Release work after decree: terms and legal aspects, psychological training, tips

Release work after decree: terms and legal aspects, psychological training, tips

This article will talk about how to get out of maternity leave.

Many psychologists argue that for most women, the withdrawal from the decree is no less stress than the appearance of the baby. On the one hand, going to work brings incredible joy for the mother, which finally ended with a long and limited stay of the house.

And from the reverse sides are significant changes for a woman who, throughout the vacation, was near the child, which is accompanied by sadness and often even depression. But there is also a legal aspect that sometimes raises some doubts. Therefore, in this material we will consider the psychological and labor facets of this topic.

How to get out of the decree on the legislation: some aspects

  • The first thing to stipulate is This is the time.The order of exit on maternity leave is always indicated and the date of return to work. By the way, the start date is the beginning of the vacation period. For example, the beginning of the decree is the date 10/10/2016, but the exit will be a little earlier - 08/17/2019.

IMPORTANT: because the bear is a kind of sick leave. At the same time, it covers a little more than 2 months before and after childbirth, starting from the set dates from gynecology. Therefore, in general, it has from 4.5 to 6.5 months.

The release date is stipulated even before the departure
The release date is stipulated even before the departure
  • By the way, you can read more information about the timing and calculating the decree in our article “When and how is maternity leave calculated?”
  • The second question of interest - These are the necessary documents or acts for this. There is only one answer - no! You just start your duties on time. You can contact for your calm to clarify certain details, for example, about a possible change in time, with your leader.
    • There are no applications or warnings, because the boss also must be notified of your exit in order to free up a place from another temporary employee. Again, there is a contract not only with you, but also by the employer.
  • But if you want to go ahead of time, then no one can ban you either. But in this matter there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account. And you can read more about this issue in the material "How to get out of maternity leave earlier?"
  • Later the deadline - also a possible option, but it must be prepared in advance. At least a week before leaving the decree, to issue an order based on the application.
    • But this is permissible if a woman did not use her vacation before childbirth or is ready to take it at her own expense. But the advance with a small child still does not need to take a rally. By the way, on the vacation before the decree and the benefit of each vacation period, you can read in the topic “Is it possible and worth it to take a vacation before the decree?”

Important: Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees each mother a return to work. Therefore, do not be afraid that you will not be accepted. If it turned out that they are not waiting for you, then with this issue you can complain to the labor inspectorate or, in extreme cases, resign on the reduction or agreement of the parties.

  • It is also worth noting that The wages remains unchanged.Although in practice very often occur over these 1.5 or 3 years at least some improvements to all employees. Fortunately, reduction is rare. Therefore, if a woman leaves the decree, then her salary automatically rises to general rates.
Each woman retains her workplace
Each woman retains her workplace

How to prepare morally in order to get out of the decree to work: the secrets of a successful return

In addition to labor subtleties, almost every woman doubts her abilities. After all, you need to manage to cope around the house, engage in children and fulfill your duties. Also, women often worry about their appearance - whether her views on the style and manner are dressed, which, accordingly, lowers self -esteem and faith in their own strengths.

  • Many women believe that during maternity leave their professional skills are a little “outdated”, so they feel uncertainly. But you should think about how many skills you have acquired during the period of "sitting at home." Least, The woman becomes multitasking.
  • Any mother easily performs several things at the same time, while holding attention to them and the rest of the aspects. Many mothers are also characteristic Exposure and stress resistance, which is perfectly reflected in the quality of work.
  • Yes, in 2-3 years something may have forgotten, but not all professional skills are lost. If you worry that you will not have time for your colleagues, then you can do a little Prepare and refresh memory. Therefore, read the necessary labor literature.
  • It also does not hurt to give yourself confidence Changing the hairstyle or refreshing your appearance. And, of course, mom's comfortable clothes follow to change to a more stringent dress code, which will be additionally organized to some extent. And for this everything will not hurt Update the wardrobe.
It’s good for mom, but it’s also important to follow yourself!
It’s good for mom, but it’s also important to follow yourself!

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, a woman may be on maternity leave and receive child allowance. This time mom can completely devote to her child and enjoy the pastime with him. But after 1-2 years, I would like to return to work again and develop as a person. Despite all the charms of maternity leave, a long stay with the baby tires everyone - and this is quite normal for modern women.

  • Therefore, you must first understand all the advantages of reaching work after a long stay in the “four walls”. At least, despite the fact that you are a mother, you are first of all Personality that needs personal space.
    • Work will allow you to do many other things and distract yourself from household issues or worries related to caring for the baby.
  • Also After the decree, a certain fatigue accumulates,which often leads to the development of depression, which will help to cope with a return to work or change of activity. It is important to remember that the tired mother is more often angry with her children, which clearly does not benefit them.
  • In addition, if mom comes out to work again, the child has the opportunity communicate more with dad, grandparents or children in the garden,which is incredibly important for the development of the child.
    • In this situation, you should not regret the baby and say how poor he is, what is left without mother's custody. On the contrary - thanks to a separate pastime of the baby to learn to be More independent and confident that many problems can cope with many problems, without the participation and help of mom.

Important: do not give you guilty to take possession of you! You do not deprive your baby. On the contrary, you have more opportunities and interests, and a separate stay will allow you to get bored even more and appreciate each other.

