Is it possible to take annual leave before decree: important nuances

Is it possible to take annual leave before decree: important nuances

In this article, we will consider important issues of vacation before the decree.

The desire to take a vacation before the decree arises in many expectant mothers. Indeed, in addition to all kinds of preparations, not the easiest and good health is also added. But whether it is possible and how to do everything correctly so that this does not affect payments, we will talk in this material.

Is it possible to take a vacation before the decree: important nuances

Each girl is provided to the state the opportunity to get annual leave before the departure itself Or immediately after childbirth and the expiration of a childcare leave, if before that it was not used before.

  • It is very simple to issue an annual vacation before the decree - only the desire of the pregnant woman and her written statement is enough. It is important to know that a leave of a similar nature It is provided to every woman, without exception, regardless of her work experience.
  • According to the generally accepted rule, vacation is charged to an employee for each year he worked. Unlike the calendar, the working year begins from the moment the employee is registered in a particular work and ends with the previous number of next year.
    • For example, the girl was employed on March 13, 2017, in which case her working year begins on 13.03.2017 and ends on 03/12/2018.
  • Annual vacation is granted exclusively for the worked days, that is, the working experience should not be suspended or interrupted for some time. If the girl decides to change the place of work, then the director of a certain company undertakes to pay her a difference for unused vacation days. From the day the girl is designed at the new workplace, she begins to work for herself a new working year.
  • The vacation of a woman in connection with pregnancy and childbirth should be included in the general working experience, which provides the opportunity to use annual paid leave. Do not forget if the pregnant woman decides to use his annual vacation immediately after the end of the child care, then, in this case, he will not be included in the working experience.
Each employee has the right to count on the vacation before the decree
Each employee has the right to count on the vacation before the decree

Also arrange some rules:

  • the expectant mother is authorized to take and use annual leave. Even if its work experience in the company is less than six months;
  • a pregnant girl has the opportunity to take annual leave immediately before the decree and after it;
  • a pregnant girl cannot demand from the employer to give her a vacation if she has already been walking him away, and the new working year has not yet come;
  • as soon as the new working year has come, the pregnant woman may demand from the employer to give her a vacation with an advance;
  • the employer is forbidden to compensate for not used vacation time;
  • the decree under any circumstances is taken into account in the general working experience.

Important: you need to write an application in 14 days, before you leave for the desired vacation before the maternity leave. In the application, you need to not only indicate the date, but also the number of days.

Sample application
The stencil of the application

How to calculate the number of days to leave before the decree?

  • In principle, the mathematics is simple - for a year each employee is entitled to 1 incomplete month, or rather, 28 days.
  • But, if a woman settled down recently, and without even having 6 months in experience, then the calculation goes with a coefficient. That is, 2.33 for each month.
  • Also note that up to 15 days is rounding to zero, but from the 16th - it is charged in full.
    • For example, from April 19, a woman began to work, but in December 20 she was going to go on vacation before the decree. It turns out 8 months, because in April she worked for less than 15 days.
    • We multiply 8 by a coefficient of 2.33 and get 19 days.
Calculating days for vacation is also easy
Calculation of days to carry out no wonder

When is the most profitable for a pregnant woman to take annual vacation - before the decree or after it?

For most pregnant girls, the question remains the question at what point it is more profitable to take annual leave, and whether this decision will affect the amount of vacation funds.

Important: do not forget that annual vacation is paid before the release of maternity leave.

  • If the girl does not proceed in the best way, and there is no way to work for health reasons, then it is best to take a vacation before going on maternity leave. It is worth finding out in advance the alleged date of birth so that the vacation does not intersect with each other. In such a situation, a pregnant girl gets more time to relax. On a note:
    • with the normal course of pregnancy with one fruit, you need to count 70 days;
    • if the fetus is not one or pregnancy has complications, then 86 days.
  • If the health of a pregnant girl allows her to work as before, then it reserves the right to take annual paid leave immediately after the decree.
    • Cash accruals will be calculated based on average earnings. However, if a woman goes on vacation immediately after childbirth, then the state can withhold payments for the care of the baby.
  • It is very profitable to take a vacation after the decree for those young mothers, In which the working year ends in December.
    • The enlarged cash benefits are received by those women whose leave to care for the child begin in January of the New Year, provided that the child has not reached 1.5 years.
You need to take a vacation with an advance by weighing all the arguments
Take vacation based on your condition, especially, advance
  • When if the girl did not take off her vacation, then she can use it immediately after the end of the parental leave, immediately before going to work.
    • Cash allowance is calculated in accordance with the average earnings of a young mother. Unused vacation days do not go anywhere - they are either transferred to the next working year, or upon dismissal, financial compensation is paid for these days.
  • If you want to take vacation in advance, then you should think a little. Indeed, in this case, after going to work, a woman will not be able to count on a vacation. And it will be very necessary after the adaptation period.
    • The situation will worsen a little if the woman decide to quit. In this case there will be deduction from wages, But not 20% in one month. Or it will be necessary to work out the borrowed days.
    • By the way , budget employees should not count on him, since there are great risks for the employer in the waste of funds, because the payment of benefits will already be carried out.
  • If the girl already had unused vacation, then you can arrange two at once, and in total it will come out from about 56 days.
  • It is also worth mentioning that you can take not the entire vacation, but only half of it. But the number of days should not be less than 14.

Video: What needs to be taken into account in order to take a vacation before the decree?

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