Apricot kernels: benefits and harm, therapeutic properties of apricot bones

Apricot kernels: benefits and harm, therapeutic properties of apricot bones

How often, enjoying the juicy pulp of apricot, threw bones without regret? Meanwhile, in front of you is a very valuable product that is used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

Why are the nuclei of apricot bones as important as they are used and what nature hidden inside them will tell in our article.

Is it possible to eat nuclei of apricot seeds?

  • The first and most important question is - is it worth it to try to get a nucleus from the apricot bone, are the nuclei of apricot seeds useful? Scientists argue that not only is possible, but also necessary.
Apricot kernels are very useful
Apricot kernels are very useful
  • Contraindicated nuclei of apricot seeds Few patients: suffering from pancreatitis, hepatitis, diabetes and problems associated with the thyroid gland.
  • At the same time, everything is fine that in moderation - doctors do not advise using raw apricot nuclei in uncontrolled doses. There is a risk of poisoning, as they contain hydrocyanic acid. Poisoning can cause a portion exceeding 20 g.
  • If the nuclei is dried in the oven or scatter - the harm of dried nuclei of apricot seeds It comes down to zero, since harmful substances are destroyed during temperature treatment. Nevertheless, consult your family doctor, do the necessary tests and only then start to use apricot nuclei.

What vitamins and trace elements are contained in the nuclei of apricot bones: Composition

  • Apricot is a real storehouse of health, which Ibn Sina praised in his works. The nuclei of apricot seeds are also used from their unique composition.
  • So, using them, you can replenish the body with vitamins PP and B17, B15, iodine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, gray, silicon, potassium, calcium and synical acid.
The composition of the nuclei of the apricot
The composition of the nuclei of the apricot

What is the difference between almonds and apricot seeds?

  • Outwardly, the nucleus of apricot seeds and almonds are very similar. Since the products are radically different in the field of application and properties, it is important for housewives to be able to distinguish them.
  • Almonds are round, oblong and voluminous in shape, and apricot kernels flattened and wide. The skin in almonds is very difficult, and at the nucleus, if you put on one side, the skin can be easily removed. The almonds are difficult to break with your fingers, and the nucleus of the apricot is very easy.
  • The nucleus nucleus tastes Watery and sweet (in wild apricot - bitter), and almonds are dry and nut.

Apricot bones: calorie content per 100 grams

  • The nuclei of apricot seeds should not be consumed by those who want to ask extra pounds. Based on their energy value, they are recommended by people involved in sports.
  • 100 g of nuclei of apricot seeds contain 440 kcal.

How to clean apricot nuclei from the shell?

  • The process of cleaning the nuclei of apricot seeds is quite time-consuming. The best way of cleaning users of the Internet is called passatigi - And quietly, and all the nuclei are intact.
  • They are also broken by a small hammer - but if you live in an apartment, neighbors may not appreciate your desire to clean the nuclei.
  • A press for garlic or nuts is better not to use - You can crush a delicate and valuable core.

Video: How to clean apricot seeds?

How to clean the nuclei of apricot seeds from the skin?

  • To easily clean the nuclei of apricot seeds from the skin, use the same method as for cleaning almonds - put them in a bowl and pour boiling water for several minutes.
  • After that, the water is drained and waited until the contents of the bowl cooled, and peeled from the skin with the fingers.

Apricot bones: what to do with them?

  • Apricot nuclei are widely used in Cooking - creams, glaze, caramels, yogurts, sweets. To many favorite sweets, they give a magical aroma and a delicate apricot tint.
  • Even if you are not a chef, add A handful of ground nuclei in cupcakes or charlotte dough -An ordinary dish will sound exquisitely and in a new way.
  • Apricot jam with nucenches - The delicacy, which neither children nor adults will refuse. Just remember that due to synical acid in the composition of the bones, such jam cannot be stored for more than a year.
Apricot jam with a core
Apricot jam with a core
  • If your husband loves beer, prepare Salted apricot bones. To the glass while watching football is ideal. To do this, apricot bones are boiled in a salt solution for several hours, and then left to dry in the sun until completely dry.
  • From the nuclei of apricot seeds are made oil, in terms of value, comparable to expensive almonds and flour.
Apricot seed oil
Apricot seed oil
  • The shell that remains of them is also valuable - Four to soot and grinding it turns into a real activated carbon.

