How to appease, feed and make friends with the brownie? Animals - a cat, a dog and a brownie in the house: how are they connected?

How to appease, feed and make friends with the brownie? Animals - a cat, a dog and a brownie in the house: how are they connected?

Find out from the article how to make friends with the brownie if he lives at your home, how to transfer him to new housing with him, how to expel someone else's brownie, as well as where to put a figure in the house - a amulet.

So from the article " How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence» It became known what kind of creature is a brownie. If the house or apartment has signs of its presence, you do not need to be afraid. Further behavior depends on the attitude of the owner to the house. Does he consider him a good guardian spirit? Then you can make friends with him. Is the owner of the house a religious person, a brownie for him is an unclean force? There are ways to cleanse the home.

What to do if the house is in the house?

Our ancestors believed that the brownie lives in every dwelling, and it is not only where people are angry, sloppy, inaccurate, where the family does not mean anything to them. They were glad for this spirit, respectfully treated him. In response, the housekeeper diligently fulfilled his duties to maintain order in the house and well -being in the family.

Having discovered signs of the presence of the brownie today, a person is scared and lost. And in vain. The nature of the spirit - the Guardian and his attitude to the family completely and completely depend on how the family behaves.

The brownie protects the dwelling, it should not be afraid of it.

Important: the brownie feeds on the energy of people living with him. He is also busy bringing Lada into a dwelling. If the family members come negative, if they talk in high colors, quarrel, the brownie becomes like them, the same evil. If the family is sloppy, neglects cleaning, things in the apartment do not have their own places, dirty dishes accumulate, the brownie “processes”, is very angry and begins to pack: it beats the dishes, hires things, spoils products, so on.

In a good mood, the brownie prefers not to show to people, it helps them imperceptibly. If the spirit is upset, its presence becomes obvious, and this is discomfort for family members.

And even in this case, there is a chance to make peace with a complacent being - to appease him.

How to appease, feed the brownie in the house, how to make friends with him? How to calm the brownie in the house?

Our ancestors treated the brownie, as a family of a family. Therefore, they did not forget to regularly feed him. In his favorite place, near the furnace, he was left goodies. They treated him for the holidays. They talked with the owner - the priest, turned to him respectfully, sometimes they asked for advice.

Situation: The brownie was angry because of the poor actions of the family with whom he lives. Or the family moved to the dwelling, where the guardian spirit was left in a bad mood. What to do?

  1. With the brownie you need to start talking. “Father”, “master”, “brother” should be addressed to him. He must hear the intention to be friends with him. For example: " The owner is Father, let's be friends? You will help me, and I will feed you". The creation of people drawn to people is sometimes enough for these words to live again with them in the wretches.
  2. The brownie loves to eat, moreover, he is a terrible sweet tooth. If they do not treat him, while he works a lot, the spirit can “graze” in the kitchen - steal sweets, cookies, and other goodies. He left a bag of sweets in the shelf of the kitchen cabinet, was you sure there were five of them? But there were two. This means a brownie hungry. It should be fed. Usually, the owner-priest leaves milk, bread, pieces of sugar, cookies and sweets. These goodies are placed either in the place where the brownie lives (if it is known), or where children and animals will not reach them.
  3. The brownie also does not mind sip the wine.
  4. For treats, the brownie should have its own dishes. Dishes are a plate or saucer, a glass for milk and a glass.
  5. The dishes should be the simplest. If the brownie ate, or if there is a need to give his treats to animals, before taking them, you need to turn to him, tell that they take the dishes to wash, put a new treat into it.
  6. Does the brownie really eat goodies? Someone says that in the morning they disappear, someone that remains untouched. If the brownie is an astral creature, in this case, a positive energy of a good gesture is sufficient for its food. The delicacy is then kept in the house for three days, and then they are taken out into the street by homeless animals.
  7. They feed the brownie at will - once a year, on his holiday, once a month, once a week, or when he himself will demand food.
  8. In addition to goodies, you need a house and toys. He reaches for everything bright and brilliant. The brownie will be glad to beads, colored buttons, coins. He especially loves to receive them for the holidays. Brights are left again in their favorite places of the brownie or in some secluded corner. You just can't put them on the floor. You need to choose a small casket or ordinary linen bag.
  9. Some organize the house "bed". He is given a knitted napkin or an ordinary white handkerchief.
  10. Also, the owner - the father will be delighted if you give him a ball of knitting threads.

