How to organize a move to a new apartment yourself? Moving to a new house and apartment - tips, rules, things and stress

How to organize a move to a new apartment yourself? Moving to a new house and apartment - tips, rules, things and stress

Ways to organize moving to a new house. Ways to transport things and pets.

The move is a small catastrophe that can be avoided by organizing its time correctly and distributing strength. More often this people independently organize a move. But you can save yourself from troubles and put this task on a breast company.

Moving to a new apartment - tips and rules

The move can be carried out in two ways:

  • On one's own. This business is troublesome and will require a considerable exposure from you. You will have to independently pack all things, order transport and immerse boxes in it. This method is cheap and troublesome. Most often, many do not even suspect that they have so many things and do not imagine what to do with them
  • With the help of a breast company. Similar organizations take on all concerns and responsibility for moving. Workers independently pack things, load on the car and deliver to a new place of residence. The company's employees are well aware of how to pack easily beating objects and what to do with small things. But in this case, collect all documents, cards, money and keys to a separate bag. This bag should be with you
Moving to a new apartment
moving to a new apartment

How to choose the time of moving to a new apartment?

Of course, most people work, so somewhat limited in choosing a day for moving. Accordingly, most transportation is carried out on weekends. An ideal day can be considered Saturday. They say that on this day the move will be held “with a bang”. But there are days when all the undertakings should be postponed. Adverse days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday. Ideal can be considered Tuesday and Saturday. It is best to plan the loading of things into the car in the morning, so that before lunch it is possible to transfer all the utensils into a new house.

Time of moving to a new apartment
time of moving to a new apartment

How to organize a move to a new apartment yourself?

Initially, it is worth knowing that the move itself is divided into three stages:

  • Assembly and packaging of things in old housing
  • Loading into the car and transportation
  • Unloading and unpacking things in new housing

Everything is actually much more complicated than it seems, since most people do not suspect, about the number of unnecessary little things and trash. Accordingly, during the assembly of the boxes, part of the trash is thrown away, and part is transported to new housing. It is believed that it is impossible to transport unnecessary garbage, so you will bring old problems to new housing.

Try to assemble things in advance, since you may not manage one day. Initially, the contents of all cabinets are collected and packaged. Boxes must be signed. After that, chandeliers, glass doors are removed and packaged in boxes with a filler or polystyrene. This will prevent damage to easily beating objects.

Organize a move to a new apartment on your own
organize a move to a new apartment on your own

How to prepare a new apartment for moving?

There are certain rules for preparing a new apartment for moving. Initially, it is necessary to open all the windows and doors, turn on the light in all rooms. Now it is worth dial a little water into the cup and sprinkle each corner. So, you will conduct a kind of ritual and can check the serviceability of communications.

But, for such procedures, you can invite the priest and devote an apartment. It is also worth washing the floor, window sills, every corner. This will allow you to do all the furniture that you bring with you without much difficulty. It is impossible that during the unloading of new things in the new apartment there are things from past owners. Be sure to throw everything away.

Bring an old broom with you and put it next to a saucer with milk. Such a ritual will allow the brownie in new housing.

Preparation of a new house for moving
preparation of a new house for moving

Necessary things when moving to a new apartment

You need to start preparing for the move in 2-3 weeks. Sort out all things and decide what you want to take with yourself and what not. In addition, purchase the following products:

  • Cardboard boxes of different sizes
  • Scotch tape with a tear -off mechanism. Need a few slices of tape of different widths
  • Pubernate film. It is necessary to wrap glass and easily beaten objects in it
  • Food film. You will wrap things that are easily dirty
  • Ropes. For strapping heavy boxes. This will facilitate their carrying
  • Polyethylene bags and bags. Put blankets and pillows in them
  • Markers. With their help, it is convenient to apply inscriptions to the boxes
Necessary things when moving to a new apartment
Necessary things when moving to a new apartment

Moving a cat to a new apartment

Cats are always very poorly experienced by moving, especially for favorites who have never left the house. But you can significantly reduce the stress of the animal.

Cat transportation rules:

  • Buy a container for the transportation of pets, laid inside the mattress. Place the cat in the house and cover with a blanket. It is best that the cat does not see that furniture is carried away from the old apartment
  • Take the container with you on the road. 6 hours before moving, do not give animal food. Take disposable diapers just in case
  • Ask the veterinarian to write out a sedative. This will calm your favorite, and she will move more easily
  • Do not open the bedspread, it is necessary that the cat does not see anything. Do not stroke the animal and do not get out of the container. Speak with your favorite in a quiet and calm voice
  • Upon arrival, without removing the bedspread, open the container. No need to forcefully extract a cat from carrying, let the animal independently decides when it leaves
  • If you make repairs in a new apartment, put a box with an animal in a room, where there is the least noise. Be sure to take the old bowls, a clawe and a rug where the cat slept with you. These things will help her adapt
  • Take a time with a change in dishes and toys for the animal, until it finally gets used to the new house
Moving a cat to a new apartment
Moving a cat to a new apartment

The puppy move to a new house

Moving the puppy to a new apartment is not much different from the transportation of a cat. It is also advisable to purchase a container and do not feed the dog a few hours before moving.

Rules for the transportation of puppies:

  • In no case do not put a container with a dog in the trunk. Take the dog with you to the salon
  • The bottom of the carrier is covered with a disposable diaper. The dog can describe from fear and stress
  • Speak constant with your favorite, but don't get it out of the container
  • Unlike cats, the dog does not need to be covered with a blanket. She will be calmer if she can watch everything
  • Upon arrival, show the favorite a new house, tell us where and what is located. Do not rush to cover the carpets and expose shoes. The dog can suddenly start gnawing shoes or write to the floor. This is quite normal, the dog is in a stressful state
The puppy move to a new house
The puppy move to a new house

Stress when moving to a new apartment

According to statistics, 70% of men and 82% of women are very difficult to transfer to new housing, even if it is a more spacious apartment in a prestigious area. But do not be upset, you just need to overestimate your views. To minimize stress, write a list of where and what things are located, sign the boxes.

Often, when moving, a person realizes that he will lack an evil neighbor, permanent neighboring rehearsals on the piano who prevented him from sleeping. It's quite normal. You must come to terms with what is happening and convince yourself that everything does correctly and in the new house everything will be much better than in the old.

You can talk with a psychologist and tell about your fears. People are always afraid of new, but these are certain lines that should be passed.

Stress when moving to a new apartment
Stress when moving to a new apartment

How to congratulate you on a new house?

Everyone had to deal with relocation to a new house. To get used to new housing faster, many organize a housewarming. To a small celebration, it is worth inviting old friends and new neighbors whom they have already met. If you were invited to the housewarming, be sure to congratulate the tenants on the purchase of a new house. This can be done in poetic form.

Congratulations on the housewarming:

Congratulations on the housewarming -
With this long -awaited day!
Let it be filled with fun
Your cozy light house.
Let the walls help in it,
And the hearth always burns.
To attract the house happiness
And luck, like a magnet!

Congratulate on the move to a new house
congratulate on the move to a new house

Many move to a new house is very difficult. To facilitate the move as much as possible, carefully plan everything, write a list of actions and objects. It is best to entrust the move to professionals.

Video: Signs when moving to a new apartment

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  1. Oh, this is what stress. Recently bought a new apartment, plus moving from another city. The head just around and insomnia began. She began to take Glycin Forte, mint tea before going to bed. She became calmer. Fortunately, everything calmed down, everything went well, we live and rejoice.

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