How to choose the best day to move to a new apartment, house or office? Folk signs when moving to a new apartment on the full moon, a leap year, in the rain

How to choose the best day to move to a new apartment, house or office? Folk signs when moving to a new apartment on the full moon, a leap year, in the rain

Signs are an important part of any business. It is important to believe in signs, because they are able to configure a person in a positive way of thinking and making decisions.

How to choose the best day to move to a new apartment?

Everyone may happen to each one when it is urgent to make a decision on moving to another place of residence or work. It is believed that any move will be much more successful and more favorable if it is carried out strictly according to the lunar calendar.

It is no secret that the moon is that heavenly body that has a strong influence on a person, his rhythms and subconscious. In addition, a certain phase of the moon is able to determine in advance the outcome of any human affairs.

In addition to thorough preparation, moral attitude and packaging of things, do not be too lazy to plan a relocation on the lunar calendar. Everyone knows that if the case is done on the growing moon, then it is doomed to success. This suggests that your relocation is able to be peaceful, trouble -free, not conflict in place, charged with positive.

Using the lunar calendar of the moveyou can soon find out about the most suitable dates, and if your move is next year, you should take note the lunar calendar of the move. Faith in signs and good signs has already become very closely into the life of a modern person, it is worth trusting the secrets of nature, which have proven their effectively not the first year of their existence and millions of people.

The lunar calendar offers the most suitable days, which correspond to both constant and temporary crossings, as well as crossings related to work.

The influence of the moon on a person, the lunar calendar of moving to a new place of residence or work

Folk signs when moving to a new house, new building

A calm and favorable life in home is a dream of almost every person. The ideal life is spared from the IS in the family circle, scandals with neighbors, devastation, breakdowns inside the house, conflicts and so on. It often happens that in order to purchase his personal housing, a person accumulates personal funds half of his life. At the time of the purchase, he is really afraid to do something wrong and just be deceived.

To tune in a positive way, to instill confidence and “turn the entire universe for your good” will help knowledge of folk signs for crossings.

Psychologists and astrologers are very good for, for example, believing that first of all they relax the human mind, making it free. In a calm state, a person is able to make the right decisions with happy result.

folk signs for a happy move

Several faithful folk signs related to moving to a new house (new building):

  • Break glasses in a new houseyou can, if you are moving to a completely virgin, previously not settled apartment. Such a ritual will help to attract good luck to your house and make your family be persecuted by luck.
  • Let the cat into the house.This is an old Slavic sign that has one quite acceptable explanation. A cat is a magical animal has long, having a special chume and the ability to be present in several realities at the same time. The cat very subtly feels the energy and therefore it should be allowed so that it determines the most suitable place for the bed. A bed is a place of rest where a person should receive a charge of forces, and not lose them. The cat will never sit where the energy is bad or broken.
  • Before entering, you should put several silver coins on the threshold (namely silver, not silver).This is necessary in order to “charge” the new housing with positive energy and allow you to attract luck, wealth, prosperity and profit to the house.

One of the most faithful favorable signs are considered moving in the morning of the day,like, "who gets up early - gives him to that!" And that's right! In no case do not postpone the move to the evening or even at night, so as not to attract “darkness” to the new house (fear, problems, quarrels, resentment).

Signs when moving to an old house

Previously, the residential building, that is, the old one, already has its own energy, which its past residents left in it. Sometimes it can be very good and is able to give new residents only favorable events, but often the completely opposite happens. It is not uncommon in houses that suicides, theft, fires, fights, or just crazy people live. Therefore, it is very important to be able to trust signs that in any case will make you know what to do.

Some signs about moving to the old house:

  • A good and very effective sign is considered careful cleaning of the dwelling.So you can clean the house from the energy of past residents, remove all the bad (it was or not) and leave your part in residential walls. Cleaning should be very detailed, very deep. All the people found should be thrown out, remove wallpaper, carpets and curtains.
  • Another good sign is connected with ignition of the hearth.To do this, light the most ordinary or church candle. It must be carried slowly throughout all the rooms of the house, bringing a light to each corner. This will save the house from "evil spirits", cleanse its energy. Well, if you know prayers, you can read them while wearing a candle. Pay attention to the flame. In some places, it can be very bright, dull in others, in the rest to go out. Where the flame is constantly rotting, you should not put a bed or organize a recreation area.
  • Carefully go around the housing you have to fix everything broken, throw out broken and scratched.This is considered a good sign, because if such things remain in the house, they invariably attract bad energy to themselves and play “against you”.
  • Another good sign - bring your amulet to the house,for example, the horseshoe that should be placed above the front door to attract success.

The main sign for luck and luck in the new house - arranging a housewarming.To do this, you should invite all loved ones, set the table and accept gifts. The positive energy of this event will leave its charge for a long time within the walls of your new "old" house.

Signs when moving to a rented apartment

A rented apartment is a temporary housing that also requires some rituals. The fact is that the energy of even rental housing is able to very much affect you and your subconscious. You cannot know exactly what happened to you in this housing and therefore are not safe from many problems that a rented apartment can bring.

Be extremely attentive and careful when choosing rented housing, a temporary apartment often accepts a huge number of different people during the period of its existence: good and bad. Each of them leaves its part in its walls and is not always the best.

signs when moving to rented housing

In addition to the fact that you should pay attention to your neighbors, listen to their advice and stories about past residents, the appearance of housing, you should also pay attention to some signs.

