What does the Green Card give and how to get it? Methods of obtaining a green card: the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Necessary documents for moving to the United States

What does the Green Card give and how to get it? Methods of obtaining a green card: the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Necessary documents for moving to the United States

In this article, we will tell you on what conditions you can get a green card. And also show the necessary list of documents for moving to the United States.

Traveling to various countries is good, and living abroad is even better. And we will not be cunning that most of Russian citizens dreams of getting a green card, a “green card” or “a map of a resident of the United States”. She takes the most honorable place without exaggeration, because you practically give the rights of a US citizen. And even promises prospects for the future - the registration of citizenship. Therefore, in this material we will consider how to get a Russian resident Green Card, and we will figure out what nuances should be taken into account when designing it.

What is the Green Card and what does it give?

The first "green cards" appeared in the pre -war years. These were not quite a green card, but rather their prototypes that had white. And after the Second World War, they reached a massive amount, changed their place of registration and “green”. True, after 18 years, the design of the map changed, but the improved models entrenched in the old name.

Green Card - This is an identity card United States Permanent Resident Card Or, in other words, a resident document (but not yet a citizen). That is, a person is provided with a list of rights of practically official residents of the country. He receives a residence permit, which is important and receives a promising opportunity in the work sphere.

It can be of two types:

  • Constant or unconditional. That is, it is the precedence of citizenship itself;
  • Conditional or temporary. That is, it is issued for a certain time. Or rather, for 2 years. This type of Green Cart is used in the conclusion of various civil marriages. And if the spouses retained the family after the deadline, then she is gaining a constant status.
Grinkart attracts many Russians
Grinkart attracts many Russians

What privileges gives a “green card”?

  • The main plus is an opportunity to legally live in the United States. Yes, not just, but for 10 years. After this period, it is assumed to extend the document through simple procedures. By the way, all states are subject to law.
  • After some time, you will also get the right to freely leave the country and return to it.
  • You will have the opportunity to officially get a job!
  • Also, children have a chance to attend public school.
  • But you can also get benefits for training. For example, pay less for training at a university.
  • Or even pay taxes at reduced rates. True, there should not be any debts in their homeland.
The map gives a lot of interest
The map gives a lot of interest
  • In some cases, pension benefits are implied, which are provided for by law.
  • You will also have a chance to get a driver’s license in America.
  • You can receive social insurance benefits or as a result of disability. And for the elderly, benefits are provided for medical insurance.
  • And you can even take a preferential target loan in the bank.
  • But the most pleasant thing is a chance to claim citizenship. It really appears five years after receiving a "green card".
    • The only thing that cannot be done to the resident is to occupy public office and take part in the vote.

And what does the state "ask" in return?

Yes, there is also the "reverse side of the coin." Although the proposed requirements are included in reasonable limits.

  • We need to pay income tax.
  • If a man enters the draft age (from 18 d 26 years), then he is obliged to register in the service of drafting into the army. Although now they revise this law.
  • In order not to arise difficult situations, the owners of “green cards” always need to have documents confirming their legal residence.
  • And if you decide to move to another state or at least to the next street, then you must first notify the migration service.
  • And the most important requirement is not to leave the United States more than 6 months. Otherwise, the card can be taken in an instant. In the country, it is necessary to spend most of the time.

Important: if you need to leave the country for a long time, then you pre -take in the migration service permission to re -enter.

  • It is equally important that you work in one place from 6 months to 1 year. This is especially true for those citizens who received a card based on an invitation to work.
  • Also, good behavior becomes one position. If you have violated the law, then the government may consider you the unsuitable candidate for the green card.
    • Not less important! The matter concerns not only serious criminal crimes, but also minor legal mistakes! Especially strictly observed the reliability of the information provided and documents. And remember - help or cooperation with criminals or illegal emigrants is also punishable!

Who can apply for a green card?

There are some people who have a little more chance of getting a green card in comparison with others.

  • Those who have spouses (husband or wife) themselves are US citizens. But you need to not only make a marriage for 2 years, but also provide significant evidence of real relationships.
  • If there are close relatives. This refers to children, parents, brothers or sisters. If they live in the States and have permanent citizenship or a card of a permanent resident. Regarding children - they should be up to 21 years and not have their own family and children. Otherwise, they are already going separately from parents.
There are many applicants for receiving a card
There are many applicants for receiving a card
  • Labor immigrants who received an invitation from the employer from America. The priority group includes outstanding and outstanding workers in the scientific field or in the field of education, sports, art, as well as businessmen. Please note that there should be a work visa H1B.
  • The more chances are those that are invested in the country's budget. That is, investors.
  • Refugees and persons to whom the state of the country has provided a state -type shelter. But we need good evidence of political, racial or religious oppression. Moreover, you can seek a shelter while being in the United States or to the country's embassy.

