How to move to live from Russia to another country for permanent residence: tips, pros and cons. Where to leave to live from Russia are the best countries for permanent residence: review

How to move to live from Russia to another country for permanent residence: tips, pros and cons. Where to leave to live from Russia are the best countries for permanent residence: review

Moving is a responsible and exciting event. Let's learn important aspects of this action.

For most people, moving to another power remains a dream - beautiful, distant and unrealistic. However, the experience of migrants proves that it is quite possible to realize these ideas. It is only necessary to make efforts for this and confidently go to your dream.

How to decide where to move from Russia?

Probably, every person at least once in his life dreamed of leaving to live in another country. The reasons and motives that Russians want move to live from Russiacan be different:

  • Unstable economy.
  • Lack of opportunities to realize your potential.
  • Dissatisfaction with working conditions and wage levels.
  • The desire of youth get a foreign education.
  • Reunion with relatives living abroad.

Moving to permanent residence is a very responsible and serious step. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the process and plan it competently in order to subsequently avoid serious mistakes and disappointments.

We pack the suitcases
We pack the suitcases

First, determine where exactly you want to emigrate:

  • Take a sheet of paper and describe the most important characteristics and features of the country in which you would like to live. Make a complete list of what you want to get in the end. List everything that is important to you: climate, geographical location, political situation, economy.
  • After compiling a detailed list, determine several countries that meet your requirements as much as possible.
  • Collect information about these countries. Choose the one that, in your opinion, is most suitable for your residence in it.
  • Meet closer to the place where you would like live by moving from Russia. If you have not been to your dreams in the country, then first go there as a tourist. To do this, take a long vacation, buy tickets, if necessary, make a visa.
  • Such a trip should not be limited only to visiting historical attractions in the company of the guide. Remove housing in private, not a hotel room. During the vacation, use public transport, buy products in nearby stores and in the market. Be sure to calculate your daily expenses.
  • Try to communicate with local residents more. Find out about their culture and customs, ask if they are satisfied with their lives in their country. Such communication will help you understand how friendly the indigenous population in relation to immigrants is.
  • If the possibilities allow, live in the country for two to three months. This is the best time to understand if you are this place. Every day collect information about the country, gain experience.
  • Check out the economic and political situation in the country where you want move to live from Russia. In many states, a crisis in the economy and mass unemployment are now observed. You should know what can wait for you after moving.
We change life
We change life

If after such a trip you did not remain disappointed, but, on the contrary, strengthened in your desire to live in this area, then upon returning home take specific steps for moving:

  • Study laws that regulate a residence permit or long -term visas in this particular state. You should know whether you can get a residence permit or citizenship, as well as in what terms.
  • Make a list of all certificates and documents that are necessary to obtain a visa. Collect information about state programs regarding the assistance and support of immigrants.
  • Evaluate your own professional and financial capabilities. Monitor the specialties in the selected place. Learn the employment market thoroughly.
  • Do not neglect information about culture, customs, orders and mentality of the area where you are going to go. This must be done in order to avoid problems with the law and relations with the local population.
  • Find out the features of the local education and medical care system. This is especially important if you are going to emigrate with children.
  • Specify what taxes you have to pay, and whether you can use the benefits.
  • Accumulate money for the first time in a foreign country. With empty pockets, you should not go anywhere. You must be sure that in the event that the search for the work is delayed, you will have the opportunity to pay for housing and meals.
  • It would be wonderful even before moving to get real estate: buy or conclude long -term rental.
  • Find out in advance if there is where you want move to live from Russia, Russian -speaking community or diaspora. You adapt in the new country much faster if you can communicate with compatriots.
There are many reasons
There are many reasons

In the process of execution of the necessary documents, do not forget about important events that must be done before leaving:

  • Close all your financial obligations: loans, mortgages, etc.. Perhaps you should contact the bank in order to find the best solution options.
  • Do not burn the bridges behind you. Suddenly, in a new place of residence, something will not go exactly as you conceived, or you are simply disappointed. Think carefully and draw up a plan of your return to your own country.
Do not burn bridges
Do not burn bridges
  • Learn in a deeper language of the country where you are going to move. Sign up for courses. Do this without leaving your homeland. Do not spare money and time for training. It is unnecessary to talk about how this will help you on a foreign side.
  • Consider the fact that Russian legislation provides for restrictions on the departure of debtors of property and non -property nature. So find out this issue regarding yourself in advance.
  • Find out if your driver’s license is valid in the country where you are leaving. In some states, you will have to go through an appropriate verification.
  • Decide what you will do with your housing at home: sell or rent. In the second case, you need to find a responsible real estate agent, preferably having experience working with foreign landlords.
  • Set the question regarding pets, if any.
  • Take a medical examination. If it is found that you need treatment, it is better to pass it before leaving. Medical services in a foreign country may simply not be affordable.

