Olive oil: benefits and harm, contraindications, reviews, how to take for medicinal purposes? The recipe for cleaning the liver with olive oil. How to choose the right olive oil: tips

Olive oil: benefits and harm, contraindications, reviews, how to take for medicinal purposes? The recipe for cleaning the liver with olive oil. How to choose the right olive oil: tips


We must not forget that for the normal functioning of the human body it is necessary to take proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Natural fats are in all vegetable oils, and we easily process them. It is indisputable that natural fats bring us great benefit.

In Russia, oils made of sunflower or rapeseed are best bought out. And although olive is more expensive, however, it is also quite popular among consumers. And it is precisely about him that we will tell you.

The composition of olive oil, vitamins, trace elements, a glycemic index, is there any cholesterol in olive oil?

  • Chemistry of olive oil - This is a mix of fatty acid (triglycerin), styrene, phospholipids, wax, phytosterins, vitamins are also present here.
  • Fatty acids provide us with vitamins and polyunsized fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.
    Without participation Omega-3 The synthesis of membranes at the cellular level, cholesterol metabolism, strengthening the walls of blood vessels is not cost. Exactly from the lack of omega-3, thrombosis occursWhat can lead to strokes and heart attacks.
  • Fat exchange occurs with the participation of phospholipids that form nerves, brain cells and liver, helping them fully share and develop, remove harmful cholesterol.
  • The components of oils are valuable by the presence of phytosterins and steroid alcohols. With the participation of phospholipids, they control the amount of cholesterol.
  • You should also know that there are vitamins here E, A, D, B, K, S.

But besides this, the product contains:

  • phenolic acids, warning cancer neoplasms;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) - a powerful natural antioxidant that can force malignant cancer tumors to stop his growth, inhibiting aging and helping a person to remain young longer;
  • polyphenols - they are also antioxidants, help to work to the brain and the cardiovascular system, prevent early aging of the body, and the norm of sugar is blood pressure;
  • phenols and acidic acids. They increase immunity and contribute to the slowdown of aging processes at the cellular level;
  • badge (Squalenu) is one of the varieties of hydrocarbons that takes an active part in metabolic processes, regenerates cells, slowing down their aging, helps to increase immunity and fight oncological types of diseases;
  • β-priest - This is a unique connection contained only in olive oil. It helps to remove "harmful" cholesterol from the body
  • terpenic alcohols;
  • the presence of trace elements - phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium.

Olive oil does not contain cholesterol.
Glycemic index - 0 (zero), because it does not have carbohydrates.

Comparative composition of olive and sunflower oil
Comparative composition of olive and sunflower oil

The benefits of olive oil for the body, calorie content

Everyone has heard about its useful and healing properties. In its chemical composition, the lion's share (by 80%) occupies oleic acid (omega-9); At 4-14%, it consists of linoleic acid (omega-6)affecting the growth and development of cells, however, oversaturation of this acid is very dangerous for blood circulation. 15 % is allocated for saturated fatty acids; before 1%-for omega-3 acid. All of them are very important for the human body.

The calorie content of this oil is 900 kcal per 100 grams.


The harm of olive oil for the body and contraindications to use inward

The harm of olive oil for the body
  • Plant fats, including olive oil, can harm in large quantities. Omega-6, contained in a significant amount in olive oil, destroys in the Omega-3 body, which is very scarce in our diet and which is responsible for liquefaction of blood. More details in the article: Healthy ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body
  • Therefore, be careful, even olive oil can harm. In everything you need to know the measure.

How to choose the right olive oil: tips, how to check for authenticity?

  • If the raw materials are of high quality, then high -quality and product. Its quality is also affected by how olive oil is squeezed and cleaned.
  • To understand which one is more useful, it is worth knowing what technologies this industrial production applies in its manufacture.

What and how do olive oil make?

There are several ways to produce olive oil from olives. In this case, it is used:

  • Pressing, that is, a mechanical cold squeezer With the help of screw presses. Plant material (olives) is crushed. We get the highest quality and healthy oil.
  • Centrifugation and semiparction Olives, which, after cleaning and washing, are loaded into special equipment. With this technology, a pasta is prepared, which is then homogenized and tempered (thermal treatment for oil separation from this mass is undergoing).
  • Extractionproviding the maximum level of degreasing by natural solvents (this is one of the methods of oil production of oil).