Important information! Previously, some could smile through luck through the Green Cart lottery. The US President canceled a similar action, so the results of May 2018 will become final. And immigrants, who, by random luck, will go to the States during the year, will be the last! Therefore, there were no easy ways (albeit with a very small chance of luck). The same applies to the American army. Since 2017, the reception of foreign citizens with the further receipt of the “green card” has been canceled. Moreover, even the holders of the green card now do not have the right to submit applications to the army.

How to get a green card: the pros and cons of each option

Consider the most common ways to obtain a “green card” for a Russian citizen. Remember one thing at once - each version has its own nuances.


This is the most popular and simple at first glance way to get a green card. It is especially attracted that in 2 years you can even become a citizen of America. Women use men more often in this way.

  • But these should be real feelings and real relationships. The immigration service very carefully checks the couples. You need to prepare a photo report about your life. Yes, not just in the last month. We need evidence about your joint living.
  • All red tape with such evidence takes about 4-6 months. And you can submit a package of documents immediately after receiving the card immediately after marriage. Therefore, with a serious relationship, collect the documents in advance.
  • Also, be prepared for the fact that you and your spouse will need to answer tricky questions. Employees not only check the reliability of information, but also observe facial expressions.
Marry an American
Marry an American
  • There are small chances to make a fictitious marriage. But when opening, he carries deplorable consequences. You can’t see residence in the USA. Therefore, think twice before such a step.
  • Two years will be observed for you. No, the detectives will not look after you for days, recording every quarrel or a mistake. But at least 1 time during this time it will be necessary to visit the immigration service, collecting all the documents and providing all the evidence again.


  • This is a comparatively (!) The fastest way to get a green card. And even the collection is all documents, in principle, justified.
  • It is also worth highlighting that the provision of your income and material condition is not required.
  • You can get a card for your child.

Important: do not forget that children born in the United States automatically become its citizens. But parents can claim citizenship only after 21 years. That is, reunite with the family (children).


  • Not very often, but because of the great popularity of this method, they may not believe you. Even if the relationship is real. Due to unconvincing information, the card may not be issued.
  • You can challenge the decision of the immigration service, but for this you need to "take out the ICs from the hut." After all, the main thing is not to show a beautiful pair, but real! But this, as they say, from which side to look at the situation.
  • The biggest minus is the dependence of partners. More precisely, one. In real relationships, it can be difficult. And we will not be cunning that family life is “revealed” after the first year.

Green cards on a working visa

Another popular, but relatively long method. It cannot be attributed to the category of simple ways, since it requires hard work and complete return.

  • One who is already working on a working visa in the United States, or a very valuable worker in Russia, can get a card. But the whole process depends to a greater extent on the employer himself. It is he who should receive a petition to the place of a foreign employee and apply for an application by speaking.
  • But the employee will not rest either. It is necessary to show what a valuable employee he is, what deserves permanent residence in the States.
  • And this is not so simple and fast. To begin to hope for such a chance, you need to work out two years in America without leaving the country.
  • In no case should you violate the law. Even tiny misses are turned on.
  • You must become a master of your craft. Circumstances with rare or complex professions are very successful.
Work Visa
Work Visa


  • You do not pay for the list of all documents. This duty falls on the shoulders of the employer.
  • Yes, and, in general, a red tape with papers and fees of all the necessary documents disappears.
  • This is a great incentive for valuable workers. That is, for your works there will be a very generous reward.


  • Few employers hurry to your aid in obtaining a green card. More precisely, usually they intentionally draw this process for a year and a half.
  • There are even such employers (especially for small employers) that they refuse to open form or act an insidious method. Documents intentionally draw up so that you are refused.

be careful! It is this type of employers who specifically hold workers in severity in order to have power over them. And then he lets go to look for other areas of employment.

  • You must become a professional in your field! And for this, we repeat, work out for two years without comments.
  • By the way, fines or even minor violations of the law can chop off the not yet begun matter in the root.
  • But the most significant minus is a significant difficulty for collecting documents of the whole family. Therefore, this option is suitable for young people. And among them, valuable specialists are rarely found.

Search for asylum in the USA

A little interesting, but effective method. True, this will require a lot of strength. You must have real fears for your life or mental health in your homeland. This can be pressure from the political, racial or religious side, and possibly even in matters of intimate orientation.


