How to maintain cleanliness and order in the house: rules, everyday tricks, tips

How to maintain cleanliness and order in the house: rules, everyday tricks, tips

In this topic, we will talk about how to maintain order and cleanliness in the house.

“Purely where they do not boil, and not removed” is a well -known phrase, but it should be supplemented: where they are constantly supported by cleanliness. A cozy and neat house is a dream of every mistress. But how to achieve this, while spending a minimum of time and effort, not everyone knows.

Especially if a woman works and can allocate for cleaning only one day a week or children live in your house that are on guard of order in it. Therefore, how constantly and easy to maintain cleanliness in our house, we will talk in this material.

How to constantly maintain cleanliness and order in the house: healthy habits and household tricks

Even after general cleaning, if you do not maintain cleanliness, then after a few days it is already necessary to remove it again. And sometimes many home order keepers thought about the magical Save button. But so that again, chaos does not occur in the house immediately after a high -quality harvesting process, you just need to develop the right habits of each household.

It is better to do everything gradually and regularly!
It is better to do everything gradually and regularly!

Habit No. 1. Make a house list

Conditionally, they can be divided into morning and evening procedures.

For example, in the morning you can perform a number of such simple actions:

  • remove the bed immediately, cover the bed;
  • after brushing your teeth, wipe the washbasin. Or after a shower, wipe the bathroom from wet drops in order to avoid the formation of soap plaque;
  • after breakfast, wash the dishes behind you, put it in places and remove the table;
  • check the availability of the necessary things and products in the refrigerator, perhaps you need to buy something.

Evening matters can be like that:

  • prepare clothes for tomorrow. In accordance with the weather forecast, so that in the morning in a hurry not to look for the thing you need;
  • collect a bag or briefcase for tomorrow. And in no need to conduct a small revision there. That is, throw all the garbage immediately with it, for example, candy wrappers, tickets, not writing pens, etc.;
  • charge a mobile phone.

Habit No. 2. Pay special attention to the "hot spots"

  • These are places where magically All unnecessary trash accumulates.For example, this is a regiment in the hallway, dressing room, console, chests of drawers, tables, etc. Typically, unnecessary things are accumulating at such points: old newspapers, paid bills, checks from supermarkets, old shopping lists, coins, etc.
  • It is necessary to devote to such places every day for 5 minutes. You can even sit on the timer time. And if you did not have time to remove everything, it is worth stopping cleaning, and continue tomorrow. Thus, you can constantly maintain order, even in the most polluted places. If you remove such “hot spots” every day, then soon you will notice how this trash will stop accumulating and calling your eyes.
  • For convenience, you can start an alarm or get out during advertising. But you should not forcibly force yourself to remove all zones at the same time,t.K. After 2-3 days, everything will return to its place.
Do this regularly or, even better, do not bring it to the house at all!
Do this regularly or, even better, do not bring it to the house at all!

Habit No. 3. Prevention of cleanliness

  • It is necessary to take it a rule and accustom your households to this - “I took it - put in place!”If every time after using one or another thing you will put it back, and you can overpower laziness and drop a cup behind you - you will never need to waste time and effort on an exhausting general cleaning.
  • Each thing should have its own place. The main rule is not to transfer things from one room to another. For example, if these are toys - they should be in the nursery, if these are books - in the living room, dishes - in the kitchen, etc.

Habit No. 4. Remove even if clean

  • Usually, if the place is not very dirty and looks more “decent”, we dismiss and do not remove it there. But over time, it is in such zones that a lot of dust accumulates, and prints remain. It is better to spend 3 minutes of your time and wipe the surfaces of cabinets, sideboards, etc., than subsequently wash a layer of dirt with powder.

Habit No. 5. We do everything at once!

  • If you do something from you takes no more than 2 minutes- Do not put off for later.For example, wash the cup right away, or throw checks into the garbage bucket. This saves from the ordinary “then I’ll remove”, and also does not allow you to accumulate disorder.
  • The same applies to dishes after dinner and toys after playing a child.
Kitchen cheat sheet
Kitchen cheat sheet

Habit No. 6. Get rid of unnecessary things

  • It is very difficult to support the house in order where many unnecessary things have accumulated. Learn with ease throw or give what you do not need, Or what you have not used for a long time.
  • Arrange a small "audit" in the cabinets and pantry! All that you have not worn and have not used for a long time can be attributed to a charitable organization. In general, remember-if a year has passed after you used any subject, then it is time for him to go on a wander.
  • Learn to say goodbye to various things that pleased you at one point: children's drawings, vacuumers from trips, cute souvenirs, etc.

Habit No. 7. Learn to combine useful with a pleasant

  • Waiting for the kettle to boil - wash the sink or countertop, tile or even a refrigerator. Talk on the phone - quickly wipe the dust in noticeable places or lay out things.

Habit No. 8. Organization of its time and terms of cleaning

  • It is very tiring in one day to walk through all the rooms. Therefore, slowly do all things. Below we offer you a form how to distribute your harvesting affairs by day of the week.
Plan number 1
Plan number 1

Of course, at first it will be quite difficult to perform such habits daily. But in order to facilitate your task, you can write an action plan for every day. And over time, you will notice that all acts will be performed on automatism. And then there will never be a mess in the house. And you will not have a feeling of shame and awkwardness to the household and relatives.

