Fresh is fresh, dried: the benefits and harm for the body of men, women, children, therapeutic properties, chemical composition, vitamins, trace elements, calorie content, glycemic index, folk recipes, rules of use

Fresh is fresh, dried: the benefits and harm for the body of men, women, children, therapeutic properties, chemical composition, vitamins, trace elements, calorie content, glycemic index, folk recipes, rules of use

It is also called a fig tree or a fig - it is southern, juicy, sweet, not like any other and unusual fruit for our latitudes. Most often, we see it in the form of a dried fruit, and those lucky people who have the opportunity to enjoy this yummy in fresh form are simply lost from what color to give preference: green, yellow or more familiar to the purple figs for us.

The usefulness of figs is undeniable, but still not everyone knows enough information about it. Let's learn more about the figs.

Is figs a fruit or a berry or a vegetable?

  • A lot of small seeds contained in figs gives reason to assume that this berry. That is how many believe. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the berry is part of the shrub or grassy plant, and not a tree, as in this case.
  • It is also hardly possible to attribute a fig tree to fruits, especially since the term “fruit” in botany is not used at all, giving way to this prerogative of cooking. There can be no question of classifying vegetables.
  • It turns out that the plant itself is a ficus family, or rather this carii ficus. It is his inflorescences that become those round or oval fruits themselves, which we habitually call figs. Therefore, speaking "fig" (this is another popular name for the plant), we actually mean the frill of the ficus.

Figs: how to eat fresh - with or without a peel?

  • For meals, you should choose ripe soft fruits, without dent, possible mold or unpleasant smell of rot.
  • Fresh figs Before it is, it is necessary to wash, and then carefully wipe it with a paper towel. The stems must be removed, for which just carefully unscrew them with your fingers.
  • Figs It is necessary to eat whole. His peel is quite edible, so that it can not be cleaned, limited to removing the stem. The same one who does not like the skin structure can remove it along with the stem, only you need to use a knife, but fingers for this.
  • Figs You can also cut in half along using a sharp knife. This is a good way out for those who do not like the skin - just scoop up a soft part of the fetus with a spoon. You can also give a fig to the child.

Fine is fresh, dried, dried: benefit and harm

  • Tasty, and most importantly, the figs are useful, regardless of the form in which it is used: fresh, dried or in the form of dried fruits. The undoubted useful qualities include its richest healing properties, which allow the figs to be perceived as an effective tool for the prevention of cancer or stress, beneficial to influence the thyroid gland, and act as auxiliary treatment for bronchitis.
  • In addition, the figs on the cardiovascular, nervous system have a beneficial effect. Figs are able to even affect the level of cholesterol in the blood, reducing it and thereby preventing the manifestations of atherosclerosis. This miracle is helping the intestine helps to establish work, slightly relaxing it.

  • A large number of vitamins and trace elements, Making in the figs, makes it valuable and nutritious, especially if you are lucky to consume it fresh when the fruits are still bright. Iron in its composition opposes anemia, and low calorie content is the basis for the use of figs for weight loss.
  • Widely used in cooking, speaking raw materials for jam and jams, component of salads or meat dishes, cheeses or ham. Jam is cooked from figs of figs, jam, meat, salads are prepared with them, they make wine from them. Dried figs It is essentially ordinary dried fruit and is used in the same way.
  • Sweeped figs is no less useful than fresh. It is included in the patient’s diet in the case when combined therapy is carried out, act as a general strengthening agent.
  • Regular use of the jerky fruit allows you to notice the result when your goal is weight loss. In addition, wine berry is involved in the excretion of cholesterol. Pluted figs are also beneficial in cases where it is necessary reduce pressure, restore the work of the stomach and intestines. Helps if necessary expecting, removing toxins, positively affects the strengthening of bones, reproductive and respiratory systems.
  • You cannot talk about the dangers of this fetus, the only the warning against its use is some diseases: gastritis, ulcer, diabetes, kidney inflammation or in the intestines, gout. And, of course, you should not abuse this yummy so as not to create problems in the form of an disorder of the stomach or intestines.
  • Regarding contraindications, we can say that in the first place there may be an allergic reaction to the product. This happens infrequently, but in any case, it is necessary to find out the possibility of allergies in advance to avoid rashes and a nod in the abdomen, or even worse - Quincke's edema.
  • Generally Slid figs is contraindicated with diabetes, acute pancreatitis, gout. Of course, its pronounced laxative effect limits the use of the fetus, in addition the abuse increases the risk of caries, inflammation in the intestines, flatulence.