Olive oil - why bitter: reasons, should it be bitter, which is not bitter, the name of the oil

To improve its quality and extend the storage time, the resulting oil is cleaned (refined). As a result, an unpleasant bitter taste and all of the utility listed in the picture disappears from olive oil.

If you want not bitter oil, choose any of the refined. For example - Aceite de Oliva,Olive-Pomace Oil. 

Which oil is better refined or unrefined?

  • When cleansing vegetable fats, different impurities are removed, including beneficial ones, and this affects taste and consumer properties.
  • The argument of opponents of the use of refined oil is that, as they say, when cleaning, quality worsens, its components are depreciated. But after the refinition, it still remains a certain amount of fatty acids and vitamins, Let them even less than in the original version.
  • If you look for pluses, then refined oils are stored for a long time, they are cheaper, and cooking cannot do without them at all. They can be used both when frying products and filling them with salads.
  • Most often, from unrefined species during frying, products are distinguished carcinogensformed due to the combustion of beneficial impurities. Refined oils are cleaned of these impurities.
  • Purified olive oil is best used to people who suffer from allergic diseases, since it is safer for them.

Which olive oil is better for salads?

Recommended while cooking cold food use of unrefined oil, in which there are useful compounds. This is cold pressing oil.

  • Unrefined olive oil (not past processing) - this means that during its manufacture it was not cleaned or modified, it was simply removed from the plants. Previously, it was considered oil for the poor, as it is cheaper.
  • Contrary to this common opinion, the latest scientific research has proved that in such olive oil there are much more compounds useful for the human body than its refined.
In a salad
In a salad

Which olive oil is better for frying, in which olive oil to fence fish, cutlets, potatoes, vegetables?

Often people are interested in Is it possible to fry on olive oil, And will not lose its quality at the same time?

  • And yet, which of them is better to use- refined or unrefined?
  • Who often cooks, he knows that if you fry in uncleaned olive oil, then it can smoke, burn in a pan, and also foaming and publish not a very pleasant smell or bitter.
  • It is safer for health and better for the quality of fried dishes of course refined (purified) olive oil.
  • You should not expect a definite answer, since different specialists look at things in their own way.
  • If you use low temperatures (up to 170 ° C), then unpeeled oil is suitable for frying. But in the case of a higher temperature, it is better to use refined.

Olive oil - which is better?

There are such types of oil:

  • Virgin (natural) - without chemical solvents;
  • Refined (refined) - according to technologies that adjust its taste and chemical properties;
  • POMACE (oily oil), It is obtained using repeated spin, with chemical solvents and high temperatures.

What is preferable - cold or hot squeezing of olive oil?

When pressing, cold raw materials are pressed at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C - for the preservation of most beneficial substances. The negative of this technology is a short shelf life.

The best brands of cold squeezing olive oil

There are such "cold -making" varieties of olive oil:

  • Extra Virgen Olive Oil (Extra Natural) - Unrefined, obtained at the first cold spin. It is the most expensive in all senses of the word, since it remains most of all different useful things. Nutritionists advise to eat it for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or disorders of the digestive tract and biliary system. It tastes very saturated, there is a bitterness in it and it is good for them to season salads.
  • Virgen Olive Oil (natural) - unrefined in the second cold spin, lower quality. And although its taste is less refined, it is also quite useful, it contains a real assorted of macro and trace elements. It is not worth frying food on it, but it is better to tuck them salads.
  • Aceite de Oliva -Refined the highest category, it is a mix of extra-naural unrefined and refined oils in the ratio 85% to 15%. It does not have an original olive flavor where the bitterness is present (this is exactly what the previous two species differ), but it can be used when frying.
  • According to the luminaries from cooking, the highest quality is Extra Virgin Unfilted Olive Oil (unfiltered) extra-class olive oil.
  • The great taste is also inherent in Extra Virgin Olive Oil - (filtered) oil, where acidity is below 0.8%. When choosing olive oil, you should ask the type of spin (cold or hot exposure) of this product. The choice should depend on what purposes you are going to use it. Recommendations on this subject are given above.
  • Let's take a note: unrefined "cold -flaps" oil is more useful. Its minus is a short expiration date, high cost and limited use (it should not be used when frying, but it is indispensable for salads).