And you can organize cleaning like this

Iron Rules to maintain cleanliness and order in the house

In addition to the above recommendations, there are also purity rods. They are accidentally forgotten or intentionally allowed, but these important (!) Details will not only help maintain cleanliness in the house, but will also be your business card in front of the guests.

  • You need to start cleaning correctly! We do not run in the turmoil for all the room - first the bedrooms, after going to the kitchen, and we complete the cleaning in the bathroom! And always start with the door!

Important: Feng Shui strongly does not recommend cleaning or sweeping garbage towards the front door. So you endure, according to Chinese sages, your happiness, prosperity and positive energy at home. Yes, it sounds strange that street garbage must be directed towards the house. But this does not mean that it must be pulled into the bedroom.

  • The next complementary rule - We work from top to bottom!Even from a logical point of view, upper dust and garbage will fall on a pre -washed floor, and everything will require new efforts to clean.
  • Do not take on all household chores - learn to divide responsibilities into each family member! Let it be a little help to the husband or the same child, let the dust not so wiped off, be sure to thank. Believe me, let him do not practice it quite well than then he will not know anyway at all.
  • Do not store things in the chair! This is a “weak place” of almost every inhabitant of the planet. And this cycle never ends. Remember - a thing either send to wash, or put it in a closet.If you are embarrassed that she was already dressed, that is, you do not want to place it next to clean linen - take a separate shelf or hanger and a place in the closet. Yes, even put it in a cover, but take it off the chair where each family member hangs their set.
Things should be either in the closet or in the basket for dirty laundry
Things should be either in the closet or in the basket for dirty laundry
  • This rule a little complements one of the habits about cleaning at once - Always follow the cleanliness of the dining table!It has most of all garbage, which easily falls on the floor and spreads all rooms.
  • For the same reason-do not be lazy to spend 5-10 minutes every day, it is better to do this in the evening, To wipe the floor in the kitchen and in the hallway. These are the centers of all garbage in the house.
  • Weakness - These are mirror surfaces. They reflect the entire chaos of the house, so do not be lazy and wipe them in a timely manner. This is especially true for the bathroom, where traces of toothpaste often appear. They brushed their teeth - immediately they removed the “working” place behind them. Learn this rule and your children. Over the years to them it will reach the level of the machine.
  • Always keep the toilet clean and freshness! Now a lot of fresheners, tablets in the toilet or tank, gels or other necessary liquids.
    • Firstly, this is the dirtiest place in the house where a lot of microbes always accumulates. And far from the most useful.
    • Secondly, traces of life, well, look extremely disgusting. Therefore, we get rid of them right away. At the same time, we do not forget that it is necessary to work in those places that are not visible with an armed gaze. This subject is everywhere!
  • Bin Often also suffers, because they forget for it. Once a week, do not forget to process it with disinfecting substances and wash it well, so as not to tear off the dried spots!
The dirtiest places require regular cleaning
The dirtiest places require regular cleaning

How to facilitate cleaning in the house, what to maintain cleanliness at a constant level: tips

In order for cleaning to take even less time, and you spend less effort, you can use the useful tips of experienced housewives.

  • Place the corresponding detergents and rags throughout the house, in the right places. Dry and wet wipes in the living room or room, a set of detergents in the kitchen and bathroom. This is especially true if there are children in the house. So everything you need will be “at hand” at the right time. And just do it right For them, their own place,in order not to look in the turmoil of randomly spilled coffee or tea.
  • So that a large number of shoes are never accumulated in the corridor, it is worth Get a special cabinet.Shoes should be wiped or washed immediately after a walk, and then put in place.
  • In order for the baseboard to be always clean, you need to wipe them with water with the addition of antistatics. This repels dust, and you can forget about the cleaning of skirting boards for a long time.
  • It is also possible when cleaning wooden surfaces Add a drop of air conditioning.Moreover, the floors are not forbidden with this drug. It also repels dust and gives cleaning a pleasant aroma.
  • Teach the children to clean up. Moreover, this must be done from an early age. To instill in the child the desire to remove, you need to turn the process into the game. You can turn on the music, let the baby dances and sings. But in no case do not punish the child and do not force to clean up, this will repel the desire for cleanliness in the root.
Everything should have its place!
Everything should have its place!
  • Get comfortable inventory for cleaning. For example, I don’t always want to vacuum a bulky and uncomfortable vacuum cleaner, so it’s better to buy a small and light device so that you are much more convenient and pleasant to clean. Do not wipe the floor or already exhausted rag, which leaves pile tracks - buy a comfortable mop. Believe me - in these details lies the desire to remove!
  • In order not to lose socks after washing, immediately lay dirty socks in pairs in the washing machine. Do not worry - in a washing machine, they are evened even in folded form!
  • If the house has pets - Always wash your paws after a walk and comb them out once a week.
  • Do not forget about ventilation. Often an unpleasant odor already creates an uncomfortable atmosphere. 10-15 minutes per day in each room.

The mood of all households depends on the purity in the house. In the house where order reigns and smells of freshness, I always want to return. Therefore, do not be lazy to maintain comfort in your house and accustom all family members to this, and in addition, together this is done much faster and easier.

Video: how to maintain cleanliness and order in the house - 5 secrets

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  28. We need to organize cleaning at home so that it is always clean

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  31. We need to organize cleaning at home so that it is always clean

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  36. Interested in how to organize cleaning at home so that it is always clean

  37. Interested in how to organize cleaning at home so that it is always clean

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