Figs: benefits for the body of a woman

Women figs are useful in the following cases:

  • To relieve painful menstruation -For this, during menstruation you should eat 2-3 fruits.
  • Figs normalize macro and trace elements balancenecessary for the health of the female body
  • It helps a more even tan, because it makes the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet and contains melanin, which neutralizes harmful effects.
  • Invaluable for those who are on a diet, because It can successfully replace sugar.
  • The leaves of figs and immature fruits squeezed into the juice will help if you rub them into spots.
  • From figs you can do rejuvenating masks, Increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  • Pregnant figs Recommended to normalize weight.
  • The content of vitamin A and calcium in the figs is favorable for skin and teeth.
  • With varicose veins, veins helps to improve the condition of blood vessels.
  • Smoknitsa syrup helps with inflammation of the female genital organs.
  • Used for treatment mastitisWhy the fruit, steamed in milk, is applied to the chest.

Figs: benefits for men

  • Figs for men It provides no less benefit than for women. For example, some amino acids in its composition contribute to an increase in sexual desire, and minerals (magnesium, manganese, zinc) affect the state of reproductive function. In addition, the fig helps in the case of premature ejaculation.
  • Potassium in the fetus It has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, helping to maintain it normally, and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • The figs have a good effect on the digestive system, helping with constipation and swelling of the intestine - all this thanks to the fiber contained in it. To improve the condition, 2-3 fruits per day are enough. In moderate doses, it contributes to the stabilization of sugar levels in the body.
  • Smokovitsa also includes antioxidants, taking care of DNA cells and protruding anti -oncological prevention, in particular, this is relevant for the rectum, whose cancer more often occurs in men. Helps with inflammation of the genitourinary system And, of course, it perfectly replaces sweets for those who are prescribed a diet. Fig is also effective if it is necessary to reduce cholesterol and generally positively affects the functioning of the hormonal system.

Figure for the liver - benefit and harm

  • For a healthy person figs It does not pose a danger, including, including the liver. Of course, we are talking about moderate consumption of this nozzle. It is nutritious enough due to the high content of fiber, and therefore creates a feeling of saturation without overeating, which facilitates the functioning of the liver.
  • In this case, the use of figs can create Problems in the liver, Since its small seeds have a fairly dense and solid structure and undergo digestion for a long time.

The figs is fresh, dried, dried: at what age can you give a child?

  • Children figs It is very useful because it contains many minerals and vitamins necessary for the development of the child's body. If the doctor does not see any contraindications, then figs in the form of gruel or drink can be given to the baby, starting about a year.

The fruits themselves, dried or fresh, can be given by half upon reaching a year and a half. The older the child, the more fruits he can eat: a five-year-old baby can eat 3-4 pcs., But you do not need to get involved in this daily, it is worth taking a break for several days.

  • Starting to give the child figs, be sure to check for a possible allergy. For this after the first acquaintance with the fetus, watch the child For several days, without introducing any other new products into his diet at this time.
  • Do not give figs if the child often happens diarrhea or he is prone to fullness.

