How to move to Iceland, how to get citizenship? Iceland on the map of Europe, how to get, airports, currency, time, work for Russians, traditions and sights

How to move to Iceland, how to get citizenship? Iceland on the map of Europe, how to get, airports, currency, time, work for Russians, traditions and sights

Iceland, according to 99% of local residents, is the best country in the world for life. Could the edge of eternal snow become, polar night and the original Bjork with your second homeland?

Characteristics of Iceland

Where is Iceland on the map of Europe?

Iceland is located in the north-west of Europe, about halfway between Great Britain and Greenland. It would seem that in those harsh parts where Iceland lies, eternal winter reigns, because it is located at the same latitude with the Russian Oymyakon and Anadyr.

But in Iceland, the climate is different, much softer. In summer, the temperature reaches 20-25 degrees, and in winter it lasts about zero. The only thing that causes the Icelanders is a frequent change in the weather several times a day. In addition, the island is often crossed by cyclones, rainfalling and fluid wind. The Icelanders themselves joke: "If you think that the weather is bad, wait half an hour, and it will become worse."

Iceland on the map of Europe
Iceland on the map of Europe

You can see the detailed map of Iceland in Russian here.

What is the name of the capital of Iceland?

The capital of Iceland Reykjavik is a small city by our standards. But for little Iceland, this is a real metropolis, the only large city in the country with a population of a little more than one hundred thousand people. The remaining Icelandic cities are comparable in size to our large villages.

"Reykjavik" is translated from Icelandic as a "smoky bay." Reykjavik, like the entire territory of Iceland, is dotted with hot natural sources, which are constantly emitting pair clubs. The first residents took steam for smoke, and gave the city such a name.

Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland
Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland

Currency and Time of Iceland

With the European Union here relations are complex. Iceland is part of the Schengen zone (you can enter here by a short -term Schengen visa), but the country is not going to become a full member of the European Union.

The euro in Iceland is freely accepted in almost all establishments (exceptions can be small provincial villages or paying for travel in transport). However, the official currency of Iceland is the Icelandic crown.

Icelandic crowns are the currency of Iceland
Icelandic crowns are the currency of Iceland

The course as of 2016: 1 euro \u003d 133 Icelandic crowns.

It is better to change the currency (euro to crowns) on the spot in Iceland, since the Icelandic crown is not converted in other countries, and it simply is not in our exchangers. But in general, you will need cash extremely rarely, since Iceland is very common with bank cards (even travel and taxi can be paid through the terminal). There are ATMs everywhere.

The difference in time between Moscow and Reykjavik is -3 hours: when in Moscow there is noon, in Iceland 9 a.m.

Iceland's money
Iceland's money

Iceland: Form of Board

Iceland is a parliamentary republic. At the head of state is the president who is elected by popular vote every four years. The government submits to the president: the Cabinet of Ministers led by the Minister-Chairman (in our opinion, Prime Minister).

Laws are adopted by parliament, whose members are also selected by voting for a period of 4 years. If necessary, the parliament has the right to bring to the government a votum of no confidence, after which the cabinet should resign.

Parliament of Iceland in Reykjavik
Parliament of Iceland in Reykjavik

The population of Iceland: people, in what language they say?

Iceland is a rather separate country. The vast majority of local residents are indigenous Icelanders. The rest of the percentage falls on the Danes, Norwegians and Swedes. The total population of the country is only about 350 thousand inhabitants, 2/3 of which live in Reykjavik and its suburbs.

The official language in Iceland is Icelandic. It is the main language of communication.

Bjork is the most famous performer of songs in Icelandic
Bjork is the most famous performer of songs in Icelandic

How to get to Iceland: Airports

Iceland is an island, you can only get to it by plane or on a ship. There are no direct flights from Russia and the CIS countries to Iceland. You can fly with a transplant through one of the Scandinavian countries (it is with them that Iceland has the most active air traffic).

Keblavik International Airport is 50 km from Reykjavik and accepts flights from Germany, France, Great Britain and Scandinavia. The airport is small: only one terminal, a modest one -story building. There is a Duty Fri zone, several restaurants, free wi-fi.

You can get to the center of Reykjavik by a rented car, taxi or a regular bus. The road takes from half an hour to 45 minutes. List of rolling automobile offices in Keblavik see here. List of routes and a schedule for traveling buses can be found here.

Keblavik is the only international airport of Iceland
Keblavik is the only international airport of Iceland

How to get Iceland's citizenship?

