How to calculate the maternity allowance in the Russian Federation: Examples. For what period is maternity leave calculated?

How to calculate the maternity allowance in the Russian Federation: Examples. For what period is maternity leave calculated?

This article will talk about the calculation of maternity leave and its total amount.

Immediately note that in 2018 adopted new bets of maternity benefits, which, together with the proper calculation of maternity leave, are regulated 255, 256 Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also, state benefits of citizens with children also complement and 81 Law of the Federal Law. Let's look at the innovations and the mechanism of accruing “maternity”.


When and how the maternity manual is calculated: important points

Most women, when they find out about their pregnancy, do not stop working. And this is not entirely right. Indeed, after 6 months of pregnancy, it is very difficult for a woman to control her emotions, respectively, and to work much harder. That is why the state fully pays for the period while the woman is in the “decree”. And in order to correctly calculate the maternity manual, it is worthwhile to carefully study the law.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, in connection with certain changes in the beginning of 2018, the term “decree” is not used. In the documents, this term is drawn up as:

  • maternity vacation (BIR) -it is indicated as a period of disability in connection with its health situation;
  • care for child care (Uzr) - It is considered precisely a period when a woman or other family member, how dictated to us Art. 256, take care of the baby until they reach the age of 3. When registering a woman’s work experience is not interrupted.

Important: Art. 255 It regulates us the deadline for the premium of the BIR. It lasts 140 days - 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth, provided that the pregnancy proceeds normally. If the birth has passed very difficult, then the woman has the right to stay at home after childbirth a little more - 86 days. But with multiple pregnancy, prenatal leave lasts 84 days, and postpartum 110.

  • It is important that the birth began earlier or later than the appointed deadline - this does not mean that the days of maternity leave will increase or vice versa, they will reduce. If this happened, then it is necessary to draw up another document on disability, that is, submit a petition for additional leave.
  • Not only workers can count on such payments, but military -liable women and even unemployed (but only in the case of liquidation of the enterprise no more than 12 months before the release of this time) or a full -time student.

Important: Unemployed women are not laid down decrees, after all, what to compensate for. That is, a woman does not lose the alleged salary. But on the other hand, they can count on the regional allowance or on payments by UZR. This rule concerns those who have left work at will or in the case of unofficial employment. After all, there were no contributions to social strokes, as the innovation regulates!

  • It is also no less important that if the hardware she worked with two employers before reaching the maternity leave, then paying it on both sides.
  • But if she does not use the bend that be supposed, then the benefit is not paid. And this is quite logical after all, the woman in labor receives wages, which means that she does not rely on other payments.

Determine the maximum and minimum decrees

  • The size of the manual is equal to the average earnings of a woman over the last 2 years of work. And it does not depend on the experience of a pregnant employee. Moreover, this amount should not be less The minimum wage (from January 1, 2021 This indicator is 12792 rubles, which is indexed in the regions and may be higher). If the employee has experience of less than 6 months, then the amount of the manual corresponds to the amount indicated above.
  • If a woman goes on maternity leave in 2021, then the calculated years will be 2020 and 2019. These calculations are not included: hospital periods and days of vacation, which the woman took at her own expense.

Important: a one -time payment at the birth of a baby or upon adoption after date 1.02.19 increased in 2021 before 18004.12 rub rub. Students can count on the size of help, which is equal to scholarships.

The minimum that corresponds to the minimum wage in 2021:

  • for 140 days - 58 thousand 878 rubles. and 25 kopecks.;
  • for complex births 156 days, a young mother will receive more than 5 thousand more (in 2021 - 65605,8 rub)
  • but for several children of 194 days, the amount will increase by 25% (in 2021 - 81586.7rub)

The maximum has the following limit:

  • for ordinary birth - 340795 rub.;
  • for complex birth - 379743;
  • mothers from two fruits will have 472244,5 rub.

Important: monthly payments for a child in 2021 increased to 6752 rub. For the first baby and subsequent children.

Small cheat sheet
Small cheat sheet

Decrexic benefit calculation

The bookkeeping in which the woman works is issued by the maternity manual. At the same time, accounting workers must take into account:

  • the earnings of the pregnant woman in the previous two years (if she worked). If it has worked less, then the calculation will be carried out for a worked amount of time;
  • the total number of days when the pregnant woman will be absent at the workplace;
  • the days that fall out of payment of maternity benefits.

You need the total earnings in 2 years, divide by 730 days. Multiply by the number of days of the BIR vacation. Despite the fact that these payments should be charged as a salary monthly, but often the amount is issued once.

Important: if a woman became registered early, from 12 weeks, then she is supposed to be additional assistance in the amount of 628.47 rubles, but a one -time one. From February 1 and unemployed that they have gone due to cancellation, the same amount of monthly payments is due.

An example of calculation

Worker Sadkova V.A. He goes on maternity leave on July 7, 2021. Sadkov’s employee in general worked for two years. Its income (already taking into account all vacation pay) over the past 2020 - 490,000 rubles, and for 2019 - 520,000 rubles. Do not forget that hospital days must be removed, so we take into account: in 2020 it was 14 days, in 2019 - 16 days. The birth was difficult, therefore:

  • 490 000 + 520 000 \u003d 1 010 000 rub.;
  • 731 (2020 was a leap year)-14-16 \u003d 701 days-taking into account those who fell out of the calculation period;
  • we divide the total amount for the received days: 1 010 000 /701 \u003d 1 440.79 rubles. Thus, we received an average day earnings;
  • the resulting amount is multiplied by the number of days of a woman on maternity leave: 1 440.79 * 156 \u003d 22 4763.24 rubles - this amount is supposed to pay a woman who was about to go on maternity leave.

Important: We remind you that with experience less than 6 months, the minimum wage is taken as the basis. That is, 12792 * (24/730) \u003d 420.56 rubles. * 140 (during normal childbirth) \u003d 58 878,25 rub.

But the cheat sheet
But the cheat sheet

Let's solve the equation how much it relies on the child

  • We will take the same data indicated above:
    • we remind you that the SZ amounted to 1,440.79 rubles. That is, we have already folded all the amounts received in 2 years and divided into the total number of days;
    • 1 440.79 * for the average value 30.4 \u003d 43 800.02 rubles.;
    • 43 800.02 we still multiply by 40%, that is, by 0.4, and we get 17 520 rub.
  • If you take into account the minimum, then:
    • 420.56 * 30.4 * 0.4 \u003d 5114 rub.
  • But based on the fact that the state set a fixed amount of 6752 rubles, then you have a surcharge to this amount. Keep in mind that in different regions this amount can be indexed and become more.

As you can see, some changes appeared that they pulled or, conversely, pulled themselves up for new introduced increase. But the average calculation of maternity manual and vacation remains the same. And it is quite easy to perform it if you catch the average algorithm.

When is free nutrition of a nursing mother and child are provided?

According to the testimony of doctors, low -income families are entitled to free food for a child upon reaching 3 years old, if a child is an artificial. Power can be issued through specialized points, or replaced with monetary compensation, if there are no such points.

What can a child get as a diet?

Food consists of dairy mixtures, fruit and vegetable purees and juices, cottage cheese, kefir, meat and meat and vegetable canned food.

If a nursing mother in a low -income family has an anemia, or hypogalactia and other diagnoses, then she is supposed to either issue food through special points, or monetary compensation.

You need to draw up through the head physician of the clinic.

Video: decrees' calculation

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