Figs: chemical composition, vitamins and trace elements

  • As part of nozzles - sugar (Moreover, its content in individual varieties exceeds 70%), glucose and sucrose, organic acids, a little carotene, and much more pectin. Figs are rich iron and copper, Not to mention trace elements.
  • Useful substances are great they are preserved in dried figs, where glucose and fructose, apple and citric acid are present, etc.
  • Absolutely all parts of the figs are rich in vitamins: the pulp, the skin, and even in the petioles of the leaves are several useful acids, and in the roots - kumarins. The chemical composition of the fig tree is presented The wealth of vitamins A, B, C, E, RR. Among the elements: calcium and magnesium, potassium and sodium, phosphorus and iron.
  • The composition of the fetus - These are mainly carbohydrates, much less protein and a slight content of fat. There are also organic and fat (equally saturated and unsaturated) acids and water, monosaccharides and disaccharides. Small the content of dietary fibers, starch and ash.
Food value of fresh and dried figs
Food value of fresh and dried figs

Dried glycemic

  • Such a thing as a glycemic index (gi), It is very important for those who suffer from diabetes and are forced to constantly control its content in the blood. This indicator depends on the number of carbohydrates that can quickly be absorbed by the body - the faster the assimilation occurs, the higher the index.
  • The range in which the GiC is in is 35-60 units, And it depends on the type of fetus, the smallest - in fresh, the highest - precisely in dried (or jerky). Therefore, for example, people with diabetes mellitus can be moderately use fresh figs, but it is worth abandoning the dried, because glycemic fig index is the highest and is 60 units.

Figs: calorie content of 1 piece, 100 grams

  • The calorie content of figs It is due not only to its composition, in which carbohydrates prevail, but also in which the fruit is fed to the table. So, the number of calories in fresh figs is much lower than in dried or dried.
  • For example, in fresh figs per 100 g, there are 74 kcal, and on average (given that the size of the inflorescence vary) per 1 piece is 14.8 kcal.
  • Green figs contain 48.7 kcal per 100 g, But in sluggish figs - 249 kcal. It is precisely this difference that the rather loyal attitude of nutritionists towards fresh figs and warnings - relatively dried or dried.

Is it possible to get better from the figs of fresh, dried?

  • Since the fig is enough high -calorie product and the sugar content in it is high, then excessive passion for this fruit can turn into fat deposits, especially if a person initial and genetically prone to fullness. It is the significant content of sugar that determines the rapid fermentation in the pulp of the fetus and it is also a warning for those who are prone to weight gain or is diagnosed with diabetes.
  • At the same time, figs are often prescribed to those who, for medical reasons, need to restore body weight. It should be noted that dried figs are much more high -calorie than fresh, so its consumption rate is even less. Nutritionists are advised to enjoy this fruit in the morning.

How many figs can I eat per day?

  • High calorie content of figs, a significant content of fiber, a pronounced laxative effect do not allow to eat a lot, in order to avoid stomach disorder. The maximum norm recommended by dietithetic doctors is 150 g of fresh fruits (average 2-3 fruits that usually weigh 50-70 g). Dried fig tree, which is much more calorie than fresh, should be limited 50 g per day (this is 4-5 dry fruits).
  • These are the average values \u200b\u200bthat can vary slightly depending on age, state of health, your hereditary predisposition to completeness or harmony and other aspects. And most importantly, determining its daily figures of figs, Remember the contraindications that figs in some diseases.

How to store figs at home, is it possible to store figs in the refrigerator?

  • Usually Fresh figs It is rare on sale - this is a very whimsical fruit that does not tolerate the transportation conditions poorly, and fermentation in it begins very quickly. But if you are lucky enough to purchase ripe fresh frosts, then the refrigerator will be the best place to store them.
  • The figs should be maintained on those shelves where the temperature is quite low - 0-1ºС, In such conditions, he can "hold out" for a couple of weeks. At higher temperatures, rapid fermentation and “acidification” of the fetus is inevitable.
  • Frozen figs - a good way out of the situation, which, moreover, makes it possible to have long -term preservation (the temperature should be lower -15ºС). Before laying on storage, the fruits must be washed and dried.
  • Much more convenient for storage Fig in dried form. Its shelf life is over six months, if the room is not too warm and dry enough. It can be preserved both in canvas bags, and (which is more practical) in glass jars with hermetic lids. The main condition for storage is lack of moisture and direct rays of light, And also - regular “ventilation” and inspecting so that one small damage does not cause damage to all dried fruits stored in a container.
  • For dried figs The refrigerator is also a suitable storage place, where it can be placed on the lower shelf in bags or tightly closed food containers. So you can save figs for 3-4 months.
  • And finally remocated fruits (without cuttings!) Store in hermetically closed banks In a cool dark place. Many housewives also store such figs in linen bags, where, due to the possibility of air access, the product can persist for up to six months. You can save a little longer dried figs, If you send it for storage in the refrigerator, having previously wrapped it in paper.