Icelanders are hospitable people, but only with those who do not plan to register here forever. Historically, the inhabitants of Iceland have developed a persistent (albeit restrained) rejection of strangers for many reasons. The number of immigrants on the island is negligible, each case of providing citizenship is closely considered by local authorities.

Before becoming a full -fledged citizen of Iceland, you need to get a view of permanent residence and live a certain number of years on it. But even obtaining a type of permanent residence is not easy. For example, unlike many European countries, the availability of business or purchased real estate in Iceland is not a sufficient basis for providing you with citizenship.

Marry a citizen of Iceland is one of the ways to get citizenship
Marry a citizen of Iceland is one of the ways to get citizenship

Iceland's legislation provides for 4 reasons for obtaining a type of permanent residence

Marriage with a citizen of Iceland

Official marriage with a citizen of Iceland (obtaining citizenship is possible after 3 years of residence permit). This method seems simple only at first glance, since the Icelanders are extremely reluctant to go to mixed marriages. Particularly strong prejudices are among the older generation, and no one has yet canceled the importance of the consent of the parents to marriage.

Contract job

Work under the contract gives the right to receive a residence permit, after seven years, citizenship can be obtained. In Iceland, 70% of working hands are employed in the service sector, 23% in industry and only 5% falls on agriculture. As you can see, the chances of getting a little worker here are small (mainly such vacancies offer fishing farms).

Iceland's work contract makes it possible to move to the country
Iceland's work contract makes it possible to move to the country

For work under the contract, foreigners are extremely rare here. According to the law, the employer must first offer the vacancy to the Icelanders, then to the EU citizens, and only then to other different migrants. Recently, a large number of job seekers from Eastern European countries have hit Iceland, so those who want to get to the most popular professions here is unmeasured.

To get a permanent work contract to a Russian or CIS citizen, you need to be a super-specialist in one of the narrow industries where there is no competition. It is better if you first find the employer and receive an invitation from him, and then go to conquer the country. Finding a job on the site “with a bang” is unrealistic.

The site of the public employment service of Iceland: Boards of announcements of vacancies in Iceland: and You can also regularly go to the sites of large Icelandic companies, where vacancy announcements are posted.

Site to search for work in Iceland
Site to search for work in Iceland

Training at Iceland universities

The most reliable way to obtain Iceland citizenship is to enter one of the local universities. Firstly, this automatically grants you the right to a residence permit. Secondly, by the time of graduation, you can already receive citizenship. Thirdly, most universities in Iceland are trying to provide their graduates with work.

The plus for you will be that local universities are not in great demand among the inhabitants of Europe (there are a lot of their universities there), so the competition of applicants is small. Some universities of Iceland are training in English (universities in Reykjavik and Akuirei).

University in Reykjavik, Iceland
University in Reykjavik, Iceland

Education at a state university costs 200-400 euros per semester. The scholarships are not provided, but students have a large social package that provides a flexible system of discounts. Education in private institutions costs an order of magnitude more expensive - several thousand euros per semester.

An application for admission can be submitted remotely: the procedure and a package of documents are not too different from the Russian ones, but it is necessary to provide all the documents translated into English or Icelandic and assure the apostille. More detailed information must be clarified on the official website of the university you are going to enter.

One of the buildings of the University Campus of Iceland
One of the buildings of the University Campus of Iceland

Refugee status

The percentage of refusal to grant refugee status in Iceland is extremely small. But do not flatter yourself: this is due to the fact that the number of people who want to obtain such a status is negligible. The main candidates (immigrants from dysfunctional countries) consider the local climate too cold. The second reason is that the status of refugee will not allow you to automatically bring the whole family to Iceland.

And most importantly: refugee status does not give the right to work. You will receive a social benefit that will make ends meet, but no more. It is assumed that you will leave Iceland and return to your homeland, as soon as the political situation in your country is stabilizing. Therefore, obtaining citizenship on the basis of refugee status will be problematic.

To obtain citizenship of Iceland, it is necessary to pass the state exam for the knowledge of the Icelandic language (basic level). Double citizenship is allowed, so your national passport is not necessary.

Passport of a citizen of Iceland
Passport of a citizen of Iceland

How do they live in Iceland?

What may seem unusual in Iceland for immigrants from Russia.

Icelanders are very law -abiding. It is not accepted to commit crimes and engage in fraud here - it simply does not occur to the local population. For example, elections to parliament have been passing through Internet voting for many years, and no one has ever doubted their reliability.