It’s hard for every mother to part with her baby, but sooner or later it must be done
It’s hard for every mother to part with her baby, but sooner or later it must be done

Preparing a child for a new lifestyle to my mother’s exit from the decree

  • If you are going to give your baby to kindergarten, then plan it in advance. Give the baby a month or even six months before going to work so that he can adapt to new conditions and spend time without a mother. Do not immediately give the baby for the whole day, for starters it is enough to leave in the garden for a couple of hours and gradually increase time.
    • On average, this interval covers from several days to several months. Therefore, be ready for this. Especially if the child is small or very attached to his mother. Believe me, in 99.9% of cases, children do not really want to part with their mother.
  • It should also be done in case If your child remains with one of the relatives or a nanny. Understand that for the baby this is a stranger with whom he is not yet ready to make contact. Therefore, you must help him and do it in advance.
    • You can leave the baby for a while, while you go shopping or meet friends, gradually increasing the parting period. This will allow the baby to get acquainted with a new person for him.
  • At the same time, it is very important to communicate with the child on the topic of mother’s departure to work. It is worth preparing the soil, discussing with the baby that dad and mom should go to work. And to leave it for a while - and this is absolutely normal.
    • Give examples, explain the reasons, and also watch cartoons or read books to the baby on this topic. You can also play the situation in a puppet house. This will allow the baby to respond normally to the situation and get used to the changes as soon as possible.

Important: but the baby should in no case feel deprived! He must feel your love. Therefore, after coming from work or the same kindergarten, do not forget to read books with him or simply hug, only by crossing the threshold. Remember - the baby should always see a smile on your face when meeting!

Tleas a baby in advance to the garden or nanny
Tleas a baby in advance to the garden or nanny

A small part -time job will help you organize you before leaving the decree

  • Modern mothers are often earned at home during the decree. This allows not only to earn money, but also Divide a little from a domestic routine.Even if the family does not need money.
    • Remote work, especially if she brings joy to her mother, allows you to relax and develop in a particular channel. If from time to time, invest in self -development, relax from the variety when caring for a child, you can feel much more vigorous and confident. Therefore, when switching to a “working” mode, it will be much easier for you.
  • It will also benefit for the baby himself, who can learn to play on his own, At a time when mom is engaged in work. The child sees that mom has her own affairs and to some extent repeats after her, finding a job for herself. And this, in turn, favorably affects development. Perhaps this will seem strange to someone, but for children excessive custody does not bring much benefit.
  • It is best if a mother with going on maternity leave does not leave her duties and work. Of course, for this it is necessary to attract the help of grandmothers or nannies. But in this way, a woman will not lose dexterity and will be able to easily return to their former work. Perhaps it is worthwhile to offer your help to the company remotely, and fulfill their duties at home in their free time. That is, with an incomplete schedule. At the same time, by the way, benefits of benefits do not stop.
Small recommendations
Small recommendations

Before leaving the decree, it is worth preparing for the work regime

  • If mom goes to work, it is worth considering a new schedule.Perhaps you will need to get up early to keep the baby to the kindergarten. Based on this, you will need to go to bed early. This mode must be introduced into the life of the baby and mothers at least a couple of weeks before entering the workplace.
  • Most often, a woman is also engaged in her own home, but with going to work, it will be much more difficult to cope with everything on his own. Therefore, it is worth considering kato control with the "household".
    • Perhaps you should think on the distribution of duties between family members,or cleaning you will do it yourself at the weekend. Think about it in advance - whether you will need the services of professionals, for example, cooking, laundry, cleaning company, dry cleaning, etc.
    • And if not a big advice - now accustom yourself and your households that You cannot follow the cleanliness in the house, as before.And you need to protect yourself and your strengths - therefore, do not take over the overwhelming load immediately, especially after the recent way to work. And it will not prevent each member of the family from making some kind of contribution in the order of the common house.
    • By the way, you can read about maintaining order in the house in the corresponding material "How to keep cleanliness in the house?"
  • It is important to think over Who and when will shop.If you used to go to the market or the nearest supermarket yourself and every day, then most likely you will have to change this in your daily routine. Perhaps it will be much more convenient for you to make purchases once a week, but for this you need to prepare a list of all necessary goods in advance. Again - do not forget to connect the dad to the household process.
Do not overload yourself
Do not overload yourself
  • In your “new” mode, do not forget to make the time with the baby. At least a couple of hours a day. Perhaps you can attract the baby to your homework, for example, cook or clean together together. Thus, you can combine a useful act with a pleasant pastime.
  • Do not neglect the opportunity to find a type of activity with a floating working schedule. This will give a wonderful opportunity to dispose of your time on your own and not depend on anyone.
  • A working mother should remember that you do not need to strive to be ideal in everything. The family is much more important than career growth, and pastime with a baby, much more important than a perfectly cleaned apartment. Also, do not forget about yourself. It is important to introduce in your “new” time the time that you can only devote to yourself, your appearance and rest.

If you tune in advance and prepare for changes, correctly distribute the time and combine all the social roles prepared by fate to you, then going to work will not bring inconvenience for households, but stress and unnecessary experiences.

  • All your experiences and excitement should not be kept in yourself. As a rule, in such a difficult period, a woman just needs to pronounce and share with loved ones. Perhaps they will be able to cheer up or give the desired advice that will help you cope with the problem.
Always find time for the baby!
Always find time for the baby!
  • At first, a woman can experience fatigue, a breakdown and even irritation. Most likely, these feelings are manifested against the background of stress and experiences associated with the new rhythm of life. The desire to work disappears and there is a feeling that you can’t do anything and do not develop relations with the new team.
  • Do not immediately give up, change the type of activity or return to the status of a "housewife". You need to wait a bit, allow yourself to adapt and get used to the new rhythm of life.

Video: How to get to work from maternity leave - what is the psychologist talking about?

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