What fruits is combined with figs?

  • All fruits can be divided into sour and sweet, Between which a separate group cost sweet and sour. And each group, which contains fruits in taste, is an almost perfect combination. Therefore, figs can be perfectly combined with a banana, mango or, say, persimmon. In the form of a dried fruit, a fig tree can also be combined with any of their “brothers”: Kuraga, raisins, prunes.
  • Sweet-sour fruits also combine perfectly with each other, and at the same time can harmoniously connect with sweet ones. Thus, the figs will be well perceived in combination with an apple or pear. But with acidic fruits, it is not worth combining figs, since such a compound leads to the beginning of the fermentation process, which can provoke diseases such as ulcer or gastritis.
  • If we talk about the jira jam, then an excellent addition to the main ingredient may be nuts, plum, lemon zest, grapes. And if you harvest compote from figs, then not only plums or grapes will be an excellent combination in this drink, but also gooseberries, apples with pears or cherry plum.

Is it possible with figs for diabetes?

  • Usually with diabetes The diet is recommended by the attending physician, and, as a rule, the figs in it are included in sufficiently limited quantities. This fruit is filled with glucose and calories, which is why it is with it to be very careful for those who suffer from diabetes.
  • Fully figures should not be excluded from the menu, since it contains pectin that helps to remove harmful substances and, including cholesterol, and potassium and fitsin control the level of glucose. But there are cases when figs are not recommended in any case. We are talking about concomitant diseases in the form of gout, pancreatitis, ulcers during an exacerbation, any of the stages of obesity. Categorically prohibited figs with diabetes of the second type.
  • It should be noted that due to their high calorie content, diabetics are not recommended for the fruits of dried figs, but fresh diabetics are a little by little, since substances in the figures contribute to a decrease in sugar. Regarding children with diabetes, doctors do not have a single opinion. Some consider it possible a small amount of figs in the diet, others recommend excluding the product at all.

Is it possible for pancreatitis?

  • As in cases of other diseases, inclusion in the diet of figs Depends on the stage of the disease. The substances that make up the figures can provoke an increased load on the pancreas, since a large amount of sugar needs intensive production of insulin by the body, and the pancreatitis weakens this function.
  • Stimulating the intestines, fiber,contained in figs, It provokes increased gas formation, colic and diarrhea are also possible. The presence of pancreatitis complicates the outflow of secrets, and the acids in the figs of the figs actively affect this process, which can lead to pancreaticocrosis.
  • The figs are categorically contraindicated in exacerbations of pancreatitis. Moreover, this fruit is prohibited in any form: fresh, dried, dried, in the composition of mixtures or drinks. If the patient's condition is stable, then a small amount of fig tree fruits in his diet is allowed. The best way to use it is In liquid form, in compotes, decoctions, in a mixture with other fruits. Moreover, when preparing a drink, sugar should not be added - the sweetness of the figs compensates for its absence.

Is it possible for gastritis?

  • Beneficial substances, which are in figs, have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, Cleaning the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, helping a faster absorption of food. In case of gastritis, the use of figs leads to enveloping the walls of the stomach and to a decrease in the inflammatory process. In connection with these properties of this fetus, it is considered quite acceptable in gastritis of the stomach.
  • There is even a long -standing recipe used specifically to facilitate the condition for gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to mix a dozen fruits of a fig tree and 20 g of dry St. John's wort with a liter of olive oil. Insist for more than a month, and then drink one tablespoon in the morning.

Can pregnant women figs?