Prisoners in a local prison are practically not guarded, and on the weekend they dissolve home. With the influx of migrants from Poland and the Baltic states, the number of violators and prisoners has increased, so now there is sometimes a place (a prison is tiny), and a small line of local residents is formed, obliged to sit out by the court sentence. They are waiting, do not scatter - sometimes for more than one year.

President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson with his wife
President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson with his wife

Residents of Iceland highly value comfort, but indifferent to luxury. Moreover, it is considered extremely indecent to expose your status and prosperity here. Even the first persons of the state have very modest working rooms, almost do not use security services and try to do small.

Icelanders are very conservative and committed to traditions. Like their pagan ancestors, they do not have surnames-only the name and patronymic. The name of the mother may also act as a middle name - the issue depends on the decision of parents at birth. Usually, the ending of “sleep” (son) or “dottir” (daughter) is added to the name of the parent, depending on the floor. In alphabetical poles (for example, in telephone reference books), people are sorted by names, and not by patronymics, which often introduces foreigners into a stupor.

Due to the lack of names, members of one family in Iceland have completely different names
Due to the lack of names, members of one family in Iceland have completely different names

The inhabitants of Iceland are non -conflict and friendly. Fights and crimes are very rare here. If necessary, you offer help on the street any passerby. You will not meet the Icelandic cities of stray animals on the streets of Icelandic cities, since all of them are disassembled by houses with loving and caring citizens. The law, which regulates the content of pets in Iceland, prohibits it to expel them to the street.

Another punishment of the Icelanders is not to cause anxiety to others. From an early age, it is customary to respect someone else's space here, not to violate universal harmony and take care of the purity of public places. Before you get a pet, you will have to interview all neighbors in the district if they will be against it and whether it will cause them trouble.

Schoolgirls of Iceland in national costumes
Schoolgirls of Iceland in national costumes

In Iceland, very peculiar ideas about the beautiful. The art here is too realistic and natural, some passages are even difficult for a Russian person. Among the children's books, you can meet a fairy tale about poop, and at a play in the theater, actors can easily urinate on stage or make love without imitation.

Iceland has a very high price level, especially for alcohol. The country is considered the most expensive in Europe and the highest in terms of living. Without constant income, it is very difficult to live here.

Life in the outback of Iceland
Life in the outback of Iceland

Life in Iceland for Russians

Despite the geographical remoteness, the mentality in Iceland in many respects is close to Russian. Therefore, adaptation in Iceland is easier for our person than for residents of southern Europe or refugees from African countries.

What in Iceland will seem familiar to the Russian immigrant.

Icelanders are also hardworking. They are not used to sitting back, a difficult climate (just like in Russia) for centuries makes it good to work well before getting the result. Therefore, in Iceland, they are very appreciated and respected by hard workers and despise lobotryas. It is easier for the Russians with their love for work to become "their own"

The inhabitants of Iceland are very focused on relatives. The main value of any Icelander is the family, parents and the near circle of friends. Moreover, in friendship, the Icelanders are as selfless as Russians: they will share the last piece of bread. The basic idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship and marriage in them largely coincides with ours.

For residents of Iceland, close and friends are very important
For residents of Iceland, close and friends are very important

For the Icelander, as for Russian, the opinion of others and the framework of decency is very important. Good relations with neighbors, with relatives, with former colleagues are very important for the Icelander, as well as the expression "what people will say." Especially when you consider that there are only 300 thousand inhabitants on the island and almost everyone knows each other, in their city certainly.

Icelanders love and know how to have fun, but in a narrow circle. Family noisy holidays here are not uncommon. Do not shy away from alcohol and can drink quite a lot. Often they fool around, but do not bend the bar.

Iceland residents love holidays and parades
Iceland residents love holidays and parades

