Five reasons to move to Moscow. Life in Moscow: advantages and disadvantages. Is it worth moving or going to work in Moscow: several for and against

Five reasons to move to Moscow. Life in Moscow: advantages and disadvantages. Is it worth moving or going to work in Moscow: several for and against

For and against moving to Moscow.

There are a lot of legends and stories about life in Moscow, and both with a happy ending and not very. In this article we will try to figure out whether to move to the capital.

I want to move to Moscow: where to start?

The most interesting thing is that many people who live in provincial cities seek to move to the center. This desire is due to the fact that the capital is a city of great opportunities, as well as a good life. But the fact is that not everyone succeeds. People who decided to try their happiness and move to Moscow can remain absolutely poor after a short period of time and return back to the province.

Subtleties of moving:

  • Find a job while in your city. Do not rush to leave the main place of work until you are sure of the presence of a new position
  • Take care of housing. Agree in advance with the owners of the apartment about moving
  • If you are traveling with your child, soften the question of kindergarten or school. Think about who will be with the child while you are at work

Five reasons to move to Moscow

There are many advantages of life in Moscow.

Five reasons for which you should move to Moscow:

  • Very large number of possibilities
  • Good transport interchange and public transport
  • Just find friends enough
  • The best level of medicine and education than in the province
  • Many developing centers and places for relaxation for adults and children

If you are really a very energetic, active person, you will like it in Moscow. You can survive in it. Because Moscow loves people who are constantly in motion.

A promising metropolis
A promising metropolis

Should I go to work in Moscow?


  • It seems to many that it is easy to find a job in Moscow. In fact, this is not so. If you have a very good education and decent experience, it is not a fact that you will be happy to accept in some big company. The fact is that the experience and level of education in the region can be slightly lower than the one that is required in Moscow. Therefore, you can lose with a competitor who lives in the capital, has experience in larger companies.
  • If you contact the job search site, you can analyze the situation, compare the number of vacancies with the number of resumes. You will see a very unsightly picture that suggests that tens or even hundreds of times more resumes than vacancies. That is, in one place of the driver or employee of the logistics sphere of 10 applicants. Of course, half of them work, but seek to find a better place. Accordingly, such applicants create a certain competition for people who are absolutely without work.
  • A lot of people who want to find work in the field of construction, logistics. This mainly applies to visiting people who do not differ in a high level of education and intelligence. These are simple works that are based on the use of heavy physical labor. But besides visitors from the regions, people often come to Moscow from the countries of the near abroad. For example from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. Accordingly, finding a job on which decent money will be paid is quite difficult. As for decent work, such as accounting or IT technologies, it is difficult to find work. Especially if you have no work experience or it is insufficient for a specific company.
  • Therefore, we extremely do not recommend playing a Russian roulette and unexpectedly come to Moscow without money, work and housing. Because in almost 90% of cases, such a scam will result in a failure for you. Many believe that it is very difficult to find work for 50,000 rubles in the regions, and it is much easier to do it in Moscow. But the fact is that the cost of money in the capital is absolutely not the same as in the province. That is, for services, products, housing you will have to pay many times more than in the provinces. Accordingly, the salary that you will receive may not even be enough. Therefore, we recommend weighing everything.

Features of work in Moscow


  • You can prove yourself in the field of computer technology. Indeed, this is one of the highest paid and developing areas. It is in IT technologies that one of the most decent salaries are offered, but unfortunately not everyone can get a similar job. We recommend going to Moscow if your company, which is located in the province, expands, moves to Moscow. And he offers you a new position there. In this case, the move will be justified.
  • Be sure to ask the salary. It may seem to you huge money, but it will be a beggarly by the standards of Moscow, with a very low solvency. Accordingly, for this money you can buy much less than in the province. Indeed, many provincials come to Moscow just due to the fact that their company is expanding, goes to a newer level and offers its employees moving.
  • People who are constantly living in Moscow are distinguished by very high requirements in relation to the level of wages and work itself. Accordingly, they are in no hurry to get a good job, they are looking for more profitable options. Therefore, representatives of some companies prefer to hire provincials who work for a salary one and a half times less than Muscovites. There are more opportunities for the development and promotion of the career ladder.
  • Many provincials note that after moving to Moscow, he had to work several times more than in his hometown, in order to live more or less normally. Many combine several positions, alternating the work by a night watchman or a cleaner with daytime work in a supermarket, for a cashier. This is certainly not the best option, but when combined it makes it possible to earn quite decent money, which allows you to rent an apartment and even save for its relatives in the province.
The loader in Moscow
The loader in Moscow