  • During pregnancy, the female body is especially necessary vitamins and minerals. There are many of them in figs, and from this point of view, it is perfectly suitable for the diet of the future mother. In addition, the fruits of the fig tree quench hunger and have a good effect on the work of the stomach and intestines, which is very important during pregnancy. The general tone of the whole organism also increases.
  • Iron and potassium, For example, they are especially important during the gestation of the child, since the development of the baby, the work of the heart and the state of skeletal muscles of both mom and child are largely determined. In addition, the figs are inherent in antimicrobial and mitigating effects.
  • It should be added that the fetus of figs helps maintain in the normal condition of the composition of the blood, Not allowing her to thicken, which determines his benefits for problems with blood vessels, which often arise in expectant mothers. It is not recommended to use figs for pregnant women in case gestational diabetes.

Can dried figs with breastfeeding?

  • Excessive sweetness during lactation Mom is absolutely not needed. At the same time, despite the high sugar content and a fairly high calorie content, in the absence of general contraindications, doctors allow the inclusion of feeding figs in the diet, since it has extremely many useful substances that are necessary for both the mother and the child who receives them along with milk.
  • A small number of figures is also recommended if constipation is observed in the woman in labor.
  • Enter figs into your diet, Like any other product, you should carefully, starting with tiny doses, to find out if the child is allergic to the child. The use of this fetus should start no earlier than the child will turn 3-4 months.
  • The optimal volume of daily intake - no more than 5-6 fruits per week. If the baby has an increase in gas formation, you should temporarily abandon the product or try to replace it with dried.
  • And, of course, you should not use figs Those lactating mothers who have diseases in which the fetus is contraindicated (pancreatitis, diabetes, etc.).

Fig for immunity: Recipe

Immunity depends on how many vitamins enters our body, supporting it in the struggle in threatening ailments. And such mixtures with figs are a real storehouse of vitamins.

For example:

  1. Mix all types of nuts that are in the house (hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, cedar), as well as raw seeds of pumpkin and sunflower. Take a mixture of dried fruits equal by weight: kuraga, figs, raisins, dried cranberries. Skip through a meat grinder and mix with the same amount of honey. You can add vanilla for the aroma.
  2. Squeeze 100 ml of aloe juice, Also squeeze juice from two lemons. Grind 0.5 kg of walnuts, orange along with zest and 300 g of figs of dried. Add 300 g of honey and mix everything until a homogeneous mass. Taking such a mixture three times a day, you enrich your body with many vitamins and thereby increase immunity.

Figs at night: Can I?

  • General recommendation of nutritionists: You should not use figs in the evening. Not to mention the possible laxative action, which simply will not let you fall asleep, the figs are also rich in carbohydrates who act excitingly on the nervous system.
  • Before going to bed, such excitement is harmful. Therefore, it is better to enjoy figs in the morning and at lunchtime.

Is it possible on a diet, when losing weight?

  • In spite of calorie content of dried figs, It is not excluded for those who seek to lose weight. And, of course, the use of fresh figs is not forbidden. The main rule: everything is in moderation!

It is recommended to replace your usual snacks between meals with figs. Having eaten one fruit, you are saturated, as it quenches hunger well, and besides, you can reduce the daily number of calories by 500 units.

  • In addition, if you like this food style, it will bring you closer to the transition to the so -called Mediterranean diet, in which fresh fruits and vegetables are one of the main components.
  • Figs can also be consumed with cheese, oatmeal, introduce salads or add to yogurts and ice cream.

Figs from coughing: recipe

The combination of figs and milk is a well -known and proven cough recipe (primarily dry). To prepare this mixture, you need to take dried figs, without damage.

  1. Figs (4 fruits) Wash well, lay in a stewpan with thick walls, pour milk (300 ml) and bring to a boil over low heat. When boiling, reduce the fire and bring to readiness about 2 hours, stirring periodically. Drink cooled. You can knead the fruits by making a mixture of a homogeneous one, or you can eat with milk.
  2. As much as possible fat milk (300 ml) and bring one figs to a boil over medium heat, cover and languish for half an hour when stirring. Let cool gradually, wrapping a blanket or towel, and drink in a day for 5 doses in a warm form, heating as you reception.
  3. Children will like peculiar File and milk sweets: Ground fig (4 things.) Pour milk (400 ml), Bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour. While the mixture languishes, melt 150 g of sugar in a bowl and mix with a tablespoon of ghee. Gently pour in milk with figs And simmer to a dense state. The resulting mass can be laid out according to the molds, thus making chewing sweets.