Advantages of varieties of hot spin olive oil:

The oil obtained with hot spin has unique taste and aromatic abilities, rightfully evaluated by cooks. Such oil, produced from olives, smells of ripe butter, and it persists for a long time.

  • Unrefined oil obtained by hot spin - This is a cheaper product, but less useful. It can be stored for a long time and cooks simply adore such oil for its taste.
  • What oil to purchase - the choice is yours. All species are distinguished by weak and strengths (we wrote about them above). But in order not to bother with the problem of choice, you should have different oil in the kitchen.

The acidity of olive oil

There is also a classification for oil acidity:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil - It is distinguished by the highest quality and excellent taste, the acid content does not exceed 0.8%.
  • Virgin Olive Oil - with acidity below 2%, has a good taste.
  • Olive Oil or Pure Olive Oil - combination of refined and natural oils, with acidity up to 1.5%, it does not have bright aroma and taste.
  • Olive Pomace Oil (from the zimkh), it is obtained at the second spin. In order to improve taste and aromatic properties, sometimes its composition is “diluted” with natural olive oil. This type of oil is often sold in Russian stores, as it has a budget price in contrast to the extra-class product. Sometimes, in order to reduce the cost of its cost, some not too conscientious manufacturers allow themselves to dilute the oil from the olives of Rapsov. Well, here is how lucky anyone is, it is rare that one of the consumers would occur to laboratory research.

Who is contraindicated in olive oil?

  • To consume in smaller quantities or to completely exclude olive oil from the dietary oil for those people who have been identified gallstone disease and cholecystitis disease, T.K. it has choleretic effect And it can provoke attacks of the disease.

How to consume olive oil?

  • Everything should be in everything measure. To fat hepatosis, which affects the liver, has not developed, this product should be consumed moderately.
  • There are people who, in pursuit of miraculous healing, absorb quite a lot of olive oil, which is fraught with even more serious consequences. Consuming a product in large quantities on an empty stomach, the occurrence of side effects may occur - head or dizzy, pressure drops, diarrhea occur.

Can olive oil on an empty stomach during pregnancy?

  • Cold push olive oil is a very useful product for future mothers and children.
  • Fatty acid, with which the oil is quite saturated, help to harmoniously develop the brain, as well as bone, nervous and muscle systems of the fetus Even in the bosom of the future mother.
  • You can drink 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach for the best operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • However, we remind you of the measure, since the omega-6 contained in oil destroys omega-3, simply vital for the formation of the brain and organs of vision in the fetus.

Can olive oil during breastfeeding?

  • Due to the presence in olive oil linoleic acid, which is a lot in breast milk, this product is perfect for nursing women during active lactationbut in moderation. Take them salads.

Olive oil for children

  • Olive oil can be safely added to even small children. And this is on the advice of pediatricians, since one of its components is linoleic acid, which is rich in breast milk.
  • Linoleic acid improves vision, regenerates the skin.

Olive oil for pancreatitis: can I or not?

  • Olive oil is rich microelements and vitamins, Therefore, it provides a “good service” of the digestive system, and runs the liver, intestines, and the pancreas to normal.
  • It is recommended for the use of those people who have in their history glorific ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis. This oil has strong choleretic abilities, they are treated with biliary tract.
  • With proper receipt of bile in the digestive tract, the pancreas works correctly.

How to take olive oil for the heart and blood vessels, cholesterol reduction?

  • People with cardiovascular diseases must certainly introduce it into their diet. This oil will help remove cholesterol plaques from the vessels, capable of developing atherosclerosis. The presence of vitamin in oil AT 3 Reduces cholesterol in the blood.
  • Vitamin E (olive oil is very rich in them) protects the blood vessels from destruction, leads the rejuvenation process, it is not actively used in cosmetology. Except for internal organs, they the skin, hair, nails are healing.
  • Oleic acid - This, as scientists assure, powerful weapons to combat oncology.

Is it possible to gain weight from olive oil?

  • Olive oil is unique! It is absolutely absorbed, and that is why dietetologists are given advice to people who strive to lose weight and establish their digestion, be sure to eat it.
  • Those compounds that are in oil help acceleration of metabolism and quickly split fats, And this helps to lose excess weight. And the feeling of hunger will dull mono -saturated acids.
  • However, do not overdo it, the oil is too high -calorie!