Some signs when moving to a rented apartment:

  • If on the day of moving sunny weather -the settlement in new housing and living in it will be very successful and favorable.
  • If you have managed to move in new housing and did it right in front of a strong thunderstorm -this is a good sign for you, life will be happy in a new house.
  • If you road to you a black cat ran across -this Universe tries to hint that you should not settle in this housing: it will not bring you any rest or happiness.
  • If during the move or before moving the red cat crossed the road -this is a good sign that says that your life in rented housing will be okay and calm.
  • If a a bird flew into the house or sat on the windowsill -this sign suggests that housing is very favorable for living in it.
  • If before moving you have lost the keys -this is a bad sign telling you that you should not move to the planned house better.

You should always trust your feelings and experiences when you plan to move to new housing. If you notice that everything is falling out of hands, objects fall or are lost, and you also feel very bad - postpone the move, or find yourself other housing.

Moving to a new office - signs

The office is a permanent place of work in which a person spends a huge amount of time. How favorable the place for the office depends on the company's success, its profitability, customer stream, debt duties, tax problems and so on. When moving to a new office, you should also pay attention to some signs.

signs when moving to a new office

signs when moving to the office:

  • One of the unusual signs is considered the baking of the pie, which must have a “sloping roof”.This pie should be eaten on the day of moving and in the old place.
  • The move to the new office for the office also considers a good sign thorough cleaning,which will save a place from negative energy and attract positive.
  • A good sign when moving an office in a new room right away open all windows, open cranes with water and turn on the light. Thus, you open the space to attract good luck and at the same time get rid of negativity.
  • Another good sign says that it is necessary to place a beam of St. John's wortwhere it is supposed to be a kitchen room.
  • A good sign is considered the same let a catbut many campaigns avoid this action, simply bringing a ceramic Chinese figure into the room.

Another positive sign for the office is to place it in it Fountain. It can be a small decorative object, but water must flow in it. Such water cleans the room of negativity and attracts the flow of money.

Moving to the full moon to a new apartment

In addition to the fact that the move to the growing moon is considered successful, and the full moon deserves separate attention. Moving to any housing or office premises is considered extremely successful if they are committed during the full moon and new moon.

It is believed that in this state the moon can maximize as much as a person, so on him, attracting only positive energy. The full moon has a pure power that sets up thoughts on making the right decisions and drives away evil, negative energy.

Using the lunar calendar, carefully calculate the phases of the moon, because moving to the waning moon on the wrong day is able to bring you troubles and misfortunes to housing.

moving to the full moon, the lunar calendar of moving to new housing

Moving to the rain - signs

The rain can also serve as a sign on the day of moving to new housing:

  • Moving to a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning - to numerous quarrels, problems, breakdowns and bad luck in new housing. Nature, as it were, tries to warn you that you are taking the wrong step.
  • Moving to the rain - fortunately. Rain is able to wash off all the negative energy and you will begin your life in a happy and completely liberated housing from problems.
  • Moving to the snow is a good sign that is the same in meaning as the move to the rain.

It is believed that moving to new housing in rainy weather will bring you not only luck, but also give material wealth to the family.

rain is a favorable sign if you planned to move

Moving to a leap year - signs

Leap year -often hints to a person that some life decisions should be postponed and transferred. The same applies to crossings. The fact is that moving to a leap year is considered an extremely bad sign. Such a move will not always be favorable, he will not give peace to his inhabitants and will not be able to contribute to finding family happiness.

How to pick up a brownie from an old apartment to a new one?

It serves a good sign take from the old house to a new panicle. It is believed that this is how you transport a brownie - a faithful guard of the house and family with you. For the same purpose, you can leave one open box the day before the move, and then move it to a new house (the brownie will like it himself and move in it), and then open it in the same way and leave it at night new kitchen.

how to transport the brownie to a new house?

Is it possible to leave a mirror in an old apartment, a house when moving?

A mirror is not just an interior item. In some sources, you can find information that such a thing is an adapter to the other world with its certain use. Being many summer in the family, the mirror is able to accumulate information about those people who look regularly into it. Often they also leave unfavorable energy in it.

It is for this reason that people try to cover the mirrors in the house when someone dies and the funeral takes place: the human soul will forever be “seized” in the mirror and drive their inhabitants at home crazy.

It is also not correct to leave the house and leave his mirror to someone. The mirror cannot be thrown away so that nothing bad happens to you. If at the entrance to the new house you found a mirror there, then you should either give it to someone or sell it, having received real money for it.

What to do when moving if there is no cat?

To let a cat into the house so that it drives out evil energy and opened a good place - the simplest thing you can do. But if you do not have a cat, you do not want to take homeless, you should know that there are some alternatives to it.

For example, you can also successfully walk with burning church candles. However, the best solution will be the invitation to the house of the clergyman, father. With his prayers and singing, the consecration of water, he will be able to walk throughout the house and thus pick up everything bad from it, forcing the whim, positive and only positive to go into the room.

A similar procedure must be ordered in the church. Depending on the church, the procedure can be free or have a symbolic fee in the form of supply.

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