Dried apricots, prunes, nuts, figs, raisins, honey, lemon - recipe

  • Such a vitamin mixture is very popular and most importantly - effective. She is enjoyed in their diet adherents of a healthy diet. Each of the components makes its “contribution” to this composition: kuraga fills the body with the necessary potassium, prunes and figs have a beneficial effect on the intestines, raisins are necessary for the brain, nuts fill the body with polyunsaturated fats that reduce the risks of heart problems.
  • Lemon - the source of the richest group of vitamins, a honey - This is a complex of almost all substances that the body needs.
  • To prepare such a miraculous mixture, you need 5-6 spoons of honey, lemon and 200 g of nuts and all dried fruits. Dry fruits must first be steamed, pouring with boiling water for about 10 minutes, and then dried a little. Remove the bones of prunes. Cutting the lemon into small pieces, the seeds should also be removed from it. Warm the nuts in the oven.
  • All this should be finely chopped using blender or meat grinder, And mix with honey. You can store in the refrigerator in a closed jar. You should not abuse this vitamin mixture, especially people with the problems of the stomach or intestines. 5-6 tablespoons per day are enough.

Figs from constipation: prunes, dried apricots, figs, hay - recipe

  • The hay in this already familiar mixture of dried fruits is far from random, since it has a laxative effect that glycosides and anthraquinons have included in it. In combination with it, the corresponding properties of figs with prunes also operate.
  • To prepare a mixture from constipation, you need to take 200 g of figs, dried apricots and prunes, add 100 g of raisins and 1 tbsp. Seine. Wash all dried fruits and grind it along with hay using a blender. Use the resulting mass to roll balls with a sizes with a medium nut.
  • Send a refrigerator for half an hour to freeze and eat twice a day no longer than 4 days in a row. Such sweets can be given to children upon reaching 5 years per day.

Figs at gout: Can I?

  • With gout is not recommended figs, since this disease is associated with acid metabolism, in particular, uric acid is not completely excreted from the body and, crystallizing, is deposited in the joints and tissues. And the content of acids in the fruits of figs is quite large.
  • In addition, with gout the risk of other diseases increases, in which figs are not recommended, including diabetes. The figs are definitely prohibited during the attacks of the disease, in a stable state of remission, limited fruit use is allowed.

Figs and apple cider vinegar for weight loss

People using this recipe assure that they felt the first results in two weeks. So, you need:

  1. Pierce three fruits of dried figs with a toothpick.
  2. Put them in a container that tightly closes.
  3. Pour in apple cider vinegar (200 ml).
  4. Close the container and leave it overnight so that the mixture is infused.
  • In the morning you can only squeeze the fruits of figs that absorbed vinegar, and eat them.
  • And in the evening, put the following fruits in a container with the remaining vinegar.
  • According to the recipe, so much vinegar is enough for a week.
  • Then you should prepare another mixture and use figs for another week.

Fig and olive oil, in olive oil: recipe, how to take?

  • All you need is an unrefined olive oil and 40 small fruits of dried figs (if the fruits are large - you can take 20 pcs.). You will also need a hermetically closing bank or container, So that air does not get inside.

If the figs are large, the fruits should be cut in half, if small, take it entirely and put in a container. Then pour olive oil on top so that it covers the figs completely, and there was about a centimeter layer on top.

  • Close the container tightly and put in the refrigerator. Forget about it for 40 days, and pull out the process of weight loss on the 41st. To do this, eat one (or half) figs every morning before meals and drink 1 tsp. From the can. Variation of this recipe: there is figs in the morning and in the evening, but during the second trick, do not drink oil.
  • So in 40 days You can find the desired shape. If necessary, you can spend several courses, but not more than 2-3 per year. Carefully take the remedy for people who have cholecystitis and generally liver diseases.