Amaretto liquor with apricot nuclei

You will need:

  • almonds and nuclei of apricot seeds - 50 g each
  • coffee - 20 g
  • water - 150 g
  • cinnamon - 10 g
  • black pepper peas - 15 g
  • whiskey - 200 g
  • brown sugar - 150 g
  • vanilla sugar - bag
Excellent recipe to get an excellent saw
Excellent recipe for a great drink
  • To start the nucleus, apricot and almonds are poured with boiling water in separate containers. After that, clean.
  • We bake almonds with pepper in the oven.
  • Mix the apricot nuclei with cinnamon and add to the container with almonds and pepper.
  • Next, prepare hot syrup - mix vanilla and brown sugar. Add coffee to the syrup.
  • We mix all the ingredients in clean dishes, close it tightly and leave in a dark cold place for a month.
  • After that, the liquor must be filtered and you can serve on the table.

Grain bars with apricot nuclei

  1. A trendy snack is prepared very quickly and easily. You will need: 50 g of dates, sesame seeds, nuclei of apricot seeds, almonds, honey, sunflower seeds, raisins. As well as 80 g of water and 50 g of bananas.
  2. Banana, dates, honey and a little water are mixed in the bowl of the blender and set aside. After that, interrupt the almonds and nuclei of the apricot in the blender so that they are not very small. Mix all the ingredients, put it on a baking sheet and dry 4 hours at a temperature of 80 ° C.
Maximum taste and benefit
Maximum taste and benefit

How to cook, cook bones from apricots?

  • To remove bitterness and destroy the harmful effects of synical acid apricot seeds are boiled before extracting the nuclei from them.
  • The process is quite simple - the bones are poured into the pan and pour water exactly as much as to cover the seeds.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer on fire for two hours. Then the bones can be dried and extracted.
  • After boiling, it will be much easier to extract the nuclei of apricot seeds.

Apricot bones, as an addition to cancer treatment - how to accept: recipe, dosage

  • This unique product contains the "killer of cancer cells" - Vitamin B17. Modern studies have shown that the daily use of apricot kernels protects the body from cancer. A person needs seven nuclei of apricot per day.
  • Apricot kernels against cancer: how to take? Ground fresh apricot seeds (7 pcs.) And add a teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients, eat and drink warm water. The nuclei must be raw.
Apricot nucleus in the fight against cancer
Apricot nucleus in the fight against cancer

Recipes of apricot seeds for heart disease, arrhythmias

  • Vitamin B15, which is part of apricot seeds, expands and cleanses the vessels, thus, positively affecting the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Apply nuclei of apricot seeds for any cardiovascular disease is raw, calculating the amount like this: 1 nucleus per 5 kg of weight.
  • With heart diseases You will need 1 cup of boiling water and 10 g of crushed nuclei. The cores are poured with boiling water, they are waiting for the tea to infuse and drink before going to bed daily.
  • Folk recipe for arrhythmia: 500 g of lemon, 500 g of honey and 20 g of apricot nuclei. Krase the lemons with a blender, add chopped nuclei and honey. Mix well and insist a week in a cool place. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and before the last meal on a teaspoon.

Apricot bones from worms

  • Only raw apricot kernels can help against worms.
  • To do this, you need to eat up to 40 nuclei throughout the day.
With many ailments
With many ailments

Apricot seeds for type 2 diabetes

  • The glycemic index of apricot seeds is less than 10 units. But this does not make them useful for diabetics.
  • The nuclei of apricot seeds, despite their unique beneficial properties, with diabetes, you should only use after consulting a doctor. In addition, the number of nuclei should not exceed 10 g during the day. It is better to use them as part of cream, baking or ice cream.

Apricot bones during pregnancy: benefit or harm?

  • The nuclei of apricot seeds contain folic acid, which is vital for the development of the fetus. Also, a complex of vitamins and minerals, which is able to support the body of a pregnant woman and will allow her and her baby to feel great.
  • However Pregnant women are recommended to use half a daily dose of an adult (7-10 nucleoli) and only once a week. This will be enough to enrich the body with the necessary substances and at the same time protect against overdose and poisoning.
Pregnant women need to be consumed with caution
Pregnant women need to be consumed with caution

We sincerely hope that after our article you will not throw bones and at least try to add this valuable product to the diet of your family.

We advise you to read the articles from which you will learn about the benefits:

Video: The benefits or harm from apricot seeds?

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