Work in Iceland for Russians

In which sectors you can find work for Russian immigrants in Iceland

  • Sport And everything that is connected with him. Icelanders are obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. Almost everyone regularly visits the gym, a lot of sports clubs and centers. Good coaches, masseurs, fitness consultants are always in demand here
  • IT technologies. Russian programmers and technical specialists are one of the best in the world, and in Iceland most of the production and service sector is tied to technology
In Iceland, IT specialists
In Iceland, IT specialists
  • Engineering specialties, especially narrow orientation. Russian left -handed person sits in each of us, so that natural talent and ingenuity allow the Russians to achieve serious career heights in such areas
  • Ecology, nature And everything that is connected with her. Iceland is a country of volcanoes and crazy beauties. Volcanoes are guarded here, so seismologists and geologists are very in demand. And nature and cherish nature, so biologists and other naturalists will be to the court.
Due to the abundance of volcanoes in Iceland, they will be happy with immigrants-seismologists
Due to the abundance of volcanoes in Iceland, they will be happy with immigrants-seismologists
  • Agriculture. Recently, in Iceland, the authorities have been concerned about the problem of dying villages and agriculture, as citizens are actively moving to cities. It is planned to introduce special privileges for immigrants who are ready to revive the hinterland
  • Tourism. The Icelanders make a lot of efforts to develop this industry and attract as many tourists as possible, the sphere of travel agencies is constantly expanding. To work with foreigners, it is important to understand the mentality of visiting guests, so Icelandic travel agencies often hire foreigners
Tourism is actively developing in Iceland
Tourism is actively developing in Iceland
  • Services - Only those where the Icelander himself will not cope. For example, residents of Iceland do not willingly make minor repairs in an apartment or manicure on the side. But the repair of complex equipment or procedures requiring serious skills, they will be happy to pay.

The smallest chances of getting a decent work in Iceland among foreigners of creative professions. The culture of the Scandinavians is quite specific. Many consider creative professions not serious business and are engaged in them at the hobby level. And even more so, they are not very ready to pay for it.

Hall concert building in Reykjavik, Iceland
Hall concert building in Reykjavik, Iceland

When is it better to go to Iceland

Before making the final decision on immigration to Iceland, it is important to make sure that you weighed all the pros and cons, you can well imagine your upcoming place of life and mentality of future neighbors.

It is worth going on a tourist trip in Iceland to be sure of your choice.

In Iceland, the seasonality of the influx of visitors is clearly expressed, the peak itself falls on the period of June to September. At this time of the year, there are the most comfortable conditions for relaxation: warm, a lot of greenery, a lot of opportunities for ecotourism and excursions on attractions.

Summer in Iceland
Summer in Iceland

In the summer, many airlines organize additional flights to Iceland - it will be easier to find a convenient option to get. But prices in the summer so take off to heaven.

In winter, the situation is reverse: not the most comfortable weather conditions, it is difficult to move around the country (snow drifts and hurricanes are frequent), but prices fall to 30-40% and you can lay your trip to a relatively reasonable budget.

Iceland in winter
Iceland in winter

Iceland, natural attractions

  • Fishing in Iceland - One of the most exciting classes. The warm course of the gulfstream delivers the jambs of a variety of fish here, even novice fishermen boast of very impressive trophies. Fishing is possible all year round, it all depends on weather conditions
Sea fishing in Iceland
Sea fishing in Iceland
  • Observation of humpbacked whales. In the open sea, these handsome men make an incredible impression. Special excursions to the habitats of whales are an integral part of a trip to Iceland
Humpbacked whales in Iceland
Humpbacked whales in Iceland
  • Sea cruises In the near islands or to the Greenland lying in the north, they will also give you an unforgettable impressions. Pass along the edge of the northern polar circle, see the endless glaciers and miraculously sheltered on the rocky shores of houses - you will not find such landscapes in warmer latitudes
Sea cruises in Iceland
Sea cruises in Iceland
  • Bathing in open thermal springs. The inhabitants of Iceland themselves often indulge themselves with such procedures even in January. Hot sources in Iceland are found everywhere, the temperature in them is an average of 35-36 degrees of heat, so swimming in them will be comfortable even at minus temperature. In addition, the mineral composition of water in the sources has very healing properties
Thermal sources of Iceland
Thermal sources of Iceland
  • Polar Lights. This amazing sight can be observed in Iceland from autumn to spring. In the winter, seeing the flashes in the sky is more likely, the same as in the Propolar Iceland day daylight hours lasts only a few hours. Special tours are called "Hunt for the Northern Songs"
Polar radiance in Iceland
Polar radiance in Iceland
  • Observation of geysers. Geysers are large and small hot springs that beat underground. Sometimes they break out, scaring unprepared spectators with their suddenness. The most famous geyser of Iceland is called strokurk
Geyser in Iceland
Geyser in Iceland
  • Waterfalls of Iceland - There are perhaps no less than natural lakes and geysers here. Each waterfall has its own character and unique charm. Icelanders to everyone, even a tiny waterfall give their own name and leave him a lot of thanks on pages in social networks
Skogafios waterfall in Iceland
Skogafios waterfall in Iceland

Read about the cultural attractions of Iceland here.