IMPORTANT: February 10, the spirit of the keeper has a holiday, a house day. It is important not to forget to congratulate him and treat him.

VIDEO: How to tame a brownie?

A cat and other animals and a brownie in the house: how they are connected. Do cats see brownies?

Animals, especially cats, are considered guides between the world of people and the world of spirits. The brownie loves them very much, so if there is a cat or dog in the house, he will be friends or play with them.

Dogs, as a rule, are more calm about brownies. They occasionally examine them, sometimes they can run as if invisible behind someone.

The cat and brownie are very good friends. They say that the house and can turn around the gray kitten. The pet plays with the brownie, as with an invisible glomerulus, can rub on him and rumble, often sleeps with him in one corner.

The cat and the brownie are best friends.
The cat and brownie are best friends.

Important: the legendary friendship of the brownie and the cat is often depicted in drawings.

  1. They say that the brownie chooses a cat. If for some reason he does not like her, then he will either run away from home, or die soon.
  2. If the cat is friends with the brownie, and the cat is offended in the family or, God forbid, killed or brought, the guardian spirit will become furious and will take revenge for a very long time. He will mourn his friend howl at night. It is very difficult to appease it in this case, and it does not always work out.

How to get a brownie in the house?

In general, the brownie settles in the dwelling himself if he likes his energy. But there are rituals that allegedly allow him to lure.

Important: these rituals have nothing to do with church. If a person is a believer and entering the temple in order to live safely, it is better for him to agree with the priest, so that he will conduct a rite of blessings of his dwellings and call on the guardian angel in him. The Church considers the ways to acquire a brownie as a creature as unclean.

Here is one of these rituals.

  1. It is held in the kitchen.
  2. You will need: a new, always natural broom, a saucer, a glass, a white handkerchief.
  3. In the evening, before going to bed, you need to carefully accommodate the floor from the corners to the center of the kitchen, leave the broom and a bunch of garbage in the same place.
  4. Milk is poured into a glass, they put your favorite treats of the brownie in a saucer. All this and the white handkerchief are left near the stove (it is clear that in modern houses and apartments of ancient Russian furnaces there are no longer there for a long time).
  5. After they say the words: "" The owner is Father, come, you’re now live with us. You will protect our house, protect us from all troubles. And we will drink and feed you, for your hard work honestly pay».
  6. They close the kitchen, do not enter it until the morning.

Perhaps the ceremony will have to be repeated several times. The appearance of the brownie can be obvious, and he will immediately begin to actively host, or without signs, if the owner - the priest needs time to adapt to new housing.

Important: it must be borne in mind that the brownie, who lives in the neighborhood and is dissatisfied with its owners or lost them, moves to the new apartment. If this is not there, you can try to go to an ownerless house somewhere in the village and pick up the brownie from there. But not everyone will risk doing such a thing, because it is not known how long the brownie was lonely and how much his character managed to deteriorate during this time.

In general, if the family is good, friendly, she does not need to think how to get a brownie. He will soon see everything himself and will appear to the new owners.

VIDEO: How to appease the brownie in order to attract happiness and luck into the house?

Moving to a new house: how to call, pick up and transport the brownie to a new house?

It is not easy to transport a brownie with you a brownie to a new house or an apartment, because it is a sedentary spirit. He will move only under certain conditions:

  • the whole family should move to the new apartment, including the chapter
  • the brownie and the family should have good relations
  • in the old housing, order should remain (the brownie wants to stay in order to finish incomplete affairs on the household)

Important: you cannot forcibly take the brownie with you, otherwise it is angry.

Having settled in a new house or apartment, you can try to take the brownie with you.
When moving to a new house or apartment, you can try to take the brownie with you.

You also need to make sure that in the new housing there is no their brownie, together they will not poke.

Most likely, the brownie himself wants to move with his family if he is attached to her, if his friend-cat will move along with people.

