On which day of the week it is better to move to a new house, apartment, office: moving and favorable, unfavorable days, signs, rituals and rituals

On which day of the week it is better to move to a new house, apartment, office: moving and favorable, unfavorable days, signs, rituals and rituals

In this article we suggest you figure out when and how to properly move to a new place of residence or work.

The move always scares its unknown, but also even in the future wears all the red tape. To simplify your life in a new place and ensure the ease of transportation of things, you should carefully weigh and plan everything. Therefore, we propose to make out the topic of how to properly organize a move to a new house, apartment or change the office, while studying not only a suitable day, but rituals before and during the settlement.

On which day of the week it is better to move to a new house, office or apartment: moving and favorable days

The move to a new house or building itself has a lot of people. And they all begin with the right day of the week.

The best days are considered:

  • Tuesday under the cover of Mars. It is ideal for a change in residence or place of work, because any change of residence will be on a constant or long -term basis. And in a new place you will be accompanied by success and material profit. The move itself will be without excesses. The energy of Mars gives great prospects, but at the same time it is very strong and active. Therefore, you must be full of determination and confidence. To move, you need to organize everything correctly and do not succumb to laziness.
  • Saturday is Saturn's Day and Good luck! It is believed that a change of residence on this day will give you a calm life and protect you from any difficulties. The event itself will be easy and fast. Keep in mind that you should not take old things that you do not need with you. It is on this day that the charity of those things that you do not use will be for yourself.

Neutral day:

  • This is Thursday - Jupiter's Day. Although the energy of the planet itself brings good luck, a fair wind and high hopes. Ideally, use this day in cases where you want to cross out the past and start life “from a new sheet”. A big plus of this day - intuition is aggravated, and the amount of deception is minimized. On this day, it is also recommended to clean housing from old energy and garbage, as well as conduct rituals.
Organize everything correctly
Plan all the nuances premature

On which day of the week you should not move to a new house, apartment or office: moving and unfavorable days

Refuse the road and change of place of residence or work:

  • Of course, this is Monday is the day of the moon. In this period, it is better to engage in planning affairs, devote yourself to communication with relatives. After all, the energy of the day is calm and peace, so any active actions, undertakings and moving to a new house can bring trouble and additional difficulties to your life. The transportation of things itself will be very heavy and long.
  • Wednesday under the influence of Mercury It is considered a fairly easy and successful day to conclude transactions and trips. But an important point - moving on this day will be short -lived. Also, folk signs say that neighbors/customers will bypass your house/office. This is a day of negotiations, so use this energy to conclude a transaction regarding the purchase or transportation of things.
  • Friday, like Venus's Day, It is categorically not suitable for moving. A change of residence will take away your luck, financial and family well -being. On this day, you can only pack things and get rid of the unnecessary.
  • Sunday is a bright day of the sun. It is considered a very successful day, but inappropriate for moving to a new house or office. And all because this day should be devoted to spiritual enrichment, knowledge of the world and rest, both physical and spiritual. It does not interfere with going to church and getting a blessing on the road.

You will also be interested in the article "When is it better to move on lunar days this year."

On some days it is better to engage in preparation
On some days it is better to engage in preparation

Moving to a new house, apartment, office: how to move properly, settled - rites and rituals of energy cleansing, prayers

Of course, any move to a new house or office begins with cleaning the premises. But many forget that it is not enough just to carry out wet cleaning and throw up broken, unnecessary things from the old owners. It is worth mandatory to clean the energy of the room.

Important: all rites for cleaning housing should be carried out no later than 3 days after entry. Even if you have previously put things in order.

  • Cleaning with consecrated water and candle. It is necessary to spray crosswise 3 times all angles and door/window openings. In this case, you need to read “Our Father” or a special prayer for the consecration of housing (text below). Then it is worth going around all the rooms with a lit church candle. At the same time, we pay attention to the fire itself - in the places of accumulation of negative energy, the flame will crack, go out, or lean to the side. So - in these places it is worthwhile to strengthen cleaning.
The words
The words
Appeal to the Virgin
Appeal to the Virgin
  • Cleaning the house when moving salt. This mineral is a very strong magical attribute, which has been used since ancient times. It is she who is able to absorb all the negativity. Pour salt into small saucers, arrange them in every corner of the house for 7 days. After it, it is necessary to dispose of it - bury in the ground away from residential places.
    • There is a simpler method - to carry out general cleaning With the help of salt water. So you immediately activate the strength of two elements - water and earth.
    • And to protect your housing, hang Salt charm In a bag made of natural fabric near the front door or simply sprinkle it along the doorway. You can mix it with protective herbs.
  • Then let in Air power, opening all the windows for ventilation.
Tested by time
Tested by time

Moving to a new house or apartment, office: traditions and rituals

  • First, the hosts should come in, through seniority. In this case, you need to think only about the good. After all, if the move to the new house will be with bad thoughts, then life in it will be one.
  • Also make sure you They did not stumble on the threshold. Otherwise, a new life will be with interference and troubles.
  • The youngest should put 3 coins under the threshold. This folk sign also says - the younger the child, the more good luck and wealth will appear in the new house. After all, they will grow with the baby.

Important: it is forbidden to swear on the day of settlement!

  • According to the old tradition the pen should be launched a cat in a new living room, So that she indicates and, in which case, absorbs negative energy. After all, she has 9 lives in stock. If she behaves wary and restless - there are evil spirits or a negative accumulation of energy in the house. In this case, it is worth cleansing without fail. With calm behavior - everything is in order with the energy of the house.

Tip: Sometimes cats simply do not want to go to an unfamiliar area. So that the pet easily crosses the threshold, lure it with a delicacy, throwing it from the threshold.

Do not forget about the cat
We trust the instinct of animals
  • For moving to a new office, just a cat figurine is suitable. If there is no cat and even its figurines, then come in with beautiful colors. But only alive, in a pot!
  • Also note that Everyone should bring something with them to a new home!And this applies not only to the staff from the office, but also of all family members.
  • Cover the table with a tablecloth in a new house and put a large bill under it - attract prosperity. By the way, with the housewarming, take a better face value - this will also bring you financial enrichment.
  • Make a horseshoe, buy a new broom and collect a bouquet of field herbs:
    • wormwood
    • st. John's wort
    • verbenes
    • mint
    • oregano
    • juniper, etc.
  • At the same time, one broom should remove the old garbage and dispose of it, and put the second with a panicle up near the front door as a protective amulet and to attract a brownie.

We also offer you an article for reading "How to appease and make friends with the brownie?"


Moving to a new house or apartment, office: signs

  • If you knocked on your door, Then life in the new house will be calm, but if you heard the call of your neighbors or a doorbell, then guests will be frequent in your house.
  • See the first man - To a calm and friendly life in a new place, and if a woman will gossip ill -wishers behind your back. If the children walk near your future house, then wait for replenishment.
  • If in the selected house Birds drive nests, So, it has good energy. But if you hear a crick of the raven nearby, then moving to a new house will bring trouble. Moreover, the more there are, the stronger the bad weather.
  • If you are tormented by nightmares in a new place, then the former owners for some reason do not agree with your move to a new house.
  • If you have flowers, then this indicates the influence of negativity.

In addition, you will be interested in the article “When and how to move to a new house, a rented apartment or office: signs.”

And in conclusion - do not forget to bake (ideally) or buy a loaf, putting it on a table with salt. And in order for you to go around all the hardships and unkind people, never call people unpleasant for you, even if they are your relatives.

Video: moving to a new house, apartment: signs, rituals

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