How to move from Russia to another country for permanent residence?

A person does not always have the opportunity to go to the country of his dreams and dreams. You must understand that the authorities of any state take care of the well -being of their indigenous inhabitants. Therefore, often the governments of countries, with pleasure accepting tourists with their money, present very high demands on a person who wants to move there forever.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the current world political situation. Currently, some powers are tuned to the Russian Federation are quite hostile, which can negatively affect the search for housing or work for our compatriots.

However, it should be noted that almost all states are happy to accept people who are ready to invest in the economy or create new jobs, as well as qualified specialists, outstanding scientists, athletes and cultural figures. This at all times raised the prestige of the country.

We are leaving
We are leaving

The main ways to move from Russia to another country:

  • Invitation from the employer. Then you can come on a working visa.
  • Family ties. Most states accept people who want to settle in their historical homeland. It is necessary to provide a package of documents confirming that your relatives live or lived in the country where you want to emigrate. Also, in most cases, knowledge of the language is necessary at least at the initial level.
  • A fairly solid amount of income is a pension, wages that you receive abroad, significant financial savings. Some powers offer programs for financially independent immigrants without the right to work.
  • Investing in the economy of the selected country. Many states provide investors with a residence permit for simplified programs.
  • Moving as a volunteer (according to a paid or free program). This is a real and quite feasible chance for a person who does not have sufficient funds to leave for another country. This option is especially suitable for young people.
  • Refugee status for political or other reasons. In many countries, there are loyal programs for immigrants of this category. However, getting such a status is not easy. A person needs to provide the authorities with good evidence that he is really in danger in his homeland.
  • Own real estate. You can choose and pay for the right option, as a rule, without leaving your city. Some states propose a simplified program for foreigners who bought housing there.
  • Marriage with a citizen of the country where you intend to leave. However, this procedure is not as simple as it might seem. The husband and wife are checked in order to exclude the fictitious marriage of marriage.
  • Student visa. It, as a rule, is not the basis for obtaining a residence permit. However, the diploma of a local university, knowledge of the language and the experience of a long stay in the country give a real opportunity to a young man to find a good profession and settle down there forever.

How to emigrate, you decide. Read the official sites of the government of the selected country to choose the best option for the migration program for yourself.

After moving to another country: what to do?

The stages of emigration in most countries are not much different, including:

  • Getting a visa.
  • Registration of a temporary residence permit.
  • Permission for a permanent residence permit after living in a given country for a certain time. The naturalization period, that is, the required number of years, depends on the requirements of a particular power.
  • Obtaining citizenship.
We equip
We equip

In order for the adaptation in a foreign state to go faster and calmer, use the advice of people who once passed this path:

  • Do not compare the order and lifestyle of a new power with the previous place of residence. Instead, find out new and accept it as it is. Do not make statements that the public systems of the new state are something worse than in your homeland. Especially refrain from such comments at local residents.
  • Copy the lifestyle of the indigenous population. Surprisingly, at first, many immigrants try to live according to their usual rules and intensively resist new orders. It looks at least ridiculous. Remember that you moved to another country, and did it voluntarily. So follow the traditions and customs that are accepted here.
Copy a lifestyle
Copy a lifestyle
  • Visit meetings of the Russian diaspora or service in the Orthodox Church. This will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with your compatriots. Their experience and support will help you avoid many mistakes in a foreign country.
  • Smile people. It is no secret that a smile abroad is an obligatory attribute of a polite person. In most countries, it is customary to smile even to unfamiliar passers -by.

How to move to live from Russia to another country for permanent residence: the pros and cons of life in another country

Migration to any other people's state always has its positive and negative sides. We list the main of them.