Folk recipes for figs

  • With a cough.Boil 2-3 figs of figs in a glass of milk and stir to the state of gruel. Drink warm half a glass three times a day.
  • With painful menstruation.Eat 3 pcs. During the day, this supports the corresponding balance of the necessary minerals and substances.
  • With burns.Apply a gruel from the fetus of figs to the place of burn.
  • With abscesses.Make a compress from a broth of figs. The leaves of this plant can also be applied to the place of abscess - this will help to mature faster.
  • With gastritis.A broth of figs in milk will help according to the method described above. Take 100 ml three times a day.
  • With colitis and enterocolitis.Pour a spoonful of fig leaves, pre -chopping them with boiling water (200 ml). Insist for an hour and drink half a glass three times a day.

Fig: contraindications

  • For all its benefits and a wonderful taste, not everyone is useful. There are categories of people to whom it is partially or completely contraindicated. So, the figs are contraindicated in gout or pancreatitis, diabetes, stomach ulcer or gastritis.
  • This is especially true for periods of exacerbation of the disease, while during periods of stable remission (preferably consulting with your doctor), limited use is possible.
  • You should also be careful people who prone to allergic reactions. The minimum number of essential oils in Smokva makes it relatively safe, but it is still better to limit yourself to one or two fruits, and not every day.

Kuraga, prunes, figs for the spine: reviews of doctors

  • A similar mixture is widely used as an auxiliary tool to strengthen and restore the spine. Doctors note that there are many useful substances that help in treatment. In kurag, for example, vitamin groups A and B, carotene, many trace elements, several organic acids.
  • No less than the benefit from prunes, which contains many vitamins, magnesium with phosphorus, So necessary for calcium bones, sodium. Successfully struggles with excess cholesterol figs, filling the body with calcium, magnesium, vitamins and other useful substances.
  • If you use such a mixture daily, then this has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of the intervertebral discs and the correct position of the vertebrae, and also contributes to the greater elasticity of the connective tissues and their elasticity.
  • You can accept this composition at your discretion. It is equally useful if it is just eat each fruit separately (one figs and prunes and 4-5 pcs. Kuragi), and if you mix all the ingredients in a blender, adding honey. Doctors recommend taking the mixture for a month and a half.
  • You can also prepare such a healing composition in the form drage, adding the fruits described above nuts (walnut, hazelnuts, almonds) and dates, Grinding and mixing everything with honey, and then rolling in the form of a dragee.
  • Emphasizing the undoubted benefit of such a composition, doctors nevertheless emphasize that it itself is not a drug and is used only as auxiliary therapy.

Fig - benefits: reviews

  • Irina from Moscow: I buy figs in kilograms, both fresh and dried. I just eat fresh, because I love his taste. And by the way, she noticed that, despite all his sweetness, this does not reflect on the figure. But the dried I really love tea with tea - and sugar is not needed, and the original taste turns out.
  • Olga from Khabarovsk: I use figs not only as a yummy, but also as a storehouse of vitamins. Sometimes I mix it with other dried fruits and honey - I noticed that after a week of taking such a mixture I feel better, and, as the last examination showed, the level of cholesterol in my blood became significantly lower.
  • Svetlana Petrovna from Vologda: I tortured a cough - whatever I tried, how many medicines and syrup drank, everything is to no avail. A friend advised the broth of figs in milk, told how to make, how to drink. I thought that there would still be no worse from such ingredients. Three days after the three -fold adoption of this decoction, the coughing decreased significantly, and a week later I forgot about it.
  • Anatoly Ivanovich, Eagle: Somewhere I read about the “magical” recipe for figs with milk. They tried to give children at home from coughing - it helped! And later it was found that this decoction has the same therapeutic effect with diseases of the throat, so now we have the first remedy for sore throat - a “magical” cocktail. Children really like this medicine, because it is not only healthy, but also tasty!

Articles about the benefits of products:

Video: How is there a fig and what is useful in it?

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