  • In addition to the green card, a certain bonus will fall out to you. For example, you can get a free education. You can also count on some cash allowance. And a dozen more privileges.
  • But do not rely on them immediately. They are not so simple and fast. The only thing to use is free education.
  • 150 days after registration of the petition, you can get a work permit, as well as issue social insurance and driver’s license.
Search for asylum in the USA
Search for asylum in the USA


  • Such cases have been considered for years. Therefore, this option can be called the longest.
  • There must be good and true evidence. Fictional stories are most often revealed. Yes, there were times when refugees gave a quality interview with all the necessary facts. But in the case of exposing the “inventors”, they quickly and forever expel from the country.
  • You must be in the United States. If you were not able to cross the border, then you "stay at the side."
  • It is also important to submit such a statement during the year. We’ll clarify the picture a bit and recall the huge lines. To submit an interview, on average, you have to wait about 3 years.
  • After the approval of the first stage, the decision is transferred to the court. This is another 2-3 years. And in case of refusal, an appeal is submitted, which is considered as much time. Therefore, in the end it comes out 6-10 years.
  • During this period, you cannot leave the country and at the same time still need to work legally.

Reunion with relatives

This method is somewhat reminiscent of a lottery. After all, either parents, or children, or one of the children should be so far. Although the birth of a child in the States will also “give” parents or brothers and sisters Green Card in America according to this scheme.

  • But relatives must be legal citizens of the United States. Moreover, they should be the initiators! No, perhaps you have restored these connections, but they need to submit a petition.


  • You do not need to confirm anything by annual photographs or evidence of true feelings. In principle, you do not need any special actions. The only papers that are needed is evidence of family ties.
  • By the way, for this issue it is better to contact experienced lawyers in order to collect documents correctly.
Reunion with relatives
Reunion with relatives


  • You can wait 10 years. It all depends on the category of kinship. That is, the wife, husband or children will wait only 1.5-2 years. But to take, sisters or cousins \u200b\u200bare considered from 5 to 10 years. And there is no talk of distant relatives at all, since the chance is practically equal to zero. But no one forbids trying.
  • But the most problematic is to find the very relative who is a US citizen. Especially if your whole family is indigenous inhabitants, for example, Moscow.

Investment program

Not for every citizen, but this is a real chance to get a green card. Moreover, it does not require special red tape and time. This is considered the most reliable option!

  • It is necessary to invest only an amount of $ 1 million, so that the whole family will receive a permanent visa. More precisely, such an amount is needed in commercial activities.
  • But with participation in special programs, 500 thousand dollars are enough.
  • If everything is in order with money, then the family will be able to move in 12-18 months (so much time is required for consideration of the case).


  • Quickly and easy in comparison with other methods. You need to transfer the money to the account, and wait for the check.


  • Money should be "clean." Experienced lawyers will be engaged in your income that they will carefully check each receipt of money.
  • Well, the amount. It is a little not for a simple resident of the capital and, especially, provinces.

Green Card Business

Also light, but also a complex method to get a card.

  • The owner of the company in Russia can open a branch in the United States or buy a ready -made business. It also applies to senior managers.
  • First, the L-1 visa is issued, which then changes to the green card. It has been operating for 7 years.
  • You can file an application after 12 months, and for small entrepreneurs - in two years.

Some nuances:

  • The applicant must work out for at least a year. And the company itself must exist at least 3 years.

Training in the USA

  • In total, you need to submit an application to any university, unlearn, finish and get a job on the N-1 visa. And then submit documents for the "green card". By the way, this can be done after 1-3 years of training.


  • To enter abroad, you need either money or incredible knowledge. Not everyone who wants a graduate is able to enter a foreign university.

IMPORTANT:To speed up the process of receiving a card and confirm the seriousness of your intentions, you can still open an account with an American bank, buy real estate in the states or open your own business. Better yet, connect several points.

List of necessary documents

It can be slightly changed and regulated depending on the grounds for moving to the United States. Also, be prepared in any case to take an interview in the consular department of the Embassy of the United States located in Russia.

  • You need to fill out the questionnaire online. But do not forget to print it to provide it at an interview. By the way, think in advance “correct” and reliable answers.
  • You must have a passport.
  • We need photos of the established sample.
Need a certain list of documents
Need a certain list of documents
  • Be sure to collect all the necessary certificates, which exclude your connection with the criminal world. That is, there should be no criminal record.
  • The medical board needs to be held in any case!
  • Not always, but a consular fee for an amount of 160 dollars may still be required.

A more accurate list must be recognized at the US Consulate, which will directly depend on the situation. Therefore, be prepared to collect a package of additional papers. For example, a certificate of marriage or the birth of a child, and may invite or confirmation of the financial viability of the groom (or husband).

Video: How to win a green card 2019 and move to the USA?

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