  • The most obvious and indisputable are an increase in income, high quality of life, stability and confidence in their own future.
  • Guaranteed social security.
  • In most cases, you will be surrounded by a more friendly population.
  • You will master new knowledge and skills.
  • You will discover the new facets of your own personality, which have not even been aware of earlier.
  • Learn effective communication methods with other people.
  • Surely learn to appreciate what you have.
There are pros and cons of
There are pros and cons of


  • Not everything will be as rosy as it seemed before moving. You will have to face many financial and domestic difficulties, as well as with various bureaucratic obstacles. At the initial stages, your whole family will be emotionally and physically very difficult.
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will have to work not in your specialty, especially in the first time. Even if you were in your homeland a valuable employee, in a foreign country, as a rule, you will be offered a lower level than you occupied earlier. In addition, many specialists will need to confirm their qualifications. And some professions will simply not be available to you until you get the appropriate education in this particular state.
  • There will certainly be some point when you will take possession of the feeling of loss. Especially if in the new country you cannot find what you are used to at home. Or there will be no way to do what was allowed at home.
There are also disadvantages
There are also disadvantages
  • You may encounter discrimination. In most countries, foreigners are quite stressful, especially recently.
  • At times, you will feel lonely, especially if you have a family and friends in your previous country. Therefore, use modern technologies. More often communicate with loved ones on Skype or by phone.
  • The language barrier is inevitable. Even if you know the language well, you may encounter communication problems, since in different regions of one state the population can speak in local dialects that are very different from each other.

Where to leave to live from Russia are the best countries for permanent residence: review

A single answer to the question: "" Where is it better to leave for permanent residence?»Does not exist in principle. Since there is a difference between countries popular and attractive to emigration, and countries that differ in favorable conditions for migration legislation. In other words, there are countries where most of our compatriots dream of leaving to live, but there are countries where it is easier for people to leave.

The most attractive for moving to permanent residence Russians are considered to be such countries:

  • European states with a developed economy - Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland. But it is quite difficult for citizens of our country to obtain permission to relocate there. Especially recently, since these powers have tightened the requirements that are presented to foreigners to obtain a visa.
  • Great Britain - Stable economically and politically the country that Russians often choose to search for work and resettlement. The most simplified procedure for the descendants of the citizens of the United Kingdom, clergy, refugees, talented cultural and sports workers, and foreign companies workers.

USA- A country that many people dream of getting into. However, moving there to permanent residence is a rather complicated procedure. There are two migration options:

  • A straight line providing for relatives in the United States who are ready to provide the necessary documents. Also, this option is possible for investors or talented and outstanding people.
  • Indirect, in which a person comes to the country on a tourist or working visa, and then changes it to the immigration.

And in the country, a lottery is held annually, having won which, you can get Green Card.

The countries of the Middle East are also quite desirable in terms of moving for our compatriots:

  • Israel- You can move to permanent residence, having a Jewish nationality or marriage with a citizen of the country.
  • United Arab Emirates - In this richest state there is an opportunity to find a job. Remuneration is high enough, which attracts not only Russians, but also the inhabitants of America and Western Europe. However, foreigners cannot become a citizen of this country.
The richest
The richest

Most often, residents of Russia choose those states where emigration programs are more loyal, and the procedure for obtaining permission for the settlement is simplified:

States of southern and central Europe - Czech Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Slovakia,Slovenia, Poland.Immigration programs are more loyal here, and it will be easier for Russians to get a job. In addition, these states are members of the European Union, but the costs of accommodation and food there are not too high. I must say that these powers are often a launching pad for subsequent employment in a more prosperous, economic point of view, European countries.

  • Canada - A state with a high standard of living. It is distinguished by one of the most affordable programs for immigrants: businessmen and investors, qualified specialists or people who are moving for a related character. It is believed that it has the most favorable conditions for obtaining a work visa.
  • Australia- The country's economy developing at a huge pace is becoming more attractive for moving to permanent residence. The state has developed loyal immigration programs to obtain education, business development, work search. The state is interested not only in the influx of investments, but also in personnel. The attitude towards foreigners in the country is positive, since historically it is an emigrant. Those who want to move must score a certain number of points in the competition.
  • New Zealand - The immigration program of this state is similar to Canadian. You can move to the country in connection with professional activities, relatives of New Zealand citizens or for the purpose of obtaining education.
  • Northern Cyprus - It is becoming more attractive for Russians in terms of moving, since a residence permit can be obtained by buying any real estate in this country. The prices for it are quite comparable to domestic. After providing the necessary documents to the embassy, \u200b\u200ba residence permit can be issued within three weeks.

But the countries of South America, despite the relatively simple procedures for obtaining citizenship, are not popular for emigration due to low quality of life and an unstable economy. Also in many of these states, a fairly high level of crime, poverty, illness, frequent armed disassemblies between drugbounds.

As for the states of Asia and the Far East, they are almost inaccessible to moving from Russia to permanent residence, since they do not have special programs that attract emigrants.

Whatever the country you choose to move to a permanent place of residence, this will become one of the largest and most significant changes in your life. And, despite the troubles, experiences and difficulties that will definitely accompany you during this process, you will receive invaluable experience and new tremendous opportunities.

Video: County for permanent residence

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