Life in Moscow: Advantages and disadvantages

Features of rest, work and movement in Moscow:

  • In Moscow there is where to relax and where to go. This is really so, despite the conviction of many that Moscow is a very dirty city and nowhere to go. This is not true, in the capital there are many green spaces, parks, playgrounds, as well as territories near reservoirs where you can relax and take a walk. There are a lot of opportunities for pastime and leisure of young children. A lot of free playgrounds, competitions, sections, on which they will not take a penny of money from you. There are certain children's centers where speech therapists, as well as teachers, preparing for school will be engaged in your child.
  • Moving in Moscow is a separate topic, so in principle there is no need to purchase a car. It is very difficult to travel around the capital, constantly in traffic jams. The best option is public transport, metro, trams, trolleybuses. They will allow you to come to the place of work or at the other end of the city in the blink of an eye. The message between the stations is very extensive, in a few minutes you can get from one end of the capital to the other by metro.
  • Housing rental in Moscow is very expensive. There are horror stories that say that there are many facts of fraud. You can pay money for housing and see neither money nor rooms. In fact, everything is not entirely true. Because agencies work transparently, offering conditions for a variety of options and wallets. If you do not have the opportunity to rent a whole apartment, you can rent a room or rent a house for several people.
  • The best option if you are going to Moscow with a friend, girlfriend or a whole company. In this case, the rental will cost you very inexpensively if you divide it into all participants and residents of the apartment. If you do not want to dwell in a communal apartment all your life, you will have to rent an apartment separately or deal with the issue of acquisition, which is almost impossible. Because housing prices in Moscow are simply sky -high. You will have to work in a rather decent position for many years to take an apartment in a mortgage. But no one will give a mortgage with a low salary.
  • There is an option to rent an apartment on the outskirts of the city and get to the place of work for several hours. Many rent an apartment in general outside the city and come to a car. This is a great option for visitors who live near Moscow and go to the capital to work. This is really one of the best options. When living outside the city, you pay much less money for an apartment, meals, services. Indeed, in Moscow it is very expensive to go to the salon, hairdresser, to follow your nails, face and body. This is a lot of money compared to the province in which you can find a decent master of manicure for a penny.
Job in Moscow
Job in Moscow

Is it worth moving to Moscow: several for and against

Positive features of moving to Moscow:

  • Big city, great opportunities
  • There is a choice and diversity than to do in the evening after work
  • Many opportunities for youth
  • Competitiveness of wages for good personnel
Migrants from the province
Migrants from the province

Disadvantages of Moscow:

  • A large, noisy city in which it is very difficult to visit, accustomed to silence and lack of traffic jams on the roads
  • It is difficult to find a highly paid job for a visiting
  • You need to work a lot
  • Expensive housing and rent
  • The high cost of products, as well as services of any nature, whether it is repairs or some beauty services
  • Constant traffic jams, the inability to get to work by car. It is necessary to stay for several hours in traffic jams
Job in Moscow
Job in Moscow

Despite the fact that living in Moscow is not at all easy, as it seems at first glance, every year more and more people who want to move from a dying province to the capital. This is due to the fact that in provincial cities there is practically no work. Therefore, people living in small cities seek to move to Moscow in order to earn at least some money, keep their family.

Video: Should I go to Moscow?

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  1. We moved to Moscow because of my husband’s service. Homemade was sent by a passing cargo (in order to save) through the transport company, the mains-crossbar in the Russian Federation. Convenient and inexpensive

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