Olive oil for constipation: how to take it correctly?

  • Without a doubt, olive oil is a very useful product. However, before starting its consumption, it is imperative to consult your doctor.
  • You need to start small so that your body is used to it. Over time, it will be possible increase its consumption, it is better to on an empty stomach. After all, with excessive oil consumption, it can develop serious diarrhea.

How to drink olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach and at night for medicinal purposes?

In the morning, oil is consumed in order to “wake up” the body and “start” digestion. In this case, the body's protective systems, one hundred percent assimilation of useful compounds, cleansing the internal organs of toxins and toxins, are activated.

Olive oil consumption scheme:

  • 0.5 tbsp. l. before meals in the morning;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. Half an hour before dinner.

Olive oil: is it possible and how to drip in the nose?

  • Olive oil ideal for instillation in the nose, since it is indispensable in cases where it is necessary soften the mucous membrane. After all, it is saturated with vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids.
  • Using this tool systematically, you will significantly strengthen the immunity, increase the body's defenses.
  • In addition to softening the mucous membrane, plugging in the nose of olive oil will help in the fight against a runny nose, itching and irritation will bend, muffle pain and sore, heal the wounds.

Olive oil for type 2 diabetes

  • People suffering from type 2 diabetes should be lower lipids in the blood Using olive oil.
  • Thanks to its use, as studies have shown, you can significantly increase the level of useful cholesterol and get rid of the harmfulwithout those side effects that are observed when using drugs.

Olive oil from burns

  • Vegetable oils are widely used in folk medicine And olive is one of the most popular. For example, with burns It helps both in its pure form and as a component of other drugs.
  • Applying an olive oil on the injured area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a thin layer, you create the finest protective film, Which will keep moisture in the body, and will not allow infections to penetrate inside.

Olive oil for hemorrhoids

  • People suffering from hemorrhoids are strongly recommended use olive oil as externally (to relieve inflammation in the anus and the fastest tissue regeneration), so internally (in order to forget about constipation forever).
  • Having removed a sharp attack, we must not forget about the further use of oil in the form of a preventive agent.

Olive oil for gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcer

  • Olive oil for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers (Only when there is no attack!) It works well for healing.
  • This effect is achieved thanks to the enveloping properties of oil, which also reduces acidity and triggers the correct digestive processes.

Olive oil for atopic dermatitis

  • If your baby suffers from atopic dermatitis, then you should take the care of his skin as seriously as possible.
  • In this matter, an indispensable assistant for you will be olive oil is a hypoallergenic agent, Which gently and effectively cleanses the skin of the child, without causing him absolutely no harm.
  • However, there is no general recipe for everyone. An individual approach to each patient.

Half up the throat with olive oil: does it help from snoring?

  • Avid smokers and lovers of strong alcohol can easily get rid of snoring, having rinsing the throat before night rest with olive oil.
  • Thanks to its magical properties, this product is not only soften the mucous membranes, but also will save them from nicotine resins.

Can I drink olive oil on an empty stomach with obesity?

  • In pursuit of a slender body, many women (and men too) checked on themselves miraculous power of olive oil  on an empty stomach - On a teaspoon hour before meals.
  • Thanks to this simple focus, you can saturate the body with the daily norm of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Yes, and after that I want much less.
  • However, obesity is a very complex state that has different reasons, and therefore it is better to consult with a nutritionist.

Live cleaning with olive oil and lemon juice: Recipe

In this recipe, the lemon serves as a choleretic tool, moreover, it also protects the gall bladder from stone formation. Vitamin C in lemon strengthens blood vessels and bile ducts, increases the body's defenses.

The liver is cleaned in combination with other methods of cleaning the body.

For this, in about 2 weeks you need (on the growing moon):

  • Do not eat harmful food (fried, sweet, pastries)
  • Do not overeat (a portion of women 200 gr, men 300 gr)
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Reduce, or completely stop drinking tea, coffee, juices, compote, drink only clean water
  • Do exercises, you can add running, walking
  • Go to the bathhouse, or take a bath (first week every other day, the second one every day)
  • In the last 3 days, eat only liquid food (soups, borscht, freshly squeezed juice, pure water).
  • On the last day of preparation, drink a laxative, make an enema.