Brownie is transported in a chest or casket. About an hour before leaving the house, they put a house and his favorite treats in a chest. The chest is left in the middle of the kitchen and say the words: "" Our good owner, grandfather, take you with me, we move to a new place. Come with me, get here. From now on, the owner will be in the new house". They leave the kitchen. If, upon the return of things in the chest, they will be in a mess, the guardian spirit refuses to leave the usual habitat. If everything is the way they put it, he agrees.

The house, who first refused to move, may change his mind, in a few days, who was stomping up for his family. Then the attempt to pick it up should be repeated, it will be successful.

In a new place of the crossing brownie, a treat should wait.

Can there be two brownies in the house, apartment? How to drive someone else's brownie out of the house, apartments?

If the family moves to another place of residence, but not to a new house or apartment, takes its brownie with him, there may be an unpleasant situation, there will be two guardians - there will be two guardians.

Two brownies under one roof will be difficult to get along.
Two brownies under one roof will be difficult to get along.

Like two owners in the house, two housewives in the kitchen, two brownies, each of whom has its own character, this is a conflict. It is better to avoid it, and before transporting your house, to check if new housing has already been populated.
Two brownies get along, work for the benefit of family and at home in tandem very rarely. Usually they quarrel, fight what people suffer from.

You can do in such a situation in two ways:

  1. Try the brownies to make friends. The mountain with the mountain converges, and they should do it. Firstly, they need separate dishes for “feeding” and separate beds. Secondly, bringing a chest with the brownie-a “guest”, the owner should turn to the owner with the following words: “” Father Brownie, let your home, live in a house and a host /master. And I, Father, brought you/ brought a friend, feed him and love him«.
  2. Drive someone else's brownie. Of course, it is better to do this before moving a new one: to clean the apartment, and then populate it with a new spirit - the keeper. Or buy a new broom, spend the whole apartment well for them, saying: “Alien brownie, go down. Go, find your mistress and live there. And look your house house and look behind the hut! ” Must work.

How to return the brownie to the house?

Brownies really do not like:

  • disorder and dirt in the house
  • quarreling
  • hard tones
  • material speech
  • marital treason
  • drunkenness
  • capricious children
  • when they offend animals
In response to sloppiness and quarrels in the family of a brownie can be offended and leave.
In response to sloppiness and quarrels in the family of a brownie can be offended and leave.

They are cautiously related to household appliances: a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a computer and a TV.

The displeased guardian spirit warns or offends them, this manifests itself in his pranks. He will be ignored further - the brownie will leave, he will look for new housing. And for the owners, troubles will begin, up to the point that the whole house can collapse.

Fortunately, even a very offended brownie is easy to return. It is enough to ask him for forgiveness and appease him with treats: sweets, jam, honey, milk. He will be delighted with a new toy.

How to get rid of the brownie in the house?

People who believe that the brownie is a good creature guarding the house, will never try to get rid of it. From the point of view of this theory, there are no bad brownies. A creature that scares people who saturates troubles and illnesses on them is something else, some kind of dark power. The guardian spirit could not cope with her, so you should find out what it is, and expel him.

The Orthodox Christian may want to get rid of the brownie, as from evil spirits. Then he should call a priest into the house or conduct a rite of cleansing with holy water and church candles. Here - More about conducting this rite and preparing for it.

Where should a brownie figure stand in an apartment?

In addition to a living brownie, to protect the house, to attract prosperity in it, its figure has a force.

Figure of the brownie made of clay.

Important: a brownie figure is better to make yourself or buy from natural material: straw, fabric, clay, wood. Plastic and metal absorb energy worse and how amulets do not act.

They put the figures of the brownies on the "gate" of the entry of energy: on window sills or near the door.

Figure of the brownie made of wood.
Figure of the brownie made of wood.
Brownie - amulet.
Brownie - amulet.

Important: a good sign-on the New Year to hang a domestic toy on a Christmas tree, it will attract good luck in the next 12 months.

VIDEO: DIY doll from a burlap with your own hands

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Comments K. article

  1. of course a class, but if a brownie scares you and only you hear it, then what to do

  2. and your parents don't believe you

  3. Don't be afraid! And try to talk to him. Ask: to good or to thin? Listen carefully what will answer. If the answer does not like, ask for help, protect. If everything is fine, thank him for care, this is necessary in any case. And communicate with him in Java. Leave him in a secluded corner the treat

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