Black Beach of Iceland

Black beach on the coast of Reinisfyar is probably the most mystical natural attraction of Iceland. It stretched for several kilometers and produces a real shock for those who came here for the first time.

Imagine crystal clear white waves on coal-black and perfectly flat sand. We add here a framing from gloomy rocks, fragments of some sinister peaks stick out of the water, frequent fogs make a picture of blurred to horror. In general, ideal scenery for the film about vampires or other evil spirits from the Scandinavian sagas.

Rainisfjara beach, Iceland
Rainisfjara beach, Iceland

By the way, sticking rocks are, according to legend, petrified trolls, whose ship crashed nearby.

An unusual black color gives the sand a volcanic breed, and its purity and ideal surface are preserved due to the fact that the beach is located in a cold rainy area that is not too attractive to people and animals.

The Rainisfyara beach is included in the top 10 of the best beaches of the world, and filmmakers often come here to shoot unearthly landscapes.

Black beach in Iceland
Black beach in Iceland

The traditions of Iceland

In conservative Iceland, the traditions of distant ancestors are carefully honored. This is the only country of the world where the language does not change for thousands of years, so the inhabitants of Iceland are well aware of the texts of the ancient Neskandinavian sagas without a translator. Also here are different pagan holidays and customs, unlike the Christianized rest of Europe.

Traditional houses in Iceland
Traditional houses in Iceland

Traditional Songs of Iceland

The folk songs of Iceland are a real test for a not -used listener. These songs are very long, ornate, a lot of text, since each song is a saga laid to music (and the sagas of the Vikings are not short). In addition, the contractor must distinguish especially tragic moments in the voice, so that the listeners in some places tremble and often blink

The traditional clothing of Iceland

Lopapaisa is a warm knitted sweater from sheep wool decorated with national ornament. In addition to piercing cold winds, Lopapais also protects from moisture, so it is often used instead of a jacket in raw and cool summer weather

Lopapaisa - traditional clothes of Iceland
Lopapaisa - traditional clothes of Iceland

The traditional cuisine of Iceland

The main dishes on the Icelandic table are a fish of all types and methods of cooking. The most exotic dish “Haukarl” is a shark meat, which is first buried in the ground, where it goes out for some time, then hanging in the smokehouse, and only then eat (frankly, completely inedible for tourists).

The second most popular product is lamb, since sheep is the only homemade cattle that has taken root in Iceland's climate. From the exotic, one can distinguish “Khrutskingur” (pickled eggs of a ram) and “fabric” (a baulus, cooked in his own gastric bag).

Baran's fried head - a traditional dish in Iceland
Baran's fried head - a traditional dish in Iceland

The traditional superstitions of Iceland

You will laugh, but in Iceland, trolls, gnomes and sorcerers are really existing characters, in the opinion of the overwhelming part of the adult population. Before starting the construction or laying the road, the Icelanders are in full seriousness with local shamans for “permission”.

Well, that is, suddenly you lay the road through the ownership of the troll - you won’t wipe the troubles! They pay absolutely seriously to appease these creatures, perform strange rituals prescribed by a shaman, and generally demonstrate all respect to the local spirits.

Ice cave in Iceland
Ice cave in Iceland

Which animal is prohibited to import into Iceland

Any animal can be imported into Iceland (subject to veterinary certificates, of course), except for horses.
Yes, it was the horses that fell under the most severe ban on the import of the Vikings into the country.

There is, of course, horses here, but only one breed - Icelandic. And they cannot be crossed with any other appearance, so the law prescribes.

Icelandic horses
Icelandic horses

Even if for some reason you take out an indigenous local horse from Iceland, you will no longer let you go back under any pretext, even if you prove that the horse was born and grew up on the island and will not be able to live without brothers.

Such a ban is connected with the fact that Icelandic horses, like people, have been in isolation for hundreds of years. Any insignificant disease from the outside, and the whole population is threatened. And the horses are special here, because the northern climate will withstand not every breed.

Icelandic breed of horses
Icelandic breed of horses

Even if you import not a horse, but equipment for riding, all the ammunition will be carefully in the subject of parasites, and only then they will be allowed to cross the border.

The only case when the Icelanders decided to cross their horse with the Arabic horse took place 800 years ago, but the offspring was unsuccessful and unsuitable for life in Iceland. It was since then that the ban on “damage” of local horses has been introduced.

Video. Interesting facts about Iceland

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