We do cleaning on weekends so that you are within the house.

  • We start when 2 hours passed after a lightweight dinner.
  • We drink 1 tablet no-shpato expand blood vessels and bile ducts
  • Let it pass for another 2 hours and you need to warm up the body in the bath, then still warm up 4-5 hours under a blanket with a warm heating pad.
  • Prepare 2 equal parts of olive oil and lemon juice. This is 1 cup of oil and 3 lemones. Strictly equally.
  • Remaining under a blanket with a heating pad on the right side (liver), take 3 tablespoons of oil inside every 15 minutes and at once the same amount of lemon juice. After each reception, belching should go. Wait for belching and then take the next portion.
  • Finish the whole procedure with drinking before bedtime staying in bed, fall asleep. It can be naked, it will not be comfortable, but the next morning (or maybe earlier) there will be emptying, which can be independent, or with an enema. In any case, it will be necessary to make a few more enemas until the liquid comes out almost transparent. For power on this day, porridge, fruits, freshly squeezed diluted juice, water are suitable.

How many grams of olive oil in a tablespoon?

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil weighs 14.4 g.
  • Remember: if you need accurate weight, it is better to use kitchen scales.

How many calories are in olive oil in one tablespoon, in 100 g?

  • It should be remembered about the high calorie content of olive oil - per 100 gr. The product accounts for 884 calories.
  • One tablespoon 127 kcal.

Olive oil sediment after the refrigerator

  • Sometimes during storage a precipitate appears in olive oil - This is quite acceptable and does not mean at all that the product is spoiled.
  • If the oil after filtration was saturated a product of cold spin (to give the desired aroma and shade), then in the refrigerator this additive simply freezes and turns into fat.
  • After natural thawing At room temperature, the frozen particles will dissolve again.

Extensive olive oil: what to do with it, can you eat?

  • If the shelf life is not too exceeded (week or two-this is not a critical period for olive oil), then you can eat it.
  • But if it is already starting to bitter, it means that it should be allowed for other needs: for example, use it for the manufacture of cosmetics or for technical purposes.

Is it possible to use olive oil if it is frozen?

  • Under the influence of low temperatures (for example, in the refrigerator) olive oil freezes - becomes thick. This is obtained due to crystallization of fatty acids and wax
  • If the oil is frozen and then thawed at room temperature, then this in no way will lower its tastes of qualities, and also will not lower the number of beneficial substances in it, so use it to health!

How to store olive oil until opening and after opening, its expiration date

  • Naturally, over time, all vegetable fats lose their original characteristics, they are spoiling. For this reason olive oil should be used up during the first year after manufacture. That is why in the expiration date there is often a figure of 12 months. If the oil is refined, then it can be stored longer.
No more than a year
No more than a year
  • Olive oil It should not be stored at too high or low temperatures, it also spoils from sunlight. The most optimal option is dark and dry place, temperature - up to +12 ° C. For storage, it is best to use a tightly clogged bottle of dark glass.

The benefits of olive oil: reviews

  • Natalia, 61 years old. For several years I have been drinking olive oil on an empty stomach, and I was convinced of my beneficial properties. I used to suffer from constipation, but now I forgot to think about them, the body works like a watch. It seems to me that I was even a little younger when I began to take it as a medicine. So, as a user with experience, I recommend it to everyone.
  • Victor, 58 years old. Thank you for warning about who should not eat olive oil. I have stones in the gall bladder, my friends advised to drink it in the morning, assuring that the oil would “muffle” the disease. It is very good that he was worried and did not heed their advice. In general, many of us lazy people are not to go to the doctor, to consult with him. Usually we make diagnoses to ourselves, we prescribe the treatment using OBS (one grandmother said).
  • Veronica, 25 years old. My granny - and she was already over 70, recently stated: "After seventy, life is just beginning." She sacredly believes that it is olive oil that gives its positive result. Grandma has been drinking a tablespoon of oil for more than a year and completely stopped taking pills from increased pressure.

In our articles you can learn about the benefits:

Video: On the benefits of olive oil

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Comments K. article

  1. She suspected the benefits of oil, but did not even think that it was so useful. Thank you very much for such an informative article, now I will definitely buy a bottle.

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