosha with a cigarette, his mother pressed him in the arms”-direct importance.
  • “A good guy sings good. But to those sound engineers who recorded it, I would put in hand. Records are really left to be desired. Despite the fact that there is a voice too ”is a figurative meaning denoting dissatisfaction with someone else's work, result.
  • “Give you hands so that he no longer stole. So I know that it will not help. "
  • “I advise you to give her hands until she sat all of us on my head.”
  • “If we continue to take work carelessly, we will all be given hands.”
  • “My girlfriend regularly gives me hands for the fact that I am a gear, but I can’t do anything with myself” - direct importance.
  • “Reality regularly hits my hands, but I do not extract experience from my mistakes and continue to do what I consider necessary.”
  • “Katya said that in childhood, her mother regularly gave her a ruler when she was distracted from homework” - direct importance.
  • "Give them all in their hands, but only their hands are short to reach them."
  • "Whenever I see smoking girls, I want to give them hands."
  • “As a child, Pavel was often given hands for the lack of diligence, but his handwriting never became calligraphic. Now he is 30, and parents still regret that they have not devoted a sufficient amount of time to prescriptions and notebooks in a slanting line. Although, logically, it would be time for them to think about grandchildren. In the end, handwriting is not the most important thing in life. And Paul’s life developed excellent-he is a top manager who made himself “from scratch”, lives in a new building in the center of the capital and does not deny himself anything ”-this is already a whole story with the use of this phraseology.
  • “I am tired of the fact that they constantly give me hands. Give me, finally, the opportunity to do something on my own, even if it is wrong. ”
  • "Come on him or do not give him hands, nothing will change anyway."

Here is another example that can be applied to any person: “To become better, you need to regularly give yourself hands. Only then a positive result will not be long in coming. ”

How to choose a synonym for phraseological units “give hands”: phraseology with the meaning of punish, pull, besiege, tame

"Give hands" - punish

Learn to select synonyms for phraseologism "Give hands". This will help write a beautiful text, with the full transmission of the desired meaning. Here are examples of synonyms, phraseological units with the meaning:

  • Punish - Give your hands, slap up. "The authorities decided to give on their hands all managers who abuse coffee breaks." "The authorities decided to slap up to all managers who abuse five -minute at work."
  • To pull - Give your hands, you would tear off your hands - a synonym. “When will you stop constantly smoothing your hair? Give you hands for this. They look so great, and you only rag them in this way. ”
  • Besiege - Give hands, let go from heaven to earth. “Your subordinates are too high about yourself and have completely embroidered. I think it is time to let them go from heaven to earth (give hands). ”
  • Tame - Give hands, die ardor. “It is time to give him hands (to moderate his ardor), he takes too much on himself. Let him not think that he is the only one and unique, the rest are also not basting. ”

Now you know how to make sentences, write stories and understand the meaning of this phraseology. You can safely answer the teacher’s questions, and get “excellent” for it. Good luck!

Video: Video lesson in the Russian language "Phraseologisms". 4th grade

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